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单词 disorganized
释义 Word family  noun organization ≠ disorganization reorganization organizer adjective organizational organized ≠ disorganized verb organize ≠ disorganize reorganize  dis·or·gan·ized (also disorganised British English) /dɪsˈɔːɡənaɪzd $ -ˈɔːr-/ ●○○ adjective  1  CONFUSEDnot arranged or planned in a clear order, or lacking any kind of plan or system 杂乱无章的,组织不善的,计划不周的 OPP well-organized The conference was completely disorganized. 会议的安排一片混乱。2  someone who is disorganized is very bad at arranging or planning things 〔人〕缺乏条理的,不善于计划的 OPP organized He’s an extremely disorganized person. 他是个极为缺乏条理的人。 → unorganizedExamples from the Corpusdisorganized• It's no use asking her to do anything - she's completely disorganized.• One aspect of disorganized capitalism is pressure against general welfare expenditures for those not directly engaged in productive work.• For now we can proceed in terms of dealing with a fundamental social order which can be usefully described as disorganized capitalism.• I'm sorry I'm so disorganized - I just haven't had time to get everything ready.• She was one totally disorganized lady.• Inside the gulf of Pagasai, the disorganized Persian armament was sorting itself out and re-numbering.• In this low undergrowth their disorganized progress and uneven, differing rhythms of movement delayed them still more than in the wood.• They cut a swathe through the massed black-clad warriors, and then turning swiftly trampled back over their disorganized ranks.• a totally disorganized rescue effort• Her files were completely disorganized - she could never find anything she wanted.• She gave a long disorganized speech that left everyone confused.• Graham's far too disorganized to be a good teacher.dis·or·gan·ized adjectiveChineseSyllable  planned Corpus a clear order, in arranged not or or




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