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单词 nonexistent
释义 Word family  noun existence ≠ non-existence existent existentialism existentialist coexistence adjective existent ≠ nonexistent existing pre-existing existential existentialist verb exist coexist  non·ex·ist·ent /ˌnɒnɪɡˈzɪstənt◂ $ ˌnɑːn-/ adjective  EXIST#something that is nonexistent does not exist at all, or is not present in a particular place 不存在的almost/virtually/practically etc nonexistent On a Sunday morning traffic was almost nonexistent. 星期天的早晨,路上几乎没有车辆行人。 —non-existence noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusnonexistent• Employment and job training for these young people is almost nonexistent.• And inequality of income is one reason inflation is nonexistent.• Besides, the boundaries of the leprosarium were permeable, and surveillance at the federal level was almost nonexistent.• Discussion of what to do to improve matters is almost nonexistent.• We would have liked to build, but planning permission in Snowdonia National Park was practically nonexistent.• It turned out that many of the letters of recommendation were from nonexistent companies.• Even if airline space is available, discounts likely will be nonexistent during this period.• Steady jobs are almost nonexistent in remote parts of the country.• These links were weak or nonexistent in the Low Country, where most villages were identified with only one caste.• Where existing infrastructure is inadequate or nonexistent, new alternatives tend to take off faster.almost/virtually/practically etc nonexistent• Besides, the boundaries of the leprosarium were permeable, and surveillance at the federal level was almost nonexistent.• But checking with knowledgeable people at the Vermont Maple Laboratory, I found that the literature was practically nonexistent.• Discussion of what to do to improve matters is almost nonexistent.• The station telephone rang, a rarity in itself, since phone service on the island was virtually nonexistent.• We would have liked to build, but planning permission in Snowdonia National Park was practically nonexistent.• Education of Negroes was almost nonexistent, and practically all of the race were illiterate.• And third, it takes time, an almost nonexistent commodity in most libraries today.• Ties between the woman and her daughters by a previous marriage were almost nonexistent, the neighbor said.non·ex·ist·ent adjectiveChineseSyllable  nonexistent that something Corpus not exist does is




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