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单词 Trembling
1. His whole body was trembling.
2. My legs were trembling with fear.
3. She dimly realized that she was trembling.
4. He opened the letter with trembling hands.
5. The children waited outside the school, trembling with cold.
6. I was still trembling violently.
7. Trembling with fear, she handed over the money to the gunman.
8. Love is trembling happiness.
9. She was trembling and her mouth was working.
10. Gil was white and trembling with anger.
11. They were trembling with fear.
12. She clenched her fists to stop herself trembling.
13. We were trembling with excitement.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. I was aware that she was trembling.
15. She was trembling with outrage.
16. Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.
17. His trembling belied his words.
18. Forester stared at his car, trembling with rage.
19. The patient fell on trembling.
20. She tried to control the trembling in her legs.
21. I was trembling with fear.
22. I was shaking all over, trembling like a leaf.
23. A weak trembling sound issued from his lips.
24. She was trembling with anger.
25. I was trembling so hard, I thought I would stutter when I spoke.
26. With trembling fingers, he removed the camera from his pocket.
27. She was trembling with excitement but her voice was steady.
28. She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling.
29. When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold.
30. The room is warm now, but he is still trembling.
1. His whole body was trembling.
2. My legs were trembling with fear.
3. She dimly realized that she was trembling.
4. He opened the letter with trembling hands.
5. The children waited outside the school, trembling with cold.
6. I was still trembling violently.
7. Trembling with fear, she handed over the money to the gunman.
8. She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling.
9. When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold.
10. The room is warm now, but he is still trembling.
11. Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.
12. She was trembling with anger.
13. The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. Daddy was trembling with anxiety as to how the talks would go.
15. witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked ".
16. Soon Gretel looked up and said in a trembling voice.
17. The criminals waited in fear and trembling for the judge's decision.
31. The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and.
32. Daddy was trembling with anxiety as to how the talks would go.
33. They went to the teacher in fear and trembling to tell her that they'd broken a window.
34. Greene was on his feet now, his body trembling with rage.
35. She sat down to conceal the fact that she was trembling.
36. witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked ".
37. Soon Gretel looked up and said in a trembling voice.
38. The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating "wicked" as he went.
39. The criminals waited in fear and trembling for the judge's decision.
40. Squeezing his trembling lips shut, he stared straight ahead.
41. I walk towards her with my knees trembling.
42. The dog sat trembling in a corner.
43. Cupped the small flame with a trembling hand.
44. He woke from a nightmare, trembling with fear.
45. Was this how women cried, their whole bodies trembling?
46. I lit up with trembling fingers. Long drag.
47. Her body was trembling with fear.
48. She was trembling like a leaf.
49. She had to sit, her legs were trembling.
50. He was trembling with horror and disbelief.
51. With trembling hands he poured more into the glass.
52. On trembling legs(), she retreated towards the door.
53. I was trembling violently from head to foot.
54. With trembling hands Mr Utterson opened the envelope.
55. Days of fear and trembling until it blew over.
56. I was trembling and my mouth was very dry.
57. Hope is like a harebell trembling from its birth. Christina G. Rossetti 
58. Eli has been trembling with fear for the ark.
59. We regularly left a trail of trembling motorists.
60. She tensed, trembling. Heavy footsteps were mounting the stairs.
61. Polly hid behind the door, trembling with fear.
62. I lit up with trembling fingers.
63. Her hands were trembling with anger.
64. I stood there trembling with humiliation and anger.
65. Howard paused, fists clenched, mouth trembling.
66. Or maybe it was my hand that was trembling.
67. As Sinead clambered down she was trembling.
68. Ibn Fayoud clenched his fists to stop himself trembling. Country bumpkin.
69. Later we ate lunch in front of the trembling gas flame.
70. The stiff upper lip is a barrier against the trembling which could lead to tears.
71. She could feel him trembling with fever and cold, although he was close to the fire which burned merrily now.
72. Pearl was saying, lifting the binoculars, her hands trembling, the lenses tapping the window pane.
73. Perspiring and trembling after a dissipated night, he is nevertheless vigorous as he plays the hopeful Lutheran hymns.
73. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
74. His heart beats faster and once a trembling goes through his slender body like unbearable expectation.
75. Carol was dying, and he cried out in his sleep and sat up trembling with cold sweats in the heat.
76. A broken man, pale and much given to outbursts of weeping, a man trembling on the threshold of self-murder.
77. Her lips parted - trembling - as she hovered on the brink of speech.
78. She turns away and lays a gentle finger on Rainbow's still trembling cheek.
79. His trembling hands reached out toward the old woman, his eyes distended, enraged.
80. While this cooked Baucis set the table with her trembling old hands.
81. She was still trembling, tiny aftershocks of excitement tingling inside her.
82. My voice was trembling so much, I sounded like Edith Piaf with Parkinson's disease.
83. When he finally let her go she was still speechless - and trembling violently.
84. I was capable of holding watch for most of a day without the slightest trembling or consciousness of my remarkable feat.
85. She looked up at him in confusion, her body still trembling, lips still swollen from his kiss.
86. When finally I made the summit, my throat parched, my thigh muscles trembling, the herb woman was waiting.
87. Then he lay trembling on his stone bed and listened to the clock striking the hours.
88. And then she moved and with trembling hands smoothed down her skirt.
89. With trembling hands, she took the wad of bills from her pocket and began to count it out.
90. The shuttle stopped, trembling, as if straining at a leash.
91. She could hardly dress, her fingers were trembling so much.
92. Miguel waited for his car to pass by them before he got back into the car, his hands cold and trembling.
93. Little dots of sweat clung to his mustache, and his limbs were trembling with fever.
94. There may be nervousness at night, trembling limbs, though not as anxious as Aconite.
95. He heard the calm voice, but could feel the trembling body which gave it the lie.
96. He was trembling and so drenched in sweat that his hair lay like streaks of black paint upon his forehead.
97. Disappointment! dash not from my trembling hand the bowl which almost touches my lips.
98. The person who recruited Nowak, or who had been recruited by him, would be trembling with anticipation.
99. Her trembling increased, but this time the violent tremors were caused by the fresh wave of anger which surged through her.
100. As she raised a trembling hand to brush them away she heard him swearing softly under his breath.
101. The moment was eternity, trembling like a dewdrop on a rose, endlessly about to fall.
102. A slight trembling of his hands revealed his growing excitement.
103. I noticed that his hands were trembling slightly, and he seemed to be blinking back tears.
103. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
104. A blaze of glory, a fury of passion that left them weak and trembling in each other's arms.
105. Her fingers trembling with excitement, she fastened it around her neck.
106. Annoyed to find her fingers trembling, she tore it open.
107. I could tell Roque was trembling with anger, and I admit to feeling bad when he slammed down the phone.
108. Trembling with shock, she leaned against a sundial and re-ran the disastrous interview in her mind from start to finish.
109. Trembling with ardour, he thrust again and again and Ruth closed around him, drawing him deeply into her.
110. I paid my bill in very thoughtful fashion, and with a trembling hand.
111. We were both trembling with desire, afraid to make the first move.
112. Not surprisingly, Gelernter, 42, still is trembling with rage four years after the bomb went off.
113. Leith sank down into a chair the moment the outer door had closed behind him and discovered that she was trembling.
114. Susan clasped her hands because she was trembling, but the tension in her locked fingers only made her shake the more.
115. Brushing a trembling hand through her hair(), Laura squirmed with embarrassment.
116. A miracle, a vision, it was trembling on the verge like a drop on the faucet.
117. She was still trembling a little inside, and the thought of staying here in this house on her own made her nervous.
118. She asked herself which of them she should phone and found herself trembling at the thought of phoning any of them.
119. The tears overflowed and she turned away, pressing a hand over trembling lips.
120. I hurried home, my heart pounding and my hands trembling in spite of myself-I could not believe it.
121. It sang in a sweet trembling voice about a yellow bird up high in a banana tree.
122. She did, but only just, reaching the cafe breathless and with her knees trembling.
123. But oh, what that woman did then, which even now sets me to trembling with both anger and desire.
124. But never mind, though their blue-veined old hands might be trembling their fingers could still pull a trigger.
125. Voice trembling slightly, I sang the first chorus, mouth too near the mike, and glided towards the stool.
126. He fished out a cigar and lighted it with fingers which were trembling.
127. We gave him a cup of tea-he was trembling with fear-while we discussed what to do.
128. And all you can do is - I took another long drag at the Capstan, and inspected my trembling hand.
129. His legs were trembling so that his hands wouldn't keep still.
130. Forester was staring at the cottages and the cars, his fists bunched up hard, trembling with rage.
131. Then she was trembling, her shoulders shaking as she began to cry.
132. He fumbled to unclip the keys from his belt and his fingers were trembling as he tried to unlock the door.
133. Cupped the small flame with a trembling hand. Cast about for a taper.
133. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
134. Though the capsule was comfortably warm, he felt suddenly cold, and was afflicted by an almost uncontrollable trembling.
135. She stood trembling, staring at the blank window, feeling smaller than a baby.
136. Even now, the fist's bud flowers into trembling, the fingers trace each line and see the future then.
137. At night the boiler took over, roaring and trembling until dawn.
138. The calf stood up slowly, with trembling limbs and took its first, uncertain steps.
139. Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf. Albert Schweitzer 
140. As I started toward my brother, I felt my knees trembling.
141. Double fool, I thought, and held them up between my trembling fingers.
142. He wiped a trembling hand across his face, and took several deep breaths to calm himself down.
143. I took out my next to, next to, last but one Capstan, and lit it with trembling hands.
144. Anne could see, though, that he was trembling as he picked up the handles of the handcart and moved away.
145. Young Zuwaya talked with anger and shock, lips and hands trembling, about the perfidy of the Magharba.
146. In his mind's eye, Vologsky could see Major Tzann seated at his desk, holding it between trembling fingers.
147. I walked up and down on the bed, to control my trembling legs, and looked at the dead rat.
148. When I got there, my daughter greeted me with trembling excitement.
149. Quinn breathed deeply, exhaled with a trembling chest, and breathed in again.
150. I urged myself, struggling with my swamping fear, my trembling guts.
151. She stroked the soft, thick fur which felt warm, though the cat was trembling.
152. The quivering net of light from the river seemed now to have set the whole room trembling.
153. But 39-year-old Patrese clambered out with just a pair of bruised knees and trembling hands.
154. It had sat trembling in his hand, its brown eyes full of the same terror he saw now in Ann's.
155. She got up, tears streaming from her eyes as he grabbed her trembling wrist and put the bracelet on her.
156. He raised his trembling hand to his forehead and felt the dampness of sweat against his skin.
157. She put the books down on the vanity table and with trembling fingers opened her handbag to find her face powder.
158. I remembered my first time, my trembling hand and Big Frank Connell hissing Get a grip.
159. She opened it with a trembling hand and sat staring at it for a long time.
160. His hands were trembling so much he was forced to hide them under the sheets.
161. I could see that Mrs Ewing's hand was trembling a little.
162. We got lost, returning home at ten, trembling with terror at our own inventions.
163. All I had to do was wait until my breath no longer came in short gasps and my body quit trembling.
164. It was still raining, the soldiers were still clustered by the partition, women and girls still huddled-waiting, trembling.
165. Her fingers were gripping her dress, and she knew that she was trembling.
166. A soldier yells at us to be quiet,[http:///trembling.html] and the two of us stand silent and trembling with rage.
167. Tom was trembling, sitting on the edge of a chair cracking his knuckles.
168. Janice lay on the floor trembling, too scared to move.
169. Woolley, arms folded, watched him get up and limp away, trembling with rage.
170. Before I had heard a dozen words, I was trembling with fear.
171. The trembling had stopped, though the cat didn't yet purr.
172. She considered his fear and trembling fanciful and childish.
173. He was ashen and trembling.
174. The mistress was so angry -- so upset too - that she kept trembling.
175. Trembling, she put the phone down. It rang again almost immediately.




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