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单词 Licence
1 Liberty is not licence.
2 He's had his licence endorsed for dangerous driving.
3 The dealers applied for an export licence.
4 He had his street vending licence taken away.
5 The CD-ROM comes with a single-user licence.
6 The restaurant applied for a licence to sell wine.
7 Driving without a licence is an offence.
8 He hadn't paid his television licence fee.
9 All vehicles carrying freight need a special licence.
10 It transpired that Paolo had left his driving licence at home.
11 Getting a gun licence here seems to be just a formality.
12 I'm afraid your driving licence is invalid in Eastern Europe.
13 He was granted a licence to mine in the area.
14 He was copped for driving without a licence last week.
15 She was chancing her luck driving without a licence.
16 You risk being fined and having your licence endorsed.
17 Is there a licence fee?
18 The licence expires at the end of the year.
19 You need a licence to fish in this river.
20 You have to have a licence to sell beer.
21 All these details are specified in the licence.
22 Guinness is brewed under licence in South Africa.
23 The restaurant finally obtained a liquor licence.
24 You need an HGV licence for this job.
25 My driving licence expires in March.
26 She took out a driving licence.
27 They're coming down heavily on people for not paying their licence fees.
28 All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence.
29 If you saw a traffic accident,[] make sure to mark down the licence of the car.
30 He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence.
1 The dealers applied for an export licence.
2 He had his street vending licence taken away.
3 The CD-ROM comes with a single-user licence.
4 The restaurant applied for a licence to sell wine.
5 Driving without a licence is an offence.
6 He hadn't paid his television licence fee.
7 All vehicles carrying freight need a special licence.
8 They're coming down heavily on people for not paying their licence fees.
9 All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence.
10 It transpired that Paolo had left his driving licence at home.
11 Getting a gun licence here seems to be just a formality.
12 I'm afraid your driving licence is invalid in Eastern Europe.
13 He was granted a licence to mine in the area.
14 If you saw a traffic accident, make sure to mark down the licence of the car.
15 He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence.
16 He was copped for driving without a licence last week.
17 He is charged with several misdemeanour, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
18 I'm in favour of liberty, of course — but against licence.
19 He bought two pieces of goods exported under special licence.
31 Always keep your driving licence in a safe place.
32 She gained her private pilot's licence.
33 I haven't got my driving licence on me.
34 The weapons were exported under a special export licence.
35 Drivers risk heavy fines for driving without a licence.
36 He's had his licence taken away.
37 James lost his licence for six months .
38 He is prevented by law from holding a licence.
39 Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's licence.
40 I got my driving licence when I was eighteen.
41 When does your driving licence expire?
42 The licence can be renewed on expiry.
43 Applicants must hold a valid driving licence.
44 Your licence will come up for review every July.
45 The licence shown by the invaders.
46 I've always had a clean driving licence.
47 His driving licence was revoked after the crash.
48 As parents[http://], they allowed their children very little licence.
49 The police revoked his driving licence, because he hogged.
50 The bar was refused a music licence.
51 To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence.
52 He was over the limit and will lose his licence .
53 He is charged with several misdemeanour, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
54 Bates says he will lose his livelihood if his driving licence is taken away.
55 Why give these people licence to enter the place at will?
56 He used a little poetic licence to embroider a good story.
57 She used a fair amount of poetic licence when describing her life in rural France.
58 The policeman pulled up the motorist and asked to see his licence.
59 Payne lost his driving licence a year ago for drink-driving.
60 He is now the proud possessor of a driving licence.
61 You can buy a TV licence at the post office.
62 I'm in favour of liberty, of course — but against licence.
63 Police say it gives youngsters licence to break the law.
64 I'm pleased to say that I'm now the proud possessor of a driving licence!
65 How many endorsements can you have before you lose your licence?
66 He has a licence to shoot pheasants on the farmer's land.
67 A licence to sell alcohol was granted to the club.
68 It's a German product, made under licence in British factories.
68 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
69 The King ordained that deer should not be hunted without a royal licence.
70 You need a fishing licence to fish in the lake.
71 You can hire these from most car hire firms, provided you have a clean driving licence.
72 The company has won the licence to run trains from the south coast to London.
73 They are Italian trains, but they will be built in Britain under licence.
74 You can't get a driving licence till you're seventeen in this country.
75 "Dropping the charges has given racists a licence to kill," said Jim's aunt.
76 It gained a licence to operate as a bank from the Bank of England in 1981.
77 We had intended to go driving around Scotland, but unless I can get my licence we're snookered.
78 As the law stands, you can get married while still too young to have a driving licence.
79 The painting was returned to Spain on a temporary import licence.
80 Your driving licence will be revoked if you get another speeding ticket.
81 She failed to notice the discrepancy between the name on the cheque and the name on the driving licence.
82 Pete felt he had had his wings clipped when his driving licence was confiscated.
83 A special licence is required for the manufacture or handling of any dangerous chemical.
84 She threatened to report him to the authorities for hunting without a licence.
85 He's got a couple of endorsements on his licence already.
86 Have you got any ID? A driving licence or cheque card will do.
87 Headteachers should be allowed greater licence in the exercise of their power.
88 Drivers must be in possession of a current driving licence.
89 You have to pass a test before you can get a licence.
90 For failing to report the accident, his licence was endorsed.
91 If you drive this car without a licence,you'll have to answer for the consequences!
92 He bought two pieces of goods exported under special licence.
93 Lack of punishment seems to give youngsters licence to break the law.
94 He is charged with several misdemeanor, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
95 She lost her driving licence when she was caught drink-driving.
96 He also had his licence endorsed with eight penalty points.
97 He was drink- driving without a licence or insurance.
98 A clean driving licence is essential.
99 They also display their licence number on their plates.
100 His licence was also endorsed with five points.
101 The renewal licence will commence on the date your application is received in the Driver Licensing Central Office.
102 If back-up copies are permitted under any licence agreement,[Sentence dictionary] the number of back-up copies made should not exceed that agreed to.
103 The plan was scrapped when magistrates refused a drinks licence for the £1.25m complex, but Anchor has submitted a second application.
104 The company had to bid for its new broadcasting licence at auction and won it with a bid of £2,000.
105 The special nature of computer software and the fact that software is usually acquired by means of a licence have several legal implications.
106 You must give your correct date of birth, because in many cases it will affect the validity of your licence.
107 Sefton councillors this week stripped the club of its entertainments licence after being handed a police dossier detailing violent and rowdy incidents.
108 After several days however, with nobody apprehended, the papers indulged in a little poetic licence.
109 You must have, or be able to obtain a full driving licence.
110 Once the customer decides to buy the software, Hewlett provides a password over the phone granting a permanent licence.
111 The police officer made Neil get out of the car and demanded to see his driver's licence.
112 The Riding Establishment Act makes it compulsory for riding schools to hold a licence which is issued after annual inspections.
113 The defendant agreed to this and obtained a licence but later refused to pay the charge.
114 But distinctions between the definitions of tenancies and licence are unclear and need to be clarified legally.
115 A ration book for certain items of food, clothing coupons, driving licence.
116 It is therefore essential for a new user of water to make a licence application as early as possible.
117 Well, I live in sheltered accommodation and, believe me, I have to pay the full licence fee.
118 By a government licence under the Act, Mercury Communications, a private company, was authorized to establish a communications system.
119 Police refused to say if he had a criminal record or gun licence, but he is know to have several passports.
120 Licence to allow another person to dictate the rising of the sun, the seasons of the moon?
121 They represent a man's date of birth, a driving licence number and an identity number.
122 When he was seventeen he lost his driving licence after receiving 27 speeding summonses.
123 He was fined £250 plus £25 costs, had his licence endorsed and was disqualified for one year.
124 A licence agreement may specifically prohibit error correction so that all this provision does is to raise a presumption in favour of the lawful user.
125 Sovereignty, in other words, must no longer be a licence for abuse of power.
126 It costs £100 per month, per licence, to rent direct from Computervision.
127 No, the problem was a licence with such potential being turned into such a diabolical arcade adventure.
128 In other words, a scarcity value attaches at present to the possession of a licence.
129 An added advantage: you don't have to pay any licence fee for this model because there is no T.V. receiver.
130 In Derby it is a condition on the public entertainment licence for all licensed premises employing doormen.
131 He even asked the taxi driver to go via an off licence.
132 If the licence is granted, it will be an important step towards international acceptance of the drug.
133 Full Open Driving cover for drivers over 25 and under 70 years of age with a full licence for 12 months.
134 A licence has to be obtained and a deposit paid in advance to cover charges for a reasonable time.
135 If a licence holder contravenes any of these conditions, their licence will be withdrawn.
136 Four other firms are here too, and the long-established Mancunian company Demmy has recently been awarded the seventh licence.
137 The licence must be clearly displayed in the car windscreen.
138 Alias will provide on-site engineering resources at Industrial Light, potentially tripling the number of Alias users via a site-wide software licence.
139 Mansell admitted drink-driving, two charges of driving with defective tyres and driving on a motorway while a provisional licence holder.
140 An application will be accepted up to 2 months before the date the licence is required.
141 The tenor of the 1976 Act is permissive: a licence should be granted unless good cause is shown justifying refusal.
142 Operators who cut corners will get a licence for only 12 years.
143 An application for a public entertainment licence for the new venture goes before Middlesbrough Council's licensing sub-committee tomorrow.
144 Car users pay heavy duties on petrol and must pay licence fees for running a car.
145 So far, he's had his licence endorsed and spent 28 days in a young offenders institution.
146 The liberalisation of those rules since Ridge has affected procedures attendant upon the grant of a licence.
147 Under these powers the Food Controller ordered that no milk should be sold within certain counties except under licence.
148 Mr Rodriguez's plan is to get a high-school diploma, then win a pilot's licence.
149 A final decision whether to grant an entertainment licence will be taken in March.
150 A full licence must have been held for at least 1 year, and the minimum age is 21.
151 Exemptions Various categories of vehicle are exempt from the need to obtain an operating licence.
152 Middlesbrough Council and some local residents groups are supporting the Anchor application for a drinks licence.
153 Dalton was a lorry driver, Fox didn't even have a driving licence.
154 For all, apart from Anglican weddings, you must obtain a certificate or certificate with licence from the local superintendent registrar.
155 He was fined £150, plus £20 costs, and had his licence endorsed.
156 He perused the long columns of journalistic licence which covered the Mercury's front page.
157 The board took four off-sale licences in the locality into account when considering an application for a public house licence.
158 For instance,[http:///licence.html] in 1666 he was granted a licence for the cultivation of senna in the plantations.
159 The Channel 5 licence is expected to be awarded in early November and be on air at the latest in 1995.
160 Anyone who drives like that deserves to lose their licence.
161 The real blame lies with the licence granted to employers by a statutory regime which stacks every deck in their favour.
162 The licence application must be signed by the applicant or his agent.
163 The last is licence compliance - the company provides a baseline inventory of all software being used within an organisation.
164 Instead he sent off a cheque last month for a new licence when his old one expired.
165 They were protesting against a new highway code and a points-system driving licence.
166 Judicial separation by the ecclesiastical courts, which did not give a licence to remarry.
167 If permission is granted for an entertainment licence, the promoters hope to start shows there within the next few months.
168 No, she did not own a car - could not afford to - but she did have a driving licence.
169 He bragged that he needed a special licence to bring it on the bus.
170 No regulations governed the hunt - anyone with a rifle and a boat could kill dolphins without a licence.
171 A total of 89 licences have been granted to abattoirs to start slaughtering livestock and another 150 have applied for the licence.
172 The 1976 Act also makes a radical change as regards the grounds for granting or refusing an application for a licence.
173 I told detectives that he had a pilot's licence and could fly himself out of the country.
174 There's nothing wrong with a bit of artistic licence, of course.
175 The Fayre, at Hillersland near Coleford, took place after a last minute legal battle to overturn a music licence ban.
176 The great thing about only having a licence fee is that you do retain complete editorial control and all the rights.
177 No licence for setting up a joint-venture company is required unless the company will be controlled by non-residents.
178 The biotechnology companies would then directly buy a licence for a particular technique rather than negotiating with individual universities.
179 He was also given six penalty points and had his licence endorsed.
180 I soon learnt to read the licence plates' prefixes.
181 Do you envisage an exclusive licence?
182 You are not allowed to bring plants in from further afield without a licence.
183 The expiry of a driving licence, lease, credit card, contract, agreement, etc.
184 This licence would not allow him to trade as a plc.
185 The appellant will be release on licence after eight month.
186 She sent her provisional licence with the test certificate to have it upgraded to a full licence.
187 a multi-user software licence.
188 Article 12 The term of validity of an import licence shall be one year.




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