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单词 Nearest
1. A good friend is my nearest relation. Thomas Fuller 
2. The farthest way about is the nearest way home. 
3. I walked to the nearest town.
4. Where's the nearest post office?
5. The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
6. The succession passed to the nearest surviving relative.
7. Her nearest challenger is the vice-president.
8. The nearest town is ten miles away.
9. She headed for the nearest exit.
10. We made for the nearest exit.
11. The nearest big city was St. Louis.
12. The thief ducked into the nearest building.
13. He beat his closest/nearest rival by 20 marks.
14. The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away.
15. In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door.
16. They travel to the nearest town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for church.
17. They wandered off in the direction of the nearest store.
18. Can you tell me the nearest way to the station?
19. Women were screaming; some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire.
20. The nearest bank is about half a mile down the road.
21. We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility. Rabindranath Tagore 
22. The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 30 kilometers away.
23. This is the nearest approximation of cost that they can give us.
24. He collapsed into the nearest chair.
25. They ducked into the nearest house.
26. Britain's nearest neighbour is France.
27. A truck driver gave me a tow to the nearest garage.
28. The village is so far from the river that their water has to be pumped in from the nearest water supply.
29. The world champion finished more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival.
30. He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.
1. The farthest way about is the nearest way home.
2. I walked to the nearest town.
3. Where's the nearest post office?
4. The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
5. The succession passed to the nearest surviving relative.
6. Her nearest challenger is the vice-president.
7. The nearest town is ten miles away.
8. She headed for the nearest exit.
9. We made for the nearest exit.
10. The nearest big city was St. Louis.
11. The thief ducked into the nearest building.
12. He beat his closest/nearest rival by 20 marks.
13. The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away.
14. In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door.
15. They travel to the nearest town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for church.
16. A truck driver gave me a tow to the nearest garage.
17. The village is so far from the river that their water has to be pumped in from the nearest water supply.
18. They wandered off in the direction of the nearest store.
19. The world champion finished more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival.
20. He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.
21. Can you tell me the nearest way to the station?
22. Women were screaming; some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire.
23. The nearest bank is about half a mile down the road.
24. The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 30 kilometers away.
25. This is the nearest approximation of cost that they can give us.
26. The village is connected by a bus service with the nearest town.
31. I ran and knocked on the nearest door.
32. I pointed at the boy sitting nearest me.
33. Janet's sitting nearest the window .
34. Italy's economy has overtaken that of its nearest competitors.
35. I sat down at the nearest unoccupied table.
36. The nearest public lavatory is at the station.
37. The nearest town is about ten miles upstream.
38. They rounded the price down to the nearest rouble.
39. Give me the car mileage to the nearest thousand.
40. Those shops are nearer/the nearest.
41. Where is the nearest bus-stop?
42. This colour is nearest the original.
43. 2.8 to the nearest round number is 3.
44. It's quite a good distance to the nearest village.
45. She leaned towards her nearest neighbour and whispered something.
46. Which bus stop is nearest your house?
47. Johnson outscored his nearest rival by 30 points.
48. I always spend Christmas with my nearest and dearest.
49. Only the nearest relatives were present at the funeral.
50. They had a large majority over their nearest rivals.
51. Nick steered them into the nearest seats.
52. Have you really explored your nearest town?
53. My uncle is my nearest relative.
54. We calculated the cost to the nearest 50 dollars.
55. I'll accept 350 for the car(),() or nearest offer.
56. Prices are rounded off to the nearest dollar.
57. He had an 18-second margin over his nearest rival.
58. The foreground, nearest the viewer, is painted last.
59. Our hotel is the one nearest the beach.
60. Exhausted, he flopped into the nearest chair.
61. Give your answer to the nearest metre.
62. Where's the nearest bridge across the river?
63. She has a 12-point lead over her nearest rival.
64. He's the nearest thing to a father I've got.
65. It was the nearest approximation to a crisis she'd ever experienced.
66. Some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire.
67. The name of your nearest stockist is available from the company.
68. She ran to the nearest house and begged for help.
69. The pilot set the aircraft up for a diversion to the nearest suitable airfield.
70. He tried to open an account at the branch of his bank nearest to his workplace.
71. To find your nearest UK school,(/nearest.html) we have a clickable map dividing the UK into regions.
72. She dropped her bags and flopped down into the nearest chair.
73. It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry.
74. It's a beautiful cottage not more than five minutes from the nearest beach.
75. When the shots sounded in the street, I made a dive for the nearest doorway.
76. The figures in the table are rounded to the nearest ton.
77. That's the nearest approach to a smile he ever makes.
78. The reigning champion scraped home just 2.9 seconds ahead of his nearest rival.
79. She stopped the car and dodged into the nearest cafe.
80. That's the nearest approach to an apology you'll get from him.
81. When I got home from the airport, I flaked out in the nearest armchair.
82. Who's next? nearest means 'closest' in space:Where's the nearest supermarket?
83. With an hour's walk to the nearest telephone, communication is difficult.
84. I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window.
85. It's a beautiful house but it's 20 miles away from the nearest town.
86. We ran out of petrol and had to walk to the nearest garage.
87. We don't have that colour in stock this is the nearest.
88. He was left with no alternative but to hobble to the nearest telephone box.
89. That victory put the Ukrainians beyond the reach of their nearest challengers, Dynamo Moscow.
90. Where's their nearest branch?
91. I have arranged for my branch to send a letter of credit to the branch nearest the hotel.
92. The fraction was then multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest half or whole number.
93. That's the nearest approach to an apology you're going to get from Paula.
94. If the crowd catch him, they'll string him up on the nearest tree.
95. When the car broke down, I walked to the nearest phone box to call the garage.
96. He walked back to the table and sat at the nearest of two empty places.
97. The nearest member of my family still alive is a rather distant cousin.
98. The village is connected by a bus service with the nearest town.
99. She was 2 minutes faster than her nearest rival .
100. For the 1841 census it was decided to round down ages over fifteen to the nearest five.
101. The nearest star to earth is about 4 light years away.
102. The suspect was taken to the nearest police station for questioning.
103. He was the nearest thing to a father she had ever had.
104. He's the nearest thing to a film star I've ever met.
105. It's a heck of a long way to the nearest shop from here.
106. The company outdistance their nearest business competitors by a long way.
107. He measured the distance to the nearest Antarctic coast, and onwards to the South Pole.
108. Where's the nearest supermarket?
109. Local buses run regularly to and from the nearest town.
110. Where's the nearest bus-stop?
111. It started to rain so we dived into the nearest cafe.
112. When my car broke down, a police car gave me a tow to the nearest garage.
113. Which of them is nearest to a bus route?
114. For information, call the library branch nearest to you.
115. The nearest village was about 20 miles away.
116. He must pay whatever the nearest fishmonger charges.
117. The nearest cross street is Ellis Boulevard.
118. The nearest big town is twenty miles away.
119. The nearest rear entrance belonged to a home bakery.
120. The nearest village was about five miles away.
121. How far is it to the nearest gas station?
122. She was rushed to the nearest hospital.
123. The nearest competitor to the time wine.
124. She'd reach for the nearest man, and pull.
125. He stood in the light from the nearest pillar.
126. This low coverage is, of course, largely due to the considerable distance of much of the population from the nearest registration office.
127. The tribute includes a 1960s episode of Coronation Street and the comedy Nearest and Dearest.
128. In the clear night air the sound of battle at the nearest of the gates was clearly audible.
129. Helen headed for the nearest one and asked about photograph albums.
130. A quick glance through the nearest showed it to be an empty chamber built of oddly fitted blocks of Cyclopean size.
131. People who need cataract surgery are taken by bus to the nearest hospital for surgery, and returned home the next day.
131. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
132. I think she and Phil were the nearest thing to soccer hooligans that canoeing can produce.
133. Darwin himself had explained the strange inhabitants of isolated oceanic islands such as the Galapagos in terms of accidental migrations from the nearest mainland.
134. The big three's domination is such that their nearest rivals Limerick don't even make it into double figures.
135. A few yards way on the nearest path, another tour bus stopped and unleashed its clientele.
136. I discarded my unfamiliar new slinky satin pyjamas for my familiar old sweater and jeans and headed for the nearest shops.
137. Possibly a little bracing if your nearest stretch of coast is in Britain.
138. Before he could say anything, the telephone on the Grecian plinth nearest to the girl gave a muted double purr.
139. He marched past the dishevelled double bed, jerked open the nearest window, and climbed outside.
140. He gripped the edge of the nearest inspection plate and ripped a quarter of it away.
141. You are probably much better placed in your home town or nearest city.
142. So let us accept that I am the nearest thing to a father that Nana has available.
143. I go with my friend Alice Abau Elia to the grinding mill nearest to her home.
144. The nearest approximation of this impossible counter-colonialist dream that we have is disco.
145. He walked up to the main court and took the path that led to the gate nearest his street.
146. I attempted to explain the semiotics of George of the Jungle, feckless would-be Tarzan, for ever crashing into the nearest tree.
147. Those nearest to such a person will have established some way of communicating directly.
148. Those whose nearest and dearest suffer hearing loss are offered very little assistance to meet the situation!
149. I never discovered whether Mr Cory supported Plymouth Argyle, our nearest league club.
150. Just then, they heard footsteps running lightly up the stairs nearest to them.
151. This is the nearest the fourth gospel gets to telling the disciples to preach to all the nations.
152. Go to your nearest town occasionally for a special event - a concert, a festival, or a flower show.
153. Regusse, the walled village nearest the site, with its narrow streets and cosy bars was ideal for winding down.
154. People wishing to enroll in the study should request a referral from their doctors or call the nearest participating hospital.
155. He dropped into the nearest one and let the zimmer fall to the ground.
156. Martha has to drive 20 miles to the nearest doctor.
157. Then it headed straight for the nearest suitable planet and effected a landing.
158. Find out from your Local Council or recycling action group where your nearest collection points are for glass, metals and paper.
159. Hector sits in the back seat of the front row, nearest the door.
160. Delaney turned the already hosing gun on to the nearest.
161. Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time,(http:///nearest.html) and always start with the person nearest you. Mother Teresa 
162. It all seemed a thousand miles from the nearest town, though in actuality it might be only five or six.
163. She put the phone down and collapsed into the nearest chair in the cellar.
164. It will ensure that the memory of your wedding day will remain uppermost in the minds of your nearest and dearest.
165. The Touchmaster doesn't seem to suffer from the major problem faced by its nearest equivalent, the Koala-pad in this respect.
166. A little bit of sleep was the nearest thing to consolation left for people like us.
167. The informant was expected usually to be the person's nearest relative. 3.
168. Felix threw himself down next to the nearest fire, and pulled his cloak tight about him.
169. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Aldous Huxley 
170. That and the fact that it lost faith in the nearest thing to a charismatic it had had since Rose Fox.
171. Here was perhaps the nearest thing to alchemy that had ever been seen in the field of politics.
172. Of the two dozen nearest galaxies, only one - the giant spiral Andromeda - is bigger than the Milky Way.
173. A mathematical function grades how different these suggestions are from the misspelling(), and the nearest few are suggested.
174. Kate, still frightened she might be recognised, had chosen to have meals sent up to the apartment from the nearest restaurant.
175. The nearest attempt to a child's entitlement expressed by adults on their behalf lies in the United Nations Charter.
176. The nearest entry point, almost directly below Ace's feet, looked like the doors of a shuttle bay.
177. Is the world leader in sales of gin, selling 50% more than its nearest world gin competitor.
178. Find out the name and address of your nearest qualified chiropractor.
179. Quickly introducing herself to the sister-in-charge, she looked around for the nearest unattended patient.
180. Again, applications may be made by the nearest relative or an approved social worker and two medical recommendations are required.
181. It was a long hard walk back to the nearest town.
182. They often remain in a state of despair that the world at large and their nearest friends and relatives treat them so badly.
183. He ambled over to the nearest tree - happily some metres from where I stood hidden, and turned towards the tower.
184. Dawn was taken immediately to the nearest hospital and put on a life-support machine in the Intensive Care Unit.
185. With a wicked wink he ducked into the nearest cubicle, safely out of reach.
186. I don't deal, not for anybody, not for my nearest and dearest.
187. I went to the nearest deli and came back with a ham sandwich and a large container of coffee.
188. Or heard yourself screaming in a high pitch while arguing fruitlessly with your nearest and dearest?
189. The unit immediately locates the nearest station, with a vertical green line traversing a gray screen until locking into a signal.
190. We were in the heart of the rainforest, a day's travel from the nearest hospital.
191. The mist and rain enveloped the forest so that we could only see the nearest trees.
192. Janir leaned against her back, toyed with her hair(), crawled into her lap and played with the nearest harp strings.
193. She opened her and Clare's bedroom door and fell across Clare's bed, which was nearest.
194. Quick quiz A man stranded on a desert island builds a rowing boat and sets out for the nearest land.
195. Just pick up the nearest hunk of high-priced technology you have on hand and hurl it against the wall.
196. If chest pain occurs report immediately to nearest emergency room.
197. Stony Stratford was the town nearest to Wolverton, and by comparison it had considerable charm.
198. As the spot was popular with August Bank holidaymakers, he chose the Sunday nearest to the holiday for the first service.
199. Also, as Sheila Silcock's article highlights, the nearest relative may be unaware of their rights under the Act.
200. She'd just walked in to the nearest doorway and spilled the whole thing to a complete stranger.
201. The nearest lakes are Derwentwater and the larger Ullswater where you can take a cruise.
202. The roots of the nearest hornbeam were obviously damaging the brickwork, much of which was crumbling into fine red powder.
203. If any walls appear to lean, check by going back to the nearest upper window and drop a plumb line down.
204. The United Nations General Assembly has been called the nearest thing to a world parliament.
205. Forbes can apparently spout the results of all presidential elections to the nearest decimal point.
206. Becky put her heel on the nearest piece of broken glass, and crushed it.
207. I calculated angles and distances and located the nearest exit.
208. It was rare for him to feel gratitude to any person, but the nearest was his feeling for the Colonel.
209. He caught hold of the two nearest him and knocked their heads together, kicked two more and grabbed the ringleaders.
210. Nearest challengers Enfield lost their third game in a row by 2-0 at home to Basingstoke Town.
211. Water had to be ferried from the nearest hydrant using a bowser.
212. Nevertheless, it was the nearest approach to a foreign ministry which the country had as yet possessed.
213. Many of my constituents live 50 miles from the nearest district general hospital.
214. Next to the speaking engagement, the nearest legal equivalent to the straight cash bribe is the campaign contribution.
215. You can also request a free nursery catalogue and find out where the nearest Tomy stockist is in your area.
216. The nearest common ancestor of man and the modern great apes died out about 30 million years ago.
217. She had come to this, to a limp white heap who had forgotten the names of her nearest and dearest.
218. To the nearest post-box go, send of your entries ... don't be low!
219. Here they re-live the life of a pioneer in the wilderness, when the nearest living soul was 20 miles away.
220. He said he was trying to find the latitude and longitude of the nearest pie.
221. It does no harm to write to the nearest local residents and businesses, but generally this is a long shot.
222. As the nearest relative, I have found the care team bound by rules of confidentiality which limit communication.
223. Still, as Jane belonged nowhere, Sussex became the nearest thing to home.
224. The girl nearest to the car, noticing the fixity of his stare, responded with a discreet V sign.
225. The nearest competitor service was transport information and reservations, at 53%.
226. This is shown by experiments with humanity's nearest living relative, the chimpanzee.
227. There is no evidence that the raised incidence in Seascale extends to the two county districts nearest to Sellafield or to Cumbria generally.
228. Wearily, Kelly made her way back to her car, drove to the nearest hotel and booked a room.
229. He drew a deep breath and headed for the nearest parked car.
230. If you smell smoke, hit the floor, and crawl to the nearest exit.
231. He finally slumped against the nearest crate and stared at the dimpled area around the bung.
232. The nearest centre with camping, chip shops, pubs etc is St Just, five miles south down the B3306.
233. As I couldn't take Lisabeth with me, it was the nearest thing I had to a lethal weapon.
234. By then, it was all over but the trip to the medicine cabinet to find the nearest aspirin bottle.
235. The Boots Booklovers Library, the nearest equivalent, survived until the sixties; the branch in Exeter closed in 1965.
236. Novels may have changed, but dropping hints about your will remains a sure-fire way to annoy your nearest and dearest.
237. Sentimental visits home were punctuated by heated and bitter political arguments with my nearest and dearest.
238. Birkenhead St Mary's extended their lead at the top as the nearest challengers Sutton and Aigburth lost.
239. It was the nearest thing to a coherent defence system yet seen at Verdun.
240. The media corps were not dressed much better as they tossed on whatever was nearest after being woken from a deep sleep.
241. Comfort piloted her to the nearest seat and hailed the waiter to order a brandy.
242. Dole won a landslide victory, giving him a 5-1 lead in delegates over Forbes, his nearest challenger.
243. The nearest distraction is probably the Concord Turnpike, a half mile north of the pond.
244. On occasion we took them to the nearest hospital, but beds were not always available.
245. The local primary school nearest the naval base, Barne Barton, has an annual nuclear emergency drill.
246. It seemed inevitable after this that he should take himself to the nearest fish and chip shop to eat his supper.
247. Which I most certainly am not, as nearest and dearest, and gangs of so-called friends will confirm.
248. This may be no more than a judgement of which line on a graduated scale a movable needle is nearest to.
249. The area in front of Newgate, Athelstan thought, must be the nearest thing to hell on earth.
250. If that's how oyster's flavoured, it's nearest equivalent is brine.
251. The three woodpeckers are different from their nearest relatives in Java and Borneo.
252. Specially trained staff interviewed the parents or the nearest relative of any study child who died.
253. When the head-on crash occurred, the nearest police car was a quarter-of-a-mile behind the stolen vehicle.
254. Perhaps the nearest comparison is Dirk Bogarde, though Fiennes is a warmer and more forthcoming performer.
255. The creature flings itself on the nearest character, crazed with pain and the desire to escape.
256. You know how far it was from our farm to the nearest golf course?
257. At the same instant, Petion hurled the machete at the nearest Secte Rouge guard who also carried a machete.
258. The nearest bank was headed for, and out came their supply of local moonshine.
259. The station, seven miles from the nearest road, has no mains electricity.
260. How far is it from Belfast to the nearest and furthest points on the frontier with Eire?
261. Hotels and guest houses abound in the two towns nearest Meteora: Kastraki and Kalambaka.
262. Return the coupon today for a free full colour brochure and details of your nearest Atco Appointed Dealer.
263. The nearest hospital is on the main island, and the boat comes only once or twice a day.
264. How far does the iron ore have to be taken inland to the nearest blast furnaces?
265. He crawled along the branch until he reached the nearest flower.
266. Is it the best that can be achieved, the nearest practicable approximation to the democratic principle?
267. The nearest guard glanced at it, then ushered him through with a curt nod of his head.
268. We met one nomad driving 40 head of cattle in the baking sun, hours from the nearest village.
269. To understand the details of human social evolution the nearest point of interspecific comparison lies among the apes.
270. I watched the prisoner nearest, slightly hypnotized by the movement of his cutter and the articulation of his bony arm.
271. Dougal grabbed the body's legs and hauled it on its back to the edge of the gazebo nearest the pond.
272. Although he was now nearly twenty, he was still considerably smaller than even Mike, who was nearest him in age.
273. According to our present knowledge, this machine was the nearest the artificers of antiquity came to inventing a truly mechanical clock.
274. The nearest equivalent at the time was Peter Hain's Young Liberals.
275. Alejandro was all for putting a bullet through this she-devil's head and dispatching her to the nearest abattoir.
276. The boats were lowered but the harpooner on the boat nearest him was devoured by the Great White Whale.
277. He promptly turned off the by-pass and headed for the nearest hospital.
278. On dry land the nearest equivalents of the filter-feeders are the grazers.
279. Auctions were held to sell off the town lots, those nearest the station being the most expensive.
280. On the right, nearest his father, Hubert,[http:///nearest.html] best-suited school-leaver with a downy boy's face and sharp cheek-bones.
281. Your body has expressed its need through this fixation on the nearest man.
282. There is often no teacher, and the nearest medical aid is in the town.
283. It is also found at all levels, not just among our nearest evolutionary ancestors, the monkeys and the apes.
284. He took a running dive off the trolley, rolled when he hit the carpet, and scurried under the nearest seat.
285. That fear sent her across to the nearest flickering candle.
286. He begged for a painkiller, and Martha drove twenty miles to the nearest doctor to get a prescription for codeine.
287. It was five long miles to the nearest pub.
288. The waste repository was usually the nearest watercourse.
289. He jumped into the nearest cab standing by.
290. He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.
291. Until the nineteenth century, yeasts for bread making were obtained directly from the nearest brewery.
292. This station is our closest , ie the nearest one to our home.
293. The contents of the condenser are measured in a graduate to the nearest 0.5 ml.




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