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单词 Seizure
1. Customs have made their biggest ever seizure of heroin.
2. The court ordered the seizure of his assets.
3. He had an epileptic seizure .
4. His aunt died of a seizure.
5. A court ordered the seizure of two ships for non-payment of the debt.
6. The Act confers powers of entry, search and seizure on the police.
7. And a seizure makes you grit your teeth.
8. I never remember what happened during a seizure.
8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
9. This causes a generalized tonic-clonic seizure.
10. Their adopted daughter, Melinda, died during an epileptic seizure.
11. The effect of the seizure was electrifying.
12. Rather like seizure, I should imagine.
13. Courtiers in London, angry at his arrogant seizure of responsibility for notifying the new king, blocked various royal appointments.
14. According to referee Joe Cortez, Golota had a seizure and began to swallow his tongue and momentarily stopped breathing.
15. In many instances, the person with a major seizure will be confused after regaining consciousness.
16. The judge ordered seizure of his assets totalling £36,200 or Fraser would serve a further 18 months in jail.
17. The seizure of power in the capital had been the rebels' primary objective since 18 July.
18. In four of these hypoxaemia induced by epileptic seizure was recorded during subsequent events in hospital.
19. Rampant disregard of constitutional protections, including those against unwarranted search, seizure, and arrest.
20. Under international law there was considerable doubt about the legality of Noriega's seizure.
21. Ahmad once represented a dry cleaning branch manager who had an epileptic seizure on the job.
22. Based on efficacy and toxicity data, the recommended drugs in these seizure categories are carbamazepine and phenytoin.
23. A 19-year-old previously healthy woman was admitted with generalised tonic-clonic seizure, followed by focal myoclonus of the right shoulder.
24. Further assessment was interrupted when the patient had a seizure.
25. Why should the discovery of paternity automatically lead to a male seizure of power?
26. In November another dispute arose involving Chalerm when he criticized the Army's seizure of a mobile radio unit.
27. But he brushed aside charges that government overspending, corruption and its seizure of farms are to blame.
28. Co-trainer Lou Duva said he thought his fighter had a seizure or anxiety attack.
29. Others will be completely amnesic for the entire episode and not even aware that a seizure has occurred.
30. The offer came on the last day for objections to Mr Mugabe's seizure of 804 white-owned farms.
1. Customs have made their biggest ever seizure of heroin.
2. The court ordered the seizure of his assets.
3. The Act confers powers of entry, search and seizure on the police.
31. Doctors are continuing to pursue the possibility of a seizure mainly because everything else they can think of has been ruled out.
32. A party of gardai and customs officers swooped on the scenic seaside village of Rosscarberry at dawn today to make the seizure.
33. Paramedics who attended to Cambry said he looked like some one who had had a seizure.
34. It may indeed have been caused by sunstroke or by an epileptic seizure.
35. One case in Louisiana involved the seizure of 275 kilos of cocaine.
36. Under pressure, Mr Mugabe said he would get veterans off those farms not legally designated for seizure.
37. At the age of twenty-one, Christina had a seizure which appeared to kill her.
38. The best known educational policy of the Sandinista government was its literacy crusade, launched almost immediately after the seizure of power.
38. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
39. The raid led to the seizure of 25 kilograms of pure heroin.
40. The seizure usually lasts about 1 minute and is typically followed by a brief period of confusion.
41. But it is left up to the Customs and Excise to implement on-site inspection and seizure of animals.
42. There may be a gradual or prolonged build-up of the episode rather than the abrupt onset typical of an epileptic seizure.
43. Many doctors are not aware of this and are led to a false diagnosis of seizure disorder.
44. In the alcoholic, the seizure usually occurs 7 to 48 hours after cessation of drinking.
45. Indeed, we do not understand the Government to rely on statutory authorization for this seizure....
46. The minority of moderate socialists at the Congress denounced the seizure of power and walked out.
47. This proved impossible: the fist was too tightly clenched in its terminal seizure.
48. This incident was notable only because it was my first seizure made on board a cutter.
49. Section 19 of that Act, in particular, confers general powers of seizure.
50. Either by gradually losing their pumping capacity or by sudden seizure, they cause much disease and some heroic surgical intervention.
51. My neurologist told me about a patient of hers who saw a bucolic farm scene before each seizure.
52. Police in Gloucestershire have made their first seizure of the potentially lethal drug.
53. The seizure typically involves one side of the face and arm.
54. The problem occurs in the patient who has an occasional seizure, which alarms fellow workers and disrupts work activities.
55. These characteristics make it a very desirable agent for use in young people with any of the above seizure types.
56. It takes a lot of wrong-way impulses to start a seizure in normal cortex.
57. Carling strained a thigh muscle in Dunedin and Bayfield ended that match on a stretcher with a neck seizure.
58. Any plans they may have had, however, were forestalled by Gloucester's seizure of the prince at Stony Stratford.
59. On other later occasions there was either a threat of seizure or an actual seizure of goods followed by payment under protest.
60. A seizure a convulsion, especially one caused by epilepsy.
61. He suffered an epileptic seizure.
62. He died of a heart seizure.
63. Paula had never seen an epileptic seizure.
64. What Causes Seizure in Focal Epilepsy?
65. She had a seizure, and her heart stopped.
66. You said it was a seizure disorder.
67. Conclusion Pilomotor seizure is very rare form of seizure, but it may be found on combining history, physical examination and EEG findings.
68. A 73 year old right-handed man sought medical attention because of a grand mal seizure and progressive difficulty with speech.Sentencedict
69. Statistically high EI values corresponded to structures involved early in the ictal process and producing rapid discharges at seizure onset.
70. CONCLUSION: Epileptic seizure in rats with electro - convulsion can cause abnormal changes of ECG.
71. This he did at least 13 times. "De Lesseps", it turned out, was the codeword for the Egyptian army to start the seizure, and nationalisation, of the canal.
72. Conclusions:Topiramate might decrease the seizure duration of the amygdaloid kindled rats, as well as the ADD of the amygdaloid and the cortex, and increase the ADT of the amygdaloid.
73. Fortunately, stupid people, and the way the seizure of several treasures, in Xiashi help before the final kill Beelzebub Jiuzou Princess.
74. We describe a 41-year-old man with an acute onset of expressive dysphasia, followed by persistent seizure state and severe complications of systemic medical problems.
75. We present a 14-month-old Taiwanese female child who had suffered from sudden onset of nontraumatic seizure attack, after which progressive left limb weakness was noted.
76. A patient with generalized seizure disorder who took the larger dose of phenytoin sodium over a long period of time, showed encephalopathy, cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropathy and myopathy.
77. Magnesium sulfate is the drug of choice for seizure prevention.
78. After the seizure of power in 1917 it became imbued with the tradition of Russian autocracy.
79. Relationship of time and location of epileptiform discharge and clinical seizure with abnormal seizure.
80. Absence seizure — also known as petit mal — involves a brief, sudden lapse of consciousness.
81. About one in 100 people in the United States will an unprovoked seizure in their lifetime.
82. Uninhibited neuronal excitation would lead to a constant state of seizure something like what is seen, episodically, in epilepsy.
83. Epilepsy is a common disease, epilepsy seizure types can be divided into grand mal epilepsy, petit mal epilepsy, psychomotor seizures, the limitations of seizures and complex partial seizures.
84. Objective To explore the effects of ketogenic diet (KD) on the PTZ-induced seizure threshold and the pathological changes of hippocampus in immature rats.
85. Patient clinical history may include unresponsiveness, seizure, or adjunctive information such as multiple patients from the same household.
86. The peasants justified the seizure of property, saying: "He robbed it from us;"
87. Conclusions The study shows that SPFMF could result in changes of rabbit behavior and could have the anticonvulsive effect for the partial seizure in rabbit.
88. Scottsdale police Sgt. Mark Clark said Stalnaker spent two days in a hospital and recovered from the seizure.
89. Results: The 12 cases were demonstrated including 6 cases with generalized tonic-clonic seizure, 4 cases with status epilepticus, 1 case with partial motive seizure, 1 case without seizures.
90. Conclusions: NREM can induce the seizure attack in children confirmed epilepsy, the type of focal epilepsy were more easily induced during NREM than others.
91. Results Peripheral WBC count was elevated in about 50% cases after a generalized seizure.
92. The driver suffered a seizure while driving students to school Thursday morning.
93. OBJECTIVE: To analyze and discuss the mechanism and influencing factors associated with epileptiform seizure induced by penicillin.
94. Mrs, Jennings had determined very early in the seizure that Marianne would never get over it.
95. Enterovirus-related vasculitis of the central nervous system is thus another consideration when facing a child with focal seizure, acute hemiplegia and cerebral infarction.
96. Seizure control:Acute focal epilepsy could be effectively controlled when the thermocoagulation power and duration is 4U/1S.
97. Three months later, while defensively moving furniture, she had a seizure.
98. Set against the dangers ofall - out financial seizure, these risks seem worth taking.
99. French frigate Nivose has seized 35 pirates in 3 days off the coast of Somalia, the French military said Sunday, claiming "the biggest seizure" so far in the shipping lane, AFP reported.
100. Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of video - EEG in infants with non - epileptic seizure.
101. In theory, the Communist Party allows citizens to lobby the central government on matters of local corruption, the illegal seizure of land and extralegal detentions.
102. In 382 BC, he fled to Athens after the seizure of the Theban citadel by the Spartans, who installed an oligarchic government and a Spartan garrison.
103. However, shortly after the Supreme People's Court issued an attachment, seizure of property has delayed the provision of security throughout the publication.
104. After the 2006 coup, the 15th in Bhumibol’s reign, officials tried to tell foreigners that protocol obliged the king to accept the generals’ seizure of power.
105. Multinodular and specific glioneuronal element was typical in pathological examination, seizure could be controlled by operation.
106. Conclusion Thiopental sodium can increase the excitation threshold of brain cortical neurons and decrease the level of convulsive seizure induced by ECT.
107. In the previous few days, she had been lethargic and disoriented and had a tonic–clonic seizure.
108. Public security organs can't name the articles by seizure as illegally acquired money and boodle during of the stage of investigation, or mention recovering them, because there is no legal foundation.
109. The seizure of the Rhineland and its subsequent fortification were the greatest gamble of all.
110. An electroencephalogram (EEG) was inconclusive of any seizure activity and a computed tomography (CT) scan of his brain revealed a lacunar infarct of the putamen region in the left basal ganglia.
111. Epilepsy is a serious disease for human health, and the typical features of epileptic seizure are abruptness, transitoriness and repeat.
112. Objective To find the relationship between mutation of GABRG 2 and generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus.
113. Results After single audiogenic seizure, there were a few dead cells in hippocampus.
114. Clinical episodes with epileptiform discharge of VEEG monitoring have significant diagnostic value in classifying seizure types of children with epileptic seizure.
115. There were no organizational generalized tonic clonic seizure and absence seizure in generalized seizures.
116. Results The kinds of temporal lobe seizures included simple partial, complex partial and generalized tonic clonic. Complex partial seizure was the most common one.
117. Sometimes crying soon after the seizure, attack mydriasis, nystagmus, sweating, pale or blue.
118. All the maintenance and repair parts are equipped with catwalk or seizure ladder. Besides, there is enough operation space with a more comfortable operation and more convenient maintenance.
119. We report 19 infants with late Vitamin K deficiency. All cases hadintracrtanial hemorrhage which led to vomiting, restlessness, seizure and bulging of fontanelle.
120. Assets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan or other credit, and subject to seizure in the event of default.
121. In cases of illegal possession , it provides for the animal's seizure.
122. In spite of intense research in the field of epilepsy, a key question remains unanswered: what are the earliest cellular events leading to the initiation of a focal seizure?
123. Objective To explore the correlation between Fully-kindled Insular and Amygdaloid Model of Epilepsy in seizure of Rats.
124. Conclusion Seizure could result in the neuronal apoptosis in ictal location and distant area. It might relate to the cause of refractory epilepsy.
125. Multiple regression analysis showed that the score of SDS was correlated with the self-efficacy, help seeking, self-accusation, economic status and frequency of seizure.
126. Results: Of the 29 cases, 27 achieved seizure free after operations, although 12 antiepileptic drugs postoperatively.
127. The seizure seems to echo the plot of a 2004 movie, "Man on Fire, " in which Denzel Washington played a U.S. security consultant who takes on Mexican kidnappers and is abducted himself.
128. The news came after he suffered a siger [ seizure ] .
129. Pre - seizure transitional phase of the EEG was detected with correlation integral method.
130. CONCLUSION:The seizure can be enhanced by CBX pretreatment and it may relate with astrocytic hyperplasia and the increasing expression of Cx43 in astrocytes.
131. Gen. Benjamin Butler, commander of Union forces occupying a foothold in Virginia at Fortress Monroe on the mouth of the James River, provided a legal rationale for the seizure of slave property.
132. The disease causes sleep disorders, mental confusion, personality changes, speech problems, seizure seizures and coma.
133. We never know when he's going to have a seizure or what.
134. CONCLUSION The increases of the expression of CX32 might be associated with epilepsy kindling and gap junction blocker. Carbenoxolone plays a certain protective role on seizure development.
135. The disease is characterised by fever, seizure, rapid deterioration in consciousness and radiologic involvement of bilateral thalami and cerebellum.
136. Epilepsy is a common brain pathology . Predicting an impending epileptic seizure has obvious clinical importance.
137. No significant differences were found in galantamine side effects, mean seizure duration, energy administered to induce seizures, and blood pressure or heart rate during and post-ECT treatment.
138. Seizure shall likewise be effected in the country where the unlawful affixation occurred or in the country into which the goods were imported.
139. Could the damage have been caused by a lack of oxygen during her seizure?
140. Distress or seizure of property was the mode of satisfaction for breach of contract.
141. Results Forty percent of the cohort reported having had at least one hypoglycemic coma or seizure.
142. Mr. Pang has denied any wrongdoing and is contesting the seizure of his firm as unjust.
143. The raids in Frankfurt, Offenbach, Fulda and Moerfelden-Walldorf resulted in the seizure of some three tonnes of broken coins, a coin-welding machine and computers.
144. There are different jurisprudential foundations of seizure of ships on Law and Civil Law.
145. The dentate gyrus controls overactivity from reaching seizure - prone brain cells further along the circuit.
146. The patient was a 65 year old man who presented with a seizure after a three day prodrome of abdominal pain, odd smells, and low grade fever.
147. Even a momentary off-hook condition of a telephone may cause a seizure.
148. Central administration of trace DMPS also significantly inhibited convulsive seizure, reduced the death number and inhibited the emergence of tetanic convulsion wave on EEG.
149. The ingenuity of our scientists will provide special safe conditions under which such a bank of fissionable material can be made essentially immune to surprise seizure.
150. The authorities shall not be bound to effect seizure of goods in transit.
151. Chapter III: seizure of property and the seizure of the effectiveness of the special methods.
152. A seizure of independence could ignite racial'war in Central Africa.
153. Objective : To observe the clinical feature and electroencephalogram ( EEG ) characteristic of automatism seizure.
154. If the mortgagee fails to notify the legal derivatives' obligator the seizure of the objects of pledge, the effects of the mortgage rights will not include the derivatives.
155. Body scanners, sexual assault patdowns, censorship laws, seizure of property without even a notice (let alone a court order or conviction), even without doing or having done anything illegal.
156. There were no further seizure attacks and the retrograde amnesia improved gradual 1 yduring two months of follow - up.
157. How much heroin did you say was missing from the seizure warehouse?
158. You were supposed to pretend to be in a seizure and we go in there, right?
159. There are different jurisprudential foundations of seizure of ships on Common Law and Civil Law.




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