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单词 Recourse
1. I have no other recourse than to inform the police.
2. We may conclude that he never had recourse to this simple experiment.
3. I hope the doctors won't have recourse to surgery.
4. She often had recourse to her dictionary.
5. Surgery may be the only recourse.
6. She made a complete recovery without recourse to surgery.
7. Your only recourse is legal action.
8. Their system of dispute resolution avoids recourse to the courts.
9. Citizens have learnt that they do have recourse against governments.
10. The enemy may have recourse to steel instead of poison.
11. They tried to settle the dispute without recourse to the courts.
12. The government, when necessary has recourse to the armed forces.
13. I couldn't tell which direction without recourse to a map.
14. No recourse was left.
15. An order was made against which he sought recourse in the supreme court.
16. He rarely had recourse to it.
17. In consequence, Rome had recourse to diplomacy and negotiation.
18. The Western powers' recourse to warships yielded mixed results.
19. That recourse is the U. S. Army.
20. My only recourse was to perform the Elimination Ritual.
21. That need is most frequently satisfied by recourse to a nut or three.
22. It seems that the only recourse a sufferer now has is to appeal to the landlord.
23. It is hoped that the dispute will be settled without recourse to litigation.
24. The study of these creatures has been conducted without direct recourse to living specimens.
25. The mother of an illegitimate child had no legal recourse to the father.
26. It enabled its members to settle their differences without recourse to war.
27. The alternative to the hopeless choice between continuing disorders of mood or continuing recourse to addictive substances or behaviours.
28. If it is not, however,() Hardy has little legal recourse.
29. If a local authority was unable to sue in libel it would not, however, be without recourse to the courts.
30. When her assailant is released and rapes again, her only recourse is yet again violent revenge.
1. I have no other recourse than to inform the police.
2. We may conclude that he never had recourse to this simple experiment.
3. The enemy may have recourse to steel instead of poison.
4. I couldn't tell which direction without recourse to a map.
31. To survive, they must develop initiative and realize that their only recourse lies in intelligent planning and acting.
32. Retroactive notation makes it possible to indicate distinct facets without recourse to mixed notation.
33. Farmers, sailors, and chemists get by perfectly well on the basis of everyday experience, without recourse to Aristotelian logic.
34. There was no legal recourse, because none of this discrimination was illegal.
35. Others had recourse to the ius gentium tradition associated with Hugo Grotius.
36. The party's most likely recourse is a face-saving compromise with the Ministry of Finance that does not alter the statusquo.
37. The aim is to use the rubble in as accurate a way as possible, avoiding recourse to modern materials.
38. If the borrower should default, the investor has legal recourse to the bank that made the first acceptance.
39. Equally, costing and pricing decisions can often be made without recourse to complicated records.
40. Her only recourse was to make a formal appeal through her lawyer.
41. There, I've said it on record and without recourse to a single one-liner.
42. In what she considers her last, tragic recourse, La Malinche then murders their son.
43. Protests were made on their behalf but, as Henry Toch discovered, self-help was the only effective recourse.
44. It involves no recourse to sophistry, and it demystifies and strips of sensationalism the termination of the use of artificial support.
45. Before the established use of surnames a recourse to nicknames was almost necessary and certainly of very frequent occurrence.
46. Their only recourse was to crowd into the slum areas around.
47. A nimble response in this soundbite world rules out recourse to labyrinthine decision-making processes.
48. If the top leaders fail, there's no safety net, no recourse.
49. But government and foundation grants are only a temporary recourse.
50. Because it can not cope with so many messages, its only recourse is to sabotage the airwaves themselves.
51. As to the question of statutory construction I should myself have construed the section in favour of the taxpayer without recourse to Hansard.
52. Nor had he wanted to have recourse to the services of an Astropath belonging to a pious and loyal fraternal organization.
53. She made a complete recovery without recourse to surgery and is reported elsewhere.
53. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
54. It could, indeed, help to establish the kind of ethos which might make recourse to legal remedies unnecessary.
55. But individual nations also have recourse to the selective use of various devices for bending the rules of international free trade.
56. Hence, the recourse to alcohol or other drugs, which is commonly featured in initiation rites around the world.
57. However, it was thought that recourse to judicial review was likely to be rare.
58. St Paul was surely right when he exhorted the early Christians to resolve their disputes among themselves without recourse to the court.
59. He gets his team working together without recourse to expensive T-groups or questionable outward bound training.
60. The answer can also be obtained by access to the index without recourse to the data storage area.
61. Recurrences are otherwise quite likely, and, ultimately, surgery may be the only recourse.
62. Sentencing is too important to be left in the hands of one person without recourse to a higher authority.
63. Such developments were, for Draper, red rag to a bull - hence his recourse to history for the counterattack.
64. The individual citizen was beginning to learn he had recourse against the all powerful government.
65. In the absence of these rare pointers guesswork may be the only recourse.
66. A power of sale under a general lien should not normally be exercised without recourse to legal advice.
67. Pearl-bearing oysters can readily be gathered by divers without recourse to elaborate equipment.
68. Maclennan continues: The importance of current omissions is clearly illustrated by recourse to some basic economics.
69. Their only ultimate recourse is to deal with each other by brute force.
70. Recourse to stabbing is at least potentially more open to abuse.
71. They are a means of keeping the constitution in tune with changing political circumstances without recourse to legislation.
72. But this is almost impossible to do, even by recourse to highly contrived situations not encountered in the wild.
73. If an account does not pay, the lender has no recourse to the borrowing firm.
74. To describe the situation fully needs recourse to the clock.
75. He taught that states of mystical ecstasy could be achieved effortlessly - and without recourse to psychedelic drugs.
76. It offers a reminder of what can be achieved without recourse to star names or the Vienna Philharmonic.
77. Interestingly, these second visits were never successful, and interviewers then had recourse to the back-up lists.
78. Whosoever Have Recourse To Them Shall Not Be Refused.
79. Thought has recourse to ultimate principle and ideas.
80. He had recourse with the ombudsman's office.
81. Kentuck had recourse to his finger.
82. His last recourse was the law.
83. Recourse to arms was open to them.
84. His only recourse was to resign.
85. I shall have recourse to the legend.
86. Therefore I counsel you have recourse to your wheel.
87. A child's great recourse in trouble is its mother.
88. Our recourse in illness is to a doctor.
89. Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of recourse on the part of the shipowner against any other parties salved.
90. The recourse of Internet has following features : wipe scope, update information, convenience and economy.
91. A partner who has satisfied the partnership debts in excess of his due share has the right of recourse to other partners for reimbursement.
92. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both contracting parties. Neither party shall seek recourse from a Court of Law for revising the decision.
93. He had recourse to every superstition of sortilege, clairvoyance, presentiment, and dreams.
94. Business agent's recourse of goodwill damage is for makes up the contract of bailment the flaw, and it based on the just principle a relief system which provides for the business agent.
95. How to manage debtor risks if it is a non - recourse factoring facility?
96. Their frantic recourse to the policy of strength is nothing but the deathbed frenzy of the weak and the last-ditch effort to prevent their ruling system from its collapse.
97. It may is necessary for us to have recourse to arbitration.
98. In this paper the inexact level method is applied to the two - stage stochastic programming with recourse.
99. Article 51 Where the debtor's guarantor or any joint-and-several debtor has paid off the debts on behalf of the debtor, he may declare his claims on the basis of his right of recourse to the debtor.
100. Should any passenger refuse to pay, the Master is entitled to order him to disembark at a suitable place and the carrier has the right of recourse against him.
101. Non - recourse means the government's loan is backed only by the collateral value of toxic asset itself.
102. The major ideological feature of the Renaissance was humanism which holds that man is capable of self-fulfillment, ethical conduct, etc. without recourse to supernaturalism.
103. The public believes its only recourse is to take to the streets.
104. In practice, how to distinguish buyer's usance credit from real usance credit and make in-depth study on the issue of recourse under buyer's usance cr...
105. This paper discusses a method for two-stage stochastic programming with recourse in which the objective function is replaced by its empirical mean.
106. Trapped without recourse to any escape, these spirits began to reincarnate in human bodies, inhabiting the forms of children who should have died stillborn and soulless.
107. He tackled the knotty problem without recourse to any help.
108. Unless the religious statement here has recourse to what is put by analytic investigation, to what, n in sexual union is represented by the maternal pole.
109. Human Recourses' Equity Accounting is the core of Human Recourse Accounting, and is mainly discussed in the thesis.
110. I don't advise you to have recourse to the money lenders.
111. Twenty-third will be an executive director of the general six months to convene a meeting in special circumstances may also have recourse to means of communication to convene.
112. It is difficult to believe that recourse to moral suasion by a Fed chairman would be ineffective.
113. The second chapter is subjects of right of recourse, which includes persons who exercise recourse and ones who are being exercised recourse.
113. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
114. An occasional recourse to philosophical or mystical doctrines succeeded in cloaking some difficulties.
115. If the sellers are at fault, the producers may have recourse to similar action.
116. The sick man had recourse to drugs to lessen his pain.
117. When a nominated bank has aa deferred payment undertaking it is without recourse to the beneficiary.
118. In the valence bond treatment , explicit recourse is made to classical, localized bond structure.
119. In such case, any indorser who would have had a right of recourse against the party whose signature is cancelled is also discharged.
120. Restriction and protection is a contradiction which should be settled in Negotiable Instruments Law of the Rights of Recourse of the Bill.
121. The army adamantly refused and insisted that there was no recourse but war.
122. The states had no recourse but to await the verdict of the high tribunal.
123. Those laws explain what the debt collector can and cannot do, if they violate those laws then you have legal recourse (you can sue) and those documents explain how you go about doing that.
124. The lake water is so clean that we can clap eyes on the bottom, with a little cold, after all that recourse from the thawed snow of mountains.
125. To exercise the right to recourse, the holder shall provide a protest or the grounds for dishonor and other certificates concerning the dishonor by nonacceptance or nonpayment .
126. And it is the second right. Right of recourse is essential on protecting interests of holder, credit of bills and promoting instruments circulating.
127. In the case of complete recourse matrix, we prove the continuity and the differentiability of the objective.
128. This paper inquires into the problem of finding an upper bound for the expectation of recourse function when only first and second moment constraints are available.
129. This is a full recourse commercial contract, when executed, is the full understanding between the parties and supersedes all other understandings, whether verbal or written.
130. Here the lexicographer has to be his own linguist and have recourse to the linguistic analysis of the language.
131. In practice, how to distinguish buyer's usance credit from real usance credit and make in-depth study on the issue of recourse under buyer's usance credit in an effort ...
132. My only recourse -- and my instinct -- was to fight back.
133. After the third party has borne the suretyship, he shall have the right of recourse against the debtor.
134. Where the holder is an endorser, he has no right of recourse against the subsequent parties.
135. Decriminalization of the fact can be divided into decriminalization in recourse and decriminalization in judgment.
136. It shows the recourse owned or controlled by the company and the distribution, which is the situation of current assets, permanent investment and fixed assets.
137. The forth part is effects of right of recourse of negotiable instruments,() which consists of effects of right of recourse for persons and effects for things.
138. In this case, any sign of the party being wiped clean with a recourse liability of the indorser can be lifted.
139. Where the holder of a bill refuses to receive payment supra protest, he shall lose his right of recourse against any party who would have been discharged by such payment.
140. A new numerical method is proposed for solving two-stage stochastic programs with recourse.
141. Nothing in this Convention shall prejudice any right of recourse of the owner against third parties.
142. If Bill went along with his brother's decision, I would have no recourse.
143. Should the bill be dishonored upon presentation, it would returned on recourse to the drawer.
144. The losers have been ordinary citizens, ousted from their homes with cut-rate compensation and scant legal recourse.
145. Due to Ahmad ibn Hanbal's nature of learning, his school of thought recourse to ijtihad in very limited cases and was giving priority to the Quranic text, Hadith .
146. I don't advise you go have recourse to the money - lenders.
147. In this case, it may be necessary for us to have recourse to arbitration.
148. Forfaiting means the discounting of international trade receivables such as Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange on a "Without Recourse " basis, in exchange for cash.
149. The first chapter is introduction of right of recourse of negotiable instruments.
150. In case of any deficiency, the salvor has the right of recourse against the party salved.
151. Such security or equivalent assurance shall not unreasonably deter recourse to these procedures.
152. 'Mr. Mendoza was not just a wild-card crazy man, ' said Mr. Fink. 'In a society without recourse for justice, people will do crazy things. '
153. Regression analysis indicated that the total variance of depression influenced by self-flexibility, self-disharmony, self-accusation and recourse was 41.8%.




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