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单词 Twisted
1. A young twig is easier twisted than an old tree. 
2. The patient's face twisted up with pain.
3. She absently twisted her wedding ring.
4. The boy twisted the top off the bottle.
5. She twisted her hair into a tight knot.
6. He twisted around to see what was happening.
7. His mouth twisted into a wry smile.
8. He twisted his body painfully.
9. String is made of threads twisted together.
10. The patient twisted about in pain.
11. She twisted many threads to make this rope.
12. I twisted the bandage round her knee.
13. I twisted my ankle.
14. The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.
15. Her hair was twisted into a knot on top of her head.
16. Suddenly the snake twisted.
17. He twisted his head slightly, and looked up at her.
18. I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process .
19. Her mouth was twisted out of shape by grief.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. His mouth twisted in a humourless smile.
21. The strong rope is twisted from 4 ropes.
22. She twisted the top off the bottle.
23. I twisted an apple off the tree.
24. Sophia's face twisted in pain.
25. Someone has twisted off the flower heads.
26. Failure left her bitter and twisted.
27. He grabbed her wrist but she twisted it free.
28. I twisted the bandage round his leg.
29. The bomb left a pile of jagged glass and twisted metal.
30. The biggest branch has grown away from the trunk in a strange twisted shape.
1. The patient's face twisted up with pain.
2. She absently twisted her wedding ring.
3. The boy twisted the top off the bottle.
4. She twisted her hair into a tight knot.
5. He twisted around to see what was happening.
6. His mouth twisted into a wry smile.
7. He twisted his body painfully.
8. String is made of threads twisted together.
9. The patient twisted about in pain.
10. She twisted many threads to make this rope.
11. I twisted my ankle.
12. The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.
13. The bomb left a pile of jagged glass and twisted metal.
14. Her hair was twisted into a knot on top of her head.
15. Suddenly the snake twisted.
16. The biggest branch has grown away from the trunk in a strange twisted shape.
17. He twisted his head slightly, and looked up at her.
18. I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process .
19. Her thin hands were twisted by swollen knuckles.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. I landed awkwardly and twisted my ankle.
21. She twisted her ankle when she fell.
22. The rope had twisted itself around the wheel, stopping the motor.
23. He twisted the letter up into a ball and threw it into the fire, swearing softly.
31. The ball twisted swiftly from the pitcher's hand.
32. He twisted her arm viciously.
33. Her thin hands were twisted by swollen knuckles.
34. His face twisted in a grimace of pain.
35. I twisted my head round to reverse the car.
36. The experience had left her bitter and twisted.
37. The bad news twisted the whole family.
38. An ugly grimace twisted her face.
39. The road twisted between spectacular mountains.
40. A snake twisted around the branch.
41. The defendant twisted uneasily in his chair.
42. She twisted braids of hair on the head.
43. They twisted flowers into a wreath.
44. Janet slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.
45. I fell over and sprained/twisted my ankle.
46. She slipped on the ice and twisted her knee.
47. They always twisted the facts to suit their purpose.
48. She twisted a wet towel and dried her face.
49. The path twisted up the hill.
49. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50. The road twisted down the hill.
51. He twisted his head around to look at her.
52. I twisted off the lid and looked inside.
53. Whoever sent those letters has a twisted mind.
54. The papers twisted everything I said.
55. His face was twisted with pain.
56. The telephone cable has got twisted .
57. I landed awkwardly and twisted my ankle.
58. His face was twisted with rage.
59. She twisted a silk scarf round her neck.
60. Her fingers tensely twisted the handle of her bag.
61. The path twisted down .
62. She twisted a scarf around her head.
63. She gave a small twisted smile.
64. The bike was just a heap of twisted metal.
65. Jack twisted the cap off the bottle.
66. His face twisted in a grin.
67. He fell heavily and twisted his ankle.
68. Ann twisted some daisies through Katherine's thick brown hair.
69. She twisted her ankle when she fell.
70. She twisted around to see who was coming.
71. She twisted a rag round my hand.
72. Marcia laughed as she twisted the knife still deeper.
73. The snake twisted round my arm.
74. The wheel had been twisted out of shape.
75. She fell and twisted her ankle.
76. a twisted skein of lies.
77. Mary twisted her hair into a braid.
78. Harriet slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.
79. I twisted and turned to avoid being caught.
79. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
80. His face twisted into a grimace.
81. Fear twisted her innards in knots.
82. I twisted my way through the crowd.
83. Canete's mouth twisted in a contemptuous sneer.
84. She had twisted her ankle and was limping.
85. She twisted her handkerchief into a knot.
86. Travis twisted the knife by laughing at her.
87. He fell and twisted his ankle.
88. He twisted the wire into a U shape.
89. The wounded soldier's face was twisted with pain.
90. Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger.
91. Her face twisted in anger.
92. The 21-year-old runner twisted his ankle in a training session last Friday.
93. He'd do anything for you. You've got him twisted around your little finger.
94. Rupert Moon is out of today's session with a twisted knee.
95. The rope had twisted itself around the wheel, stopping the motor.
96. Her black hair was twisted up into a knot on top of her head.
97. After the crash the car was a mass of twisted metal.
98. The newspaper report twisted what the pop singer had said.
99. She twisted her head sideways and looked towards the door.
100. He twisted the three ropes to make one very strong rope.
101. He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.
102. The wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race.
103. She twisted her head so she could see what was happening.
104. He twisted the letter up into a ball and threw it into the fire, swearing softly.
105. The horse twisted and bucked and finally dismounted its rider.
106. His lips twisted mockingly.
107. He twisted and turned in a desperate attempt to shake off his pursuer.
108. I can't play you at squash this week I'm hors de combat with a twisted ankle.
109. She had to sit out the last dance because of a twisted ankle.
109. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
110. Again Cagney was at his twisted best in White Heat, playing a psychopath with a mother fixation.
111. The road twisted its way up the mountain then straightened out for the last two hundred yards.
112. The letter was clearly the product of a twisted mind.
113. This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed.
114. The policeman twisted my arm behind me and arrested me.
115. She absent-mindedly twisted a strand of hair around her fingers.
116. They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.
117. He tried to jump over the rail,but he botched it and twisted his ankle.
118. She twisted round, so that she could see the dog better.
119. He twisted the knob of the door and went inside.
120. The child twisted the iron wire into the shape of a star.
121. He grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back.
122. The man twisted the newspaper up into a ball and threw it away.
123. She felt angry at how the journalist had twisted her words.
124. She twisted slightly in her chair to look up at him.
125. She had twisted his arm to get him to invite her.
126. She fell awkwardly when she was skiing and twisted her ankle.
127. She twisted in her chair when I called her name.
128. Susan twisted round in her seat until she could see Graham and Sabrina behind her.
129. We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.
130. The body was twisted, its legs at an awkward angle.
131. The car was now just a pile of twisted metal.
132. I didn't want to go but Linda twisted my arm.
133. Her face twisted up with pain as her leg lay bent beneath her.
134. His mouth twisted bitterly.
135. I twisted round in my seat to speak to her.
136. No one twisted my arm about coming to see you.
137. The dough is twisted into a rope-like strip and pelletized into small lumps.
138. John twisted his ankle badly.
139. Coincidence couldn't be so cruel, so twisted, could it?
140. The head, still attached, was twisted to one side.
141. As he fell, he twisted his ankle.
142. Men were hosing dirt off the twisted metal.
143. Rohmer seized his wrist and with apparent ease, twisted.
144. Miss Vicki was twisted around pulling at her diaper.
145. Corridors that twisted upwards like corkscrews.
146. Rescuers were met with a chaotic scene and crews had to use cranes to pry open the twisted cars.
147. It was rather like having a heated dagger thrust into the eyeball and twisted, then caustic soda rubbed in the wound.
148. Her spine twisted; in her dreams she twisted, turning toward that clearing again, again.
149. The bison hair must be twisted into a rope for securing prisoners.
150. This prevents the rope getting twisted round the back in such a way that a downward pull rotates and dislodges the body.
151. The big-headed silhouette with its strangely twisted mandibles surprises motorists on a day out to the seaside.
152. Ember twisted his head to ease the strain in his neck.
153. The stodgy strands were long and thick and twisted, spotted with mobile gobbets of ketchup.
154. The road twisted, two lanes of blacktop angling back and forth up the side of the mountain.
155. He twisted a bathrobe belt around her neck and forced her on to a bed before raping her twice in July 1991.
156. He looked at me, then my bike, and without returning the gesture, twisted the throttle to blast away.
157. The dart at her window speaks of no twisted fantasy.
158. The arms of the dead warrior seemed to flex, moved by heat, twisted by the consuming flame.
159. Holly had filled the plastic bag with oil and twisted the neck tight and fastened it with a snip of wire.
160. Even though she'd expected it, that smile twisted in Shannon's heart like a dagger.
161. Her hair was twisted into tight steel-grey rolls on which sat her clinic cap with its distinctive badge.
162. Archers and men-at-arms, knocked off balance,() thrust and twisted and swore in both ships.
163. A photograph showed a little girl with a twisted hip and shortened leg after more than a year of conventional treatment.
164. I was afraid of doing something wrong and ending up at the bottom in a mess of twisted metal and broken bones.
165. All these images were twisted and changed and combined by the creative process of Coleridge's mind into the superb poem.
166. Then we were by the counter and through the glass I saw a feathered corpse, twisted to show its plumpness.
167. She twisted her ankle while getting off the lift and had made the long trip down in pain.
168. Every neighborhood had a child with a twisted stick of a leg encased in metal braces.
169. The cabin is gouged open, spilling out wooden crates, twisted pieces of metal, a blown-up life raft.
170. These sticks would be twisted round until the bag was tightly pressed and the essential oil oozed out of the petals.
171. Then in 1850, a wire suspension bridge twisted and crumpled under the tread of marching troops.
172. There were a few trees edging the pavement, but they were an urban stock, twisted and stunted by city poisons.
173. He twisted her arm behind her back and kicked her hard.
174. There are basically three types of network cable: thick Ethernet, thin Ethernet and twisted pair.
175. Anger gave her an added surge of strength, and she twisted her arm sharply downwards and broke his grip.
176. As he moved the beam, the shadow of the grandfather clock in the hall twisted and grew across the ceiling.
177. The old blackthorn tree, twisted and stunted by its choice of birthplace, made a convenient leaning post.
178. In panic she stumbled backwards, twisted round and tried to run into the living room.
179. The desert plants were strange deformed bushes with bizarrely twisted branches.
180. But, because of the sort of story he is embedded in, integrity, however twisted, he must have.
181. So he unbuckled his belt and squatted again, exploding farts and twisted guts.
182. One of the owners grabbed him, another twisted my arm behind my back.
183. He twisted a leg around the rope to rest his hands, then continued his climb.
184. This made her left foot very cold, so she twisted it round her right ankle.
185. She broke the seals, inserted a key, turned it, twisted the brass handle, and opened the heavy door.
186. She dressed her makeshift altar with a necklace of twisted corn, two jam-jars stuffed with bouquets of oats and barley.
187. Plump as a brioche, with twisted arms and claw legs.
188. She twisted her mouth in a cry of sheer ecstasy and bit hard on her lip.
189. These points apart, each side twisted the available data to suit its own opinion.
190. And their very definition of the Messiah had been hi-jacked and twisted into something radically different.
191. Below us the narrow road twisted upon itself as it began to climb up through the steep foothills.
192. The intertwining of the thin, twisted worms produces an appearance similar to that of cotton wool.
193. His body was twisted and his hind-parts and back legs still lay along the ground.
194. Inside he twisted round and, leaning his shoulder and elbow against the door, pushed it firmly to.
195. She came to the bend of the track, where the clump of twisted trees hid the view beyond.
196. One morning as she was rushing back to the changing rooms one of the models slipped and twisted her ankle.
197. The old woman's mouth twisted into a smile of gleeful satisfaction, and she turned to Theda.
198. Robyn twisted around quickly and cursed again, narrowing her eyes against the throbbing pain in her head.
199. They have twisted and turned in their attitude to our nuclear deterrent.
199. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
200. Lula's face was twisted with disgust as she remembered the rape.
201. Whyte has recovered from the ankle twisted in last week's 4-0 defeat at Manchester City.
202. Twisted, blackened corpses lie side-by-side on a cold-looking concrete floor.
203. She twisted the metal handle and her eyes glinted with satisfaction when it turned and the door opened easily.
204. Smaller designs in a myriad of colours are launched this season, all with the twisted rope emblem which epitomises its pedigree.
205. She blinked back sudden unexpected tears and twisted round uneasily.
206. The trees were mostly birches, with here and there a twisted trunk of alder, overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.
207. Reaching the car, Vitor lunged forward to release the young man and lift him free, but the chassis had twisted.
208. Her hands twisted in the coverlet beside her head, and she writhed in an agony of pleasure.
209. The high Baroque altar with its twisted columns in varied marbles is by members of the Platzer family.
210. And even though the little fellow stood stock still, his shadow heaved and twisted as some living creature writhing in unimaginable torment.
211. John twisted soft iron wire around some thick dowelling, whittled to a taper, to make candleholders.
212. A broken heart is not the same as a twisted ankle.
213. If I had twisted my ankle, would people be making such a big deal of it?
214. The whole skull of a bony flatfish retains the twisted and distorted evidence of its origins.
215. He had twisted in that grip, tried to bring the gun round to bear on that monstrous maw.
216. Jennings has twisted the ligaments which connect the knee-cap and the lower part of the leg.
217. She seemed harassed and shop-worn, her greying hair tied up in a bun with a twisted elastic band.
217. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
218. The lanes twisted across the spine of land in a series of blind corners and Miranda took each one without changing down.
219. He knew the story of how this strange little twisted fellow had already got the better of his two colleagues.
220. Another witness, Alexander McEwen saw the driver lying with his arms twisted around a rose bush.
221. The car was left a mess of twisted metal.
222. Her hands twisted in her lap.
223. A dark wavemass attack of twisted creatures sought to overwhelm the paladin.
224. He twisted on his cot and felt pity for himself.
225. Grotesque masks and figures atop twisted columns complete this extraordinary design.
226. The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind.




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