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单词 Latent
1 It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.
2 Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.
3 How long is its latent period?
4 Without training, his musical talent remained latent.
5 We cannot find latent dangers.
6 These children have a huge reserve of latent talent.
7 The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
8 The virus remains latent in the body for many years.
9 Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.
10 We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realising it.
11 Police experts found latent fingerprints on the glass.
12 I decide that he is a latent mathematical genius.
13 But the latent inhibition effect did not generalize.
14 The status of latent inhibition was assessed in a final stage of training that immediately followed the habituation test.
15 Latent inhibition was still found to be attenuated by the change of context.
16 In this case,[] latent inhibition and habituation would indeed reduce to essentially the same thing.
17 Everyone has that latent power within him, although most of us never make use of it throughout our lives.
18 When tested after 21 days, however, the latent inhibition effect produced by pre-exposure to saccharin has disappeared.
19 Latent inhibition will show context-specificity when the only training given has been non-reinforced presentations of the stimulus in a given context.
20 All these strands of thought fulfil a latent function for the housewife.
21 Pan music, the latent harmony in metal, resurrected from debris on the wharves and refineries of Trinidad by illiterate laborers.
22 Children are far from immune to the virus of cruelty that is latent in all human beings.
23 The discovery of an effect with such a long latent period was no mean feat of epidemiology.
24 There is no evidence that stress causes addiction as such although a stressful life event may trigger latent addictive disease.
25 Clearly, this aspect of our account of habituation is not enough in itself to explain the latent inhibition effect.
26 Lieutenant Richards will tell you that each of the weapons was carefully handled to preserve any possible latent fingerprints.
27 Most of the relevant experimental evidence on this issue comes not from studies of latent inhibition but from investigations of conditioning itself.
28 There are many more ways the ornamental gardener can satisfy a latent urge to produce food.
29 Neither of these alternatives excludes the possibility that a change in associability might also play a part on generating latent inhibition.
30 Similar studies of intestinal antibodies might facilitate the detection of latent coeliac disease in other situations.
1 It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.
2 Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.
3 How long is its latent period?
4 Without training, his musical talent remained latent.
5 We cannot find latent dangers.
31 Managers have been resistant, but there has been a strong latent demand for telework.
32 We can relate specific adult political attitudes and behavioral propensities to the manifest and latent political socialization experiences of childhood.
33 During the 1860s and 70s the populists attributed to the primitive peasant commune all the characteristics of a latent socialist order.
34 Learning is not always used as soon as it is acquired: Edward Tolman gave experimental evidence for this latent learning.
35 To question across the boundaries of the myth systems would, of course, involve aggression and getting in touch with the latent anger.
36 The Opposition was also anxious to embarrass the Government, and to trap it within its own latent inconsistencies.
37 My point was that they could power their way out of their problems with the latent potential among the workers.
38 Accordingly[/latent.html], pre-exposure to the context can be expected to attenuate the extent to which latent inhibition will develop context-specificity.
39 Such Quantities are known as latent variables and they include human abilities and attitudes as well as collective characteristics of society such as business confidence.
40 It is on the contrary a very grave flaw, latent but pernicious in its effects.
41 Is this satisfying everyone's innate, latent, hopefully minimal blood lust?
42 The latent thought is the notion that Gloucester may be plotting to murder him - an idea too horrifying to contemplate.
43 Efforts must be directed to stimulating latent creative abilities of rural people.
44 If so, an equivalent effect can be expected in latent inhibition.
45 At any given point in time, however, such sites may offer latent potential to the developer.
46 Exposure to the AB compound itself will be much more likely to generate latent inhibition.
47 What the sociobiologists have identified are some underlying relationships and latent forms of human behaviour.
48 It is often associated with obesity and may be latent for some years before diagnosis.
49 This method is highly effective in detecting transformations while still in their latent stage; that is,() before they become clinically observable.
50 Its latent function was to ensure that the lower classes fitted in with the designs of their betters.
51 People who ate hamburgers and steak in the period may be harboring the seeds of a latent and slow-developing brain infection.
52 Yet coupled with their loyalty these dogs are likely to have a latent hint of aggression in their natures.
53 It is associated with low morale, latent conflict or frustration at work.
54 A desire to remind Rome of its arrogance remained latent in the Celtic underground.
55 There is some doubt as to whether a latent inhibitor can produce this effect.
56 Other theories of latent inhibition have taken a quite different view of the phenomenon.
57 One is that latent inhibition should not be interpreted as being the result of a loss of stimulus associability.
58 Yet anyone who wishes to understand the latent determinants of human behaviour would be unwise to reject this excuse as totally false.
59 One has to bring into existence a latent power capable of doing this.
60 Rather, it is treated as evidence of latent power, which serves as a constraint on management freedom of action.
61 Other interference theories attribute latent inhibition to the effects of an association between the pre-exposed stimulus and its consequences.
62 The appeal punched the right buttons and played to the latent bigotry and fears in many whites.
63 The rats must have learned the maze earlier and were demonstrating latent learning.
64 Understanding of the atomic nucleus was progressing rapidly and awareness was dawning of the awesome energies latent within.
65 Do you think of yourself as a latent graffiti artist?
66 The pericycle produces the latent roots and periderm.
67 You have latent force to develop in your studies.
68 An urgent need may draw forth one's latent abilities.
68 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
69 Conclusions HL might be related to EBV latent infection.
70 He could sense her latent hostility to him.
71 Perhaps, form the beginning, a steak of puritanism had been latent , deep inside him.
72 Latent Local Spatial Relations (LLSR) model is presented as a novel technique of learning spatial models for visual object classification.
73 The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprise is strengthen.
74 A pattern forming the perspective latent image and the base pattern are unified designed and printed simultaneously in one time to adhere with the carrier via the engraving gravure printing mode.
75 Derive TE modes transfer matrix and modes latent equation of the periodical structure.
76 But as the number of jumpers approached double digits, latent self-reproach began to boil over.
77 Radical surgical therapy is the main procedure of choice but it can not control the latent micro-metastatic foci.
78 Objective To explore the diagnostic standards of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults(LADA), and the correlation between related antibodies and islet function in type 1 diabetes mellitus.
79 Conclusion Amido black can effectively develop the latent blood footprints on some porous surfaces and non-porous surfaces.
80 The mental condition is the basic aspect for the externalization of the latent sense.
81 The latent root regression model with near-infrared spectra of 40 soybean samples was founded for analyzing the content of soybean protein in this study.
82 One issue may be the assumption of zero latent demand; such demands may not permit such travel-time savings to actually accrue.
83 Objective To explore the applicable common surfaces of amido black for develop latent blood footprints.
84 And when a company closes, it may not tell you when the door is shut and where is the forwarding address, not to mention latent hiring freeze and structural terminations.
85 Method The latent blood footprints on 14 kinds of common surfaces were developed by amido black.
86 The visible _ I _ in nowise authorizes the thinker to deny the latent _ I _.
87 Firstly, according to the information of the concept hierarch tree, weight of keywords which were extracted from text are adjusted, and some latent keywords which donot appear in text are recruited.
88 It is concluded that more accurate results can be obtained by considering latent heat process analysis.
89 The issues of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) were reviewed and discussed, including its diagnostic criteria, complications, pathogenesis, therapeutic measures and future directions.
90 The system makes use of off - peak electricity for cool energy which is stored in latent heat.
91 "There is undoubtedly a latent demand for online gambling and in time the market could open up to a limited number of operators located in China, " he added.
92 Popper's solution is to appeal to the rule of falsification degree or latent falsification set at the experience level. But the rule can't solve the grue problem.
93 First identified by German physician Robert Koch in 1882, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the rod-shaped bacterium that causes tuberculosis, exists in both latent and active forms.
94 Conclusion:The saliva of patients with hepatitis B includes HBV-DNA, in the saliva of patients with high sick viremia includes massive HBV-DNA, and the saliva has the latent infection.
95 You evidently responsible as damage result from vessel latent defect.
96 As for the product, it hardly matters whether it is soap or a car: sex is being used to sell, and latent desires will move consumers to buy—or at least feel titillated by the prospect.
97 The simulation results show that the latent period of Internet worms and the immunity measure intensity are important factors to influence Internet worm propagation procedure.
98 A latent semantic classification LSC model, which considers both text feature and classification information, is virtually a linear model and could not gain higher effectiveness.
98 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
99 This transient increase is reinforced by a positive feedback loop in the latency pathway, permitting even higher production of lysogenic proteins, and ultimately the latent outcome.
100 "In our society there is an acceptance of violence against women - either explicit or latent," said Sultana Kamal.
101 The half - year cycle of latent heat flux exists the area , with the maximum appearing in winter.
102 To emphasize the fuzzy relation among words, latent concepts, text and topics, an information theory based approach to latent concept extraction and text clustering is proposed.
103 SNCV, amplitude and latent period in caudal nerve were determined by evoked electromyogram and plasma NO level was measured by spectrophotography.
104 Objective : To discuss diagnostic value of exercise treadmill test in latent coronary heart disease.
105 The auto- oxidizable reaction of lipid is a complex organic chemistry reaction which do latent harm to humankind.
106 This model can capture more latent semantic structure information than LSC.
107 Where our prophet would have been most likely to err would have been in understimating the recuperative power of the Latin end of Europe, and in ignoring the latent forces of the Arabian desert .
108 The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprises is strengthen.
109 It has latent capacity very much - reach fixed productivity changeably for years, more effective, more high speed, more agile capital expenditure.
110 Result: 5 HT can significantly prolonged the latent period and duration of CSD.
111 So, in this paper we study the epidemical dynamic models which have time delays and latent period.
112 Organisms can also develop detoxication mechanism for excreting Al and the internal equilibrium protection mechanism by mutation, natural selection and self-organized latent energy.
113 On the treatment of the latent heat of solidification, the temperature compensation method and enthalpy method are used.
114 In water mold, element was obviously richer where closer to the earth surface, due to the latent culture effect of water mold.
115 In this case latent heating and radiation cooling are comparable.
116 Flowing and precipitation of the self-purification is applied in the intrusion detection for optimizing the detection model and eliminating the latent intrusion data.
117 At this stage there is a latent image which is not yet visible.
118 Phase 1: Early (Latent)—thinning (effacement) and opening (dilation) of the cervix to 3 cm; contractions are 30 to 45 seconds long, 20 minutes apart or less.
119 Consequently, the metal interconnects of VLSI have smaller sectional area and carry increasing power density, which made the electromigration become one of the main latent damage modes.
120 A new kind of latent curing agent for epoxy resin, the dicyandiamide modified by m-Toluidine was synthesized under different conditions. The product was characterized by melting point, IR spectrum.
121 A calorimeter based on the quasi-steady state theory was developed to measure the latent heat of fusion and specific heat capacity of substance from 250 K to 400 K at atmosphere pressure.
122 In his eyes, I noticed his latent hostility towards me.
123 Vitrectomy combined with radial equatorial sclerotomy is an effective treatment for latent suprachoroidal hemorrhage.
124 In either case , there is a latent scorn for mankind.
125 Rapeseed is an enormous plant protein resource with high latent nutritional value. Utilizing sixpenny rapeseed protein reasonably and scientifically is of important social and economical significance.
126 Methods Planed femorotibial and patellar joint surface of the hemophilic knee were covered with double fascia flaps pedicled by joint branch and latent branch of top knee arteria.
127 We introduce the direction of arrows on the latent variable, equivalent model and power of test.
128 The results show that both gas-forming property and decomposition latent heat of the polystyrene material influence the metal flow velocity and the gaseous pressure of the gap significantly.
129 Next the authors attempted to activate the latent stem cells in vivo, using pilocarpine to invoke seizures, and thus hippocampal synaptic activity, in mice.
130 Many scholars pay more attention to the latent competitive theory, which is the basic theory about controlling the con, glomerate mergers.
131 The latent pigment is a kind of new material which is used as colorant, information material, photographic material and light filter.
132 The stability calculation also indicates that the landslide is in a latent critical unstable state.
133 In view of the poor heat transfer conditions of the cylinder ina small air compressor, a scheme is put forward for reinforcing heat trans-fer of cylinder by latent heat of vaporization.
134 The latent regulations make up a regulation system that can only move in secret, and that cann't open, but it controls the action form of the participator.
135 Image, Latent Image: The invisible image formed in a camera or printer by the action of light on a photographic emulsion.
136 In the process of developing a photo, a latent image can only come out when the photosensitive material is developed.
137 In addition, the annual connections among the latent heat flux over the Pacific Ocean, the air cell and the winter air temperature in China are different, under different decadal backgrounds.
138 In many cases, a substantial number of people share a need for a product or service that does not yet exist. This is called latent demand.
139 Since the appearance of Utopia written by Thomas Moore in 1516, Utopia theme has become a latent idea and cultural tradition in British literature.
140 Not only a euphoric psychotropic drug beneficial in therapeutic uses, the photoactive fibrous strands imbue a user with a temporary increase in latent telepathy.
141 The efficiency of sensible heat and latent heat of rotate wheel heat exchanger were illustrated.
142 When the preceding streptococcic infection is recognized, a latent period of roughly 1 to 3 weeks ensues between its onset and the appearance of symptoms of nephritis.
143 This article introduce a new method to make the latent fingerprints emerge by using the iodine heat-sublimating spray-gun heated by a sort of quartz lamp.
144 The method relies upon taking advantage of the latent heat of vaporisation of a cooling liquid.
145 The universal method of supersensitization - reduction latensification of the latent image with reductiones is considered.
146 In 2009 the two together makes all the Chinese family "ratings, its ground wave red surpassing the latent ratings of the humble abode" hits episodes.
147 There are two latent variables corresponding to classes of user and item. Each user or item may be probabilistically clustered to more than one groups.
148 For text analysis pLSA (Probability Latent Semantic Analysis) of Matlab algorithms, with test data and algorithm theory description.
149 The fully implicit difference method was employed, and the latent heat release was handled with the increment of frozen water fraction.
150 One of the authors, the epidemiologist and disease modeller Neil Ferguson, who sits on the World Health Organisation's crisis committee for the eruption, said the virus had "full pandemic latent".
151 So, putting myself in a high position , as a spiritual guide of someone else living latent in my self-deceiving thought indeed, is the unique egress for me.
152 For centrifugal ones, the molecular weight, viscosity, latent heat of vaporization and cycle performances under different working conditions are leading factors.
153 Owing to the existence of the latent heat, there will be an inflection on the heating curve, resulting in the formation of a step.
154 Our result further demonstrated the character of latent infection in apple ring rot disease.
155 And increasing evidence shows that glial cells are latent cells in brain.
156 The quality of the sensor is determined primarily by the matching of the luminescent layer and the optical coupling of the latent image to the detector element.
157 Taste is the latent dignity, revealing the distinguished sublimity among the common public.
158 Other fluxes, the latent heat fluxes and the sensible fluxes, showed a source from the ocean to the air,[Sentencedict] and the maximums appeared at noon.
159 The results show time interval of atmospheric forcing gives rise to significant difference in net solar radiation and latent heat in Siberia area.
160 Our results indicate that vitamin D supplementation may prevent reactivation of latent TB.
161 Latent sentience fusion and movement fusion can be detected with an amblyoscope before surgery and it can forecast binocular visual function.
162 Results:TYP could significantly increase the urinary output, shorten the latent period of emiction, and reduce the contents of TP in urine and BUN in blood serum.
163 High uric calcium was the latent dangerous factor of nephrolith . Conclusion The excessive calcium influenced the growth of rats and harmed certain viscera.
164 The effect of infectious diseases and parasitosis on per capita life expectancy arranged the 7th of death cause and the 6th formation resulting in the latent loss of longevity.
165 The test showed that improving winter nutrition could obviously increase the capacity and genetic latent energy of crossed Romanov and crossed corriedale.
166 Popper solution is to appeal to the rule of falsification degree or latent falsification set at the experience level. But the rule can' solve the grue problem.
167 Spasticity is a condition in which stretch reflexes that are normally latent become obvious.
168 But dreams always had a latent content as well, meaning the hidden implication of the dream.
169 Both TPHA and RPR test titers in secondary syphilis were significantly higher than those in primary syphilis and latent syphilis.
170 Phenobarbital is contraindicated in patients with known phenobarbital sensitivity or a history of manifest or latent porphyria.
171 Finally(), the paper through examples fully illustrates that the algorithm has the capacity of excluding the radar latent fault.
172 The dipolar layer is consisted of the latent electrostatic image and toner attracted on it.
173 The control effects of preharvest azoxystrobin (AZX) treatments on downy mildews, powdery mildews and latent infection rate of fruits and pink rot, Fusarium rot on the fruits of Cucumis melo cv.
174 Physical Latent Force of Taijiquan is affected principally by relaxation, body pose, thought, respiration and so on.
175 Sneak circuit is a latent circuit path or condition that causes undesired function to occur at some certain conditions.
176 There is some kind of latent primitivism in poetic thinking, Richards That's what he means by "fiction" or "pseudo-statement."
177 It was at first mistrustfully, and then with gratitude, that she let him see now the latent good side of her character.
178 You evidently responsible AS damage result from vessel latent defect.
179 There was one man impervious to obstacles, impatient with petty calculation, undisturbed by latent tensions: the father of the European Community , Jean Monnet.
180 The site should be very niche and focused on 5 to 10 phrases and LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) based keywords.
181 Method The clinical data of 26 cases with latent rupture of sclera were retrospectively reviewed.
182 The survival strategy of herpes simplex virus centers on developing latent infection and periodic reactivation.
183 The Liliaceae plant resources in this area has the latent economic value and the ecology significance.
184 Determine the latent defects of OLED by slight emission analysis method without damage.
185 After a latent period of 2 - 3 days, outgrowth was observed across the posterior capsule.
186 The study on the latent image theory is an important problem in the field of photographic science.
187 By utilization of the existing boiler a horizontal combustion furnace and a burner that match have been designed for the recovery of the latent heat in the blow gas.
188 As the water freezes, though, the change of state releases energy in the form of what's called latent heat[http:///latent.html], and the role of this heat was suspect.
189 The author proposal that the northern slope belt and Tainan latent tenting belt are advantageous area that explore biology gas.
190 A color forming composition or composite can include a polymer matrix, a thermally modifiable fluoran leuco dye having a latent developer attached thereto, and a radiation absorber.
191 This review will focus on the structure and gene expressed character of Epstein-Barr virus. The gene expression of Epstein-Barr virus in latency infection and the function of latent cycle gene ...
192 In the "disjointedness" of traditional mores latent in this transformation was located the potential for the joint to modernity.




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