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单词 drench
释义  drench /drentʃ/ verb [transitive]  WETto make something or someone extremely wet 湿透,淋透,浇透 In the early morning they had got drenched in the grass. 一大清早他们在草丛里弄得浑身湿透。 —drenching /ˈdrentʃɪŋ/ adjective drenching rain 滂沱大雨→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdrench• Blood was pouring from the cut, drenching his shirt.• I forgot my umbrella and got drenched.• It was even proposed at one point that the reef itself should simply be drenched in copper.• He turned the hose on us and drenched us all.• In the first piece these are drenched with red and black paint from the spray paint cans.• When at last she was able to stand upright in safety, her knees buckled and her body was drenched with sweat.• Flames set light to his jacket and Mr Williams was helped into a nearby toilet where his hands were drenched with water.Origin drench Old English drencan; related to drinkdrench verbChinese  make extremely or someone something wet Corpus to




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