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单词 Gasping
(1) What a hot day! I'm gasping for a cold drink,aren't you?
(2) He was gasping for breath.
(3) We heard her gasping out her children's names.
(4) I can't breathe properly?I'm gasping for air!
(5) Her breath went and left her gasping for air.
(6) I'm gasping for a smoke.
(7) Gasping for breath, she leaned against the door.
(8) Gasping, she tossed her hair out of her face.
(9) I'm gasping for a pint!
(10) I came up gasping for air.
(11) I was gasping for a cigarette.
(12) Brendan climbed slowly(http://), gasping for breath.
(13) I'm absolutely gasping for a cigarette/drink.
(14) The exhausted runner was gasping for air / breath.
(15) He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.
(16) For a long time, she's been gasping for a chance to show her acting ability, and now her chance has come!
(17) We lay there: a huddle of bodies, gasping for air.
(18) She was gasping for air as she ran out of the burning house.
(19) He came up out of the water gasping for breath.
(20) They collapsed gasping to the ground.
(21) They lay gasping for breath behind some wooden benches.
(22) Symptom: Larger fish, in particular gasping at the surface.
(23) The knowledge left her shaken, gasping for breath.
(24) He surfaced, gasping for air.
(25) She was rushed to the hospital, gasping for breath.
(26) She found she was breathing deeply, almost gasping.
(27) Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.
(28) After running such a long way, the messenger was gasping for breath.
(29) When he reached the top of the stairs, his heart was pounding and he was gasping for breath.
(30) " Did you need a drink? "" Yes, I'm gasping! ”.
(1) Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.
(2) What a hot day! I'm gasping for a cold drink,aren't you?
(3) After running such a long way, the messenger was gasping for breath.
(4) He was gasping for breath.
(5) I'm gasping for a smoke.
(6) " Did you need a drink? "" Yes, I'm gasping! ”.
(31) His mother was coughing and gasping for breath.
(32) Ken Harvey was gasping for air.
(33) Staggering and gasping, Rincewind was dragged across the floor.
(34) Breathless and dizzy, Nicholas found and pinched out his fuse, and looked across gasping to John.
(35) But with an hour gone and Ulster 25-24 ahead, Saracens were gasping for air in this Heineken Cup match.
(36) Squeaking and even gasping with the great good humour of it all.
(37) All the other dealers were gawking at Sir Willie, gasping at the sight of him in all his glory.
(38) Gasping at the weight, she staggered out to the dustbin with the jam jars.
(39) Crawling through the thick grass with heavy rifles in the heat of the day left all three of them gasping for breath.
(40) She took a step back and, gasping with pain, stumbled as her ankle gave way beneath her.
(41) She fell headlong, with a cry of alarm(http://), and lay gasping for breath as the pain shot up her leg.
(42) What was the point of dying with your lungs gasping for breath?
(43) I could hear Maria gasping, one word at a time, one sob at a time.
(44) We checked ourselves, gasping, our little hearts lunging in our chests, ensuring that continence had not been lost.
(45) Soon they were both holding their stomachs, gasping for air.
(46) The fruit in the 1985 Geyserville was gasping its last when we found it.
(47) Of the two, he was faring worse, panting, gasping, even appearing to be near collapse.
(48) But, alas, the printed word can not adequately convey the panting, gasping misery of this particular torment.
(49) She began to writhe as they drew closer still, gasping and moaning as her hips matched the rhythm of his demands.
(50) Our families arrived gasping, recoiling from shock, happy to be alive but unsure about all else.
(51) Will I reach the other side gasping with exhilaration at the effort, the risk, the task successfully accomplished?
(52) Katze dashed on to the bridge of the Raubvogel, gasping for breath.
(53) Leonora lay gasping, arms outflung, eyes closed, her hair a tangled mass of damp curls against the pillow.
(54) An hour later and our gasping, sweaty bodies stumble across the boulders of the gully's scree fan.
(55) What flies seeks the shadows of earth, what is earth-bound, air bursting: oases about to melt, claustrophobia gasping.
(56) But suppose you have a cold and are gasping for breath?
(57) They tumbled back together into the lit space at the bottom of the stairs, gasping.
(58) Gasping for breath, Isabel managed to twist her head away from him and look around.
(59) Some people keep tapes of naked men and women, gasping and sweaty.
(60) The hill was very steep and they were all gasping by the time they got to the top.
(61) Gasping for breath, she stared wildly round to convince herself of where she was.
(62) Yet even as the boy fell back, gasping for breath, that strange transformation overcame him again.
(63) The voices above stopped arguing, as Cardiff slid down the rail, exhausted and gasping for breath.
(64) Like a rabbit borne aloft by a hawk, Semele hung gasping in his grip.
(65) Staggering up, I leaned against the wall, panting and gasping, wondering how severely I was hit.
(66) I will be gasping for breath 24 hours a day.
(67) Faster and faster he pulled on the rope, gasping with the effort.
(68) They lay there together for several minutes gasping and perspiring.
(69) At last I was under the shadow of the prison arch, splashing and gasping with other ill-glimpsed men.
(70) Gasping for breath, soaked and dishevelled, Duvall backed away from the doors.
(71) I drew her to me, flung myself over the bow, and lay on the floorboards, gasping.
(72) She gasped repeatedly and Creed, goggle-eyed and slack-jawed, panted in time with her gasping.
(73) He lurched forward and groped his way up the staircase, gasping and retching in the stale air.
(74) She was gasping, but she knew she could beat it if she ran.
(75) His long screaming charge ended with him red-faced, gasping for breath - and with Viola Angotti pinned against the garbage cans.
(76) But even when Brown was gasping in the ninth, Leyland stuck with him, and Brown finished the job.
(77) All around me, the people in the crowd were gasping in astonishment.
(78) I remember gasping when I first walked in: the artwork, the oriental rugs, the wood-burning fireplace.
(79) Sobbing, gasping for breath, she began to crawl across the floor.
(80) After midnight, he awakened, gasping as if the breath were being sucked from his lungs.
(81) The cold salt water on his face caused him to come up gasping.
(82) She was gasping for air, then her throat seized closed and she fainted.
(83) Leonora woke in the night, gasping, her body drenched with perspiration.
(84) The sound of the telephone shrilling by the side of her bed brought her gasping back to wakefulness.
(85) Dealers emerged from the first day's sale of the Blackmer library gasping at the high prices.
(86) Former dockyard worker Jim Smith slumped to the floor gasping for breath.
(87) The opening scene is so shocking it will leave you gasping.
(88) I skidded into the forecourt and ran behind a pump, gasping and belching and feeling my head pound.
(89) His speciality - opening his face mask to reveal the electronic workings of his head - had the audience gasping.
(90) The others watched her in her wretchedness, gasping for each breath for almost two weeks, only to see her die.
(91) They held for seconds, their gasping suddenly drowned by heavy machine gun fire ending with a scream from somewhere close by.
(92) He was gasping for air.
(93) The seamen were gasping for the sight of land.
(94) We reached the wharf gasping for breath.
(95) The janitor staggered down the stairway, stunned and gasping.
(96) The season finale will have you gasping for more.
(97) Jacqueline sat bolt upright in bed gasping for breath.
(98) She was gasping with rage.
(99) But, whether you are browsing around an expensive shop, gasping at the price of a Louis XV bed, or rummaging through a bric-a-brac stall, the thrill of antique hunting is the same.
(100) Nor are we gasping for a chance to be blasted to smithereens by a cluster bomb.
(101) The old man, losing his head , breathless , gasping,( ) dislocated his stiff joints in his efforts.
(102) Ming - feng's face was bloodless . She was gasping so hard, she couldn't speak.
(103) The bitch - goddess, Success, was trailed by thousands of gasping, dogs with lolling tongues.
(104) Website author the also exactly be her incomparable art charm and oriency artistic image gasping in admiration of being.
(105) Arnold had his head down, gasping as he toiled up the hill.
(106) Jessie was hysterical , screaming loudly , as I picked myself up from the floor gasping to give chase.
(107) A new noise came from the engines a straining, gasping sound.
(108) I listened to his final breaths, gasping and fish-like, and I gripped his hand tight enough to feel the last pulsings of his heart.
(109) Down the exit corridor and out the bolt-hole he raced until he stood, gasping for breath, in the jungle a quarter of a mile from the installation.
(110) Gasping, Cathy spun around to see a young man in a trench coat and a stocking cap.
(111) Both animals and people were gasping for breath in the rarefied air.
(112) A ghost is gasping for air, as if it were being stifled.
(113) He walked to the water cooler, only to return spitting and gasping.
(114) Josh Habib lay in a dirt field, gasping for air.
(115) The curator lay a moment, gasping for breath, taking stock.
(116) I starting taking Mullein Lung Complex and within two doses I was breathing without gasping for air and was able to quit the inhaler.
(117) The man was huffing and puffing and gasping so that I thought, if I continued to force him to run at that speed, my tormenter would drop dead right then and there.
(118) Sometimes we are not ready to see the wonder of God's wisdom and strength until we are gasping for breath in the exhaustion of our own strength.
(119) He was gasping away , finding it very hard to breathe properly.
(120) Whenever there was a pause in the song she filled it with gasping, broken sobs.
(121) It's not dead yet, but it's gasping for breath, while all copyright business follows nervously in its wake, wondering who's going to be the next to keel over.
(122) He was gasping when they pulled him out of the water.
(123) While gasping for air he informs you that he has found a potential showstopper bug in the 4.0 release candidate.
(124) Background - The incidence and significance of gasping after cardiac arrest in humans are controversial.
(125) An asthmatic patient coughs so much that he keeps gasping for breath.




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