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单词 Incarnation
1. She's the very incarnation of goodness.
2. The regime was the very incarnation of evil.
3. The miser was an incarnation of greed.
4. She was the incarnation of wisdom.
5. She's the incarnation of everything I hate about politics.
6. This film is the latest incarnation of a fairy tale that dates back to the Middle Ages.
7. In its new incarnation(), the car has a more rounded body shape.
8. I worked for her in her earlier incarnation as a lawyer.
9. We must never separate incarnation and atonement.
10. It was too narrow in its previous incarnation.
11. Call this latest incarnation Reelection Hillary.
12. Little had changed here since its previous incarnation.
13. Her first incarnation on EastEnders was too shocking, though.
14. In their latest incarnation, these cheerful blooms have lost their association with the peace movement.
15. Perhaps they would come together in a future incarnation - not the next, probably, but perhaps the one after.
16. Part of the offensiveness of the Incarnation has always been its particularity, its actual historical visibility.
17. The Lone Ranger, the incarnation of the individual problem solver, is dead.
18. Oldenberg's Lipstick, in its first incarnation,[] had been a huge plastic inflatable.
19. One such is the latest incarnation of WordScan from Calera, WordScan Plus 1.1c.
20. On top was a confectionary incarnation of the goddess Liberty.
21. She believes she was an Egyptian queen in a previous incarnation .
22. He believed he had been a prince in a previous incarnation.
23. He believes that he was a Roman warrior in a previous incarnation.
24. Yet the artists engaged in these works were in no mood to present the barbarians as the incarnation of evil forces.
25. Kohl pencil comes in at roughly three times the price it was in its previous incarnation as an eyeliner.
26. De Gaulle was perceived and perceived himself as the incarnation of both revolution and restoration.
27. A woman might become a man in the next incarnation, and vice versa.
28. The measure is not only the first full-scale law passed by the Supreme Soviet in its new incarnation as a professional legislature.
29. But this does not alter the fact that there is an issue between Eckhart and Snyder, between incarnation and transcendental release.
30. Zephandra Butolphi must have been a civil servant in a previous incarnation: no one ever made a decision alone.
1. The regime was the very incarnation of evil.
2. She believes she was an Egyptian queen in a previous incarnation .
3. The miser was an incarnation of greed.
31. Workbench first appeared in an earlier incarnation as an application called Intercycle from now defunct company Interport Inc.
32. Once again we are reminded most powerfully of the significance of this Christmas event, the incarnation of the eternal word.
33. But before they emerge as adults they have a rather longer incarnation as larvae walking about the river bottom.
34. He combines a little of Clark Gable with a whisper of Cary Grant's early incarnation as a vaudevillian stage comic.
35. Supporters hope that the party in its new incarnation will be more popular with the voters.
36. But only because I liked the irony; in his previous incarnation, I could not have imagined him near the water.
37. She was the incarnation of everything that had gone amiss in Sylvie's own life.
37. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
38. In Hindu lore, Rama is an incarnation of the god Vishnu.
39. In one later incarnation, she is depicted as severe, with a scalpel and a large pair of pincers.
40. About three years ago I came across his plastic incarnation at a yard sale for a quarter.
41. Those of you with long memories will remember Robert Rankin's previous incarnation with Pan.
42. And yet neither incarnation gained acceptance out side a cult audience until quite recently.
43. However, this latest incarnation is nothing like its old.
44. He is the incarnation of peace.
45. The leading dancer is the incarnation of grace.
46. I am an immaterial impalpable incarnation.
47. All was real vitality, real warmth, real incarnation.
48. She is a perfect incarnation of glamour.
49. Not all, byanymeans, can recognize an Incarnation of God.
50. I thought Chairman Mao as incarnation of will - power.
51. Later on , the tortoise was regarded as the incarnation of god.
52. Schopenhauer Arther: The human is the desire and the demand incarnation, is the innumerable desire congealment.
53. From one incarnation to the other, the basic principles car, sheave, rope, safety remain the same.
54. Formerly, reach an is very beautiful legend. The butterfly is a cherubic incarnation, and be our fall at the body that you, and can take your good luck.
55. Far from a picaresque Everyman, Saleem discovers he shares special powers with every other person born in the same hour and comes to see himself as the incarnation of India, an avatar of the nation.
56. At his lips'touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.
57. Luther would not compromise with Zwingli on the Lord's Supper because he believed the doctrines of the incarnation and Christ's humanity to be at stake.
58. The incarnation a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.
59. In its final incarnation, "Insomniac" contains twelve songs in English and three in Spanish.
60. The Son is one person; incarnation doesn't make him a 2 nd logos.
61. The focus of the Nativity Ode isn't even really on the Incarnation that's the theological doctrine of divinity's descent into humanity, how God becomes a mortal.
62. Jaki clearly affirms that in Christianity, a slide into pantheism was prevented because the doctrine of the creation was bolstered up by faith in the Incarnation.
63. Now Zhuge Liang has been an incarnation of wisdom. Zhuge Liang a household word in Chian.
64. Will upending the old way of searching for the Dalai Lama's incarnation, in which priests search for omens, portents and meteorological signs, undermine the legitimacy of his successor?
65. Yet again, the incarnation is contested, with a rival candidate, also in India, and some fishiness about the identification of the infant Ogyen Trinley.
66. An old rivalry will resume as she faces Petrova, a two-time semifinalist at Bali in its first incarnation (in 2004 and 2008).
67. Christmas is called the incarnation, a word which means "in the flesh. " In the birth of Jesus, the eternal,(http:///incarnation.html) all-powerful and all-knowing Creator came to earth in the flesh.
68. The incarnation of a hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.
69. Mephistopheles is a main character in the poetic play Faust, who is the incarnation of devil.
70. "If I could not be thy incarnation, " says Hephaestus to Aphrodite, "then let me be thy envoy or thy epigone. "
71. Each player is an incarnation of one of these characters!
72. Christian faith asserts that in the incarnation the very Word, or Logos, of God has become a creaturely human being within the materiality of the universe.
73. Adam, the first incarnationthe Christ Consciousness in flesh, was the first incarnation of the divine consciousness.
74. If you are fan of baseball and you're on OSX platform this is a game for you. 10th incarnation of "Out Of The Park Baseball" - baseball management simulation game.
75. You must have been kind - hearted in your previous incarnation.
76. If the Incarnation had lost this ability while in play (due to Lignify , for example) and then was destroyed, the ability would still trigger and it would get shuffled into its owner's library.
77. But, in its humblest incarnation, a very primitive working cell -- a self-contained chemical system that undergoes Darwinian evolution.
78. Painting in the Old Rus appeared and developed in close connection with icon venerating, based on the doctrine of God's incarnation.
79. Gerard bent cautiously to the rat's box—would it spring out, bite him, then scurry away across the floor to live behind the baseboard forever, like some cartoon incarnation?
80. His industry and persistence suggest that he was an ant in a previous incarnation.
81. The Christ soul's last incarnation was as the humble carpenter from Galilee, Jesus of Nazareth.
82. Sri Chaitanya, also known as Gauranga, Gora , or Nimai, born in Bengal in 1485 and regarded as an Incarnation of God, is a great prophet of the Vaishnava religion.
83. A smash with both audiences and critics, the latest Batman movie took the Caped Crusader, at least in his film incarnation, into his darkest places yet.
84. Rastafarianism venerates the late Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassi, who is hailed by Rastafarians as an incarnation of God.
85. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions.
86. "If I could not be thy incarnation, " says Hephaestus to Aphrodite, "then let me be thy envoy and thy epigone. "
87. He believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation.
88. You may be fated to have a very influential incarnation.
89. Through an early incarnation of the Internet, the TCP/IP protocol suite became the standard for globally connected networks.
90. It is widely believed among villagers that the frog is are incarnation of Lord Siva.
91. The incarnation of God's son is for the salvation of human race, the restoration of human nature that is damaged by sins, and the beatific vision of uniting this restored human race with God in love.
92. It was a strange experience, like suddenly resuming a previous incarnation.
93. "Jester" let "Sha" to the beautiful Incarnation of the Sunbird "Jin" during the Holy sacrificial ceremony 3100 years ago.
94. Handed down Santa Claus is same year Asia minor Bishop Mi Lacheng thesaint Nicolas's incarnation.
95. These advocates repeat what the MEK and its many front organizations claim: The group has jettisoned its violent past and is now, in its new incarnation, a key component of the democratic movement.
96. His father Amenhotep III had already challenged the powerful priesthood by proclaiming the sun god Aten as foremost among Egyptian deities and himself as his living incarnation.
97. Its leader, Mervyn Griffith-Jones, had no interest in literature: he was the incarnation of upper-middle-class morality, obsessed with the book's danger to social order.




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