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单词 Mundane
1 Be willing to do even mundane tasks.
2 Initially, the work was pretty mundane.
3 It was hard to return to mundane matters after such excitement.
4 I found the job very mundane.
5 I lead a pretty mundane existence.
6 It's an attitude that turns the mundane into some-thing rather more interesting and exciting.
7 I lead a pretty mundane life; nothing interesting ever happens to me.
8 Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.
9 The mundane task of setting the table can be fun on holidays.
10 On a more mundane level, can we talk about the timetable for next week?
11 Even the most mundane materials could have value.
12 Expecting some mundane vandalism, I received a shock.
13 The truth was both more mundane and more bizarre.
14 The second reason is more mundane.
15 Catherine required the daily challenge of mundane improvisation.
16 Perhaps more mundane thoughts went through her mind.
17 Shepard ranges from monumental issues to mundane daily operations.
18 Truth, it seems, is more mundane.
19 Couldn't you place the bends on mundane stretches of the road and leave the spectacular views cleared for observation and enjoyment?
20 The play is about the mundane existence of factory workers.
21 The mundane task of setting the table can be fun at holidays.
22 The objects we use to do these mundane tasks each day reveal the inner secrets of domestic life.
23 A considerable proportion of parenting is in the mundane details that women are raised to manage.
24 My initial job was pretty mundane, but later I was given more responsibility.
25 But the biggest demand for non-manufacturing robots will be in the more mundane fields of warehousing and transport.
26 At other times it was treated as a day-to-day activity, associated only with mundane needs.
27 Pushing on the slide, best friends leaving us, these are the often seemingly mundane problems of childhood.
28 The Treasure Island measure started as a simple bill to make what appeared to be a mundane bureaucratic change.
29 First, the rhetoric of deregulation has not matched the reality: enterprise zones and Freeports have largely proved mundane.
30 For a few hours the Tea Master and his guests perform an artistic ritual in which the mundane is washed from their minds.
1 Be willing to do even mundane tasks.
2 Initially, the work was pretty mundane.
3 It was hard to return to mundane matters after such excitement.
4 I found the job very mundane.
31 The five B-17s were ferried back to the mainland to resume their more mundane tanker duties.
32 There are more mundane explanations, as we have suggested earlier.
33 Their priorities would have been quite different - more mundane, more limited in scope, more pragmatic.
34 It is a continuous attitude which influences much more mundane, everyday decisions.
35 Epicurus had a mundane philosophy yet despite suffering intense pain of the intestines, he enjoyed a blissful last day on earth.
36 The whole of the transcendent is virgin land whereas the mundane is filled with the debris of a lifetime.
37 Honeysett's cartoons reflect the mundane uses that an ill-educated public might put new technology to.
38 Because of this subjects may have ignored memories of mundane situations and concentrated instead on recalling the ones which they remembered as risky.
39 Most of the law cases he deals with are pretty mundane.
40 The ancient manuscript which sparks it all off is ingeniously devised to yield two possible meanings, one mystic, one mundane.
41 You can count on Laura Linney, but not on the mundane script.
42 These memories can pop up at any time and transform even the most mundane occasion into something special.
43 They leave their mundane business and material world outside the garden, and perform the rites of the perception of beauty.
44 From then on, act as if you've never met her before, avoid the mundane and lavish her with compliments.
45 Even such mundane tasks as eating or drinking have found a place in some ballets.
46 But it has its mundane side, like backache and swollen ankles.
47 Yet they put this knowledge to good advantage, both officially and in more mundane matters.
48 The vistas of fir forests, islands and lakes disintegrated into an outer London suburb and a mundane wife called Letitia.
49 He seemed unable to distinguish the exceptional from the mundane, the historic from the pedestrian.
50 As narrow and mundane as the questions may sound, they ultimately form the basis for modern society.
51 He is a very mundane politician reading the focus group results and staking out a position he thinks will sell.
52 They apply as much to the testing of new drugs by the pharmaceutical companies as to that of more mundane products. 1.
53 In any case, let's adjust the mundane balance of recent decades and start with the slow bowlers.
54 I was brought back to the mundane present by the shiver of chill that ran over me.
55 We started this chapter by describing microeconomics as tile complex study of mundane questions like whether to buy another can of tuna.
56 Compared with poetic devices like metaphor, they are probably rather mundane.
57 She had a gift for explaining how the mundane transactions of everyday living were infused with the sacred.
58 Before long, Giles was being employed as a mundane baggage handler, at Heathrow.
59 We tidied up our rooms and cleaned the kitchens, dragging out the mundane tasks so that we could stay in the warm.
60 The expert system can do all the mundane operations and still interface with the user in a most friendly manner.
61 But Sophie Ryder is a sculptor who finds artistic merit in the more mundane aspects of rural life.
62 Mirth is an escape from the humdrum just as the transcendent is an escape from the mundane.
63 The first type tend to be over more mundane matters, with the third being the more serious.
64 Let's take talk at what many would consider its most mundane level: social chit-chat.
65 Shrugging off her bag, she forced her mind on to more mundane things.
66 The other was equally mundane: how the airlines could finance the purchase of such an expensive plane.
67 While predictability in behaviour of this kind may enhance the anticlerical view of the monk, it also renders his portrait mundane.
68 To and from school, on mundane errands, and finally for the pleasure of exploring.
69 Conversely, pursuing a mundane, poorly paid job or no job at all may provoke a sense of alienation from society.
70 The conversation passed effortlessly from mundane matters to philosophy, spirituality, politics, art.
71 Yet I see the mundane matter of the script quite clearly.
72 With all due respect to February, it can be one of the most mundane months of the sports year.
73 That they verge on clich without becoming mundane is testament to Romo's strength as a storyteller.
74 Was this snobbery or some more mundane consideration of copyright?
75 Almost all Modigliani's portraits have an air of mystery which raises them above the level of the mundane.
76 By this I mean that, like the priest, he deals in sacred matters, converting mundane problems to moral issues.
77 I intend to analyse the sexism in such texts on a more immediate, if mundane, level.
78 The Frankenstein creature is kid stuff horror: one-dimensional, mundane, bumbling, awkward, clumsily destructive.
79 According to testimony, Rosen was recorded without his knowledge while talking with a female client about mundane matters.
80 Clinton arrived, of course with a more mundane ambition than his grand Republican predecessor.
81 Her London life was sedate, almost mundane.
82 Your work is just going to be mundane triviality.
83 Other mundane factors also affect how phones are used.
84 Let me make a wish that I can always retain a little bit sincerity, munificence ,(http://) kindness and patience in the fast rhythm and mundane world.
85 It was considered mundane, belonging to the world of pleasure, which a real sannyasi must at all costs avoid.
86 Functional programming represents the next abstraction leap: ceding more mundane details such as iteration, concurrency, and state to the runtime as much as possible.
87 A paint finish can transform something everyday and mundane into something more elaborate.
88 Film critic)Libby's columns serve as a continuing account of her amusingly mundane life and the peripheral role that movies play in it.
89 Although this idea has been alienated into mundane monastic idea in the Western Christian World for a long time, but it continues to exist until present time in the World of Eastern Orthodox Church.
90 Nick Veasey of Kent, England, turns the mundane into the magnificent by X-raying ordinary objects, and turning the photographic results into art.
91 Everyday, mundane energies dictate that you let go of dishonest or negative relationships, especially those that undermine you, or draw forth your lower self.
92 One can conflate it to a metaphysical artistic ideal, or a mundane and profane experience.
93 While working on lots of enterprise projects, we wanted to minimize the amount of manual programming involved, so we tried to automate mundane and repetitive work for developers.
94 What better way to describe a URL shortener than "the incredible shrinking URL?" It's a fantastic way to represent a fairly mundane service.
95 I see clearly the distinction between the poor doctrine of mundane science and our sacred, all-embracing teaching.
96 The Way of the World is a masterpiece which elevates the mundane to the memorable and captures the thrill of two passionate and curious young men discovering both the world and themselves.
97 The Shanghai Pentagonal Mart is bigger than the Virginia headquarters of the US defence department, sprawling across over 70 acres, but it has a rather more mundane purpose.
98 Each one of these Mother Teresa quotations is a refreshing view of life's mundane problems.
99 Bridging the divine and mundane, shape shifting, divine gifts, personal growth.
100 The " pure'scientist often assumes that the application of knowledge is mundane.
101 Special Mount: The antipaladin's special mount is identical to the paladin's special mount, except that it is a crossbreed of mundane steed and nightmare and is utterly evil.
102 Don't overlook some of the more mundane items, such as books and sports equipment.
103 It'sounds mundane, but it is a licence to print money.
104 I up tackle mundane chores, like paying bills, organizing books, or up.
105 A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge; an understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning.
106 We shall first discuss a more mundane version of the twin paradox.
107 Earlier job histories of those who made the final cut were even more mundane: kitchen worker, teacher, prison counselor, messenger, accounting assistant, and waiter.
108 Peace comes through rising above the mundane and seeing the larger picture.
109 Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic.
110 Democratic officials stressed that the OMB statement was a mundane if not uneventful maneuver.
111 I hope I can get an interesting job and not something mundane.
112 Let us assume that our hypothetical mundane business then had $2 million of earnings also, but needed $18 million in net tangible assets for normal operations.
113 During this time, he was leading a double life with activities far less mundane than the usual celebrity vices of drinking, drugging or philandering.
113 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
114 Approaching the age of 70, I should be said to be weather-beaten and insightful about the mundane affairs yet I'm still alternately sober and muddled.
115 But such is the uneasy state of the Lakers that something as mundane as his participation in an exhibition game qualifies as news these days.
116 Alternately mawkish and grisly, The Lovely Bones bounces back and forth between Susie's dreamily surreal limbo and the mundane miseries of life on earth.
117 The animals listed in this bestiary range from the mundane to the fantastic.
118 Under their masonic aprons and emblems he could not help seeing the uniforms and the decorations they were striving after in mundane life.
119 Our minds are taken up with far more mundane things.
120 The face of the Other is in the world, a thing among things, and yet its very expressivity breaks through or interrupts its mundane, phenomenal form.
121 As computers have gotten more powerful, we've offloaded more and more mundane (automatable) tasks to languages and runtimes.
122 Yes, airing a quilt can also be so dirty, mundane and unromantic.
123 Malcolm Gladwell searches for the counterintuitive in what we all take to be the mundane: cookies, sneakers, pasta sauce.
124 But those dazzling statistics mask an often more mundane reality.
125 With front-line amphibious ships receiving little attention, the PLAN's mundane force of second-string amphibious-assault ships has been almost entirely ignored.
126 This leaves the many more mundane but less rectifiable vulnerabilities in American society.
127 I love the way a good flirtation can enliven the most mundane situation.




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