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单词 Discretion
1. Discretion is the better part of valour. 
2. You must show discretion in choosing your friend.
3. He thought discretion the better part.
4. Discretion is the better part of valor.
5. The awards are made at the discretion of the committee.
6. When exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.
7. The school governors have absolute discretion over which pupils they admit.
8. Bail is granted at the discretion of the court.
9. Discretion is not Jeremy's strong point.
10. Leon is the very soul of discretion.
11. Promotions are left to the discretion of the supervisor.
12. Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.
13. You must use your own discretion.
14. He is the soul of discretion.
15. Jane is the soul of discretion .
16. The committee has the absolute discretion to refuse applications.
17. I hope I may trust to your discretion.
18. Don't worry - discretion is my middle name.
19. He is the soul of honour/discretion.
20. Use the utmost discretion when you talk to her.
21. We have discretion about how much to charge.
22. This case calls for the utmost discretion.
23. It is within your discretion.
24. Don't keep asking me what to do; use your own discretion.
25. Larsson sometimes joined in the fun(), but with more discretion.
26. I'll leave it up to you to use your discretion .
27. How much to tell terminally ill patients is left to the discretion of the doctor.
28. Police work involves a considerable degree of flexibility and discretion.
29. There's no need for anyone to tell you what to do next - you're old enough to use your own discretion.
30. 'Do you want me to do the job myself or hire a photographer?' 'I leave it to your discretion.
1. You must show discretion in choosing your friend.
2. He thought discretion the better part.
3. The awards are made at the discretion of the committee.
4. When exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.
5. Larsson sometimes joined in the fun, but with more discretion.
6. I'll leave it up to you to use your discretion .
7. The school governors have absolute discretion over which pupils they admit.
8. How much to tell terminally ill patients is left to the discretion of the doctor.
9. Police work involves a considerable degree of flexibility and discretion.
10. There's no need for anyone to tell you what to do next - you're old enough to use your own discretion.
11. Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.
12. It is within your discretion.
13. Your secret's safe with him, and he's the soul of discretion.
14. This case should be settled at the discretion of the court.
31. People want to have more discretion over their working hours.
32. I'm sure you don't want reminding of the need for discretion.
33. There is no service charge and tipping is at your discretion.
34. The judge exercised his discretion rightly to admit the evidence.
34. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
35. They would like local authorities to be given greater discretion as to how the money is spent.
36. This is confidential, but I know that I can rely on your discretion.
37. School governors have the discretion to allow parents to withdraw pupils in exceptional circumstances.
38. Managers are free to exercise their discretion in these cases.
39. British newspapers no longer feel they must treat the royal family with discretion.
40. A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee.
41. The naming of stars is at the discretion of the International Astronomical Union.
42. The police exercise discretion in the area of minor traffic offences.
43. The court has discretion to stay or suspend execution of the order.
44. We may vary the limit at our discretion and will notify you of any change.
45. This committee may want to exercise its discretion to look into those charges.
46. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Discretion is my middle name.
47. Your secret's safe with him, and he's the soul of discretion.
48. The hours and the places of the meetings will be fixed at the chairman's discretion.
49. The president used his executive discretion to pardon the two men.
50. She has considerable discretion as to how the money is spent.
51. The new text of Article 92, quoted above, gives member states more discretion on this issue.
52. This case should be settled at the discretion of the court.
53. Latecomers are admitted at the discretion of the manager.
54. This is clearly a virtually unfettered discretion.
55. A judicial discretion is the essence of real justice.
56. But discretion was difficult in his alcoholic state.
57. The authority has considerable discretion in this matter.
58. Then ask for their discretion in return.
59. General authority gives the subordinate greater discretion and flexibility.
60. In most expenditure programmes they have considerable discretion over totals and priorities.
61. The government has moved beyond exhortation to compulsion and thus removed yet another strand of local discretion.
62. You asked me to consult you, not to buy at my own discretion, as before.
63. In large buildings, communication with other staff if often not easy but discretion is preferred to valour!
64. The test of benefit of a class leaves the courts considerable discretion as to how to define the class.
65. One consequence was to usher in a period of marked discretion in personal expenditure.
66. Nevertheless[/discretion.html], the fact remains that the extent to which they are genuinely accountable locally is entirely within their own discretion.
67. Local authorities no longer have the discretion to decide on rebates, and the rebates are very limited.
68. It may be too bound by rules and not allow individuals to exercise discretion within their work. 5.
69. With great discretion, the overcoats in the front pews blew their noses.
70. The choice of an appropriate procedure is therefore a matter within his discretion.
71. With great discretion, Dyson yawned, straining his muscles to keep his mouth shut at the same time.
72. To receive and undertake, at its discretion, proposals to switch stock from marketmakers. 3.
73. The latitude for administrative discretion in individual cases surely encouraged rather than checked official corruption.
74. Where business executives are concerned, employers tend to have considerable discretion in the way that they implement redundancies.
75. Moderators may request, in borderline cases, and otherwise at their discretion to see student's marked coursework assignments.
76. The last eleven chapters of the treatise address themselves to the nature of the discretion appropriate to mixed life.
77. In the interests of discretion, he waited until nearly twelve-thirty before creeping round to the ladies' corridor.
78. This greater discretion was also evident in the establishment of the administrative and decisionmaking process.
79. And even then, the content and boundaries of the offensive behaviour are matters of administrative discretion.
80. Cancellation by us may be necessary in exceptional circumstances and we reserve the right in our absolute discretion to cancel your holiday.
81. The court therefore exercised its discretion and refrained from granting a formal declaration since it would achieve nothing.
82. The rent awarded by the court under s24A may be considerably tempered by judicial discretion.
83. However, the courts possess considerable discretion as to whether to utilise this armoury.
84. It was argued on behalf of the Minister that the legislation gave him an unfettered discretion as to whether to refer or not.
85. So the court has full discretion over litigation costs incurred in proceedings between mortgagor and mortgagee.
86. Other information may be provided in addition at the discretion of each supplier.
87. The Big Board found that Mr Kleid effected unauthorized, unsuitable and excessive transactions and exercised discretion without written authorization.
88. Employee discretion and expectation of skills and career development still applied, however.
89. For the reasons given below, we hold that the District Court abused its discretion in imposing the tax increase.
90. These cases show that the courts took a fairly hard line when it came to police discretion in this area.
91. Earlier material may be shown but at the discretion of the school.
92. Where the implementation of such strategic highs is in question the centre will limit the action space around interpretability and local discretion.
93. To bid for, at its discretion, stock of less than 3 months maturity and index-linked stock offered by marketmakers. 4.
94. Suggests that some recommendations are over-prescriptive and that more local discretion would be preferable.
94. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
95. The correction official possessed almost absolute discretion over the parole decision.
96. Only in two circumstances does the President have any discretion in the matter.
97. The House held that the discretion, being a discretion conferred by statute, must be exercised in accordance with the statutory intention.
98. Because of the cloak of mystery that surrounds actuarial discretion in the with-profit companies, we will never know the truth, but.
99. Such an approach appears to give schools and judges wide discretion to determine what is reasonable and what are legitimate educational concerns.
100. Nevertheless, much discretion remains for departments to increase their power, and politically astute department heads become skillful at doing so.
101. The latter is in some cases subject to statutory regulation, in others it is a matter of local discretion.
102. The first was due process in procedure, and the general limitation of official discretion within the criminal justice system.
103. With great discretion,() Laurence Evenden released the excess gas pressure in his duodenum.
104. Since each matrimonial property or custody dispute is to be decided according to judicial discretion the result is that litigation abounds.
105. Alexander was startled at having been given so much discretion at this critical moment in the battle.
106. Although local authorities have considerable discretion in staffing matters, some officers must statutorily be appointed.
107. It is not just because of their greater autonomy that discretion in both senses is very important to neighbourhood police.
108. Case studies also reveal evidence of local discretion in other respects.
109. Legislative mandate and legal offence are linked by an unguided and pervasive administrative discretion.
110. Further he comments that the male has the greater discretion of reason.
111. The president could use his constitutional powers to move troops about at his discretion.
112. The theme of discretion has been a particular concern of the author's work cited above.
113. We have already noted that agents are often given considerable discretion by lenders.
114. Permits to carry concealed handguns are hard to come by, issued only at the discretion of local law enforcement officials.
115. It is difficult to maintain control where a scattered enforcement staff possess high discretion.
116. Many policies are not based on rule books and central government allows considerable discretion to the local state.
117. Throughout the public sector individuals exercise discretion over a wide range of issues.
118. The tribunal will also have considerable discretion in deciding whether or not the reasons given are adequate.
119. The Commission has a discretion to conduct an investigation in order to collect information and evidence pertinent to the request for assistance.
120. Anyone else may appear, but only at the inspector's discretion.
121. This passage is somewhat unsatisfactory in its lack of certainty and in the wide discretion it appears to leave to the courts.
122. Payment for religious holiday leaves is within the discretion of the local school district.
123. Tax-exempt financing provided the local government development official with a great deal of discretion.
124. Many feminists were also interested in birth control as an issue although discretion dictated a public silence.
124. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
125. The ambit of this discretion will now be reviewed in more detail.
126. The words of the Insolvency Act 1986 do not fetter the court's discretion in any way.
127. It is felt that it leaves the police too great a discretion as to what type of conduct is unacceptable.
128. The question has arisen whether a refusal on general grounds constitutes a valid exercise of discretion.
129. Dalgliesh knew that no politician would have talked with such freedom unless he had had absolute confidence in his listener's discretion.
130. The court said that the decision whether to close the schools was within the area of discretion left to the authority.
131. The judgments in notorious cases which had decided that there could be unfettered administrative discretion were repudiated.
132. How far judicial discretion on sentencing should be directed by Government policy is problematic.
133. I believe that on the evidence before her she came to a conclusion which was well within her discretion.
134. Parliamentary influence over these appointments is minimal, the matter being almost entirely one of ministerial discretion.
135. The Council of the Research Defence Society reserves absolute discretion as to who shall be elected to membership.
136. For example, the social worker exercises discretion in individual case work.
137. The governors will often give the chairman discretion to act on their behalf.
138. The USDA regulation allows for enforcement discretion.
139. I allow students to come and go at discretion.
140. You must choose you friends with discretion.
141. But, the Court continued, this discretion is not unbounded.
142. After their discretion, it is possible to obtain the expression and analytical approximation for the annual probability of exceedance.
143. Therefore, a scientific and rational non-prosecution discretion restriction system is the necessary conditions to guarantee the right performance of the discretion.
144. Supreme Court guidance as to the nature of abuse of discretion review has been sparse.
145. He resolved that his conduct should be worthy of an aspirant who a model of discretion.
146. Res judicata and collateral estoppel may also limit an agency's discretion.
147. Further fine print may give fund managers even more discretion.
148. I just ask at discretion , why do you bosh here A complaints.
149. Some of its employees, in their zeal to win the business of wealthy Americans with a predilection for fibbing to the taxman , seem to have confused discretion with spycraft.
150. The AUP may be changed from time to time at the discretion of the Company.
151. Whether the Court will issue a writ of certiorari is entirely within its discretion.
152. Last, the essay offer some advice on the reform and melioration of our judicial discretion system in civil action.
153. Reduces financial inventory accounting the report form the risk, the discretion principle utilization into inevitably.
154. The major premise and the minor premise of trial syllogism contain the judicial discretion based on certain laws and cases.
155. The discretion of headachy degree and blood pressure is concerned.
156. A good man sheweth favour,[Sentencedict] and lender: he will guide his affairs with discretion.
157. Granting of credit shall be at the sole discretion of the hotel.
158. The Carrier's lien shall survive discharge or delivery of the Goods and the Carrier shall have the right to enforce such lien by public auction or private sale in its discretion.
159. Pessimistic session locking should be used with great discretion, as it serializes access to data across a business process that includes user think time.
160. The discretion of oral open Ruitan, cetirizine, diphenhydramine, such as antihistamines cyproheptadine of.
161. In the judicial process, the discretion in law applying reflects the judicial activism.
162. It is the basic guarantee of judicial remedy of civil legal interest to use the method of legal fiction or the method of equity and to exercise the right of discretion.
163. In such event, the Provider shall have the discretion to appoint a substitute Panelist.
164. Do ogle her. Just remember to use discretion and show proper respect.
165. Nonet and P. Selznick in their Law and Society in Transition:toward Responsive Law, put forward the concept of responsive law, which is aimed at loosening the tight rein of legal rules on discretion.
166. Varying rollover rate dependent on the applicable rate in the Interbank markets according to the period of rollover and the CMC spread that is applied at CMC's discretion.
167. Khrushchev: I leave the disposal of this situation entirely to your discretion, Mr. President.
168. Of course there must be some "co-ordination" of budgetary policy but national governments will insist on political discretion.
169. In city planning, administrative right of discretion can be restricted by such measures as introducing the prejudication, division of powers, supervision and restriction, etc.
170. I'll stay or leave in your own world, but dont let me come and at discretion.
171. The benefit - cost analysis shows that there is the best discretion allocation.
172. Wanting caution or discretion ; heedless of consequences; rash; reckless.
173. Simon had carried out all his assignments with discretion, elan, and pluck.
174. Wear road of tension line freely to village mouth, and derate discretion controls all construction cost.
175. Customers according to their circumstances discretion, Hippeastrum early growth after planting need much water, not more water.
176. Unless otherwise authorized, enterprises may not adjust the carrying value of their assets at their own discretion.
177. It is no ground for the exercise of discretion to exclude that the evidence was obtained as a result of the activities of an agent provocateur.
178. BEA reserves the right to decline any application for balance transfer at its sole discretion.
179. However, anytime a woman displays a strong desire to challenge the company's discretion, they dispossess her of rumors prevents her from obtaining a job elsewhere.
180. A senior counterterrorism official who visited the JSOC redoubt described it as an enclave of unusual secrecy and discretion.
181. At the same time the volitation of the ball has speed, weight, discretion, far and near, firm again artful, wave turn wait for change, make itself of this kind of motion was full of rich fun.
182. The relative classical purity and discretion in his music, with little extravagant exhibitionism, partly reflects his reverence for Bach and Mozart.
183. The divisions each get a share of space and the budget, which they distribute at their discretion, Pelham says.
184. There was something that he lacked: discretion, aloofness, a sort of saving stupidity.
185. The arbitral tribunal shall have discretion to apportion the costs relating to a request for interim measures in the interim award or in the final award.
186. Allocation of booth location will at the discretion of the Organiser.
187. Under special conditions and at the discretion the General Administration of Customs thearrangement can be changed.




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