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单词 Straightforward
1. Disposable nappies are fairly straightforward to put on.
2. It's quite straightforward to get here.
3. That's a very straightforward answer.
4. The procedure is quite straightforward.
5. Installing the program is relatively straightforward.
6. I'm a blunt straightforward man; I hate sham.
7. I think you'll find it all quite straightforward.
8. We took a straightforward route to the beach.
9. Getting funding for the project was far from straightforward.
10. This is a straightforward task.
11. She is very blunt[sentence dictionary], very straightforward and very honest.
12. We recognized that the task was not straightforward.
13. This area of law is far from straightforward .
14. This is a straightforward case, as these things go.
15. Registering a birth or death is a straightforward procedure.
16. The instructions seem fairly straightforward.
17. The instructions are reasonably straightforward.
18. The answer to this question is deceptively straightforward .
19. A straightforward talk is better than a flowery speech.
20. The facts of the case are quite straightforward.
21. Look, it's perfectly straightforward?just multiply everything by five.
22. The article was written in straightforward, almost conversational language.
23. Jack is tough, but always straightforward and fair.
24. Roz is straightforward and let's you know what she's thinking.
25. There is no straightforward equivalence between economic progress and social well-being.
26. The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error.
27. Just follow the signs to Bradford - it's very straightforward.
28. It's a very complex issue to which there is no straightforward answer.
29. It would seem to be a general truth that nothing is as straightforward as it at first seems.
30. We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers.
1. Disposable nappies are fairly straightforward to put on.
2. It's quite straightforward to get here.
3. That's a very straightforward answer.
4. Installing the program is relatively straightforward.
5. I'm a blunt straightforward man; I hate sham.
6. I think you'll find it all quite straightforward.
7. We took a straightforward route to the beach.
8. Just follow the signs to Bradford - it's very straightforward.
9. This is a straightforward task.
10. The instructions are reasonably straightforward.
11. A straightforward talk is better than a flowery speech.
31. My first pregnancy was very straightforward - there were no complications.
32. For someone who can't read, shopping is by no means a straightforward matter.
33. The film presents a straightforward choice between good and evil, with no shades of grey.
34. A straightforward complaints procedure must be established from the outset.
35. It was not as straightforward as we were led to believe.
36. He was quite straightforward with us about the difficulties involved.
37. Once upon a time, asking a woman if she has a job was quite a straightforward question.
38. The brief given to the students was quite straightforward.
39. This may seem a fairly straightforward task.
40. There are two straightforward ways of achieving this result.
40. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
41. Her story is told in a straightforward, believable fashion.
42. Determining an executive's salary is not a straightforward task.
43. It wasn't by any means a straightforward process.
44. Wes is a straightforward person.
45. The question seemed straightforward enough.
46. The directions to the campsite are fairly straightforward.
47. If we are interested only in individuals, it is a straightforward matter.
48. So it becomes a relatively straightforward matter to list them as an inventory.
49. The Minister suggested also that the technical arrangements for preserving pension rights will be straightforward.
50. There's a straightforward calculation for working out how much tax you have to pay.
51. The new networking system is fairly straightforward - you shouldn't have any problems.
52. Komansky, the new chairman of the company, is a smart, straightforward, engaging fellow.
53. It is very straightforward - you just type the file name, then press 'Enter'.
54. Dealing with a fellow employee who fills his speech with self-talk is a straightforward matter.
55. The condom advertising campaign is going to be very straightforward and as matter-of-fact as possible.
56. In practice getting the thing going is straightforward - though care should be taken to avoid excessive flaring.
57. The more stupid one is, the closer one is to reality. The more stupid one is, the clearer one is. Stupidity is brief and artless, while intelligence squirms and hides itself. Intelligence is unprincipled, but stupidity is honest and straightforward. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
58. There is no guarantee that honest people will always be honest and straightforward, and not all honest people are always reliable and countable. Dr T.P.Chia 
59. Should be free, light-footed , lively and straightforward.
60. The justification for summary administrative powers is straightforward.
61. The procedural steps are quite straightforward.
62. It's not even as straightforward as officialdom. "
63. Speer made the most straightforward impression of all.
64. However, the science of xenotransplantation is much less straightforward.
65. The construction of a logarithmic diagram is straightforward.
66. The adaptation to the other components is straightforward.
67. He was vigorous , hardy, intelligent and straightforward.
68. He was dependable, straightforward, the boy next door.
69. The overriding reason why this separation is essential is straightforward.
70. The basic methods of ethnographic interviewing are simple, straightforward,[] and very low tech.
71. Conclusion: Video density scale is more sensitive and straightforward than CTFC to evaluate the local myocardial m...
72. In Excel 12, we have tried to make this a more straightforward task by putting a field for the labels in the Drop Zone area of the field list that people can move around exactly like any other field.
73. Of the youth puzzle but with rebel, straightforward fallacy, there also is bold passional picture in the book.
74. Obvious clinical manifestations, diagnosis is relatively straightforward, taking knee joint lateral retinaculum lysis. Some patients taking cartilage lesions clean-up and drilling in the treatment.
75. He said Well, it's too early to say for certain, but looks to be a very straightforward abscessed tooth.
76. So a behaviorist story about fetishes, for instance, is it's straightforward classical conditioning.
77. When time domain solutions are required, the Laplace transform method is straightforward.
78. The WordQuery class is most straightforward. Its job is to hold the search word.
79. All straightforward until your team is denied what looks to be goal by a poor decision by the assistant referee on the touchline.
80. Setting up a detector electronics system is straightforward because standardized building blocks can be bought.
81. Among the various image manipulations, extracting a subimage from an image is a very common one, however, GD representation is not a straightforward one to do it.
82. While a more straightforward word choice might have been preferable ("wind power can generate enough electricity"), the idiomatic expression enlivens the sentence.
83. Midwesterners are straightforward and unpretentious, with a reputation as resolute individualists who can be somewhat hardheaded.
84. Nothing could be more racy, straightforward, and alive than the prose of Shakespeare.
85. The writers asked for a straightforward percentage of gross receipts, but settled for fixed dollar amounts , which limits their earnings compared with the studios.
86. The algorithm based on then weighted mean method is straightforward and often used.
87. The efficiency is lower in the relativistic region, and it is straightforward to calculate it.
88. In the bank's latest report, it has overtaken Colombia to become the most straightforward country in Latin America in which to do business, and the 35th easiest in the world, up from 41st last year.
89. In this position , Warren's goal was straightforward but impossibly difficult.
90. This is a straightforward approach that can make a binary counter count to any number.
91. These changes do not involve a straightforward switch to vans for those postmen and women who have previously used bicycles.
92. In the case of the Blether persistence JAR, the conversion is straightforward and so it is not necessary to use the tool.
93. Fundamental questions about the human brain can now be answered using straightforward applications of fMRI.
94. Pharmacy transactions seem so straightforward. How often could they go awry?
95. A straightforward way to implement multithreaded applications is to associate a lightweight process with each thread.
96. Women can help their husbands open up and talk more by being upfront, honest, and completely straightforward, using one-way communication.
97. It is Bong Joon-ho's masterful character development, coupled with the understated and chilling acting of Kim Hye-ja, that makes Mother so much better than a straightforward whodunit.
98. My map function is straightforward — it simply grabs the user_name property of all documents passed to it.
99. Look at that clear crisp sky, just like the straightforward, easy-going people of the North.
100. Economics is not a straightforward discipline like Newtonian mechanics or Euclidean geometry.
101. The examples we've done so far have been pretty straightforward,[Sentencedict] so we haven't needed to use formal charge to make this kind of decision.
102. Jennifer Brown and I devote an entire chapter to this question in our book Straightforward: How to Mobilize Heterosexual Support for Gay Rights.
103. Until now, fleets tended to have fairly straightforward fights, exchanging broadsides of round shot in an attempt to sink each other.
104. Worse, they're not all straightforward, so must be dealt with in stages, resulting in annoying delays.
105. With its straightforward design , good fit, stable platform Dimitri said , it was good for novices.
106. With an open and clear character, i am a straightforward and steady-going girl of responsibility, hopefully we can cooperate and develop together.
107. Alas, a straightforward tax on carbon would be far superior to the cumbersome and nontransparent cap-and-trade system based on tradable emissions permits that is proposed in the House bill.
108. Stick with a straightforward chicken shish kebab and you cannot go wrong.
109. Next summer's exams would be straightforward to administer and mark.
110. There are several ways which can realize a high-order active RC filter. The cascade realization is widely used in industry because cascade filters are relatively straightforward to design and tune.
111. Merging the synchronization classes into the shared class is a straightforward process.
112. He came over well — perhaps a little pompous, but nevertheless honest and straightforward.
113. Agreement with the CDU should be straightforward on income tax cuts and inheritance tax reforms.
114. The jump equations of the magnetohydrodynamics shock wave are transformed to the dimensionless form, so that their solutions become very simple and straightforward.
115. Contract4J makes it efficient and straightforward to define Design by Contract tests in an intuitive manner, using Java 5 annotations.
116. Can bring self imaginative faculty into play sufficiently in this a day , people , try one's best to fabricate out a little falsehood , go and tuning straightforward.
117. The ocarina son hurriedly passes condition words in the elapse, merely in the idea to this with calm consideration ugg short straightforward of man had several cents the good will.
118. At the front tier of OpenNMS, adapting the system for a specific vertical application domain is quite straightforward.
119. Obviously, the straightforward method is faster because there aren't any function calls or stack manipulation, but the recursive way is more elegant and better reflects the problem.
120. It is small and not very prosperous, but people there are warm-hearted and straightforward.
121. Although a Gin and Tonic is as straightforward as it gets, the fragrant juniper berries flavoring this bar staple make it one of America's most requested cocktails.
122. We looked at something called Selection Sort and that too was pretty straightforward, at least conceptually.
123. The driver is straightforward to use as a stand-alone program without Hadoop, as demonstrated by running ant k-means.
124. The band's sound emerged as a mixture of glam rock, prog rock and straightforward rock and roll.
125. The definition of an SME is unproblematic because there are political views on this that are relatively straightforward, even if they may leave shades of grey.
126. Adding actions to the views' pull-down menu, the common editors' toolbar, and pop-up menus is nearly as straightforward.
127. The solution is very simple and straightforward and can be used in any Linux or UNIX environment.
128. Cauley is slightly balding and barrel-chested, and his Kentucky accent is thick, his speech plainspoken and straightforward.
129. Straightforward, with its pure, clean, crisp fruit and zesty acidity. This is a light-bodied, fresh Macon for everyday drinking.
130. Sequential algorithm is a straightforward cluster algorithm, and people do not have to provide the number of clusters in advance.
130. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
131. But there is also a relaxed, straightforward manner behind the hard business ethos.
132. Rather than ensconce the discouraging news in falsely hopeful language, the doctor imparted the diagnosis in a clear, straightforward manner.
133. Very average wines capable of quenching thirst but little else. Straightforward and unremarkable.
134. The volleyball player's diagnoses were more straightforward, though I will point out that thyroid testing and biopsies are generally done as an outpatient and don't require admission to the hospital.
135. Fu means straightforward expatiation which is to express the poet's ideas and other related matters descriptively.
136. She was a widow in her early thirties , clean, straightforward, energetic and meticulous.
137. When you know the ropes this job is quite straightforward.
138. The big burn stems from the side-to-side movement of your thigh and butt muscles (demanding more from your body than the straightforward motion of our number-two activity -- running).
139. The doctrine has no objective other than the declared, straightforward one of charting future company policy.
140. The most straightforward way to do so would be to tighten up controlled - foreign - corporation ( CFC ) rules.
141. It was only a partial climbdown, however, as the film board insisted that the scenes in question were "nothing other than straightforward urination masquerading as ejaculation".
142. The wisdom of this exclusionary rule is doubtful, as many straightforward applications for relief from sanction should be capable of being disposed of fairly and efficiently without any oral hearing.
143. Our lightest shell takes a straightforward approach to alpinism .
144. There could be a very straightforward reason for the change of title.
145. It would be straightforward to implement the full X/Open specification in a production version of the TCS.
146. While the Rhett Butler is Southern, lime, lemon and curacao, the Scarlett is a more straightforward recipe.
147. At the same time, the red also evokes the pure color-field explorations of Mark Rothko, giving the portrait deeper emotional resonance than a straightforward realistic depiction.
148. "It's fairly straightforward to make computer-animated 3-Dcontent, " says Dodgson.
149. Formally, the UPDATE statement syntax is straightforward, because you must specify the new column values for the set of rows to be updated, as shown in Listing 3.
150. The sequence control structure is the straightforward execution of one processing step after another.
151. True "socialized medicine" would undoubtedly cost less, and a straightforward extension of Medicare-type coverage to all Americans would probably be cheaper than a Swiss-style system.
152. It had never occurred to the straightforward and simple-minded Vicar that one of his own flesh and blood could come to this!
153. Designing a garden is not as straightforward as It'seems, and it might enlisting expert help.
154. The struture should be easily patterned by a straightforward process.
155. At the end of the week in Dodoma, the surgeons said that of the 20 operations, some were straightforward and easy, and a few seemed likely to fail.
156. A straightforward proof of the Bloch theorem for one - dimensional photonic crystals is presented.
157. This man does not speak in a straightforward manner , he is garrulous.
158. Synthetical meaning is: 1 and honest, clumsy and, straightforward, loyal, loyalty.
159. The schematic in the figure below is relatively straightforward. I recommend that you use a combination of soldering and wire wrapping using sockets for all IC component placement.
160. Compiling the Java code and producing a JAR file that you load into WSRR as a configuration item is straightforward using the command line Java tools javac and jar.
161. This season's RBS Six Nations Championship has been straightforward and yet inexplicable.
162. Of course the move from paper or electronic money to the barter system will not be straightforward or painless as change is never that.
163. DESCRIPTION Remember is a to - do list application, focused on being straightforward and - disruptive.
164. The most straightforward way to create indexes is using a command line interface that allows queries to be run.
165. Well, the hedonist offers us a very simple straightforward answer.
166. The cryptography technology based on the private or public key can be used to control the data access and change the straightforward information into the baffling cryptograph information.
167. He was principled and 5 straightforward in my world of dishonor and lies.
168. It's easy to jailbreak too: just download the tool, connect your phone, and run through the unlock tool. It's straightforward, very low-risk and completely reversible.
169. Moreover, as is now generally recognized, certainty the determination of the magnitudes of the values is straightforward on the Ricardo-Marx-Leontief assumption of fixed production coefficients.
170. On one hand, we to brunet move at the same time, inspiration comes from the fantasy of straightforward industrial energy and children age.
171. Generally, judicially noticed evidence is a straightforward fact, an indisputable issue, or a bit of common knowledge.
172. As players of high reputation lamentably misplaced a series of straightforward, no-pressure passes[sentence dictionary], the size of his task must have become horribly apparent.
173. Science is not just a straightforward logical process for cranking out discoveries.
174. The integration of chest voice and falsetto presents the rough and straightforward characteristic of Tujia People, in addition to projecting the spectacular style of singing in Zhangjiajie Yang Opera.
175. By configuring and running the sample application, you saw how straightforward it can be to begin using JPA for new development projects today.
176. The most natural,straightforward,literal,flat-footed interpretation.
177. The straightforward visualization measurements improved the understanding on the mechanisms of gas-liquid mass transfer and micromixing inside a droplet.




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