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单词 Proposition
1) Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition.
2) It is clearly illogical to maintain such a proposition.
3) The young man gave a clear proposition at the meeting.
4) The proposition is so clear that it needs no explanation.
5) Most people accept the proposition that we have a duty to protect endangered animals.
6) All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye ".
7) She immediately threw cold water on the proposition.
8) I've got a proposition to put to you.
9) The business proposition was rejected as impractical.
10) He's a different proposition from his father?much less tolerant.
11) I'd like to put a business proposition to you.
12) As a business proposition, it's a non-starter.
13) It sounds a morally dubious proposition.
14) Here, prostitutes constantly proposition tourists.
15) It's a tough/not an easy proposition.
16) He is a nasty proposition.
17) Find on what foundation the proposition bottoms.
18) I made what I hoped was an attractive proposition.
19) The two teams prepared to debate the given proposition.
20) He had allegedly tried to proposition a colleague.
21) He telephoned Stuart with a proposition.
22) Working at night wasn't a practicable proposition.
23) This is the inverse of his earlier proposition.
24) How did you vote on Proposition 8?
25) Her assessment is based on the proposition that power corrupts.
26) Vote Yes on Proposition 136, but No on Propositions 129,[http:///proposition.html] 133 and 134.
27) It's a business proposition, pure and simple. No strings attached.
28) Ring up your agent in New York and put your proposition to him.
29) You came to see me at my office the other day with a business proposition.
30) The offer of two tickets for the price of one makes it a very attractive proposition .
1) Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition.
2) It is clearly illogical to maintain such a proposition.
3) The young man gave a clear proposition at the meeting.
4) Ring up your agent in New York and put your proposition to him.
5) Most people accept the proposition that we have a duty to protect endangered animals.
6) All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye ".
7) She immediately threw cold water on the proposition.
8) The business proposition was rejected as impractical.
9) The two teams prepared to debate the given proposition.
31) Even among seasoned mountaineers Pinnacle Ridge is considered quite a tough proposition.
32) He was trying to make it look like an attractive proposition.
33) It doesn't sound like a very viable proposition to me.
34) I've put my proposition to the company director for his consideration.
35) Getting a work permit in the UK is not always a simple proposition.
36) The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample.
37) My proposition, I assure you, would be to our mutual benefit.
38) He wrote to me last week regarding a business proposition he thought might interest me.
39) They were debating the proposition that 'All people are created equal'.
40) Biological filters are a different proposition.
41) Costs and qualifications All-optical cabling is an attractive proposition.
42) I have a proposition to make.
43) Truth is literally what a true proposition expresses.
44) Gordon thought the proposition sounded very tasty.
45) It would be difficult to sustain this proposition.
46) I do not accept that proposition.
47) Anyway, it would be a a business proposition.
48) Is such a proposition indeed meaningful?
49) Time for a personal fiscal analysis of Proposition 186.
50) Parenting today is such a dicey proposition.
51) We can not accept this proposition.
52) It's a proposition - a business proposition.
53) I'll consider your proposition and let you know.
54) Those are the costs Proposition 186 would virtually eliminate.
55) Enter Bringhurst, stage left, with a startling proposition.
56) Citizens have similar powers under the anti-toxics Proposition 65.
57) Proposition 209 outlawed affirmative action in California.
58) We're still studying the proposition.
59) Hot water is a different proposition.
60) We do not dissent from that proposition.
61) The history of this proposition is not altogether clear.
62) Malcolm Harris was a slightly different proposition.
63) Proposition 13 put a cap on property taxes.
64) His uncle Laban is a different proposition altogether.
65) Not every-one shared our enthusiasm for Sheldrake's proposition.
66) We had a regular business proposition.
67) Do you think this is a viable proposition?
68) But as also with Ricardo, Malthus' qualifications were lost in the sweep of his central proposition.
69) The anti-illegal immigration Proposition 187 resonated with voters two years ago.
70) We have found a true proposition which has no proof within the system!
71) Both techniques could considerably improve the efficiency of electrically-driven heat pumps, making them a more worthwhile proposition.
72) A proposition to double the state's 9 cent per gallon petrol tax to increase expenditure on roads was accepted.
73) This latter proposition is not ideal as the more rampant plants will crowd out the less vigorous and often more desirable subjects.
74) And he publicly opposed Proposition 187, saying he would not turn in illegal immigrants seeking health services.
75) But the state Supreme Court ruled that Proposition 140 contains a lifetime ban, a decision binding on federal courts.
76) We can in fact accept it along with our proposition that effects are necessitated events.
77) S Court of Appeals struck down on Tuesday the voter-approved Proposition 140.
78) The proposition is simple - one-stop shopping for both lubricants and vehicle parts.
79) Price Pfister has agreed to be in full compliance with Proposition 65 terms by the end of 1998, the state said.
80) This may seem a somewhat fanciful proposition, but no less a person than Chomsky has suggested such a possibility.
81) Proposition 186 would cover prescriptions for everyone,() preventive dental care for adults and full dental care for children.
82) A proposition can not change its truth-value without in effect becoming a different proposition.
83) International marketing is an expensive proposition, since tastes differ across national boundaries.
84) The Secretary of State did not provide a good defence of the Government's proposition.
85) There are certain simple classes of true arithmetical proposition that do form recursively enumerable sets, however.
86) Proposition 13 in 1978 slashed the property tax and reordered state and local government finance.
87) The controversy is heating up just days after voters overwhelmingly turned down a ballot proposition to increase mountain lion hunting.
88) Finally,[] Proposition 186 would change not only the financing of health care but also what the money buys.
89) Even if Proposition 559 passes, it will become moot if the Supreme Court says it's unconstitutional.
90) In the streets, opponents of Proposition 187 have held mass rallies and student walkouts.
91) Next, Barro tests the proposition that it is only the unpredictable part of money growth that influences the rate of unemployment.
92) But it reopened after a state judge ruled this month that the cooperative could do business under the tenets of Proposition 215.
93) It has become the most famous and hotly disputed California ballot measure since Proposition 13 cut property taxes in 1978.
94) The suit against Proposition 209 was randomly assigned to another judge, Vaughn Walker.
95) The final tally was 42 percent in favor of the proposition, compared with 58 percent against.
96) Being realistic about it, a bar code system that would directly provide text string is not a very practical proposition.
97) The key part of her proposition, furthermore, is the Creole part.
98) Last season Boldon struggled throughout but they are a different proposition this time after signing several leading players during the winter.
99) Pearthree says there are plenty of different ways to meet the goals set by Proposition 200.
100) So goes the calm and reasoned debate over Proposition 197, which goes before California voters on March 26.
101) First then the proposition that management should accept a responsibility for doing everything possible to keep prices stable or to reduce them.
102) Desmond took his time, and when he finally arrived and the proposition was put to him, he shook his head.
103) Meanwhile, several small fire districts in San Diego County are feeling the heat from Proposition 218.
104) Dole is expected to endorse a proposition that is expected to be on the ballot next fall to eliminate affirmative action.
105) The equilibrium strategy for all types of player A is described in this Proposition.
106) Contracts A business bargain or contract rests on the basic proposition that each party to the contract is in agreement.
107) The important thing to remember is that music is not an either / or proposition.
108) In advertising parlance, this difference is termed a unique selling proposition, or usp.
109) In practice the price obtained will be less than the generating cost, so as a business proposition it is a non-starter.
110) This does not sound like a very practical proposition, at least not in the immediate future.
111) Congress gave him permission to sell his mortgage securities in every state, but to his more radical proposition it said no.
112) Californians also turned down Proposition 202, a proposal to limit lawyers' contingency fees and encourage early settlement of lawsuits.
113) That it makes the proposition for which it is offered more probable.
114) I do not find in this decision a sufficient support for the wide proposition for which Mr. Collins contends.
115) It is this basic proposition that underlies much of recent Marxian writings on underdevelopment.
116) Voters also rejected Proposition C,[] which would have improved retirement benefits for 165 police officers and firefighters.
117) This proposition has been the subject of much empirical debate, but at present there seems no overwhelming consensus as to its veracity.
118) This assertion leads directly to the proposition that money national income and the nominal money supply must be directly correlated with each other.
119) On independent advice, the syndicate of more than 200 banks appears to have decided Eurotunnel is no longer a bankable proposition.
120) By asserting it, however, we are also committing ourselves to a general conditional proposition of a standard kind.
121) It is designed for one party to put forward a proposition which the other party denies or opposes.
122) For many years, the first proposition was believed to be the case.
123) The exit polls suggest that people thought about this proposition, and began to accept it.
124) A dubious reform written in the Senate, Proposition 112 in 1990, barred legislators from receiving speaking fees.
125) Debate within the Justice Department has focused in part on analyzing the constitutionality of Proposition 209, the Justice official said.
126) There are no other types of proposition except pure mathematics and logic.
127) If hiring costs can be reduced by machines working longer, it could become an even more attractive proposition.
128) That bond measure will go before voters March 26 as Proposition 192.
129) However, many small businesses do not provide insurance now and would face a new expense under Proposition 186.
130) I told you I had a proposition to put to you.
131) Voters also defeated Proposition 201, a complicated measure aimed at restricting shareholder lawsuits, which have plagued Silicon Valley high-tech companies.
132) Thousands of others raced back at halftime to make additional proposition bets.
133) In principle it also applies to members of our own species, which makes the proposition seem ridiculous.
134) It also turns a dream into a solid business proposition, worth the considerable investment.
135) Scientisttemp agencies take issue with the proposition that contingency workers are a threat to scientists or to science.
136) He said the arguments for Proposition 140 do not say that a lifetime ban is not imposed.
137) However, most taxes which are a practical proposition create their own distortions in the economy and involve non-trivial collection costs.
138) Those behind the proposition are a group of hard-working volunteers who want to improve Tucson.
139) This is a crucial proposition which we have already noted and which will be discussed again later in this book.
140) About that proposition, a large dose of skepticism is in order.
141) Simply as a proposition this is open to grave doubt.
142) I am left with the cup the idea of that ordinary physical object - or a proposition about the cup.
143) He said the suit will be amended to reflect the ruling upholding Proposition 209.
144) Proposition 209 bars preferences based on race and gender in public employment, contracting and education in state and local government.
145) Whether Proposition 140 imposes a lifetime ban was a major issue discussed by the state Supreme Court in 1991.
146) Proposition 140 limits Assembly members to three two-year terms and state senators to two four-year terms.
147) No one thinks it an important proposition that what promotes survival of the human species promotes survival of the human species.
148) In theory[http://], a star-driven period melodrama with top-notch production values should have been an attractive proposition for distributors.
149) However desirable it is that they receive training, many do not see it as a practical proposition.
150) From the latter, he derived the proposition that intent is the mens rea of rape and to this he added recklessness.
151) I find much more difficulty with the second proposition advanced by Mr. Collins.
152) This ambiguity obfuscates the distinct voices of Proust's text and de Man's and divides the responsibility for the proposition.
153) The sponsors of Proposition 218 are acknowledging that the complex initiative needs clarification and fine-tuning.
154) Latino support drops Early polls showed that Latinos were about evenly split on Proposition 187.
155) Voters supported proposition 22 by 61 % to 39 %, bestowing official recognition only on marriages between men and women.
156) This was not an attractive proposition, but my idea of womanhood was hardly preferable.
157) The proposition that the fabliau is an appropriate mode for an argument between two churls is explicitly Chaucer's.
158) Yet another way that Proposition 187 is stirring Californians is through citizen involvement.
159) The proposition is that, some billions of years ago, visiting extraterrestrials arrived in their spaceship to view the Earth.
160) The proposition linking external factors to workshop behaviour rested on the first three studies.
161) Film theorists first put forward the proposition that the construction of the spectator in mainstream cinema is gendered.
162) The simple proposition behind all agrarian reform was that surplus land should be distributed to surplus labour.
163) The California provision, Proposition 140, restricted state assemblymen to three two-year terms and senators to two four-year terms.
164) Research overwhelmingly supports the proposition that age is a poor predictor of performance and ability.
165) Despite what standard economic theory tells us about the impact of this proposition, the temptation to support it is great.
166) The governor is proposing the minimum increase for schools required by Proposition 98.
167) The third proposition is, therefore, that institutional design is crucial for competition policy.
168) Because of the constitutional dispute, Proposition 209 did not take effect until Thursday.
169) By the end of the Regency period the pub was becoming a far more attractive proposition for the government, too.
170) Mungo admired Emily's patience as she waited for the right moment to mention his proposition.
171) He described this as a bold proposition, but stated that it was soundly based.
172) I would like to discuss a business proposition of possible benefit to us both.
173) The organization, which is known for its staunch opposition to gun control, made the expenditure under Proposition 208.
174) However, all this makes the Rolls a more costly proposition if it needs repairing.
175) It begins with Proposition 13, the landmark 1978 initiative that froze property tax rates.
176) But as the centennial neared,[] he approached Fred with quite a secular proposition.
177) Schools are guaranteed a minimum level of funding spelled out by Proposition 98, approved by voters in 1988.
178) In 1996, voters adopted Proposition 208, which imposes restrictions on candidate spending but does not affect ballot measure campaigns.
179) At the municipal elections, twenty communities voted for the proposition.
180) Now, it happens that is a very controversial and highly questionable economic proposition.
181) We support the proposition that the provision of access beyond existing Rights of Way should be paid for out of the public purse.
182) Attractive as that proposition has seemed in recent years, the form in which it has been pursued is fraught with difficulties.
183) The proposition that men and women have evolved different minds is anathema to every social scientist and politically correct individual.
184) As drafted, neither bill would deny public elementary or secondary education to illegal immigrants, as Proposition 187 sought to do.
185) Since the passage of Proposition 209, those seeking such programs must resort to a statewide initiative to amend the California Constitution.
186) At the private view of that year's Royal Academy Summer Exhibition she met the architect and put the proposition to him.
187) Proposition 187 has created almost a crisis in the Latino community.
188) There is some empirical support for the proposition that the likelihood of attack decreases with size.
189) As a financial proposition, it has either consistently got its sums wrong or the people have never wanted their palace enough.
190) Bob Dole, the expected Republican presidential nominee, came out against the proposition Tuesday.
191) All that was needed was a fifty-signature petition, a special general meeting and a simple majority in favour of the proposition.
192) The proposition sets aside funds to expand research into which health services and procedures are effective.
193) She was totally uninterested in the proposition that a man ought to make something of himself.
194) Yellow and metallic packaging features a clock-intended to show the products' round the clock cleansing proposition.
195) Quite apart from anything else(), I have a business proposition to put to you.
196) Although they spent only $ 160,600 on their campaign, they narrowly defeated the proposition 51-49 percent.
197) Some believe Proposition 209 has had a paralyzing effect on women-and minority-owned businesses.
198) The big reform was the term limits enacted by Proposition 140 in 1990.
199) Their basic proposition was that we tend to organise and simplify incoming information until it makes a satisfying pattern.
200) He offers the unassailable proposition that without money there can be no inflation.
201) I am sceptical about the proposition that minority rights can be protected by redrawing internal frontiers.
202) Proposition 187 is consuming the races at the top of the ticket.
203) Proposition 187 has been blocked by the courts, but opposition to illegal immigration remains strong in California.
204) All her dreams, in an instant, had vaporised into nothing - for she knew she would never accept his proposition.
205) Fife Symington has been a vocal opponent of a Proposition 187 movement in Arizona.
206) Such vanished cultures operated under belief systems so utterly different from ours that such a proposition is absurd.
207) We are prepared to look at any reasonable proposition from the council.
208) Proposition 212 would limit contributions to statewide races to $ 200 and $ 100, respectively,[] for legislative and local races.
209) Relativism is not an attractive proposition to anyone, least of all philosophers, because everything becomes so uncertain and transitory.
210) In 1994, voters there approved Proposition 187, which restricts education, health and other state services to illegal aliens.
211) His most striking proposition to the lay reader is that human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language.
212) A heavy snowfall can transform an easy walk into a serious proposition in just a matter of hours.
213) These perceptible correlations ran counter to the predictions of the invariance proposition.
214) I can't feel that this music as presented here is an attractive proposition at full price.
215) Recording the electrical activity of single brain cells in mammals only became a viable proposition in the 1950s.
216) Let us begin with the proposition that our visual experience does somehow involve a judgement.
217) It is not an attractive proposition for independent power generation because it is difficult to finance.
218) Only a quarter of the 80 members of the new Assembly are old-timers elected before voters approved Proposition 140 in November 1990.
219) He approached the conference sponsors with a proposition: He would settle his claim without a suit for twenty-six thousand dollars.
220) Reading bar codes into the system is a practical proposition, but the database side of things is not.
221) Erling has based his legal defense on the proposition that the photos of him are fake.
222) This proposition is more easily understood when one realizes that Richards's general theory of value is a materialist one.
223) Collective investments are a slightly trickier proposition for online expatriates.
224) Only a handful of producers - say a dozen or so - regard wine as a viable commercial proposition.
225) There is truth in this proposition; but as it stands it is vague and ambiguous.
226) For my part, I would not be prepared to accept that as a proposition of law.
227) They thought it included the contrary proposition that the law did not protect the fish.
228) If A is false, does that also mean proposition B is false?
229) She pitches her proposition in the throes of passionate lovemaking.
230) He set forward his proposition in uncertain terms.
231) He set forward his proposition in not uncertain terms.
232) It was strictly a cash on delivery proposition.
233) He had to sign the proposition for the citation.
234) Pythagorean proposition is a geometry term.
235) Is financial opening a suspectable proposition?
236) He set forward his proposition in no uncertain terms.
237) The interchange of the subject and predicate of a proposition.
238) Here we certainly have a Sign; but even though the proposition be true, the argument is refutable,[Sentencedict] since it does not form a syllogism.
239) Criticism of the type "hypothetic proposition" is just corresponding to the artistic definition and understanding.
240) Fuzzy proposition "if A then B"is described as R0 implication operator, where A and B is a fuzzy set respectively.
241) Analytic philosophy transcends subjective philosophy in a certain extent through emphasizing meaning of proposition and changing Kant's transcendental category in semasiology.
242) There is not a independent priority with nature of real rights for security, and also it is a false proposition that special obligatory right should be guaranteed by it.
243) It's quite a new proposition that you is putt before me.
244) It'seems axiomatic that you have to make a friend before you caneffecitively a proposition.
245) Every singular - looking causal proposition is really general, since it implies a universal law.
246) It seemed as if his first instinct on hearing a proposition was to controvert it, so impatient was he of the limitations of our daily thought.
247) The tragic fortune under the control of traditional morality, the fabulous statement for ideal and belief, the poetic image language all point to the eternal Chinese culture proposition of traditio...
248) Using a truth table is one of the important ways for proposition logic.
249) Carrie found ample food for reflection in the fifty - dollar proposition.
250) Allowing hydraulic oil to enter plant effluent systems becomes an expensive proposition when removal and disposal costs are considered.
251) Identifying field launch sites for the 2nd AC's missile force can be a difficult proposition, and there are likely hundreds of such locations as yet unlocated.
252) The method of projection is the thinking of the sense of the proposition.
253) The idea that the statutory capital system has increased both the difficulty and the cost for the establishment of companies is actually a pseudo proposition.
254) Praising Comedy is, in essence, a false proposition, which is against artistic discipline and comic spirit.
255) Meanwhile, what kind of legal effect it would cause is a disputable proposition which puzzles people.
256) How can a particular proposition, or more briefly, a fact, affect its probability?
257) Of course, globalisation is not a lose - lose proposition for the west.
258) The government's moves would bring a sizable majority of the committee round to endorsing the proposition.
259) Much as they love you, it's easy for our friends to forget our day-to-day priorities, including a job search that feels like a life-or-death proposition to you.
260) Therefore, a formal truth is a true proposition to determine whether the formal proposition is of universal effectiveness or relation of satisfaction.
261) For a standard, folder-based, hierarchical repository such as your filesystem, this is a relatively simple proposition.
262) In the history of university development, academic freedom is an eternal proposition.
263) Therefore we try to study the relationship between PPI and CPI in order to identify the proposition that whether the PPI was the leading indicator of inflation in China at present.
264) Therefore, with such self-evident proposition, the answer is the same as with the bald head louse, are obvious.
265) A contingent proposition may be true and may equally be false.
266) Positivism who thought that sense and experience be exclusively related to the proposition became impossible solipsism, this is because sense and experience can be reduced in actual languages.
266) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
267) At the same time, the unit will continue to increase enrollment from the initial proposition of the business class reform, the general level should be subject (group) set up an examinable subject.
268) The first gleam of fairness shone in this proposition for Carrie.
269) Here was another proposition nearly , if not quite , as disturbing.
270) The reporting from our various diplomatic posts converged on the proposition that the war was improbable.
271) Proposition 4.5 Φ _ σ is a coset of Φ _ ( Id ) relative to Aut ( MO _ k ).
272) However, the Citizens opinion does not necessarily repudiate that proposition.
273) Informal tests of this proposition are conducted by considering primogeniture and urban growth as proxies for wealth stability.
274) It differs from the characteristic of the literary history research and thus is a false proposition.
275) This article argues, however, in discussing the true or false of a universal proposition, the existence of the object should be supposed to have been enacted.
276) Logically, advocates of land privatization base their illogical argument on the premise of a false proposition and go against rules of inference.
277) To begin with, the NCB file will be replaced with a SQL Server Compact database. Currently the entire NCB file needs to be loaded into memory, an expensive proposition in large projects.
278) It'seems axiomatic that you have to a friend before you can a proposition.
279) Surely someone will turn up to accept your interesting proposition.
280) And it is nearly a bran - new proposition to study it with the view of Practical Science.
281) Jaakko Hintikka created a new paradigm in the domain of interpretation on the "Cogito, ergo sum" proposition, namely the Performatory Interpretation.
282) After a screening process[/proposition.html], any seemingly viable proposition will be tested by market research.
283) This proposition carries us back to the strictly primitive period of mankind.
284) Sod seeding is now a practicable proposition on permanent pastures of the better soils.
285) This paper gives a detailed study of truth reasoning based on fuzzy proposition, strict statement of truth-value propagation in uncertainty reasoning, defined in , is shown.
286) As for the transformational reasoning of categorical proposition, it is traditionally thought that Proposition A can only be replaced by Proposition I, Proposition O cannot be substituted.
287) The ability to produce customized virtual images and use them in an auditable manner to construct virtual systems is an important value proposition of the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance.
288) Any seemingly viable proposition will be tested by market research.
289) "The nature of knowledge is a form" is a false proposition.
290) Hypothetical plus disjunctive inference takes hypothetical proposition and disjunctive proposition as its premises, out which 12 inference models may be produced.
291) With concert fees reportedly in the $ 40, 000 plus range the show seem a lucrative proposition.
292) It is curious that the universal proposition does not imply it!
293) If what we lose is territory and what we gain is victory over the enemy, plus recovery and also expansion of our territory, then it is a paying proposition.
294) Will you explain specifically your proposition about the term of payment?




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