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单词 Precede
(1) Agricultural development simply must precede economic development.
(2) Attributive adjectives precede the noun.
(3) It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.
(4) He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room.
(5) Those clouds usually precede low-pressure systems..
(6) I lacked the thoughts that precede speech.
(7) We make sure our horizontal strokes precede our perpendicular.
(8) He gestured for her to precede him through the door.
(9) Pay attention to the medical cautions that precede each tape.
(10) The long-drawn-out campaigns that precede every election in the US have already begun.
(11) This may precede the skin lesions by one to two weeks and present a problem in diagnosis at that stage.
(12) The difference is that concord particles precede the verb(), whereas-5 is an inflectional suffix on the verb.
(13) These changes may also precede the development of adenomatous polyps.
(14) The well-known symptoms of hypoglycemia almost always precede the loss of consciousness.
(15) Remember that antecedents are events that usually precede the problems and consequences usually follow them.
(16) A planning session at 11:30 will precede the noon lunch discussion.
(17) The events that immediately precede a strike are more accurately defined as the factors which serve to precipitate the ensuing conflict.
(18) Intention movements are activities that tend to precede some other activity, which is presumably why they often evolve into signals.
(19) The protest walk will precede a public rally planned for the village on Saturday, September 18.
(20) Just as thought should precede action, reflection should follow it, on the Organizational as well as the personal level.
(21) Computed tomography indicates that vascular events can precede the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and that death of nerve fibres occurs considerably later.
(22) It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify: we say "a good cry", not "a cry good".
(23) Do all of what we take to be causal circumstances and causes precede their effects?
(24) One recent population study found that depression did not precede the eating disorder, although it did correlate with onset.
(25) Viol sprang to his feet, politely drawing back to allow his superior to precede him.
(26) It is a costly myth, however that organization alignment must precede fundamental change.
(27) The longitudinal cords are termed connectives and join a pair of ganglia with those which precede and succeed it.
(28) This is just as well because trichomonal infection causes changes in the cells of the cervix which mimic those that precede cancerous changes.
(29) Virtue came to follow and issue from spiritual rebirth, not to replace it or precede it.
(30) This meal may of course be of gargantuan proportions and much snacking of high-energy foods may precede its consumption.
(1) Attributive adjectives precede the noun.
(31) However, we hope that you will take time to read the chapters that precede the recipes, menus and diet charts.
(32) They can be difficult to find, and may follow, rather than precede, a relevant purchase. 4.
(33) These include the events which precede it and the way in which the patient's feelings develop.
(34) Pippin was given a public dressing-down, and ordered to precede his father to Francia.
(35) Translated into disciplinary terms, the study of international economic geography should precede social geography and town planning.
(36) The children's dinner be precede by games.
(37) To precede in time; antedate.
(38) Many countries precede ours in per capita income.
(39) The accumulated bicarbonate in the vitreous causes increasingly alkaline conditions that precede activation of the kallikrein pathway, a component of the innate inflammatory response.
(40) The hours to print are not valid. The start time must precede the end time.
(41) On the other hand, streptococcal infection is a well-known trigger of guttate psoriasis, and guttate psoriasis may precede chronic plaque psoriasis.
(42) Meaningfulness must precede objectivity in the selection of research problems.
(43) Backslashes are interpreted literally , unless they immediately precede a double quotation mark.
(44) Exercise 6-4. Write a program that prints the distinct words in its input sorted into decreasing order of frequency of occurrence. Precede each word by its count.
(45) Let this development precede, and contributions, numberless, and of inestimable value, will be sure to follow.
(46) The commitment to perform sometime precede the preparation of the Charter Party and whatever is may be that we have agreed verbally shall become a part of our gentlemen's agreement.
(47) When consignor and shipper are debtors , consignor should precede to perform the obligation.
(48) Restlessness, anxiety , confusion, and twitching may also precede convulsions.
(49) " Aochaya says, she is very happy oneself can be first-run precede substantially, "All things are very simple, without what impossible also.
(50) All positional ( unnamed ) parameters must precede any named parameters.
(51) Experimentations show that the improved algorithm's capability precede primary algorithm.
(52) The prestressed reinforcement fixed end anchorage of the utility model can satisfy a requirement that concrete column or wall is constructed precede beam or plate.
(53) Because nodes know nothing about the nodes that precede them[/precede.html], a given list may actually be a sublist for many other lists.
(54) If he is the most perfect one, must not what is less perfect precede him, so that he can choose himself out of fullness and superabundance ?
(55) The precede person of the industry falls in the help of capital, the meeting is more flourishing, and epigone has no alternative it seems that besides transition.
(56) Paleness, nausea, sweating, and then pupil dilation, yawning , deep rapid Breathing, and heartbeat usually precede it.
(57) Again, intuition led you to expect that mouseover events would precede mouseout events, so the mouseout events would not occur in Inactive state.
(58) Commissioning is sometimes taken to include an acceptance test and sometimes taken to precede it.
(59) He envisioned the mass murder of Jews, and a war against France to precede a war against Russia to carve out "lebensraum" ("living room") for Germans in Eastern Europe.
(60) The already apodeictic person that precede is in a position to turn major service for free trade, we are to have to shake our head to this nature of groan.
(61) It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify.
(62) And emerging markets outperform and underperform with significant lead times; they tend not to lag the developed markets, waiting for them to get going, but, instead, precede them.
(63) It uses the two-phase commit protocol to guarantee the All-or-Nothing semantics that either all the resources commit the change permanently or none of them precede the update (rollback).
(64) The "E", "E-", "e", or "e-" formats indicate that a sign character should only precede negative exponents.
(65) Words such as "never", "failed" and "prevent" are tagged as "changing" or "reversive" words because they reverse the sentiment of word they precede.
(66) The bill passed an initial procedure tested by just 12 votes by allowing it precede to a final vote shortly, but is still a long way to before it becomes law.
(67) Frequency modulation and amplitude compensation of interruptedly received LFM signals are studied to precede a false target group based on interrupted T/R jamming system.
(68) The end time cannot precede the start time. Please enter a new time range.
(69) Gametes may develop without fertilization, or meiosis may substantially precede gamete formation.
(70) Regard physical volume least as the target function to precede optimized design and design the procedure.
(71) Cell damage by disruption of the cell wall and plasmamembrane must precede virus entry.
(72) Traversal string: All positional ( unnamed ) parameters must precede any named parameters.
(73) The result of simulation shows the fuzzy neural net work control is practicable and its control accuracy takes the precede nce over the traditional methods.
(74) Senescence may be defined as the deteriorative events which precede the death of a mature cell.
(75) For each symbol that the nm command lists,[/precede.html] the symbol's value in hexadecimal (by default) and the symbol type with a coded character precede the symbol.
(76) In moderate- to high-rise construction, the building can ascend more quickly than a comparable reinforced concrete structure since the steelwork can precede the concrete by several stories.




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