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单词 Authoritative
1. He has a commanding presence and deep, authoritative voice.
2. She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant.
3. David speaks in an authoritative tone.
4. He has a commanding presence and an authoritative voice.
5. Amanda launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts.
6. The book is an authoritative account of World War Two.
7. He is pale, dark, and authoritative, with the gravitas you might expect of a Booker prize winner.
8. The first authoritative study of polio was published in 1840.
9. The authoritative manner in which he talked concealed his ignorance.
10. But probably more authoritative than you expected.
11. There is no single, authoritative definition of child abuse.
12. Such authoritative statements do not invite skepticism.
13. There is no striving towards an authoritative statement.
14. She wanted to hear it from an authoritative source.
15. No formal, authoritative documents set forth these rules, and they find no embodiment in statute law.
16. Applied Linguistics also includes a reviews section containing authoritative contributions on recent publications.
17. Soon an authoritative clinking of knife on wine-glass demands our attention.
18. That inquiry, the most authoritative ever carried out, favoured a local income tax.
19. They are published in authoritative, written form and, as acts of Parliament, are interpreted by the courts.
20. Like a true oracle, Hailey's pronouncements were both authoritative and ambiguous.
21. Each year the authoritative magazine Money Management evaluates with-profits endowment policies taken out 10, 15 and 25 years ago.
22. The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work.
23. Religious experience offered a release through which women could testify to an authoritative experience in which gender was transcended.
24. There was still no official home-school links policy document to which interested parties might turn for clear and authoritative guidance.
25. It is appropriate that I here take the opportunity of welcoming the thrust of recent authoritative reports detailing guidelines for good corporate governance.
26. He came in with a long stride, with head erect, and calm authoritative eyes.
27. For many years scholars have tried to establish either the A or B text of the play as more authoritative.
28. One encouraging feature of period-instrument performances in recent decades has been a growing concern with reliable and authoritative editions.
29. Its consensus rulings have received widespread acceptance, establishing the body as an authoritative source of interpretation.
30. I introduced myself and upon learning my identity they naturally begged me to examine their treasure and offer an authoritative opinion.
1. He has a commanding presence and deep, authoritative voice.
2. She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant.
3. David speaks in an authoritative tone.
31. No such authoritative review of clinical ecology can occur without the active participation of proponents of the approach.
32. It speaks of authoritative directives being based on or reflecting reasons which apply to their subjects in any case.
33. There is now a male voice, firm and authoritative, speaking on top of the music.
34. The belief is to some degree affected by being told so by their authoritative pastors.
35. The results provide the most authoritative and conclusive evidence to date of some enduring inequities in participation in such facilities.
36. In the meantime, reliable and authoritative sources placed further blame on the Vincennes for the shooting down of the airbus.
37. Perhaps the most authoritative Web site in the Stern universe is the one carefully maintained by Kevin Renzulli.
38. However it does give very authoritative descriptions of fighting aircraft, training, tactics and war reports.
39. Her authoritative performance made the superb mime and rhythms invigorating to watch.
40. Output expectations for the next four months are the highest recorded by the authoritative monthly survey since May last year.
41. They strutted around, sombre and authoritative, clearly in charge of the proceedings.
42. The authoritative, dedicated, and benign conductor was Williams Llewellyn, whose knowledge and love for the score was obvious.
43. The last concerns the way the existence of a binding authoritative directive affects the reasoning of the subjects of the authority.
44. A number of authoritative scholars seriously question the propriety of interpreting prehistoric remains by reference to the customs of modern primitive peoples.
45. In common with Boyd's previous works the text is authoritative while at the same time highly readable.
46. Since it gives one an additional reason to respect authoritative directives it affects all one's encounters with authority.
47. He's like some perfect uncle, authoritative and kind, but slightly removed.
48. No chemistry department can afford to purchase software without reference to this authoritative guide.
49. Imagine a president who claims to be normal and still speaks in an authoritative tone of voice.
50. The report has been welcomed by many legislators as the most authoritative and independent assessment of the old-growth timber industry ever prepared.
51. That's because we are all impressed by authoritative statements spiced with statistics.
52. The gas supply situation is, however, the subject of some controversy with substantial differences appearing in estimates by authoritative groups.
53. But as his presence increased, his manner took on a more and more authoritative tone.
54. The book is certainly authoritative but may well daunt the uncommitted reader by its relentlessly hard-nosed factuality.
55. Several authoritative sources provide very detailed guidance relative to what constitutes an acceptable accounting method.
56. A clear, authoritative statement of the new doctrine evolving is yet to be announced.
57. The obvious question is how long the present authoritative regime will be able to resist the pressures.
58. You are unlikely always to have access to an authoritative edition.
59. Jacopo della Quercia provides an authoritative guide to one of the great neglected sculptors of the fifteenth century.
60. Rather the court gave an authoritative ruling on how the statutory definition applies in the case of a motor vehicle.
61. Such authoritative directives provide the subjects with reasons which they did not have before.
62. Bagehot's work continued to be regarded as an authoritative work long after the Constitution had undergone fundamental change.
63. They are commanding and authoritative, bloated with conviction that their advice is right, the best thing for me.
64. Then, when they turned out on to the main road, Luke overtook her with an authoritative toot.
65. There are some authoritative reviews and also some quite short research notes, outlining research in progress.
66. No philosopher has done more to disown the idea that his writings embody some kind of masterly or authoritative wisdom.
67. For too long managers have had no authoritative body to express their views or air their grievances.
68. The corporation was allowed no say in an authoritative international arena in its own demise.
69. Again and again these feminist lexicographers refuse and indeed poke fun at the authoritative pronouncements of mainstream lexicography.
70. Reasons which authoritative directives should, but fail to, reflect are none the less among the reasons which justify holding the directives binding.
71. At a late date in our cultural history, he had created a language both formal and authoritative.
72. She smiled little and listened intently whenever the man, sober-suited and authoritative, spoke.
73. The voice was the same: clear and authoritative, sure of itself, although faintly slurred by alcohol.
74. In the business sector, the users' needs approach to accounting theory has been adopted in a number of authoritative statements.
75. Not very imaginative, it amounted to a genuflection to Papini and his authoritative views.
76. A more authoritative voice from above, and dwindling noise, and an absence of glitter.
77. When this happens the authoritative directive does make a difference.
78. But since not every authority is legitimate not every authoritative directive is a reason for action.
79. Unilateral State intervention in the absence of an authoritative decision can promote international disorder and disrupt international peace and security.
80. For an authoritative insight into the myriad techniques of design for publication, Edwards is undoubtedly the man.
81. The authoritative parent affirms the child's present qualities(), but also sets standards for future conduct.
82. An authoritative energy-labelling system will assist them to do that.
83. In addition to its authoritative role, it is also capable of nurturing and of being positive, calm, reasoning and practical.
84. Anne was not prepared for the more authoritative leadership style that Laura had developed since the old days.
85. Where there is a co-ordination problem the issuing of an authoritative directive can supply the missing link in the argument.
86. Although everyone seems to have an opinion, it's not easy to find a clear, authoritative voice.
87. Other commentators, unlike Clark, cite their favoured items of behavioural evidence for self-consciousness as if they were authoritative without further argument.
88. Mr Viljoen, in particular, gives the Volksfront an authoritative voice.
89. Her smile was warm but authoritative.
90. This is an authoritative biography.
91. They yield authoritative statements on rules of law.
92. "Very well," I said, adopting a crisp authoritative tone.
93. Is this an authoritative order or a personal request?
94. The evidence she uses is usually highly authoritative.
95. Her voice was crisp and authoritative.
96. an authoritative tone of voice.
97. Traditional and charismatic leaders are authoritative over belief and value.
98. So far no authoritative figures are available as to the persent telephone ownership in this city.
99. It also suffers from the lack of an authoritative formal definition, resulting in successive "add on" clarifications that have patched some of the holes in the original specification document.
100. It is important to know that studies constantly show that, in business, a woman with a deeper voice is con- sidered more intelligent, authoritative and credible.
101. The information is authentic for it comes from an authoritative magazine.
102. Is where of art of forehand of laser myopia correct more authoritative?
103. The Four Books and Five Classics are the authoritative books of Confucianism in China written before 300 BC.
104. The Sefer Zohar or "Book of Splendour" is supposed to be the most authoritative Kabbalistic work, but this massive series of books is so obscure and symbolic as to be practically incomprehensible.
105. Issue preclusion makes the judicial system running efficiently, the law being steady and authoritative.
106. The evaluation of personal credit has less artificialness and gets a more exact and authoritative result because of using this model.
107. Don't be so authoritative when you ask me to do something.
108. The characteristics of examination of dual-system vocational education in Germany are: authoritative organization, flexible content and practicable outcome.
109. When restoring the Cluster Quorum, mark the restored data as Authoritative.
110. Being the most authoritative information promulgator, government could control and guide the public opinion through good communication with the media, which is critical to solve the crisis.
111. Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.
111. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
112. Labor standards constituted by the International Labor Organization is the most authoritative considered by the world, and becomes standard writ for every country gradually.
113. SCI is the most authoritative cited reference source in the world, and the satisfaction degree of cited reference retrieval has direct impact on the results of science evaluation.
114. AET was established in 1975, it is the authoritative and technological magazine in the field of electronic and IT industry in China.
115. Hence enacted law is more authoritative and more integrative than judge - made law.
116. The aplomb we had in the account that acreageed us the job is boring yieldn over by fretfulness as our first day accesses, and we fret about authoritative a acceptable first consequence.
117. The US Military standard MIL-STD-188-141A is much characteristic and authoritative among the standards of ALE(automatic link establishment).
118. Rule of law and autonomy are different authoritative power of dispute solution.
119. From him the church acquired the disposition to be authoritative and unquestioned.
120. Will be bombs, such as Bayer for early learning, 599 Czerny, Bach piano music set the primary and so on is absolutely authoritative, effective teaching, it is beyond doubt.
121. And if you add up all the authoritative information men receive about size, it amounts to a thimbleful of water in a vast ocean of porn whose message is that hot sex is all about having a huge penis.
122. The authoritative data for a zone is simply all of the RRs attached to all of the nodes from the top node of the zone down to leaf nodes or nodes above cuts around the bottom edge of the zone.
123. It can mean a measuring rod. And so it comes to be a list that accounts as authoritative in early Christianity.
124. The world needs at least two respected, editorially independent and authoritative English - language business papers.
125. Currently, the excellent letter of advice to the employer survey has become the world's largest and most authoritative institutions.
126. The Jungian Tarot Deck is a visual companion to Robert Wang's book, The Jungian Tarot and Its Archetypal Imagery, an authoritative introduction to Jungian Psychology.
127. The securities law general rule is clear that its basic principle is used in regulating the standard stock market activity, and has authoritative guiding sense.
128. Thus, a word of God, giving his own authoritative promise of redemption, must be self - attesting.
129. Beginning with God's autonomy, self-existence, and authoritative self-revelation, many of the old Reformed theologians were at war with modernity from the start.
130. Book are considered triad describing the phenomenon of capitalist society the most authoritative works.
131. I would try to calm the passenger down by being not only empathetic but also authoritative.
132. In the exploitation of scale software, the "software technique document "must be founded with standardization, and made it authoritative and mutual.
133. Our evaluation: The parallel Web provides authoritatively sound data, but in common usage does not provide machine-readable data that completely represents the authoritative human-oriented content.
134. Is the cranial nerve surgery of 301 best? Which doctor is the most authoritative?
135. Nonetheless, Amnesty International believes that the adoption of the draft resolution is a first and crucial step to create a stronger and more authoritative body than the Commission on Human Rights.
136. Thereout, put forward a veracious, authoritative, timely mode for negative news report on the principle of openness, moderation, escalation.
137. Application Entity Title. The authoritative name of an OSI application entity, usually a Distinguished Name from the Directory.
138. It can encapsulate the brand personality , whether that is inspirational, trustworthy, or authoritative.
139. The authoritative name of an OSI application entity, usually a Distinguished Name from the Directory.
140. Scripture alone is the inerrant rule of the church's life, but the evangelical church today has separated Scripture from its authoritative function.
141. The Bi Metallic doctrine is certainly authoritative in situations that can be unambiguously characterized as rulemaking.
142. Rising because of consumptive doorsill , the meaning of symbolic status is more authoritative,(http:///authoritative.html) then the plute of the whole world began new round " contend for marines " .
143. With the development of medical science, the heart already gradually lost its "only" authoritative status as a diagnostic target organ death.
144. The version problem is important for the development of modern music action art. It is important that have a authoritative and good piano score version in the study of songsmith, production and style.
145. Popes seldom weigh in on economic matters and rarely in the form of an encyclical, one of the most authoritative forms of papal writing.
146. That brings up significant issues as authoritative source vs . volunteered geographic information.
147. An authoritative name error indicating that the name does not exist.
148. Principles of Chemical Nomenclature is the definitive work for them, mandated by the authoritative voice of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
149. Authoritative researches revealed that both the Thai and Chinese languages belong to the same Sino-Tibetan family. One of the common features is that their original words are mostly of monosyllable.
150. To poor college students, student loans are credit loan which is a authoritative ruler to test the credit recognition of college students.
151. Kids raised in authoritarian households got grades comparable to kids from what we called authoritative households, where you had strictness accompanied by warmth and encouragement of self-direction.
152. "Pocahontas, as the child of her father, would have had more of an authoritative role in converting someone from his original existence as an Englishman," said Ms.
153. ASCA consultants are the arboricultural experts with authoritative professional knowledge and perspective on trees and plant life.
154. What they choose severally is accurate cut point, authoritative and macroscopical analysis, system and comment deep.
155. "Pocahontas, as the child of her father, would have had more of an authoritative role in converting someone from his original existence as an Englishman, " said Ms. Green.
156. How to access the documents A National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) is the most authoritative written judgment concerning a national security issue prepared by the Director of Central Intelligence.
157. It was a simple proposition, at its core: the more a page is linked to, the more authoritative it is. The web isn't just pages anymore, though.
158. They do not seem to have the vast, authoritative presence of those great men.
159. Introduces a German multimedia electronic documents system, which is an open, distributive, digital full-text database including authoritative theses and journals on computer science.
160. The magazine cooperates with the famous media form domestic and abroad, so it gains a quick and comprehensive information channel, which form the feature of authoritative and foresight.
161. Of these the only authoritative account yet disclosed is in Mr. Chamberlain's biography.
162. The TopicMaps community has long recognized such authoritative definitional resources under the name published subject indicators.
163. The moral education indoctrination experiences two development stages: doctrinal and dogmatical indoctrination and authoritative teaching indoctrination. There ar...
163. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
164. They have not yet relinquished the childish need for an authoritative father.
165. It provides practitioners with the most comprehensive, authoritative up - to - date information in hematology.
166. This paper gives a detailed analysis on Chinese Book Publication Almanac (CBPA), an authoritative serial publication concerning the products of Chinese book publishing industry.
167. The perspicuity of God's revelation: After the Fall, general revelation is (still) authoritative, sufficient (so that man is without excuse), and clear.
168. This result at least six to one of as authoritative as two data.
169. Recently, this reporter learned from authoritative sources, the value - added tax restructuring program to be announced.
170. Summer league Head Coach Kim Hughes put the Clips through their paces with able assistance from Fred Vinson and authoritative new hire Tony Brown.
171. After that NOLS course, I led several more expeditions, but I never felt that I could live up to my colleagues' expectation of a quiet, authoritative, slightly removed outdoorsman.
172. It is estimated by the foreign authoritative person that it is probable to use polyformaldehyde as a large amount of general-purpose material next century.
173. A good custom search engine restricts the search space to a number of authoritative sites from a domain.
174. The poverty of his early years hence inscribed the Tramp's trademark costume, a creative imitation of formal dinner dress suggesting the authoritative adult reimagined by a clear-eyed child.
175. To essentially solve the customer dissatisfaction of the B2C online sales mode we can create the customer apperceive standard towards the products and build authoritative evaluation system.
176. The price that acceptance of in good health store offers authoritative information, minimum and convenient shopping way, to content new experience buys on sb's behalf when you make brand-new E!
177. Should make influence and authoritative contrail close and for one, must learn to use power.




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