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单词 Abundance
1. The abundance of money ruins youth. 
2. The area has an abundance of wildlife.
3. Wishing you two an abundance of love and happiness.
4. There was an abundance of corn last year.
5. We were amazed by the sheer abundance of food.
6. The scholar has an abundance of knowledge.
7. Lefkas has an abundance of lush green vegetation.
8. There was an abundance of wine at the wedding.
9. Carpets are available in abundance.
10. At the party there was food in abundance.
11. We had wine in abundance.
12. The country has an abundance of natural resources.
13. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island.
14. Exotic plants grew there in great abundance.
15. One quality the team possessed in abundance was fighting spirit.
16. There is an abundance of fine sculpture, both on the exterior and inside.
17. Food was in abundance.
18. There was good food in abundance/an abundance of good food at the party.
19. There was still an abundance of food when we arrived.
20. Helium-3 is found in abundance on the moon.
21. The park has an abundance of wildlife.
22. Fortunately archaeology is capable of providing these in abundance.
23. He made a gesture of abundance.
24. Shoppers find an abundance of red power suits.
25. When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears. Tony Robbins 
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. There is an abundance of fresh vegetables available.
27. Better be upright and want, than wicked and have abundance
28. Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.
29. At the feast there was food and drink in abundance.
30. The resort is a paradise both for sun worshippers and night owls with its fantastic weather and abundance of night life.
1. The area has an abundance of wildlife.
2. We were amazed by the sheer abundance of food.
31. Both are characteristics the Tiphook chairman has in abundance.
32. There were wood and game in abundance and shelter from the storms of the plains.
33. Livings together will happen in abundance, of course; but marriage will be another matter: marriage will imply intent to procreate.
34. The large numbers of evening primrose in Liverpool reflect its abundance on the sand dunes just outside the city.
35. It hardly matters, because examples of bias are there in abundance, and some take fairly systematic forms.
36. Brion combines his scholarship and expert musicianship with the same flair for real entertainment that Sousa himself possessed in abundance.
37. It was hard to imagine that a place with so much natural abundance had been so devastated in just a few years.
38. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have too much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. Theodore Roosevelt 
39. Mercury thus contains a much greater abundance of denser materials, the strong implication being that it is rich in metallic iron.
40. He owns to a Straussian abundance that needs Stravinskian discipline.
41. I still have an abundance of energy that leaves my contemporaries standing.
42. An abundance of grave goods, especially painted wares, accompanied the burials.
43. She had an abundance of tales from the old colonial days, when she had been cook for a white family.
44. Unhappily, habits which may have had some virtue in times of scarcity became vices in times of relative abundance.
45. The island has an abundance of wildlife - animals, birds and fish.
46. So that morning there was life in abundance, except in Charlie's garden.
47. In this view, men starved amid abundance because goods were produced for private gain and not for public good.
48. There is an overwhelming abundance of practical evidence disproving this theory.
49. Right: The little stream which flows under Puente Chinoluiz where we found an abundance of fish.
50. Unfortunately, the burgeoning seal numbers in Boston Harbor bring the same problem seal abundance has brought elsewhere: human resentment.
51. This may contain phosphates, sulphates and nitrates in abundance - enough to start a green algae plague.
52. The Bordeaux exhibition goes all out for an abundance of images.
53. Navy planes and ships in abundance combed that area but found no trace.
54. Fortunately, most local record offices contain an abundance of sources for local history, going back at least two hundred years.
55. The modern convention, when listing ingredients( ), is to list them in order of their abundance in the product.
56. Do not be intimidated by baking esoterica of which there is an abundance.
57. Inventive, original and often very funny, Sarah Stewart's work will be seen in abundance from now on.
58. The scouts who have been found in abundance at Los Angeles Kings games lately got an eyeful Wednesday.
59. The sheer abundance of lawyers tends to promote excessive litigation.
60. C., handed down an abundance of wisdom about military strategy and tactics that have considerable application to all businesses.
61. Provided this is taken into account, the differences between comparable samples are as readily discernible as when relative abundance is used.
62. The relative abundance records the percentage of the total population represented by each species.
63. The food is honest and served up with an abundance of good will and lack of pretension.
64. Focussing on one tiny segment of the statistics of abundance, let us examine corporation presidents and millionaires.
65. He did not have far to go to find an enthralling abundance of birds.
66. Enter the color consultant, with an abundance of not-so-free advice about how to sort through new and emerging palettes.
67. The focus today is not the predicted disappearance of order but the abundance of it throughout the natural world.
68. By 1865, over 130 lace making factories were producing this delicate fabric on machines powered by the abundance of local coal.
69. Only the interior ribbed vaults are Gothic, and the abundance of fine sculpture both on the exterior and inside.
70. It'sthis seasonal bounty to which the Eleonora's breeding cycle is geared, and the falcons harvest it in abundance.
71. All these deposits have attracted wide attention because of the apparent abundance of novel body plans.
72. Darkness had come prematurely with the deluge, the gloom summoned early by such an abundance of black cloud.
73. McMaster said the deal was made because the Kings had an abundance of right wingers and a shortage of left wingers.
74. For centuries, material wealth and abundance has been seen as incompatible with spiritual growth.
75. Tucson is blessed with an abundance of restaurants and small eateries, with new ones popping up almost daily.
76. The whelks may show frequency independent selection, choosing their favourite food regardless of that species' relative abundance. 2.
77. There is pathos to be found in it in abundance, and images of love and great nobility of spirit.
78. The abundance of visual evidence in the King case produced a crisis of interpretation.
79. The abundance of the new elements can then be analyzed by their radioactivity.
80. Men are always enslaved by material abundance and wealth, and the more they possess, the greedier they become. Dr T.P.Chia 
81. It can offer you just about everything you can think of by day and by night, in abundance.
82. The cobalt abundance is usually about a tenth of the nickel concentration.
83. Every year particular species arrive and disappear, and change in absolute and relative abundance.
84. Moments later, they swung open, spilling over with an abundance to feed all who were hungry.
85. There is not an abundance of thatched cottages in the wolds,(http:///abundance.html) but those that do exist are real gems.
86. Optimists point out that there is an abundance of good news.
87. It is 40 percent more expensive than coal, and there is an abundance of alternative energy sources.
88. It is full to the brim of a wondrous liquid, which will bring abundance into your life.
89. Rich red flowers with bright orange stamens are produced in abundance.
90. The text is accompanied by an abundance of superb photographs, colour as well as monochrome.
91. And even in regions of apparent abundance, the situation was marginal as prices soared along with farm output.
92. It is a measure of Minton's professionalism that he continued to meet deadlines and to produce an abundance of work.
93. The greater abundance of iron ores over those of copper also meant that iron was more readily obtainable and cheaper.
94. Fig. 3.8 shows the percentage abundance of complete bones for the humerus plotted against the femur.
95. Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature. Steve Maraboli 
96. One quality Oxford possessed in abundance, though, was spirit, which enabled them to claw their way back.
97. Roots develop in abundance at the nodes on the stems.
98. Poor spawning sites and an abundance of food is the combination for giant bream; one is practically useless without the other.
99. In fact the stream ran through Florence Tremayne's garden which was a wild garden with trees and an abundance of daffodils.
100. A lovely river flowed into the sea there which had excellent washing pools with an abundance of clear bubbling water.
101. The great thicknesses of the seams are impressive evidence of the abundance and persistence of the early forests.
102. An abundance of unreliable information and consequent loss of user-confidence.
103. Except at weekends in the summer when the crowds would come and spread themselves in an abundance of activity on the grass.
104. It describes the lushness and abundance of the coming millennium.
105. This material abundance gives the modern historian a quite different range of experience from that of his classical or medieval colleagues.
106. Such isoforms and their relative abundance could mediate specific cell type or matrix interactions.
107. The ground was boggy underfoot, though there was grass in abundance between the trees.
108. Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them. Stephen Richards 
109. I never had a sense of abundance, of being able to splash out and enjoy myself.
110. One reason for the abundance is the sheer number of tickets to the Games.
111. Growing up where I did, I understood and admired physical prowess, and there was an abundance of muscle here.
112. High slack systems are those organizations operating with an abundance of resources in reasonably stable and minimally competitive environments.
113. Each element is found in one or more minerals in a rock in proportion to the abundance of that mineral or minerals.
114. So it seems that over the years pandas have learned to enjoy food which was in great abundance.
115. Through all these means small bodies can bring to the terrestrial planets volatiles in sufficient abundance to match the observations.
116. A colour catalogue, costing £3,() also illustrates the abundance of smaller accessories that make up the Shaker look.
117. Temporal variations of solid concentrations at that level indicate the relative abundance of particles whose diameters may be calculated.
118. Yet, despite the stylistic variety, there is a noticeable abundance of recurrent themes and messages.
119. These are a group of extremely primitive molluscs, which are found in any abundance only in Lower Palaeozoic rocks.
120. This magnificent abundance established one tradition that we are still struggling to overcome.
121. One reason is the abundance of new flavors of spirits.
122. The very low abundances of volatiles and especially the low nitrogen abundance all pose special problems.
123. The relative abundance of these elements is increasingly being used to trace chemical processes in the mantle, crust, and oceans.
124. Even timber, which Savoy produced in abundance, was not marketed on a large scale because of the difficulties of transport.
125. Finally, we should comment on the relative abundance of ozone and hydrogen peroxide at Cape Grim.
126. There is wildlife here in abundance; deer, wild cats, red squirrels, golden eagles, ospreys and reindeer.
127. The latest version of its graphics package, Presentations 2, reviewed in our December issue, had these features in abundance.
128. This became a difficult order to follow after silver was found in tempting abundance at a place called Los Frayles.
129. Monopolistic restrictions are imposed where, on purely technical grounds, there could be abundance.
130. An independence based upon an abundance of goodwill may be found even where there are scarcities in power resources.
131. Those who enjoy material abundance are not necessarily the very happy people, and there are many people who live very happy under material poverty. Dr T.P.Chia 
132. All the typical woodland flowers can be found here in abundance, including serene displays of lily of the valley.
133. Stainforth's success rests on three qualities he possesses in abundance.
134. It remains possible that versions of the genes for resistance to disease do indeed show cycles of abundance and scarcity.
135. To inspire, impact and instill abundance in life.
136. The third is the abundance of today's sand line.
137. Our bodies derive an abundance of hematin from food.
138. GORDON BROWN may lack the political graces but one quality he has in abundance: sheer bloody-minded grit.
139. Deloitte Centre was awarded BNZ's fit-out for having used sustainable materials(), incorporated a lot of natural light and an abundance of plants which added to the greenery.
140. An INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis) method was used to determine the abundance of rare-earth elements in 58 Late Palaeozoic coals and related rocks in North China.
141. In this paper, a type of kilomega bps chips group for ether net which surpasses the standards by large abundance is presented.
142. Abundance doesn't mean redundance. hound found a profound book on the roundabout.
143. Not surprisingly, though, the Popsicles you buy at the local corner store tend to be sickeningly sweet and neon bright, thanks to an abundance of high-fructose corn syrup and artificial colors.
144. The abundance or scantiness of this supply, too, seems to depend more upon the former of those two circumstances than upon the latter...
145. The biggest zapper of having an abundance of time is the experience of always being behind.
145. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
146. If you find great exuberance, health, effective work, abundance, smiles on the faces of those who you meet, then take it for granted that your beliefs are beneficial.
147. This relative abundance, combined with low extraction and processing costs — reflecting both low wages and weak environmental standards — allowed China's producers to undercut the U.S. industry.
148. Furthermore, both abundance and diversity for the total radiolarian showed the highest values in the upper 50m layer and decreased with water depth increasing.
149. Article 14 An insurer shall, at least by the end of each year, test the abundance of the reserves for outstanding claims, life insurance liabilities, and long-term health insurance liabilities.
150. Microorganisms are an important group of organism mainly catabolic metabolism, which display extreme abundance in biodiversity.
151. With some spiders, including the black widow, the male is abundance tinyer than the female.
152. Carbonate with lower organic abundance can generate certain hydrocarbon, yet has poor generation potential with less thickness and limited distribution.
153. The results indicated that most genes in the genus of Lycoris were low or moderate expression abundance genes.
154. China has had long interest in Africa; now China needs resources, particularly energy, and this is what Africa has in abundance.
155. In West China, there is a great abundance of eolian sand in vest expanses of desert.
156. I consider Alan have to go on a diet and get abundance exercise. He's beginning to see like Billy Bunter .
157. The abundance content and connotative meaning of Tarkovsky's movie view is very helpful for us.
158. In fact, NGC 2403 closely resembles another galaxy with an abundance of star forming regions that lies within our own local galaxy group, M33 the Triangulum Galaxy.
159. Administrative assistants and virtual assistants have an abundance of coordination and time management.
160. All the workers require a pay increase, eVery abundance man Jack of them.
161. This paper probes emphatically into the accuracy uncertainty of LSMM from atmospheric condition and terrain undulation by taking unmixing vegetation abundance based on LSMM as an example.
162. However, too abundance socializing have lead to work piling up.
163. Tarim's Hade thin - sand reservoir which is named margin reservoir is a double - layer , super - deep, super - thin , super - low - abundance reservoir.
164. Very clean zingy palate, with fresh citrus and gooseberry flavors in abundance, and balanced lingering acidity.
165. A complex but non-significant association was found between water supply and pupal counts, and lack of waste disposal services was associated with higher vector abundance in only one site.
166. I wish those I have to sing preferable, abundance melodiously , but then perhaps you will not happen before HAs consented to listen to me.
167. Conclusion:Species richness and abundance indices varied significantly in different types of ectoparasite communities among different hosts.
168. It'should contain an abundance of visuals and be written in the third person.
169. Dietary polyunsaturated acid ( PUFA ) regulates gene expression by controlling the activity or abundance of transcription factors.
170. By measuring these energy fingerprints in Hyperion data, the group estimated the abundance of sulfur and other deposits at the spring.
171. Affirm to yourself every day that you have an abundance of money, and that it comes to you effortlessly.
172. You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.
173. An F . P . A . policy only abundance timest total loss in the case of minor perils.
174. Micropore abundance increases with increasing coal maturity, which imposes much restriction on the gas flow and results in distinct isotopic fractionation.
175. Abundance doesn't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout.
176. The gas pool prediction and gas bearing abundance prediction can be carried out through the cross plots of density and bulk modulus with density and shear velocity.
177. At 5, 500 light years distant, Cat's Paw is an emission nebula with a red colour that originates from an abundance of ionised hydrogen atoms.
178. I create money and abundance through joy aliveness and self - love.
179. Negative ion of air was very abundance, anionic concentration profile of Green dragon deep pool testing point is more than Ten-Thousand cubic centimeter(10000/). Mt.
180. Blue whale of Antarrct has plunged to less than 1% of the original abundance. West Pacific grey whale hovers on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining.
181. He were Very abundance tired, and therefore he didn't give the market report.
182. Viral-mediated mortality may not only affect algal species succession, but also affect intraspecies succession, the abundance and diversity of host cell communities in natural marine environments.
183. Because this year financial crisis erupts, the domestic stock market quotation is not in addition good, many financial profession jobholders choose the overseas further education in abundance.
184. An even abundance foolish misget center on denying the command for extensive sex education programs globlewide.
185. Oh, the dance hall sees Very abundance nice and the music is wonderful.
186. Mount Olympus, home of the gods of the ancient Greeks, was said to have had an abundance of chestnut trees producing this sweet, edible nut.
187. The germplasms' resistance to TMV including high resistance and immunity occupy 17% is abundance comparatively.
188. Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love.
189. Asian and Pacific abundance has also adjusted the export strategy with the African country.
190. Effect of salmonid introduction and other environmental characteristics on amphibian distribution and abundance in mountain lakes of northern Spain Orizaola, G. And Brana, F.
191. Champagne typical in its brilliance of color, meticulous rendering of detail, compact composition, and unabashed abundance.
192. I applaud the graduates nowadays for taking a abundance abundance direct route to your degrees.
193. Consultants and customer service professionals have the ministrative assistants and virtual assistants have an abundance of coordination and time management.
194. Upon listening the, Hamlet deprived excited and were even abundance furious with Claudius and his motif.
195. Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory along with colleagues from other organizations used Hyperion data to measure the abundance of elemental sulfur in Borup Pass.
196. We have an abundance of renewable energy and there are a lot of visionary technologies coming along so that, in future, the sky's the limit.'
197. In a Stupid Network, control passes from the center to the edge, from the telco to users with an abundance of processing power at their fingertips.
198. Bathroom humor was in abundance and costumes were elaborate, including toilet-paper dresses, a pair of superheroes and at least one claim to royalty by a self-styled potty-paper princess.
199. Cultural wealth is also in abundance, with a host of interesting museums including the Apartheid Museum, Constitution Hill and the world acclaimed Soweto.
200. Jas. 1:21 Therefore putting away all filthiness and the abundance of malice, receive in meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
201. Hips and thighs, strong and muscled, giving abundance of propelling power.
202. And he dealt wisely, and dispersed of all his children throughout all the countries of Judah and Benjamin, unto every fenced city: and he gave them victual in abundance. And he desired many wives.
203. He's bad-easysting, but he's lazy, drinks too abundance or can't hold a job lot dawn six months.
204. The feminine children here 12 then betroth of also have abundance of, 34 marry, is not not strange either.
205. Except for an anomalously high surface abundance of nitrogen, the white dwarf should appear unchanged.
206. The obvious solution to combat sleepiness is abundance rest at night.
207. The valedictory address, as it get developed in American colleges or universities over the ages, get becoming a Very abundance strict tom, a literary genre these permits Very abundance less deviation.
208. The abundance and distribution of Eriocheir sinensis in the mouth of Changjiang River were studied through its occurrence, statistic data from 1970 - 1995 and investigations from 1996 -1998.
209. It achieves this miracle of abundance by a combination of mechanisation and careful management.
210. The scientists were surprised to find an abundance of marine life near the geyser vents.
211. We'll get 0.5 % abundance in commission for our effort.
212. EVery abundance age he grows the prime tomatoes and sweet corn in our all neighborhood.
213. The will to win and the abundance of venture capital make China's internet a "ferociously gladiatorial environment", says Richard Robinson, an American who has founded several start-ups in Beijing.
214. In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in abundance the alike way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation.
215. Currently the cleanest probe of big bang nucleosynthesis is the abundance of deuterium.
216. The distribution pattern is also strongly affected by the sediment type, and radiolarian abundance and diversity decrease with the increase of grain size and terrigenous material input.
217. The year after she met my father at the Beachcomber, a career-placement test noted her "superior" judgment, an abundance of "common sense, foresight, and the ability to reach sound decisions."
218. The test of a good style was its abundance of quotations, allusions, and stereotyped expressions.
219. I will ream out eVery abundance wrinkle in your cunt , Tania, big with seed.
220. Sichuan, located in west China, is known as the "Land of Abundance", not only rich in rice and also famous for its sericiculture .
221. Malignancy tumor group are abundance of cellulars and haemorrhage, necrosis, heteromorphism are manifest.
222. The dinucleotide signature is the relative abundance of all 16 dinucleotides in a sequence.
223. Most of us enjoy the abundance and variety in alimentation.
224. Ranunculaceae sp. and Scrophulariaceae sp. and so on, their seed rain's relative abundance is higher than its vegetation's obviously.
225. Both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum are found in abundance.
226. Aim: To validate the abundance of Interleukin 8 receptor beta ( IL - 8 R ? ? ) mRNA in single human neutrophil.
227. Most studies showed that the abundance of the natural enemies increased but that of the arthropod herbivores decreased or be controlled with the enhancing of the habitats and vegetational diversity.
228. Therefore putting away all filthiness and the abundance of malice, receive in meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
229. Other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity.
230. Think of someone in your life who seems to have an abundance of self-satisfaction.
231. Similarly, ecology (the study of natural systems) specialises in abundance, and it can be useful to look at what's happening in the media through the eyes of an ecologist.
232. Erdos basin has low delivery capacity, so it could only form a low abundance of natural gas which distribute in a large area.
233. The Interlaken OCT Hotel Beverage outlets plus an abundance of multi - functional meeting and banquet facilities.
234. Both the species richness and the abundance of predacious and neutral insects were relatively smaller, but predators had the highest evenness index.
235. But I am keen on the flowers, vegetables and fruit in rich abundance in Peiping.
236. In reward for his obedience , he receives an abundance of cold , satisfying water.
237. Remember , eVery abundance one loves flattery, but don't go over the top.
238. There are abundance wilding plant resources including cypress, poplar, spruce etc.
239. Son, eVery abundance one have to listen to criticism at whiles.
240. An abundance of fresh food is not compatible with a super - abundance of permanent grass.
241. Arachnida and Cecidomyidae had a higher relative abundance than other families being 0.3465 and 0.2309, respectively.
242. From that point on, you will have an abundance of dazzling invitations, each more glamorous than the next.
243. The Pacific Rim, especially areas in China and Japan, they've run out of wood, but we have an abundance of it.
244. Chengdao oilfield is kind of litho- structure oil gas reservoir with good conditions of source - keep - seal and abundance reserves.
245. In Yemen Marib - Shabra Basin was the main oil gas bearing basin with abundance oil resources.
246. Predaceous gastropods reduced the abundance of herbivorous molluscs and sessile invertebrates.
247. The quartz is abundance less brilliant and abundance plentiful than true topaz.
248. Nonlinear system prediction using neural networks appears great efficiency and has abundance of applications.
249. Then , payment and deliVery abundance , which are not carried out by prearranged methods, follow.
250. For the integrality audit of the remote magnanimity data, it may occupy abundance communicate channel.
251. Tasting:With its earthiness , with its abundance of fruit and the brightness of sunshine, this Chenin Blanc is a remarkable reflection of the African continent.
252. The development of ABS is propitious to rise the capital abundance rates and break a new path for investing and financing.
253. In this report, we suggest a non-photosynthetic function for C3 PPDK by characterizing its abundance and posttranslational regulation in developing Oryza sativa (rice) seeds.
254. Results indicate that the distribution of species relative abundance of paleocommunity is similar to that of living community and both have logarithmic normal distribution.
255. The increment of cephalopod catch should be attributed to the improvement of demersal trawl fishing techniques, and would not necessarily mean the increment of the cephalopod abundance.
256. I employ to work all day lacking taking a clarifyer in my PJ's, but I not happen ago got abundance stuff finished.
257. Because of its ultra - fine crystal structure and high refractive index, it make color more abundance satiation.
258. Wind-borne soil deposits give this area it's abundance of foliage.




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