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单词 Inherited
1. She inherited a little money from her grandfather.
2. She inherited some money from her mother.
3. She has inherited her mother's stubborn streak.
4. She inherited a fortune from her father.
5. I inherited this ring from my grandmother.
6. He inherited a big fortune from his.
7. He inherited a fortune from his grandmother.
8. How many of these traits are genetically inherited?
9. She inherited a fortune from her grandmother.
10. She has inherited her father's large nose, which is very unfortunate.
11. Would you quit your job if you inherited lots of money?
12. His successor inherited a lot of problems from him.
13. Her children have inherited her love of sport.
14. She inherited a passion for music from her grandfather.
15. She had inherited her father's forcefulness.
16. Mr. Grass inherited his work ethic from his father.
17. My mother has inherited some land.
18. Stammering is probably an inherited defect.
19. She had not inherited her mother's forgiving nature.
20. He inherited a lucrative business from his father.
21. I inherited a number of problems from my predecessor.
22. He has inherited his mother's patience.
23. She inherited a large fortune.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. She inherited a share of the family fortune.
25. She inherited our father's thick, wavy hair.
26. It has been postulated that the condition is inherited.
27. She has inherited her mother's fine features .
28. Rosie inherited her red hair from her mother.
29. The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors.
30. She arrived at college with a whole set of assumptions inherited from her family.
1. She inherited some money from her mother.
2. She has inherited her mother's stubborn streak.
3. She inherited a fortune from her father.
4. I inherited this ring from my grandmother.
5. He inherited a big fortune from his.
6. He inherited a fortune from his grandmother.
7. How many of these traits are genetically inherited?
8. She inherited a fortune from her grandmother.
9. She arrived at college with a whole set of assumptions inherited from her family.
10. She has inherited her father's large nose, which is very unfortunate.
11. Would you quit your job if you inherited lots of money?
12. He inherited his father's fortune and has lived like a pig in clover ever since.
13. From this study we can reasonably infer that this behaviour is inherited.
14. We do not know which behavioural traits are inherited and which acquired.
15. He found he had struck it rich when he unexpectedly inherited some money from his aunt.
16. At 25 he inherited a fortune and become a multimillionaire.
31. He inherited the manor and all its appurtenances.
32. She inherited the family jewellery.
33. The present duke inherited the title from his father.
34. She inherited the urge to travel from her father.
35. We inherited the furniture from the previous tenants.
36. She inherited oodles of money from her uncle.
37. He's inherited his father's explosive temper.
38. She inherited her father's estate.
39. Amelia had inherited her mother's good bone structure .
40. The present government inherited a closed, state-dominated economy.
41. The eldest son inherited the bulk of the estate.
42. She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.
43. She inherited the urge to travel from her mother.
44. I inherited my mother's curly hair.
45. This treatment may be the way forward for many inherited disorders.
46. He inherited a poisoned chalice when he took over the job as union leader.
47. Some people claim that an individual's degree of extroversion or introversion is inherited.
48. We will enter into the question of inherited characteristics at a future time.
49. This government has inherited many problems from the previous one.
50. The poor child inherited his mother's brains and his father's looks.
51. He inherited over a million dollars and blew it all on drink and gambling.
52. When the college was established in 1546, it inherited a hall from each of three antecedent institutions.
53. She inherited a large fortune which ran to several hundred thousand pounds.
53. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
54. He lets on that he has inherited a handsome legacy.
55. Having inherited her father's company, she hewed another steel plant.
56. By the end of the year he had run through all the money inherited from his father.
57. He inherited his father's fortune and has lived like a pig in clover ever since.
58. From this study we can reasonably infer that this behaviour is inherited.
59. He inherited the family business - he must be loaded!
60. When I took on the job of manager, I inherited certain financial problems.
61. We do not know which behavioural traits are inherited and which acquired.
62. No one knows whether a child's tendency towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats.
63. Each individual receives two genes, one inherited from each parent.
64. He inherited a quarter of a million pounds on his mother's death.
65. She inherited her mother's good looks and her father's bad temper.
66. He found he had struck it rich when he unexpectedly inherited some money from his aunt.
67. Harry inherited the house and a sizeable chunk of land.
68. Doctors say the disease is probably inherited but not detectable at birth.
69. At 25 he inherited a fortune and become a multimillionaire.
70. He inherited a fortune but died a month later; one of life's little ironies.
71. Sadly, she inherited none of her father's musical talent .
72. Francis dissipated his large fortune inherited from his grandfather in a few years.
73. She had other gifts which her son Michael inherited.
74. The Conservatives had inherited numerous economic problems.
75. His 11 children inherited most of his estate.
76. Otis despised inherited wealth and social class.
77. The meek have not inherited the earth, as promised.
78. He has inherited the Nordern genes.
79. Is blood group an inherited characteristic?
80. We have inherited the present Earth.
81. There are about 4000 inherited human genetic diseases.
82. She inherited the money from her mother.
83. Janice inherited her good looks from her mom.
83. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
84. Once again, Herrera inherited this problem from Santa Anna.
85. She inherited the job when her husband died.
86. What Brown inherited when he became speaker in December 1980 was an institution well down the road toward gridlock.
87. But when he inherited some money he decided to use that to pay off the mortgage and no longer needed the endowment.
88. You might use such money to buy or lease land, and so increase the holding you had inherited.
89. By September, it will be their team and not the group of unknowns they inherited from Al Luginbill and his staff.
90. When Baldwin died in 1909, his daughters inherited and divided the property, now valued at $ 25 million.
91. Diets work for some Numerous studies show both the failure rates of boomerang diets and an inherited susceptibility to obesity.
92. Others, abandoning the usual Republican reverence for big money, poked fun at his inherited millions.
93. Two-thirds of those who inherited a property promptly sold it.
94. Similar fates await buildings formerly owned by the secret police, which in many districts have been inherited by the local authorities.
95. His father had died and he bought the property with money he'd inherited from the estate.
96. Families were therefore nuclear and patriarchal and only one son inherited the patrimony.
97. The inherited traits can be suppressed because a puppy is born with a brain that is not fully developed.
98. The money he had inherited with the house just wasn't enough.
99. I therefore inherited the dubious honour of making it available on loan to youth workers.
100. From his grandfather he had inherited a love of railways and the School.
101. Granville eventually inherited the estate and his connection with Stoke Poges may be of more than usual significance.
102. I inherited a staff of over twenty-five coaches, and over two hundred full-time employees.
103. Perinatal complications among babies born with an inherited predisposition towards schizophrenia may be implicated in the later manifestation of this disorder.
104. Jacinto is anxious to share his newly inherited fortune with Mariano.
105. The people of the Middle Ages inherited sea-walls and drainage channels which had survived from the Roman occupation.
106. I feel that the space inherited from this family is so vast that it seems physical.
107. Philip Yorke, who had inherited the house unexpectedly from his reclusive brother, was a most lovable man.
108. Many animals show inherited differences in how they comport themselves.
109. However, we have inherited such a legacy and we need, too, to work with existing services.
110. This legitimized inherited wealth, for it blessed only the biologically superior.
111. The police force inherited by Nicholas was small, corrupt and ill-trained.
112. Otis despised inherited wealth and class, but he despised a town that was disdainful of growth even more.
113. It also inherited the Roman virtue of sound organization, based on a powerful central authority, and preserved by strict legalism.
114. The researchers looked at a sample of 302 people who had inherited a house.
115. They already believe the illness can be inherited through a complex pattern of genetic relationships.
116. Rather, they were the consequence of an excessively strong state inherited from colonial Rhodesia.
117. Tradition, the military-style organization inherited from the New Police, was the one imperative for the Panopticon discipline.
118. In addition to the inherited Banrural loans still to be repaid, new debt was encouraged by the state and private investors.
119. During his reign he added vast territories to the Frankish kingdom that he had inherited.
120. Mayors inherited an eroding tax base and the loss of jobs.
121. The earl's daughter, Dorothea, seems to have inherited her father's somewhat incautious nature.
122. Six months later their two sons inherited their parents' fortune as sole beneficiaries.
123. I inherited this mess from my supervisor who got fired.
124. But, as well as his sons, his daughters would have inherited it from him.
125. The genotype is the set of genes it inherited, the phenotype is what it looks like.
126. Dean Shearer had inherited the sit-out from his predecessor Dean Samuel Crooks and took it to new heights.
127. On the one hand, there are those who have argued that this variation is largely determined by inherited potential.
128. The choice fell on Lord Gorell, the son of an eminent judge who had inherited his title from his elder brother.
129. When he died aged 85, his young mistress and 10 illegitimate children inherited his money.
130. However, if a man dies without direct male heirs, his cattle will be inherited by a daughter.
131. When my grandmother died, I inherited a complete set of Dresden china.
132. In reality, a well-endowed man is likely to have inherited the trait.
133. Bettman inherited a league that revolved around a rubber disk and, for the most part, was directed by boneheads.
134. I inherited a large fortune, a strong healthy body and an excellent mind.
135. This is not to deny that a bell curve of inherited talents exists among individuals.
136. He continued to serve the Corbetts, for example, as manorial steward, after he had inherited the Newton freehold.
137. The new Earl also inherited a 2.25 million bill for death duties as well as 80,000 a year running costs.
138. When Presley turned 25, she inherited an estate currently worth more than $ 100 million.
139. In like manner, but without the risk, Bloomsbury chipped away at the standards inherited from Victorians.
140. He inherited his title when his father died in 1968.
141. The disorder is caused by an inherited defect of collagen, long intertwined proteins that form the supporting matrix for bone.
142. Van Leer inherited some of his father's acumen but none of his money and certainly none of his love for money.
143. The structural changes that are seen in hemoglobin 5 and C disorders are inherited as autosomal recessive traits. 216.
143. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
144. Had your daughter inherited the stocks, her cost basis would move up to the value at the time of the inheritance.
145. He inherited wealth and could have lived a leisured life but preferred to pursue his earlier interest in natural philosophy.
146. The Masonic books I inherited from him were well marked and annotated in the margins, in his handwriting.
147. He once said that the Royal Family had inherited the problem of hunting and shooting; it was in the blood.
148. Educated privately at her homes at Parkwern and Hendrefoilan she inherited a long family tradition of unorthodox and innovative ideas.
149. The hereditary Forest wardenship might of course be inherited by women.
150. At the same time, though, inherited psychological and physiological traits had their dangerous downsides.
151. She had her father's pale blue eyes but her long black hair and honey complexion had been inherited from her mother.
152. A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
153. Some live even beyond the grave, inherited by the next generation.
154. A tax on inherited estates began in 1894, though death duties can be traced back much further.
155. A gentle, almost effeminate scholar, Minh Mang reinforced the Confucian administration he had inherited from his father.
156. They could not leave the jobs they had inherited from birth and go somewhere else.
157. It is this contract, which Mr Morton inherited when he joined Eurotunnel, that lies at the heart of present difficulties.
158. The same gene inherited from a different parent may have a different effect in the offspring.
159. As a result, Haslam inherited what was then the plastic-film group, which was at an embryonic stage of development.
160. He had tried, insofar as he was capable, to ease the policy of permanent crisis he had inherited from Truman.
161. Psychologists have never had much success at defining which personality characteristics are inherited in humans and which are not.
162. The ten richest women in the UK all inherited their wealth.
163. The green-pigmented organisms that could split water inherited the Earth.
164. So a Creature object will contain the species field in addition to the name and description fields inherited from the Thing class.
165. What is more she doesn't want to leave her home, a nice little house that she inherited from her parents.
166. The Richards had an only daughter, Ann, who inherited the house.
167. Two of the daughters, Mary and Annabella, eventually inherited the Scrope estates.
168. It is the direct ancestor of the organization Daley inherited.
169. When George inherited some money, the first thing he did was to pay his creditors.
170. And these same people typically have accumulated or inherited no property resources.
171. The Wilson government inherited serious economic problems in October 1964, but made matters worse by its own decisions.
172. Studies of twins and of alcohol-dependent patients point to an inherited vulnerability to alcohol dependence, too.
173. Hence inherited characteristics could not be modified by environmental factors.
173. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
174. Anwar Sadat and Yitzhak Rabin inherited the earth that covers their graves.
175. An individual's degree of extroversion or introversion is inherited, determined by his or her genetic make-up.
176. Vic inherited her from his predecessor, who had evidently cultivated an informal working relationship.
177. Phenomenology allows that every individual has a unique state of knowledge, based on previous experiences and inherited ideas.
178. In rich families that have substantial inherited wealth, assets may be primarily in the form of claims on tangible assets.
179. Hamilton was one of those unfortunate men who have inherited immense wealth but not a lot more.
180. In the larger context your parents inherited their blood groups and other genetic markers from their ancestors.
181. If they were not, they were inherited as autonomous units.
182. She thought it was from her father that she'd inherited her logical mind and a way with figures.
183. X genes are not the only genes inherited through the female line.
184. His son Brendan then inherited the seat and kept it until his retirement in 1982.
185. Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford were all men of humble origins and no inherited wealth.
186. Alternatively, these assets are left untouched, and are inherited by the grandparents' children.
187. She also had the powerful sense of humour which her children inherited, and could be very amusing in conversation.
188. They diverged to different parts of an ancestor's chromosomes, and we have each inherited them on our different chromosomes.
189. He inherited the honorary title from his maternal grandfather, William Harold Pearson.
190. The marquess, who inherited the £200 million estate, then ordered Christopher out of his cottage, at Horningsham, Wilts.
191. In 1838 he inherited a fortune of a million pounds from his uncle, Robert Holford.
192. He accepted the arguments of an independent actuary that policyholders' realistic expectation they should benefit from inherited estates was limited.
193. The human genome project opens up the possibility of eliminating certain inherited, genetic diseases.
194. He had inherited it as an agreeable but mildly onerous responsibility, together with her considerable fortune.
195. Any traces have been obliterated by the advance of the ethos that we have inherited from our Cro-Magnon ancestors.
196. Eysenck then argues that extroversion is the inherited basis of criminal behaviour.
197. I knew even then that I inherited a history which defined who I was.
198. Indeed, the middle class actually came to believe it had inherited the leafy suburban earth.
199. But it seems this other relation has inherited his whole fortune.
200. The sell-out concept was inherited by all Right-On people, and became a central part of their thinking.
201. Egg colour itself is inherited down the female line, so that females stay with the bird by whom they were fostered.
202. Just how much is due to inherited characteristics, and how much to other biological factors or early childhood experiences is still uncertain.
203. Jones inherited $2 million from an elderly woman he had once helped.
203. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
204. Republican Presidents of the late twentieth century-Eisenhower, Nixon, Fordhad all been men of humble background and no inherited wealth.
205. But, like the lemmings, how does such a geographical knowledge become an inherited ancestral heritage?
206. While she had inherited from her father, and the stallion's father before him, a stubborn and cussed temperament.
207. His cousin Richard inherited thy Glynde property but made his fortune elsewhere, in the church.
208. It has gone in repaying the overseas debt that we inherited from the last Labour Government.
209. In the old, inherited sense fundamentalism is a good thing because it alleviates pain and suffering.
210. He can then arm an arsenal of microorganisms with an inherited lust for a variety of dioxin compounds.
211. In 1686 he inherited his father's properties and continued his successful business as a producer of linseed and rape oil.
212. Hunting site is determined primarily by inherited behavioral characteristics.
213. This disorder is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.
214. She's inherited the money which is rightfully hers.
215. And it was from Cody that he inherited money -- a legacy of twenty - five thousand dollars.
216. On his accession to the throne, he inherited vast estates.
217. She inherited her mother's gift for devising drapery and costume.
218. All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way.
219. The property should be inherited by the children of the deceased owner.
220. He inherited vast estates on his accession to the throne.
221. The Wagner clan, he writes, inherited " a glorious but poisoned legacy ".




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