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单词 Checking
1. After checking in, we went out for a meal.
2. Police were checking the area for booby traps.
3. The police is checking up on him.
4. The bodyguard was killed while checking the president's car for booby traps.
5. It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements.
6. Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.
7. She crouched over the injured man, checking his wounds.
8. Go through the document checking the errors.
9. She was checking the proofs of her latest novel.
10. There are exercises for checking comprehension.
11. Checking all the information will be slow and laborious.
12. My parents are always checking up on me.
13. The police are checking out his alibi.
14. I'd like to transfer $500 to my checking account.
15. You will be mainly occupied in checking sales records.
16. He insisted upon checking everything himself.
17. Your duties include checking the post and distributing it.
18. Scientists are checking for both insect and fungal infestation.
19. We're checking on how their food was.
20. It's worth checking out that new restaurant.
21. The police are checking up on him.
22. I've been having trouble checking my e-mail.
23. How many bags are you checking?
24. The photographer buzzed around, checking the light.
25. Let me hack together a checking program.
26. Pamela buzzed around checking that everything was ready.
27. Airline employees were checking in passengers.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. The police are checking into his background.
29. The owner opened a corporate checking account at the bank.
30. There were 2files to look at, and Tim spent half his day checking through them all.
1. After checking in, we went out for a meal.
2. Police were checking the area for booby traps.
3. The police is checking up on him.
4. The bodyguard was killed while checking the president's car for booby traps.
5. It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements.
6. Bank customers can access their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system.
7. We're checking on how their food was.
8. The owner opened a corporate checking account at the bank.
9. The police were checking up on what the man had told him.
31. Some voters wrote in names instead of checking off the candidates listed.
32. The minister was tasked with checking that British aid money was being spent wisely.
33. He goes through the whole performance of checking the oil and water every time he drives the car.
34. The police are checking for similarities with other recent attacks in the area.
35. I always make a point of checking that all the windows are shut before I go out.
36. He got into the house on the pretext of checking the gas .
37. The safety of air travel hangs partly on the thoroughness of baggage checking.
38. I'm sure he knew I was checking up on him.
39. After checking our identities, the customs men let us off with a warning.
40. He was just checking to see if I was in my room.
41. He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime.
42. It's worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it.
43. They withdrew 100 dollars from a bank account after checking out of their hotel.
44. I won't have you checking up on me like that!
45. The police were checking up on what the man had told him.
46. The Editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking.
47. He always goes through the whole performance of checking the oil and water even if we're in a hurry.
48. It's worth checking that there is no rust on the car.
49. Every time I turn around he seems to be checking up on me.
50. Under the pretext of checking her identity, the man had copied down her credit card details.
51. Remember to go over your essay checking for grammar and spelling mistakes before you hand it in to me.
52. When I finally arrived, he made a pantomime of checking his watch and shaking it in disbelief.
53. In retrospect, we should have insisted on checking his calculations, but it's easy to be wise after the event.
54. Checking references before we lend money is standard operating procedure.
55. The police are checking into the cause of the crash.
56. There are whispers that the actor was seen checking into a hospital last week.
57. They spent the rest of the morning checking over their equipment.
57. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
58. We made a tour of the yacht, checking lashings and emergency gear.
59. Checking for punctuation and small mistakes cutting the pieces.
60. It's not the only way of checking for C230.
61. This frustrates government efforts in checking desert encroachment.
62. There are more than 100 separate checking account fees.
63. Police are also checking bus stations and airports.
64. I'd like to deposit this in my checking account.
65. This is well worth checking before every ferreting session.
66. I did some very delicate checking.
67. Dmitri had been checking it for misprints and left it to get messed up like this.
68. Partly of course in printed works, but these must be used with infinite caution and constant checking.
69. Lineup table a table with an illuminated top used for preparing and checking alignment of page layouts and paste-ups.
70. He groped in the refrigerator for a beer, and roamed the house, checking his doors and windows.
71. Released from prison, Rudd travelled around the country, undertaking surveys and checking information at first hand.
72. Tests will be derived by checking whether generalisations of a model under scrutiny lead to significant gains.
73. As the cheese begins to melt, start checking underside of tortilla for browning.
74. I was so jealous, checking her out for lies, hating every moment she was out of my sight.
75. Checking more than one box does no one any good.
76. There is $ 1, 600 in my checking account and I have no other money in the world.
77. The guards let Camberos drive out without checking his vehicle, Vega said, under orders from the area commanders.
78. He looked over the women in the ship's dining room, just checking, a few glanced his way.
79. Eliminating state barriers to checking criminal backgrounds of child care workers.
80. The system's simplicity also helps in checking with our customers that we are actually meeting their requirements.
81. She harried the detective constable who was checking Christine Mills' alibis.
82. Need help in checking on the reliability of a travel agency or tour operator?
83. To do the work requires an enormous amount of effort beavering away among old records, checking, copying and encoding.
84. But how long would it take you to retype months of checking account statements?
85. As Miranda poured her coffee, she realized that checking the share price would now be her first priority every morning.
86. He walked round the cabin, checking the ground for tracks.
87. They keep this handy money in their wallets, purses, checking accounts, or even cookie jars.
88. Although groin guards are mandatory for all male competitors, referees have no way of checking that they are being worn.
89. The hustlers sat in their open-fronted cafes checking him out, eyeing the briefcase.
90. He covered her over and ran the torch around the dirt, checking that he had not left any incriminating clues.
91. They were also checking the condition of guardrails on the M62 highway above, from which the Land Rover plunged.
92. Formal appraisal systems, however, go beyond this normal daily checking and feedback.
93. Townsend has been crisscrossing the state in recent years, checking out redevelopment projects and meeting voters.
94. My idea of checking out a tunnel is throwing a hand grenade down it.
95. The observation of actual behavior going on around the consultant provides useful notes for checking on the accuracy of interview data.
96. Taken to its natural conclusion, the stages of pattern recognition and lexical checking could become interactive processes.
97. It seems that every time I turn around, he is checking up on me.
98. Miss Rosedale and Mrs Thomson had got everyone to keep still at last, and were checking who was present.
99. Before you sell any mutual funds, minimize taxes by checking different ways of computing costs.
100. I kept checking the bathroom mirror every half hour or so, certain my face was swelling on one side.
101. Additional reasons for checking the blood pressure are marked retinopathy or any evidence of proteinuria.
102. Perhaps the best man could take on the responsibility of arriving before the guests and checking the microphone.
103. This involves: Installing a written system for checking temperatures, plus adequate training and instruction on the system for staff.
104. I peered in, checking the base of the curtains where a hamster might be lurking.
105. Only when evening comes does she lift the lid a chink and peer out, checking whether darkness has yet come.
106. McSorley obliged, first propping the poor-skating outfielder up in the left corner, then checking him into the boards.
107. So there are these three visually challenged yuppies at the zoo, checking out their first elephant.
108. It is working well, one person leading the group, another checking the time, another taking notes.
109. People would open a checking account, so they could cash a check at the market.
110. The maintenance of bit-perfect records requires an open-ended commitment to periodic copying and checking.
111. He took off his hard hat and wiped his brow, after checking for scaffolding.
112. Everyone who could simply had to open a checking account and a savings account.
113. After checking it out with her church leader, she took a boat to Hong Kong!
114. A gravel pit search by divers was put off yesterday as experts continued checking the area.
115. Okay, so I was a kid checking out the snakes and gators of my childhood.
116. His mother is there immediately, scooping up her son into her arms and checking him over.
117. The government did not want investment banking losses to cause commercial depositors to lose their checking and savings accounts.
117. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
118. Trippy was not really interested in my financial situation; he was just checking that I was paying for dinner.
119. For example, individuals can verify the validity of transactions using their monthly checking account and credit card statements.
120. Smith and Petrossian, the corporals, were checking kit, pushing among the reluctant men.
121. He made rounds throughout the night, checking on the oxen and buffaloes tethered in the field.
122. The Government would seek international co-operation on checking the inflow of boat people at January's Geneva conference meeting.
123. Eventually she could play in the next room with you calling out to her or checking on her every now and then.
124. Ever since Jack could remember, women had been offended with his checking his watch.
125. He went around turning off lights, checking the front and back doors.
126. He got up and opened the oven door, checking the sweet rolls, which he apparently decided were not quite done.
127. One small potential problem area in lending decisions is that credit granters checking the housing background of applicants may consult rates lists.
128. What has forced airline staff to take on this policing role of checking the travel documents of would-be asylum seekers?
129. This includes checking the numbering and lettering of paragraphs for consistency throughout the document.
130. Von Stein had been checking the wall clock in the laboratory then looking back at his notes for some time.
131. There was nothing wrong with the jumper and legally it is her fault for not checking the size.
132. You Once you've logged in with your password, checking out is as straight forward as following the prompts.
133. That generates an attitude of formal control, instead of the day by day probing and checking that should be practised.
134. Will the tax credit, for example, put the IRS in the position of checking up on student grades?
135. All of this information can be discovered by checking with those who work at the circulation desk and those who shelve books.
136. Flynn never maintained a checking account during his years in office.
137. He saw her playing with the video games, checking out the board games, giving the stuffed animals trial hugs.
138. Doctor Wright felt the baby's stomach, checking that it was not hard.
139. Newcomers needed help navigating the unknown world of capitalism, from opening a checking account to writing a resume.
140. And try to gauge whether the company is well-managed by checking its balance sheet and talking to experts about its business prospects.
141. Once the first draft is complete, a proof copy is sent up for checking.
142. An external auditor will need to carry out detailed checking of records and procedures.
143. But if taking the road less traveled is your idea of fun, these devices are worth checking out.
144. Since the bombing had started, the ritual checking of number seven Lyra Street had given Vi comfort.
145. This practice has the merit of cutting down expense as well as of checking one's primitive barbaric instincts.
146. Interest rates paid on checking and passbook savings accounts failed to keep pace with inflation.
147. Engineering crews were checking the Seattle area's many bridges for damage and some were closed as a precaution.
148. I poked around in the kitchen, checking out the fridge, the freezer and the cupboards.
149. Some make the recording one day, listen to it and come back and do the checking the next day.
150. Always switch to a secure connection when modifying your account details or checking out.
151. Checking the takings late at night is no substitute for a proper budgetary control system.
152. It works by checking the configuration of programs against a database showing the proper setup.
153. Planning and producing written work, quoting sources, checking: these too are often daunting tasks for the student.
154. Perhaps the miners were castigated for not checking the route beforehand in view of the importance of their visitors.
155. I believe now the driver - I didn't see who it was - was checking that I had left the pub.
156. When you are speaking to a physician about an illness, keep checking to make sure that you are hearing each other.
157. When checking a beacon identification, have the morse characteristics written down.
158. Fig. 3.11 Checking the entity model Entity modelling has documentation aids like other methods of systems analysis.
159. The job, checking up on the moral character and life circumstances of sundry candidates for insurance, was in New York.
160. I popped the red plastic thermometer in my mouth and sat checking the map.
161. It is also important to develop the habit of checking words in your own writing.
162. When I return to the hotel room Lucker is checking the room numbers of the band.
163. Notching is a good way of checking that your stringer is doing a good job.
164. Increasingly easy access to credit and lax credit checking procedures by lenders has contributed to the rising tide of debt.
165. Even in normal times, he was in the habit of checking on those four, making sure they were all right.
166. Stepping into the lift, Wexford decided to do the London checking himself.
167. After breakfast I take a stroll around the base checking that all the daily administrative tasks have been completed.
168. But checking with knowledgeable people at the Vermont Maple Laboratory, I found that the literature was practically nonexistent.
169. For instance, flying level on a heading, if you are checking height there is no need to refer to the airspeed.
170. Helen uncovered her cup, checking to see if her tea leaves had sunk all the way to the bottom yet.
171. The approach taken for recording evidence and judgments allows easy checking for internal consistency which we do through monitoring.
172. Many house and contents insurance policies have provision for liability insurance for claims of negligence against you, it is worth checking.
173. After checking for passports and air travel tickets we had nothing else to do but wait for our taxi.
174. What matters is that the authorities exercise their responsibility for checking and double checking what happens on the ground.
175. After checking to see that no hairpins were missing, Mr and Mrs Kim-Soon experimented by putting in a sack of lentils.
176. Responsible to the Acquisitions Librarian for checking the library catalogue prior to ordering new books. 4.
177. On the concourse people stood around gazing up at the departure and arrival boards,(/checking.html) checking times of trains.
178. The checking procedure is something that can be achieved much more rapidly than finding the Hamiltonian circuit in the first place.
179. After checking in and taking a shower, I tried to ring Merrit from the front desk.
180. In each case there were criticisms that each could have been prevented by better safety measures and checking.
181. They are used mainly for inspection of foundations, assessing the condition of lock gates and checking the progress of repair work.
182. This puts enormous pressures on staff, who don't always have enough time to do the stock checking.
183. Philpot, scheduled to run in the last heat of the day, kept checking her watch and jiggling her legs.
184. And there is no way of checking that bottled water is any cleaner than tap water.
185. She sat for a while, checking an anguish which made her want to sob.
186. He did not even think of checking the job adverts, as he believed that his contacts would help him more.
187. These reports were made without checking the facts and without any consideration for the panic they could cause.
188. Checking the nests and weighing the eggs and chicks is a daily task for Spendelow and his five research assistants.
189. Well, it was half true, he was checking out an old banger.
190. Clause 4 simply gives more details of this filter system for checking qualifications and licences.
191. The following evening Merrill was meticulously checking the proofs of a glossy brochure advertising the company's line in executive office furniture.
192. I leant back and looked at the seat of my trousers, checking that I had brushed off the mud.
193. The level of checking can be tuned to reduce the number of errors detected.
194. Linen tester a magnifying glass designed for checking the dot image of a halftone.
195. Checking the factual accuracy of the new social security information items proved to be a greater obstacle than usual.
196. Despite various friends trying out the route and checking the text, the book is not up to date.
197. We have only a limited capacity for checking the accuracy of many environmental monitoring results, let alone of predictions.
198. He went through the contract quite carefully, checking all the details.
199. You're in a position of strength as a potential client who is checking out the service on offer.
200. Indeed the team announcing the evidence spent two years carefully checking their results before daring to go public with the information.
201. Some Capitol Hill insiders are already checking out the pre-Thanksgiving flights to Houston and Dallas.
202. Nowadays I am obsessional about checking the gadget, particularly as I use it infrequently.
203. Tom's work mostly involves checking for sharp teeth and rasping them smooth.
204. This delivery note should be used for checking purposes against the goods, and any damage or shortages should be noted.
205. Dan goes from group to group, checking new finds, pointing out some of the subtleties the kids may have missed.
206. She smiled down at him as she smoothed the bedclothes and began checking him over.
207. When stock checking, the reps have the authority to reorder any titles which fall below the agreed number.
207. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
208. Checking charts for Belfast Telegraph Plan 82 are available if you write to me enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
209. Marge was going through her black plastic carry bag, checking the contents.
210. Never risk parking out overnight without checking the weather forecast for a strong wind warning or the approach of a cold front.
211. Blearily, I disentangled myself from Richard and grabbed the phone, checking the clock.
212. She never went to anyone else's place without checking it first.
213. However, the true condition and nature of an object can only really be judged by physically checking it.
214. They appeared to be checking only if there were any additional persons in it.
215. After checking our papers, the border guards let us through.
216. Specific ways of checking individual groups of algae are discussed below.
217. For these prophetic pronouncements, exactly the same process of checking and testing is appropriate.
218. Checking city records, Woodward had discovered that among the formal complaints was one from Martha Mitchell, Watergate resident.
219. Within minutes of checking in to my room, the toilet overflowed.
220. Again, this is a serious defect and needs checking by a structural engineer.
221. But after checking records Friday, Tsapatsaris said the boys may have been absent between nine and 12 days during the fall.
222. Spittals made great play of tapping the microphones and checking that they worked before he introduced the superintendent.
223. Finally it is a good idea to devise a way of checking what use is made of a self-access video service.
224. The adjutant found Woolley with the armourer, checking ammunition before he allowed his machine-gun drums to be filled.
225. The senior nurse will ensure that the learner is checking and giving drugs in the correct way.
226. He paused for a moment, checking the hall and stairs before stepping into the room and closing the door behind him.
227. Disknet gives the user no other choice than to stick to a routine of checking each incoming diskette for viruses.
228. He also faulted them for not checking to make sure that contractors doing business with the city employ women and minorities.
229. Each article goes through a foolproof system of checking which ensures that there are no mistakes in the final text.
230. In this case another usher or bridesmaid could take over the duty of checking the microphone.
231. It is recommended for on-the-spot checking for animals before they enter the herd and those with repeatedly high cell counts.
232. One by one he emptied the bedroom drawers on to the floor, checking each item of clothing.
233. As people walked away from the bookstore with copies of her book under their arms, I did my own checking.
234. If possible, run the engine, checking for excessive exhaust smoke and engine noise.
235. Small-boat owners were off at moorings indulging themselves, checking gear or tinkering with engines.
236. Milling around outside were a few Cinderellas in ballgowns anxiously adjusting their wigs and checking their patches.
237. He figured up the balance in their checking account.
237. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
238. These data are amenable to checking.
239. It's worth checking each item for obvious flaws.
240. Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking aneroid barometers.
242. Automation has largely dispensed with the need for manual checking, ie made it unnecessary.
243. Out of study , revision, checking, and rechecking finally evolved the essentials of the attack plan.
244. The hotel receptionist wants to know when we will be checking out tomorrow morning.
245. Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking altimeter.
246. They required their adjoining single rooms only until late afternoon, when they would be checking out.
247. Responsible for managing the construction fund and checking the construction appropriation periodically.
248. Five new spell checking dictionaries: Danish, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
249. Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking.
250. Jose Maenads , the curator , was making the rounds , checking to see that everything was all right.




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