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单词 dress circle
释义  Related topics: Theatreˈdress ˌcircle noun [countable] British English  APTthe lowest of the curved rows of seats upstairs in a theatre 楼厅前座 SYN American English first balconyExamples from the Corpusdress circle• Babes in the Wood tickets are priced from £4.50£10.50, and dress circle boxes at £15.• Richard Rice was in an office tucked away high up in the dress circle and had left Charlie to organize things.• The conflagration necessitated new carpeting on that level and new upholstery in the dress circle and balcony areas.• And the scaffolding that surrounded the dress circle has now encroached on to the stage.ˈdress ˌcircle nounChineseSyllable  of curved rows in upstairs seats the Corpus of the lowest




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