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单词 dress
释义 Word family  noun dress dresser dressing adjective dressed ≠ undressed dressy verb dress ≠ undress  Related topics: Clothes, Clothes & fashiondress1 /dres/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  [countable]DCC a piece of clothing worn by a woman or girl that covers the top of her body and part or all of her legs 连衣裙 → skirt Sheila wore a long red dress. 希拉穿了一条红色的连衣长裙。 a summer dress 夏天穿的连衣裙► see thesaurus at clothes →4  See picture of 见图 dress2  [uncountable]DC clothes for men or women of a particular type or for a particular occasion 〔某种款式或在特别场合穿的〕服装,衣服 a gentleman in evening dress (=formal clothes worn especially at important social events) 穿晚礼服的绅士 The play was performed in modern dress (=clothes from the present time). 这出戏里演员是现代装束。dress code (=a standard of what you should wear for a particular situation) 衣着要求 This restaurant has a strict dress code – no tie, no service. 这家餐厅有严格的衣着要求——不系领带,恕不招待。n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + dress a wedding dressHave you chosen your wedding dress yet?an evening dress (=a formal dress to wear in the evening)She arrived in a red evening dress.a cocktail dress (=a formal dress but not usually a long one)She wore a little black cocktail dress.a silk/cotton/velvet etc dressEllie chose a green silk dress.a long dress (=that goes down to your ankles)Most of the women were wearing long dresses.a party dress (=for parties)I need a new party dress for Christmas.a summer dressa cool blue summer dressa strapless dress (=that does not have straps on your shoulders)She was wearing a strapless cream dress and matching shoes.a sleeveless dress (=without any sleeves)She was photographed wearing a figure-hugging sleeveless dress.dress + NOUNa dress shop (=selling women’s dresses and other clothes)It was an expensive dress shop.a dress designer (=someone whose job is designing women’s clothes)She’s a former royal dress designer.Examples from the Corpusdress• And for each of the 15 girls buying dresses, there is an escort in need of a tuxedo.• Arrested for attending Quaker and Seeker meetings, he was excused by a judge who noted his fine dress.• Her dress was sticking uncomfortably to her back and her palms were wet.• Do you like my new dress?• Minna, as if she were proving some point, wore an old dress and had not bothered-to comb her hair properly.• Your spokesman will also need some advice on dress for television.• Anita's dress, £180, Karen Boyd.• The first time I meet her, I wear an unflattering dress.dress code• Usually, there is something behind a dress code, some reasoning.• I have discovered a dress code among Labour party members.• Instead of simplifying life, relaxed business dress codes have become an expensive and troublesome burden.• At the most obvious level there are different dress codes to denote masculine and feminine genders.• It's a cool drinking venue, with a noir dress code observed by the arty crowd and staff.• The elegance and grace of riding side-saddle is reiterated in the dress code.• I knew the language, the dress codes, what the leisure weekend activites were.Related topics: Clothes & fashion, Hospital, Cookingdress2 ●●● S2 W2 verb  1  put on clothes 穿上衣服 [intransitive, transitive] to put clothes on yourself or someone else (给…)穿衣服 Can you wait a minute? I’m just getting dressed. 稍等一会儿,我穿下衣服就好。 She dressed quickly and went out of the house. 她很快穿好衣服,走到房子外面。 I usually have to dress the kids in the mornings. 早上我通常得给孩子们穿衣服。dress somebody in something She dressed Louis in his best blue shirt. 她给路易斯穿上他最好的蓝色衬衣。n RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say get dressed rather than dress:I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.2  wear clothes 穿着衣服 [intransitive]DC to wear a particular kind of clothes 穿某种衣服 Dress warmly if you’re going out for a walk. 如果你出去散步要穿得暖和些。dress casually/smartly I spend most of my time in the house with young children, so I dress casually. 我大部分时间都在家里带小孩子,所以我穿得比较随意。dress for How do you normally dress for work? 你上班一般都穿什么? We usually dress for dinner (=wear formal clothes for our evening meal). 我们用晚餐一般都穿得很正式。3  make/choose clothes 做/选衣服 [transitive]DC to make or choose clothes for someone 为〔某人〕制作服装;为〔某人〕挑选衣服 Versace dressed some of the most famous people in Hollywood. 范思哲为好莱坞部分最知名人士制作衣服。4. wound/cut etc 伤口/刀口等MH [transitive] to clean, treat, and cover a wound 清洗,处理,包扎〔伤口〕5  meat/fish 肉/鱼DFC [transitive] to clean and prepare meat or fish so that it is ready to cook or eat 〔烹调或食用前〕清洗加工 dressed crab 填在蟹壳里的熟蟹肉6. salad 色拉DFC [transitive] to put oil, vinegar, salt etc onto a salad 给〔色拉〕加调料7. window 窗 [transitive] to put an attractive arrangement in a shop window 布置,装饰〔商店橱窗〕 → window dresser8. SOLDIERSsoldiers 士兵 [intransitive, transitive]PMW technical to stand in a straight line, or to make soldiers do this (使)〔士兵〕排齐,(给) 〔士兵〕整队9. hair 头发HAIR [transitive] formalDC to arrange someone’s hair into a special style 做〔头发〕,设计〔发型〕10. wood/stone etc 木头/石头等TI [transitive] technical to prepare or put a special surface onto wood, stone, leather etc 加工,处理〔木头、石料、皮革等〕11 dress down phrasal verb a) DCto wear clothes that are more informal than the ones you would usually wear 〔比平时〕穿得随便 In many offices, people dress down on Fridays. 在许多办公室里,星期五大家就穿得随便了。b) dress somebody ↔ downTELL somebody OFF to speak angrily to someone about something they have done wrong 训斥某人,责骂某人 → dressing-down THESAURUSto put on clothes 穿上衣服get dressed to put on all your clothes 穿好衣服You’d better get dressed! It’s almost time to leave for school! 你最好穿好衣服!差不多该去上学了!dress especially literary to put on all your clothes. Dress is used especially in literature. In everyday English, people usually say get dressed 穿衣〔尤用于文学作品,日常英语中一般说get dressed〕That day she dressed with extra care, choosing a brown velvet jacket that matched her skirt. 那天,她特别精心地打扮了一下,选了一件褐色丝绒外套配她的裙子。put something on to put on a particular piece of clothing, jewellery etc 穿上[戴上]某物Wait – I just have to put my shoes on! 等等——我穿上鞋子就好!She was putting on her earrings in front of the mirror. 她正在镜子前戴耳环。dress up to put on more formal clothes than you usually wear, or to put on special clothes for fun 穿得正式;装扮We always used to dress up to go to church. 我们过去总是穿正装去做礼拜。Paul dressed up as a pirate for the party. 保罗装扮成海盗参加聚会。dress yourself to put on your clothes – used when this is difficult for someone because they are very old, young, injured etc 给自己穿衣〔在某人因年事已高、年纪尚小或有伤在身等而穿衣困难时使用〕He’s hurt his arm so badly that he can’t dress himself. 他胳膊伤得很重,自己无法穿衣服。to be wearing clothes 穿着衣服wear to have a particular piece of clothing or a particular style of clothing on your body 穿着;戴着All visitors must wear a protective helmet. 所有访客必须戴上安全帽。She always wears black. 她总是穿着一身黑。nCan you tell me what the man was wearing?have something on to be wearing a particular piece of clothing, jewellery etc. Have something on is more informal than wear 穿着某物;戴着某物〔不如wear正式〕I had my new blue top on. 我穿着蓝色的新上衣。 He had on a red tie and a grey jacket. 他系着红领带,穿着灰夹克。nThe boy had nothing on!be dressed in something especially written used especially in written descriptions when describing the clothes that someone is wearing 穿着某物〔尤用于书面描写〕Alistair was dressed in his best suit and tie. 阿利斯泰尔穿着他最好的西装,系着他最漂亮的领带。12 dress up phrasal verb a) DCDLto wear special clothes for fun, or to put special clothes on someone 〔闹着玩地〕装扮 as He went to the party dressed up as a Chicago gangster. 他装扮成一个芝加哥匪徒去参加聚会。 in I keep a box of old clothes for the children to dress up in. 我保存着一箱旧衣服让孩子们装扮着玩。dress somebody ↔ up We dressed him up as a gorilla. 我们把他装扮成大猩猩。b) DCto wear clothes that are more formal than the ones you would usually wear 〔比平时〕穿得正式 It’s a small informal party – you don’t have to dress up. 这是个非正式的小型聚会——你不用穿得那么正式。c) dress something ↔ upINTERESTING to make something more interesting or attractive 对…加以修饰,美化某物 It was the old offer dressed up as something new. 这还是原来的建议,改头换面像新的罢了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdress• He dresses and acts more like a 36-year-old electrical engineer.• It's a costume party, so she's dressing as a clown.• How do most of the people dress at your office?• Patty's just learning to dress herself.• I didn't dress it up; no wonder she took it as life letting her down once more.• Can you dress the kids while I make breakfast?• Dress the salad with lemon, olive oil, and a little black pepper.• Ask Mom if she needs help dressing the turkey.• Clean the area thoroughly before dressing the wound.• Check that those who can dress themselves are coping.• Dress warmly - it's cold out.dress for dinner• Jim and William Reid don't dress for dinner.• Tea was served at four-thirty, and after tea everybody would rush upstairs to dress for dinner.• He was dressed for dinner and she knew without doubt that they were not going to be invited to join him.• While we were dressing for dinner, Jasper spent a long time trying to teach me how to tie it.• It occurs to me tonight, waiting for Dominic to dress for dinner, that I never saw that map.Origin dress2 (1300-1400) Old French dresser “to arrange”, from Latin directus “straight”; → DIRECT1dress1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1dress2 verb →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  clothing Corpus a by a piece worn of




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