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单词 disobey
释义 Word family  noun obedience ≠ disobedience adjective obedient ≠ disobedient verb obey ≠ disobey adverb obediently ≠ disobediently  dis·o·bey /ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ, ˌdɪsəʊ- $ ˌdɪsə-, ˌdɪsoʊ-/ ●●○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  DISOBEYto refuse to do what someone with authority tells you to do, or refuse to obey a rule or law 不服从〔上级的命令〕,不遵守〔规定或法律〕 OPP obey You disobeyed my orders. 你违抗我的命令。 THESAURUSdisobey to not obey a person, order, rule, or law 不服从,不遵守In the army, it is a crime to disobey a superior officer. 在军队里,不服从上级军官即有罪。He had disobeyed the school rules. 他违反了校规。break a law/rule to not obey a law or rule 违反法律/规定Anyone who breaks the law must expect to be punished. 违法者不能心存侥幸。defy formal to deliberately refuse to obey a rule or law, or what someone in authority tells you to do 故意违抗The police arrested the youth for defying a court order. 警方以违抗法庭指令的罪名逮捕了那名年轻人。flout /flaʊt/ formal to deliberately disobey a rule or law in a very public way 公然无视Timber companies are continuing to flout environmental laws. 木材公司继续公然无视环境法。violate formal to disobey a law, or do something that is against an agreement or principle 违反〔法律、协议或原则〕Both countries have accused each other of violating the treaty. 两国互相指责对方违反条约。Technically he had violated the law. 严格来说,他犯法了。contravene formal to be against a law, rule, or agreement, or to do something that is against a law, rule, or agreement 违反〔法律、法规或协议〕The British government’s actions contravened the European Convention on Human Rights. 英国政府的行为违反了《欧洲人权公约》。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisobey• It was unfair of the teacher to make us stay after school, but no one dared disobey.• No matter what your instructions are, it is difficult to disobey a direct order from the President of the United States.• Conversely, you may be entitled to disobey an instruction which management ostensibly has the power to give.• Christians, he insisted, had to disobey any who went against the law of reason or the codes of religion.• My father was very strict and old-fashioned, but I never disobeyed him.• I should have liked simply to disobey orders and stay in the trench.• Troops openly disobeyed orders, refusing to use force against their own people.• Pilots who disobey orders to land can face up to five years in prison.• He tells them how he was punished for disobeying orders.• A pardon need not imply that a soldier did not desert, or show cowardice, or disobey orders.• Black had disobeyed the judge's ruling, and continued to harass his ex-wife.• Protestors disobeyed the law and blocked the city's main roads.• It made her glad she was disobeying them; gladder still that she and Rob were lovers.dis·o·bey verb →THESAURUS1ChineseSyllable  someone do to you to what authority Corpus with tells refuse




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