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单词 Harbor
1. The ship is expected to make harbor tonight.
2. The freighter tied up at a small harbor.
3. The ship had to be towed into the harbor.
4. The ship was lying to outside the harbor.
5. I can see two ships in the harbor.
6. The Harbor was replete with boats.
7. The steamer arrived in harbor last night.
8. During the gale the ships stayed in the harbor.
9. The boats in the harbor were safe during the storm.
10. The ship has to run into the harbor when the sudden storm arises.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. He runs a very fashionable restaurant near the Harbor.
12. At night, the harbor is a fairyland.
13. The harbor gradually filled in.
14. There were many vessels in the harbor today.
15. All the battleships can refresh in this harbor.
16. I made my way towards the harbor.
17. Try to steer the boat for the harbor.
18. The light guided them back to the harbor.
19. Three tankers were anchored in the harbor.
20. The harbor lies to the south of the city.
21. They entered the harbor by sailing under false colours.
22. It's an offence to harbor the criminals.
23. They lay at anchor outside the harbor.
24. The ship was closing down on the harbor.
25. The boat tacked into harbor.
26. The gale screamed through the harbor.
27. Would you like to run to the harbor to look at the ships?
28. We stopped worrying about the ship's safe arrival when she sailed into the harbor with all her flags flying.
29. He wasn't good navigator, so it is necessary that the coastline remain in sight as he moved from one harbor to the next.
30. He used to skip lessons and hang around the harbor with some other boys.
1. The ship is expected to make harbor tonight.
2. The ship had to be towed into the harbor.
3. I can see two ships in the harbor.
4. The Harbor was replete with boats.
5. During the gale the ships stayed in the harbor.
6. The boats in the harbor were safe during the storm.
7. The ship has to run into the harbor when the sudden storm arises.
8. Try to steer the boat for the harbor.
9. The gale screamed through the harbor.
10. He wasn't good navigator, so it is necessary that the coastline remain in sight as he moved from one harbor to the next.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
31. At that time, our ship was tied up at this harbor.
32. A British battleship, which had been damaged severely in the battle of Crete, came limping into Pearl Harbor.
33. When the enemy's ships are all concentrated at the entrance to the harbor, it must mean trouble.
34. With great skill, he piloted the boat into the little harbor.
35. In the early seventies, Sag Harbor was still a peaceful village.
36. Don't harbor unkind thoughts.
37. Franklin D. Roosevelt described the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1947 as 'a day that will live in infamy'.
38. The harbor is busy night and day, within a year playing host to freighters from more than 30 countries and regions.
39. The ship stops outside the harbor so that a specially trained person may pilot her in.
40. Pearl Harbor was the principal American bastion in the Pacific.
41. The fool steered the boat into the harbor wall and broke the beams!
42. Several shiploads of grain arrived in the harbor that day.
43. The attack will take off from our position near the harbor.
44. The harbor of the naval base seethed with activity.
45. After Pearl Harbor,[http:///harbor.html] U.S. neutrality ended.
46. He runs a very fashionable restaurant in Sag Harbor.
47. The harbor was choked with warships.
48. Torrents of sparks cascaded behind them into the harbor.
49. Fishermen were landing their catch at the harbor.
50. They're dredging the harbor to keep it navigable.
51. New York Harbor is polluted only by pennies.
52. Others were deliberately beached by crews that knew they had no chance to reach harbor.
53. After announcing the acquisition in June 1994, Harvard encountered rough waters in bringing the deal to harbor.
54. Presently the harbor itself became visible across the central Oahu plain, a film of morning mist hovering over it.
55. It may never harbor a lot of fish life, but it threads through and sustains a whole community.
56. Fibreglass mock-ups were built to provide the large numbers of aircraft which lined the numerous military bases across Pearl Harbor.
57. Veering right toward the west coast of the island, we could see that the sky over Pearl Harbor was clear.
58. Fortunately, the sinking barge did not leak any fuel into the harbor.
59. Various other breads, in various other shapes, harbor lobster salad, roasted peppers and salmon.
60. I was in a movie theater when I heard the news about Pearl Harbor.
61. No warships were present, but considerable damage was inflicted on cargo vessels, with which the harbor was jammed.
62. This happened when their flight landed at Sky Harbor without incident. Not a single injury.
63. But the report indicated that a full count of battleships remained in the harbor.
64. In December Pearl Harbor brought a new urgency to the task of converting the economy into a vast war machine.
65. In the harbor, the boats' rigging clanked noisily in the high wind.
66. Unfortunately, the burgeoning seal numbers in Boston Harbor bring the same problem seal abundance has brought elsewhere: human resentment.
67. Thomas's Charlotte Amalie Harbor and is accessible by a five-minute, $ 3 ferry ride.
68. In this fabled financial mecca, the eyes are dazzled by highrise views of the harbor and cityscape below.
69. Many students harbor career and college aspirations that bear little resemblance to reality.
70. The harbor; suddenly, was a coastal graveyard, one headstone overturning, and one plot coming undone.
70. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
71. Jouctas is also clearly seen, to due south, from the ancient harbor of Knossos.
72. An hour later, we made our way to the flashing beacons marking the entrance to Channel Islands Harbor.
73. A series of white waterspouts soon rose in the harbor.
74. With the Treasury market sell-off, buyers saw higher-yielding mortgagebacked bonds as a safe harbor, traders said.
75. Once regarded as little more than a fish-eating nuisance, harbor seals were sought by bounty hunters in Massachusetts until 1962.
76. The tall ships are sailing down the harbor for the Fourth.
77. What from the harbor looks solemn takes on a carnivalesque air when seen from a closer vantage point.
78. On the final day of Obon, the ships are brought to one central harbor for launching.
79. The citizens of Ketchikan were excited to see the huge ship sail into their harbor.
80. A patient who is writhing in pain may harbor an intra-abdominal catastrophe.
81. They also contend that their operation largely recycles bay water and is not introducing new pollutants to the harbor.
82. The police launch slowed at the harbor entrance, then angled toward the Sham Shui Po wharf.
83. We immediately began laying plans for subsequent operations to achieve what we had been unable to accomplish at Pearl Harbor.
84. For example, Basin Harbor is offering guests continuous hayrides every weekend through Oct. 20 on its 700-acre property.
85. He also said a 2,000-gallon oil spill on Harbor Island in Seattle had been contained on land.
86. The Rocks makes an ideal base camp convenient to shopping, the harbor and other amenities.
87. Here was the genesis of the surprise assault on Pearl Harbor.
88. Pearl Harbor had impressed on us the importance of protecting ships against torpedo attacks, even in home waters.
89. Again the Friendship roared off down the harbor, and again the pontoons remained glued to the water.
90. Within minutes a stiff wind was blowing over the harbor.
91. Were the planes leaving Sky Harbor for Texas and Pennsylvania filled to capacity?
92. Facing the town across the harbor on the western shore were hills 360 feet high.
93. Whether the abandoned innards, which are consumed by coyotes and ravens, harbor the disease is hotly debated.
94. The city had the air of a fortress, redcoats everywhere, frigates and warships riding at anchor in the harbor.
95. In general, any new cryptosystem could harbor serious flaws that are discovered only after years of scrutiny by cryptographers.
96. He himself, by the surprise carrier strike on Pearl Harbor, had set an example which the enemy might follow.
97. The greater the complexity of a vivisystem, the more life it may harbor.
98. The harbor of the naval base seethed with tremendous activity.
99. Military officials believed that the harbor was too shallow for torpedo launches.
100. Sea Lion Overlook,[] for a view of sea lions and harbor seals.
101. The camera shutter winked and the photographer looked up from it, up and away, across the harbor; triumphant.
102. He found it on a side street a block from the harbor.
103. Circular Quay, where harbor cruises depart, is across the street.
104. The harbor could be mistaken for open sea; it still can.
105. The first copper light of morning was creeping up Great Head bluff and spilling over the harbor.
106. No worries about sharks spotted in Sydney Harbor for the triathlon.
107. With beta software, it pays to be a pessimist and not harbor unrealistic expectations.
108. The Harbor Tunnel is one of the most ambitious engineering projects of modern times.
109. Tourism in Baltimore has increase since the city redeveloped the Inner Harbor.
110. Botwood was a huddle of small houses around a small harbor.
111. It is possible to find safe harbor but nearly impossible to do so without a few blow-ups.
112. The shock wave was felt even in my plane, several miles away from the harbor.
113. Out on the harbor the small blue ice floes were turning pink.
114. It turns the fan at a public toilet on an uninhabited island in Boston Harbor.
115. Prospero used his powers to cause the passengers to be shipwrecked, and secured the ship safely in the harbor.
116. Any long-term antagonistic relationship seemed to harbor this kind of codependency.
117. They followed the road into town and lost sight of the harbor as they came down the main street of shops.
118. When the harbor across the bay becomes a string of lights, foghorns take up the bass.
119. The big trimotor gathered speed and roared off down the harbor for more than a mile but never got close to liftoff.
120. Only the Iron Virgin seemed to harbor a romantic streak.
121. Leaving the restaurant, Brooks started up State Street where his car was slowed by pedestrians leaving the harbor.
122. Another 102 fishermen were rescued from the harbor and the seas outside it.
123. B-52s went all-out, bombing vital targets that were heretofore untouched, such as Haiphong Harbor.
124. At the head of the harbor the hills rose to a height of 120 feet.
125. Spectators cheered and clapped as the ship came into the harbor.
126. The transformation of the Inner Harbor included new office buildings, and a marketplace of small shops and food stalls.
127. Later, fireworks light the midnight sky over Boston Harbor.
128. This bus line goes to the harbor.
129. The air - bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
130. The acquisition gave the company a safe harbor.
130. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
131. Lakeshore deep twists and turns, Harbor around.
132. South side of Harbor Entrance Channel.
133. Visit Darling Harbor, Royal Botanic Garden.
134. The ship finally reached a safe harbor.
135. Sydney Harbor Bridge in Australia and the Skytower in New Zealand are both flooded with people.
136. The Pearl Harbor Incident was the conflict between Japan and America but had great influence on china which ended the situation that China fought against Japan alone for several years.
137. Well, I think the world of Wuxia is more than a utopia. It is a cultural harbor where one can anchor.
138. With its publicity increased by Sydney Opera and Sydney Harbor Bridge, there are many small sea gulfs and beaches in the harbor, attracting residents and tourists from all over the world.
139. Entry harbor passport can not alter, subtenancy, lend, it is invalid during excessive appoint date. The issue department should take over or replacing mature entry harbor passport.
140. From before Pearl Harbor to well past V-J Day, LIFE magazine published dozens of issues featuring WWII-themed covers.
141. Captain Rockwell Torrey and Commander Paul Eddington are part of the Navys effort to recuperate from, and retaliate for, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
142. Static electricity is sometimes discharged as lightening, as seen in this picture of Sydney Harbor Bridge, Australia, on May 28, 2008.
143. Since its foundation in 1930, the Sydney Harbor Bridge has seen the development of Australia especially of Sydney.
144. The Pearl Harbor incident is the most painful scene in World War II.
145. The frequency changer on the harbor machinery nimble, the widespread application has become the harbor hoisting machinery realization to be stable, the high efficiency production foundation.
146. Despite these hardships, the U. S. government established a military theater of operations in China soon after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor brought America into the war.
147. The test may be particularly valuable for families that harbor sex-linked genetic disorders like hemophilia, they add.
148. Giraldez s lab, in conjunction with researchers at Cold Spring Harbor, upended that dogma when they discovered important micro-RNA activity could take place without Dicer.
149. The Thames, the begetter of commerce, is also the most visible harbor for the miseries which a commercial civilization can induce.
150. The city gained prominence as a whaling and trading center due to its accessible harbor, and it continues to attract transpacific tourist ships today.
151. The initial thrust must come in the region of a capacious harbor.
152. HKLD.SI), is chock-a-block, rents will probably fall by 25 percent by the end of 2009 as cheaper new offices across the harbor hit the market, says Macquarie Securities.
153. This was a harbor in Crete, facing both southwest and northwest.
154. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
155. Two huge prefabricated harbors , each as large as Dover Harbor , were built for emplacement invasion beaches.
156. He made a circuit of the docks and the tidal harbor. The security was perfunctory.
157. This article introduced settles the Sichuan CIMR-G7A4300 frequency changer to lift in the organization automatic control system application in the harbor hoisting machinery.
158. The tiny, once - beautiful Porthleven harbor was a solid mass of brown, gooey oil.
159. I know you all are quite familiar with the Safe Harbor Statement, so I won't belabor this slide.
160. Inbreak in occurrence safety below the circumstance of incident, safe harbor accords with this one standard.
161. The natural harbor in the modern capital of Castries and the ideal climate for planting sugar cane made it a tempting prize.
162. Most often infected wounds are found to harbor ordinary soil - dwelling bacteria, such as the clostridia.
163. He also wants the creation of the a new international reaction force to have liber d help rebuild"failed states" that harbor terrorism.
164. Some people harbor more species of malodorous bacteria than others do, which may be why certain individuals are especially halitosis -prone.
165. But Tianjin has a better coast. It is Norther China's number one harbor. It is the economic center of the Bohai district.
166. The motion - capture videos aroBayofficialt customs possibly facial appealocatece or harbor imalDannynouncedrneds - brief trap clarifyn to 155 locatech.
167. Turning back the clock by four centuries, ecologists reveal how Manhattan Island appeared on the September afternoon Henry Hudson and his crew sailed into New York Harbor.
168. Similarly, Otto von Bismarck said, "Faust complained about having two souls in his breast, but I harbor a whole crowd of them and they quarrel.
169. From the Battle of Britain to Pearl Harbor, Blazing Angels is a WWII action game from Ubisoft where you grow from a rookie to a battle-scarred ace.
170. Violent emotions leave everyone feeling tempest-tossed, and kids of all ages need to be reminded that once the storm abates, they'll find themselves in a harbor where they are safe and loved.
171. Artist Anish Kapoor plans to create one of the world's biggest sculptures by straddling a harbor in England with a pedestrian bridge.
172. Article 22 When vessels are loading dangerous toxic bulk liquids at the harbor, the various stipulations prescribed in Article 17 of these Regulations may be referred to for implementation.
173. The ferryboat in the harbor got op steam for the crossing to the island.
174. Soldiers of the new Confederate States of America shelled the Union base at Fort Sumter(), built on an island in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina. They captured Fort Sumter after two days.
175. On Oct. 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France, was dedicated in New York Harbor by President Grover Cleveland.
176. Rogge grew up in the medieval Flemish harbor city of Ghent, where he learned to sail.
177. Earless species include the elephant seal, harbor seal, harp seal, and leopard seal.
178. Released during Hong Kong's traditionally smoggy winter months, the report is the most ambitious so far to gauge public attitudes about pollution, which frequently obscures the famous harbor.
179. That story begins with the first drab settlements of a Dutch colony in the early 17th century, perched astride a pristine, sheltered harbor at the southern tip of Manhattan island.
180. When unloading heavy roll-on loads in sea wave con-dition lack of harbor shielding, it is necessary to consider the effect of sea waves on the ships and mutual effects between the ships and the loads.
181. In the harbor enterprise, the steel wire hoisting mechanisms have been commonly used to bundle spiral steel to carry on the handling operation.
182. To make up for that boring example, I am now pleased to present you with what is possibly the worst picture of the Sydney Harbor Bridge ever drawn.
183. The Canada geese know this place, as do the white swans and the ducks who ride an inch above the waves of Chesapeake Bay as the skim their way into harbor.
184. This paper presents a practical design plan of the computer supervisory control system through the investigation of the manual operation in a harbor company.
185. This gratifying, also lets the people harbor a bigger anticipation.
186. Admit it: You harbor more than a little smugness and pride that you know how software and information technology work whereas nongeeks don't.
187. The bar running the harbor is waiting to fleece the tourist.
188. The Colossus of Rhodes was a bronze statue of Helios, the Greek God of the Sun, erected near the mouth of the city harbor.
189. The sensation is comparable to the epiphany that Adolf Loos , the Viennese architect, experienced when he stepped off a steamship in New York Harbor more than a century ago.
190. And all of this talk of extravagance ignores Abramovich's unparalleled fleet of yachts,[] some of which typically winter in the harbor not far from his oceanfront estate.
191. She would be coming along to Pearl Harbor in due course.
192. Virtual functions are a pretty basic feature, but they occasionally harbor subtleties that trap the unwary.
193. I now know how Tojo felt when he was planning Pearl Harbor.
194. Translated Description : Wenzhou in Wenzhou Harbor is living, consumption, information , integrated network of information media.
195. It is located next to the harbor and was the city's commercial center.
196. White: Mostly represent subtleties , foxily, and harbor intentions unpredictable.
197. Che was made comandante of La Cabana, the colonial fortress turned military prison overlooking Havana harbor, and he set about governing with ruthless intensity.
198. For all its overwhelming industrial and mercantile dominance, the United States remained a tenth-rate military power (except for its navy) until galvanized by Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.
199. Occasionally, nodes will reveal only nonspecific lymphoid hyperplasia, whereas a neighboring node will harbor metastatic tumor.
200. he sensation is comparable to the epiphany that Adolf Loos, the Viennese architect, experienced when he stepped off a steamship in New York Harbor more than a century ago.
201. The fleet was assembling near the Ryukyu Islands, waiting to launch a fatal surprise attack on the US Navy, to repeat Pearl Harbor and Leyte Gulf.
202. Let's suppose someone were dastardly enough to harbor such thoughts.
203. No wonder people say Lushun is an excellent natural harbor.
204. He, together with a team of 750 people, have uncovered ancient city and harbor walls and recovered thousands of artifacts from the deep alluvial soil.
205. The total planned Jin - shanzui Industrial Park is 22.8 square km , consisting of Shanyang Industrial and Jin - shanzui harbor.
206. At his confirmation hearing last month, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that the “next Pearl Harbor we confront could very well be a cyber-attack.”
207. A man pulls up an anchor line in Al Aqabah Harbor, Jordan.
208. Authorities said three witnesses had complained to the Harbor Patrol about boat, Sexual Chocolate.
209. Taicang port is the first international trade of Jiangsu province that constructed weightily and the harbor of north wing container of international shipping centre of Shanghai.
210. A Japanese dive bomber goes into its last dive as it heads toward the ground in flames after it was hit by Naval anti-aircraft fire during surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941.
211. Merchant ships lie at anchor in front of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, Sept. 16, 1946. The ships tied up because of waterfront strikes.
212. In 1941, at Pearl Harbor the night before last of the affairs, the virtuous barracks of the Hawailian section turns to order soldier cloth. is the boxer once.
213. The city is building a maritime museum near the harbor.
214. In experiments, a blindfolded harbor seal can detect the passage of a fish by using its whiskers to sense changes in flow velocity — even 30 seconds after its prey has passed by.
215. The state plans to sue the US Navy to seek compensation for coral ruined when a guided missile cruiser the length of two football fields ran aground near Pearl Harbor in February.
216. Imagine the setting of your own garden booth or harbour side cabana, to the backdrop of the Sydney Harbor Bridge at Midnight.
217. Harbor City is a hot fishing professional Sichuan hot pot restaurants.
218. The number of visitors to Dingle skyrocketed after the scenic harbor town served as the setting for the Academy Award-winning Ryan's Daughter, a 1970 film starring Robert Mitchum.
219. Its large landlocked harbor was built in1631 by Cardinal Richelieu as a military base and arsenal. Population, 156, 060.
220. All lights were out when he sailed into the little harbor and beached his skiff.
221. It introduces the boring method under different geometric conditions and points to be noted in constructing foundation for piles of TieShan Harbor bridge.
222. This is a replica Aichi Val dive bomber, a type used during Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, built from a Vultee BT-15 trainer, a re-engined version of the BT-13 Valiant .
223. Guests can enjoy panoramic views of the harbor from the airport coffee bar.
224. This article reports the morphology,[/harbor.html] densities and distribution characteristic of 13 dinoflagellate resting cysts in sediment of Xiamen Harbor.
225. You can then learn more about the safe harbor provisions.
226. But Allingham remained a reservist, and during World War II he was called on to find a solution to the German magnetic mines that were bottling up the English harbor of Harwich, on the Essex coast.
227. Following the reform and the opening to the outside world, a lot of industrial multistorey standardplant buildings was prevailing in our harbor cities and special economical regions.
228. The newest of Osaka tourist attractions at the Tempo-zan Harbor area is the Universal Studios Japan theme park .
229. Like its cousin in astrophysical waters the Crab Nebula supernova remnant, IC 443 is known to harbor a neutron star, the remnant of the collapsed stellar core.
230. The prominent leader with inchoate Chinese Communist, one of main leader that save harbor big strike and Guangzhou uprise Yang Yan is an among them delegate.
231. I'm to pick up the ship's papers at once from the harbor master.
232. A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor, an inlet of the Sulu Sea. It was the capital of British North Borneo until1947. Population, 73, 144.
233. Its large landlocked harbor was built in 1631 by Cardinal Richelieu as a military base and arsenal.




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