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单词 Disruptive
1. Night work can be very disruptive to home life.
2. He was expelled from school for disruptive behaviour.
3. Mike's parents thought I was a disruptive influence .
4. Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behavior.
5. A few disruptive students can easily ruin a class.
6. Long working hours are very disruptive to home life.
7. She was a disruptive influence, and after a year or two she got the boot.
8. His teacher described him as a noisy, disruptive influence in class.
9. She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.
10. His disruptive behaviour was felt to be sufficient grounds for his expulsion.
11. There is the disruptive experiment, invented by Garfinkel himself.
12. Fred Clasper's disruptive plan had been well prepared.
13. Stephen's teacher said he was often disruptive in class.
14. They were not just inconvenient and disruptive, but sinful.
15. Today, smoking is really a disruptive habit.
16. And some talented people are simply disruptive.
17. For a child who is very disruptive, however, there is little to lose by trying a diet.
18. It can be very disruptive to the marriage if the two partners are in therapies with different basic philosophies.
19. I believe that too many school responses to disruptive behaviour are negative.
20. Can a school prohibit distribution of potentially disruptive union material?
21. Real-wage reductions are very difficult and disruptive if they have to take the form of lower money wages.
22. She'll be turfed out of the study group if she carries on being disruptive.
23. Mr Clarke also stressed the role of schools in combating juvenile crime and demanded more effective treatment of disruptive pupils.
24. This has caused some concern as peaceful demonstrators may be prevented from marching because of the threat posed by a potentially disruptive counter-demonstration.
25. And since it is an evolving language, always changing its expressions, it is also a continually disruptive influence.
26. I argue along with T. J. Clark that Parisian modernism is most distinctive in terms of the disruptive force.
27. Many of those who feel they are achieving least, and are most disruptive in schools, would opt for early leaving.
28. I know their intention is not to hurt the Coliseum, but something like this is disruptive and hurtful to that end.
29. Whenever I ask teachers and trainee teachers to respond to two questions about disruptive behaviour: What did you feel?
30. It could only seem so to those who see sexuality as something essentially disruptive, invading, and dangerous.
1. Night work can be very disruptive to home life.
2. He was expelled from school for disruptive behaviour.
31. The committee said the letters should suggest banning disruptive pupils, issuing boarding passes and asking the school to consider providing supervision.
32. During her first weeks she was noisy and disruptive in class.
33. Oystermouth would suffer from Sarah's disruptive presence but Eline could not see the villagers putting up with any nonsense from her.
34. Yet the alternative outcome of climate change is likely to be much more disruptive.
35. Wage rises were therefore granted not only as a response to disruptive strikes, but also to enable demand to absorb supply.
36. The disruptive effects of alcohol on sleep can be exacerbated by caffeine.
37. Those children who do stay in school, but who feel they are failing, invariably have a disruptive influence.
38. However, these actions prove disruptive to the efficient functioning of the new system.
39. For that reason Minh Mang feared potentially disruptive ideas and practices.
40. The revolution of 1905 had made plain the disruptive power of the industrial labour force.
41. Their presence in normal schools would be disruptive to the general process of education and an unsuitable environment for the children concerned.
42. But the final word must be reserved for the destructive, disruptive role played by George Bush's administration.
43. The most disruptive pairings occur between a supervisor and a subordinate.
44. However, when disruptive behaviour did occur staff controlled it through a combination of orchestration and supervisory control.
45. Some of these are disruptive and maladaptive or neurotic, and as a result they have been closely studied.
46. McEnroe's tantrums, like those of other tennis stars, were merely disruptive gamesmanship.
47. The move towards in-class support is equally valid for disruptive pupils.
48. We need to provide an educational service that does not promote disruptive pupils nor reject disruptive pupils.
49. In July a series of yellow signs appeared in central London, warning that potentially disruptive pre-construction work would shortly begin.
50. Observations of individually marked birds have shown that this disruptive behaviour is adaptive.
51. Electoral reform is also likely to put some disruptive cats among the New Labour pigeons.
52. Not surprisingly, disruptive behaviour - shouting, swearing and general rowdiness - was sometimes evident.
53. It is most disruptive to a relationship when one grows and the other does not.
54. To hide their clear outlines they need some kind of disruptive markings.
55. The Titans introduced into the world of man the disruptive and destructive force of strife and killing.
56. Richard was expelled from his first school in Cheltenham because his behaviour was too disruptive.
57. Traditionally children with special educational needs have been seen in terms of a deficit model - just as disruptive children have.
58. That stereotype speaks less for women's liberation than a society which treats children as a disruptive influence(), a social nuisance.
59. Some models can be a very disruptive influence in the studio, particularly if there is more than one model on the session.
60. Transnational oil and mining companies pollute rivers and finance grossly disruptive mines.
61. Changing places during a meal would clearly be too disruptive.
62. He would be unwise to underestimate the disruptive potential of its particular form of divine discontent.
63. Pynchon is as explicit as Burroughs about the disruptive effects of his method.
64. When she was thirteen years old she was already showing signs of disruptive, disturbed behaviour.
65. It seems appropriate therefore that disruptive pupils have full access to the curriculum which requires that schools acknowledge this in their planning.
66. Disruptive persons would succeed in their objects, and that is not something that the law should permit.
67. It is my contention that the response to causes of disruptive behaviour has focused too much on within-child factors.
68. At present 68 live in accommodation intended for 55. People living nearby complain that the children are disruptive.
69. But the Home Office and prison reformers say his actions were mischievous and disruptive.
70. I wish to tackle three major issues which have influenced this changing philosophy and relate it directly to disruptive pupils.
71. How Will Mobile Cloud Computing Become a Disruptive Force?
72. He has a disruptive influence on the other children.
73. But Rolex thrived in the face of disruptive technologies.
74. But these shifts are at the very least disruptive.
75. This kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable.
76. The impact of Western civilization has been highly disruptive.
77. We recommend familiarizing yourself with the tools to keep annoying or disruptive voice chatters at bay.
78. There are two primary reasons why ABI believes cloud computing will become a disruptive force in the mobile world.
79. What they got was Apotheker's anodyne vision of an evolving IT industry, the disruptive force of cloud computing, and HP's role as a soup-to-nuts provider.
80. The application management logic will calculate the minimum actions that the system needs to execute in order to update the application with the least disruptive impact.
81. Quite a while ago Clayton Christensen of Harvard has mainstreamed the term "disruptive innovations".
82. Pray that the terrorist group Jemaah Islamiah and all other terrorist groups will be thrown into confusion, and will not be able to re-group, recruit, or have the capacity to be disruptive.
83. Rapid and disruptive change is now happening across new and old businesses.
84. Short selling is disruptive speculation that requires someone else to lose.
85. One jamming technique was to blind the other's radar receiver by transmitting noise(sentence dictionary), pulse bars ("railings") or other disruptive patterns.
86. Finally, with full system replication, you can't take advantage of the high availability environment to reduce OS upgrade outages, or for less disruptive hardware maintenance.
87. Environmentalists have their own eschatology —a vision of a world not consumed by holy fire but returned to ecological balance by the removal of the most disruptive species in history.
88. We should keep a sharp look - out for their disruptive activities.
89. Students are working hardare trying their best not to be disruptive.
90. Absences at school began to drop and the children's disruptive behaviors softened.
91. I have always avoided infidelity , not only for health reasons, but also because it seems to churn up disruptive and painful emotions.
92. Here is the deal. Apps can be a disruptive force for many existing software suites.
93. Japan's old-guard businesses think this would be unnecessarily disruptive. And Mr Son's brashness annoys many. One boss calls him a “parasite” who must be eliminated.
94. But there is another side to the country. Nationalism is a powerful, growing and potentially disruptive force.
95. Students were also penalised for exchanging suspicious information, disruptive behaviour and altering results documents.
96. Police efforts to thwart a feared attack triggered a disruptive , security clampdown across the country.
97. Joseph Schumpeter, an Austrian economist, argued that disruptive upstarts were needed when incumbent firms failed to drive innovation.
98. To understand just how disruptive this is to the GPS data market, you must first understand that "turn-by-turn" data was the lynchpin that held the duopoly together.
99. Policing disruptive protests without bloodshed will be a test for the army.
100. Sometimes, gifted children are disruptive in classrooms because they refuse to do exercises they consider to be busywork.
101. Today marks the beginning of the end of deadly and disruptive epidemics in Africa's meningitis belt.
102. The acquisition of MySQL by Sun marks one of the most significant recognitions of the importance and power of open source as a disruptive force in technology.
103. The new book says the needed disruptive force in education is computer - based learning.
104. No views disruptive of the Kuomintang - Communist united front will be tolerated.
105. As a matter of fact Newsweek's suggestion of military blockade would prove to be more disruptive to this key transit corridor.
106. Developing the PC, a classic disruptive technology, simply made no sense for minicomputer makers.
107. Because changing queue manager names in a point-to-point network is disruptive, it is tempting to reuse the same names for queue managers and channels during failover and migration.
108. Statutory interpretations or judicial directives that the agencies improve their procedures are less disruptive and more easily correctable if the court has misread the will of the Congress.
109. Ultimate Frisbee is most often played on beaches or in wide open parks where there are few trees or disruptive structures.
110. It allows an administrator to perform hardware maintenance, such as disruptive firmware updates, without requiring system downtime.
111. It's classified as a parasomnia , an abnormal behavior during sleep that's disruptive.
112. "It is going to be very disruptive" to publishers, said Eric Frank, president of Flat World Knowledge, which offers free texts to 1,300 instructors and their students on the Web.
113. Averting the disruptive extremes of boom and bust can help bring about long - term growth.Sentencedict
114. Web 2.0 can be a very disruptive force and will potentially be a significant one in the 2008 political story.
115. Please do not add content that is ungrammatical, machine translated from other languages, or disruptive to the flow of writing. Remember, this is the Chinese Wikipedia.
116. DESCRIPTION Remember is a to - do list application, focused on being straightforward and - disruptive.
117. This is what people meant, back in the 1990s, when they said the Internet would be a disruptive force on a global scale.
118. Many disruptive behaviors in the classroom can be alleviated before they become serious discipline problems.
119. Change will indeed be painful for incumbents, as disruptive innovation always is.
120. But we should not think there are no potentially disruptive forces.
121. And results of the combined group training showed positive efficacy to disruptive and aggressive behaviors of ADHD children with aggression.
122. The process of implementing these changes can be very disruptive to a small company.




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