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单词 Unsustainable
1. Life on Earth will become unsustainable unless population growth is held in check.
2. Is an economic boom an unsustainable trend?
3. Past policies favouring over-valued currencies have proved unsustainable.
4. Hence sustainable agriculture could replace unsustainable agriculture, reducing the impact of erosion and flooding on downstream agricultural areas.
5. The economy was growing at an unsustainable pace, and the trade deficit was exploding.
6. The transition from unsustainable to sustainable resource use involves a change from exploitation to careful management.
7. It means that Second Wave energy base is unsustainable.
8. "This is totally unsustainable, " Haldea said.
9. Our nation's debt is unsustainable , and the federal government's reach into the private sector is unprecedented.
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10. "We are facing an unsustainable situation, " says Diwan Singh, a Delhi environmental activist. "Soon—not in thirty years but in five to ten—there will be an exodus because of the lack of water."
11. I think the independent investment bank model unsustainable, because it is the lack of stable sources of deposits, but also the lack of commercial banks as a strict risk control.
12. That kind of blistering pace is unsustainable, says James Swanson, chief investment strategist at MFS Investment Management.
13. The government should invest in these industries rather than propping up increasingly fickle, unsustainable industries at times of crisis.
14. He knows that the current constitutional status of Kosovo is unsustainable.
15. In the late 1960s almost all major exporters began to cut back production, apparently believing that surpluses would otherwise become unsustainable.
16. The campaign also argues that Britain's trade deficit is unsustainable.
17. Maybe the age of leisure will turn out to be a brief and unsustainable interlude rather than a new dawn after all.
18. Nurse education and training at Horton would be likely to become unsustainable without a sufficient variety of placements for students.
19. Self-determination has, as Lansing predicted all those years ago, raised hopes to an unsustainable level.
20. Instead, successive presidents continued to promise prosperity and to dole out unsustainable subsidies.
21. Unfunded pension commitments threaten to push this debt to new and unsustainable levels early in the next century.
22. While the number of levels has endured, the rationale turned out to be unsustainable.
23. Unless action is taken soon, many rural areas will become economically unsustainable.
24. While very strong developing country growth during the boom period may reflect underlying growth potential, the global financial conditions that fueled it were clearly unsustainable.
25. A fashionable view these days is that China's investment boom is unsustainable.
26. Surplus countries are unwilling to stimulate consumption, while deficit countries are building unsustainable public debt.
27. Economic progress based on excessive exploitation of natural resources will be unsustainable.
28. While that one-percentage-point difference seems small, it represents a 17% jump in profitability, which Mr. Inker considers unsustainable.
29. It means that the Second Wave energy base is unsustainable.
30. It's my fault because I haven't digested the world's in-your-face hints that maybe I ought to think about the future and change the unsustainable way I live my life.
31. It is of low effect and uncomplete, then perphaps unsustainable development without urban land Readjustment.
32. While the console game software market is dominated by a consolidated group of large publishing firms, the old business model is unsustainable.
33. Whether an unsustainable positive feedback mechanism is causing this growth isn't so clear.
34. When the economy fails soon -- its stimulus program is unsustainable, and its economic model is ill-suited for global conditions -- it will have to rely on coercion alone.
35. The immediate worry is that Spain and Italy are now borrowing money at unsustainable rates and may be forced into the kind of slow-motion default on sovereign loans that is happening in Greece.
36. Luis Scola (PER 19.20, 43rd) : His red-hot start proved unsustainable, but he has settled in as an efficient post scorer on a top-10 offense that lacks any other consistent option inside.
37. There are structural problems in China's economy which cause unsteady, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development.
38. I submit that the above chart is entirely consistent with the Austrian explanation of business slumps following an unsustainable boom period.
39. That lending is leading to unsustainable asset-price inflation, while wasteful investment is producing oodles of excess capacity.
40. The government insists the FSS is making "significant and unsustainable operating losses" and says it is confident effective forensic services will still be provided.
41. Cuba may be experiencing the beginnings of its own period of Glasnost — which will inevitably render policies of censorship and governmental repression unsustainable.
42. We have also realised that our problems concerning imbalanced, incoordinate, and unsustainable development remains prominent, and many obstacles still exist restricting scientific development.
43. In "The Dollar Crisis," Duncan argued that persistent trade deficits by the US were creating an unsustainable boom in global credit that was destined to break down, resulting in a worldwide recession.
44. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman.'And unless we act, the situation will remain unsustainable.
45. Credit expansion must now be followed by a period of contraction, because some of the new credit instruments and practices are unsound and unsustainable.
46. Sensible reforms are needed to slow the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending.
47. The story in Estonia and Lithuania is similar — and looks equally unsustainable.
48. This development model indulges negative effects with expansion and is unsustainable.
49. Researchers say the large flying fox will be wiped out on the Malaysian peninsula if the current unsustainable level of hunting continues.
50. It was a gravy train while it lasted, but it was unsustainable.
51. In contrast to a Ponzi scheme, dependent upon an unsustainable progression, a common financial arrangement is the so-called "pay-as-you-go" system.
52. But the costs of criminalization have proved to be enormous, perhaps unsustainable.




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