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单词 Smelling
1, I gave him a sniff of smelling salts to bring him round.
2, He leaned over her, smelling strongly of sweat.
3, It leaves your hair smelling deliciously fresh and fragrant.
4, Tina wrinkled her nose as if she was smelling bad meat.
5, She managed to come out of the deal smelling of roses.
6, That aftershave of yours is smelling out the whole house.
7, Otherwise you might have to apply the smelling salts.
8, It often worked like a dose of smelling salts.
9, They enjoy the bright colours and sweet smelling flowers.
10, The hot springs in the Jemez above us smelling of sulfur.
11, She bought a box of rosy smelling soap and packed it off to Mrs Rundle.
12, At last they stopped, lying together, smelling the rich smell, feeling their sweat grow chill on them.
13, Even a gentle foot massage with lovely smelling oils, if he comes home stressed out, could lead to more.
14, Ear infections with a bloody, purulent, cheesy smelling discharge and sticking pains.
15, I miss smelling new smells and stirring new sauces and being surprised by the taste of something different.
16, Dooley came into the room, smelling of soap,[http:///smelling.html] with Barnabas at his side.
17, Then, smelling tobacco smoke, the word Woodbine wound into my head.
18, Without furniture, smelling chill and slightly damp, it could have been depressing, but it wasn't.
19, Nobody ever knew the details and he came out of the deal smelling of roses.
20, When the results of the fraud investigation were announced last week, the staff came up smelling of roses.
21, I sat 60 foot under the stage, rooting my feet into the wooden earth, smelling the butter in the churn.
22, Through the kaftan market, bright with colours hanging outside, smelling leather and the not too distant tannery.
23, As befitted an earth sign, Taurus was made of clay, a sturdy little bull comically smelling a floret of clover.
24, So much milk came into Waterloo that it was renowned for smelling of sour milk all day.
25, I can feel that least black boy out there coming up the hall, smelling out for my fear.
26, Alternatively, rub the surface with lemon, which helps to keep it smelling fresh and reduces staining.
27, Graham smiled and crossed the road to the sorting office, smelling its new coat of paint.
28, Instead the room was light and airy, lit by fluorescent lights and smelling pleasantly of air freshener.
29, She was a neat little blonde, five years my senior, and perpetually smelling of eau de cologne and cheap powder.
30, It is as important as seeing or hearing or smelling.
1, I gave him a sniff of smelling salts to bring him round.
31, It was rust-red and black with its rotund decay, smelling dank and casting a shell-shadow.
32, Smelling the water, Daisy needed no further encouragement and put on a spurt to hurry down to the river.
33, She has also a teething baby,() pinched and veined and smelling of milk.
34, We rode home through a brilliant day smelling of primroses.
35, Equally empty once we arrived was the amazingly clean, white-tiled station at Mosholu Parkway, smelling heavily of recently used disinfectant.
36, Hard-edged, smelling distastefully of banknotes on snow, they sketched for her, faster than light, a helix of numbers.
37, Yanto hesitated for a moment then plunged his hands into the evil smelling, mess.
38, I was in Heaven, smelling everything, grinning from east to west with the salivary promise of an upended cornucopia.
39, They were married in a room smelling of varnish and floor wax, and official documents growing musty in the filing cabinets.
40, There was also a chipped enamel mug stained almost black inside and smelling of spirits.
41, How delicious smelling, were the baskets of fresh garlic when the farmer brought them up from the valley.
42, After his lying here smelling this bad for three days filling up with crabs, any rites at all is sacrilege.
43, Look for their Hair Glistener - it leaves hair smelling irresistible and creates subtle, glittering highlights in your hair.
44, A marsh hawk appeared from behind and swooped low over him, perhaps smelling fear and hoping for leftovers.
45, The only side-effect reported: the sweetest smelling boots known to man!
46, She sobbed into his cashmere overcoat, smelling the peculiar odour of him,[sentence dictionary] Old Spice and cigar smoke.
47, Eighteen milk bottles on the mantelpiece, some with milky smears and doubtless smelling cheesy.
48, Hepar may be needed after Mercurius. Ear infections with a bloody, purulent, cheesy smelling discharge and sticking pains.
49, Cotton pillowcase smelling of sweat filled his nose, eyes, mouth, a sharp searing pain on his shoulder.
50, Miss Pitty, could I have your smelling salts?
51, Franz waited impatiently, smelling the odour of the goat.
52, The smelling of ammonia brought himaround.
53, He began to have frequent, frothy, foul smelling stools.
54, These smelling salts will fetch her to.
55, Beautiful purple-red wine body, pleasant smelling.
56, Cold foggy fishy - smelling air came drifting in.
57, Can someone pass the smelling salts?
58, He takes his sprayer in his hand, appreciating their beauty and smelling their fragrance.
59, The trainer used smelling salt to bring around the boxer.
60, Xi Shi took small piece of cinnamon bark at first and felt It'sweet - smelling and delicious.
61, They want to roll around in the grass, smelling and tasting everything there is.
62, The Bubbler is a sure way to keep your carwash reclaim water smelling fresh and clean.
63, Cold, dank, and foul - smelling, it was dangerous by any name.
64, Her vaginal discharge is white or greenish yellow and unpleasant smelling.
65, But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden behind everything else, hangs the mantle of Michel de Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor.
66, This was solidified grease - like , soft, pure color and delicate scent - smelling, highly malleable.
67, The Tantric path encompasses beauty, sensitivity, and exhilaration through eating, drinking, tasting, smelling, touching.
68, Eggshell soft, egg - shaped full rich, tender meat, sweet - smelling delicious aftertaste.
69, Moonflower is an annual vine with sweet smelling white flowers that open intheevening.
70, I gently ripping litchi pericarp, sweet water out of juice, a fresh - smelling come.
71, I put my forehead down to the damp, seaweed - smelling sand.
72, Frankincense is a type of sweet - smelling gum from a tree.
73, The child may be moderately preoccupied with touching, smelling orr tasting objects orr people.
74, Among the cavalcade of luggage passing beneath Florence's all - smelling nose is a nondescript hardback suitcase.
75, But Beth's roses are sweeter to me," said Mrs. March, smelling the half-dead posy in her belt.
76, It's warm, cozy, sweet - smelling , and done with their favorite person - Mom.
76, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
77, WILL: No, not without some serious smelling salts and a heater.
78, And a scent is like a sixth sense which combines hearing, seeing and smelling.
79, While olfaction means smelling the patient's odor of the secretion and excretion.
80, The feeling seems to be that he is a force of nature, a noble primitive, raw, untarnished and smelling faintly of peat and bog water.
81, He came back smelling of tar and tangle, saltness and sun, sea winds and Woodbine and bottled beer.
82, Foul smelling white film is also caking lamp posts, sidewalks and park benches.
83, The patient coughs very often and expectorates foul smelling grayish sputum.
84, This pod-shaped sci-fi lounger is a combination of sound, scent and light with soft vibrations in order to affect the four sense (hearing, smelling, sight and touch).
85, She has fainted; we're trying to fetch her to with smelling salts.
86, Frankincense is a sweet smelling gum resin derived from certain Boswellia trees which, at the time of Christ, grew in Arabia, India, and Ethiopia.
87, They think O - zone in the air is keeping bees and other pollinator from smelling the flowers.
88, AUNT PITTY: Oh dear, oh dear, where are my smelling salts? I think I shall faint.
89, "They are lovely. But Beth's roses are sweeter to me, " said Mrs. March, smelling the half-dead posy in her belt.
90, I gave the girl some smelling salts to bring her to.
91, Various factors, including amount of wheat amylum, cooked rice powder, low protain flour , baking temperature and baking time were studied in the production process of fragile and smelling goober.
92, Like strong - smelling preserved bean curd like somebody, some people also preference this one, like to eat namely bloat black duck 's egg , had eaten also never mind is unusual.
93, The dogs were smelling round; perhaps they smelt the thief.
94, But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden everything else, hangs the mantle of Michel de Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor.
95, Its soft and chewy, soup - smelling incense, the practice of fine, unique.
96, She held her breath as the snake drew near, and watched it rear up its head again as if it was smelling something nice, while its forked tongue darted out greedily.
97, I don't know Snippy, I am smelling some low self-esteem here.
98, A colorless, foul - smelling ptomaine, NH 2 ( CH 2 ) 4 NH 2 , produced in decaying animal by the decarboxylation of ornithine.
99, Lemon Verbena, a slender stemmed bush, has delicious lemon-scented leaves. Moonflower is an annual vine with sweet smelling white flowers that open in the evening.
100, Character: light yellow powder; have a special foul - smelling and sour - smelling, should have no foul - smelling of rancidity.
101, Full of water, densely grained and smelling like bourbon, the rough-cut framing lumber I'd ordered spanned 18 feet and looked like bridge supports.
102, You can try masking the odor with Lysol or cologne, but you'll still end up smelling like you've just taken a dip in an industrial-size vat of strained peas.
103, That's right, you don't need a roll-on or spray to keep your underarms smelling fresh. Instead, splash a little white vinegar under each arm in the morning, and let it dry.
104, Aroma: Just smelling coffee can help cure tiredness better than drinking a cup.
105, Cordia Harrington was tired of standing up all day and smelling like french fries at night.
106, But, on smelling them, he found that they were odourless.
107, Among the cavalcade of luggage passing beneath Florence's all - smelling nose a nondescript hardback suitcase.
108, Nowadays, from the mid- May to the mid-september, the sunlight would become scorching so long as it is fine. The pitch under the sun would generate surging heat waves smelling tar on the streets.
109, They trudged uphill through tall sweet - smelling green walls of sugarcane.
110, Is that part of the training here, Cadet,[] smelling body parts?
111, Triceratops, on the other hand, had little room in its horn-covered head for smelling equipment.
112, With the complex nasal cavity Behind it, it functions for Breathing and smelling.
113, Product Description: Soft, plump, sweet smelling, sweet flesh, deep red to pinkish brown in color.
114, Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly - lighted den below.
115, Every day mother applied a sweet - smelling salve to my legs.
116, Nowadays, from the mid- May to the mid- September, the sunlight would become scorching so long as it is fine. The pitch under the sun would generate surging heat waves smelling tar on the streets.




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