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单词 Forge
1, Difficulties help to forge people into able folk.
2, He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.
3, Quick learners should be allowed to forge ahead.
4, They agreed to forge closer economic ties.
5, To forge a blade takes great skill.
6, The government has tried to forge alliances with environmentalists.
7, The programme aims to forge links between higher education and small businesses.
8, Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.
9, Jane's language skills enabled her to forge ahead on the career ladder.
10, If we forge ahead continuously without a break, we'll be able to raise efficiency.
11, The Community was trying to forge a common foreign and security policy.
12, To forge the certificate,(http:///forge.html) she needed an exact match for the paper and the fonts.
13, Everything new comes from the forge of hard and bitter struggle.
14, The Prime Minister is determined to forge a good relationship with America's new leader.
15, Back in the 1980s, they were attempting to forge a new kind of rock music.
16, A forge for making weapons was found there.
17, I arrived at the forge early on Monday afternoon.
18, Some dictators had been keen to forge triple alliances including foreign firms; other had kept them at arms' length.
19, Hardly enough time to forge a friendship before getting down to business.
20, That group is helping to forge stronger links between mainstream and complementary approaches to promoting health and managing illness.
21, To forge peace and order into society is not an easy task of and for a people or a nation.
22, Our first stop was the Forge, where a bunch of Old-Timers sat drinking beer on the wooden porch.
23, The scheme helps forge partnerships between schools, local communities and youth organisations.
24, In the past kitchen knives were made in a forge.
25, Many made the best of it and went on to forge successful careers and have families of their own.
26, It has refused to explain itself to the mainstream media, or to forge strong links with anyone outside the protest community.
27, Griffith's breakthrough came almost accidentally as he attempted to forge a career in a new industry about which he knew little.
28, But not all choreographers had the means, resolute strength or personal charisma to forge such instruments of self-expression.
29, In the very centre of the village, close to the church, was the blacksmith's forge.
30, His successors learn to play and enjoy music - also to forge iron and bronze.
1, Difficulties help to forge people into able folk.
2, In the past kitchen knives were made in a forge.
3, He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.
4, If we forge ahead continuously without a break, we'll be able to raise efficiency.
31, In democracies, leaders must persuade others of their beliefs to forge a consensus that can move their nations forward.
32, The mill section was supported internally by iron pillars, cast locally in the Soudley Forge.
33, McKnight describes a neighborhood organization in Chicago that tried to forge a partnership with the local hospitals to improve health care.
34, Another small extension contains a small forge and workshop, where the millwright carried out repairs.
35, He had driven his parents nuts, wildly, almost suicidally trying to forge an identity.
36, Membership will provide them the assurance of committed partners as they forge their way.
37, The planners hoped that this would forge bonds between residents, and regarded the innovation as an exciting experiment in socialist living.
38, Lowe wrote claiming that Sutton was trying to undermine him and forge an alliance with the Founders.
39, The fear is that if one club does manage to forge ahead, it will be at the expense of the other.
40, Ilium is a particularly good city for optometrists because the General Forge and Foundry Company is there.
41, A final recommendation of the consultants was a radical attempt to forge a closer working relationship between the board and staff members.
42, Employees must forge their own career paths,(http:///forge.html) seek out promotions and prove their worth every single day.
43, Foreign relations Leading Czechoslovak government figures travelled widely to forge new international agreements.
44, Antorini recognises that the pressure to forge ahead with the necessary research is likely to be consumer-led by infertile couples.
45, The administration will forge new policies on environmental issues in the next few months.
46, Last week Dave had to forge his signature on a rent check.
47, In the later poets his forge is often said to be under this or that volcano, and to cause eruptions.
48, Nuln Nuln is famous for its gunnery school where forge masters make cannons and where the best artillery men are trained.
49, Because of Joe, however, I stayed at the forge and did my best to work hard.
50, Environmentalists fear that many citizens will simply forge documents in order to gain access to the city centre.
51, Partnerships - How to forge more formal links with your foreign counterparts for joint ventures.
52, Months before then, the administration must forge a position broadly supported at home.
53, But even without another huge bid, Hanson will forge ahead.
54, If fire brick is not available to the forge builder, old red brick will do.
55, Clinton and Brown overcame early political tensions to forge their strong alliance.
56, Whatever their differences, they were able to forge alliances across their somewhat varying but broadly similar positions.
57, You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one. Henry David Thoreau 
58, A prevailing sense of relief and a chance for everyone to forge a career non-reliant on academic achievement.
59, Perhaps, when the shouting from snake oil salesmen subsides, our leaders will find a way to forge a bipartisan solution.
60, I decided to spend the night at the forge, which pleased Joe very much.
61, Our export sales have continued to forge ahead this year.
62, The revolution is made through human beings, but individuals must forge their revolutionary spirit day by day. Che Guevara 
63, The blow pipe extends from the bellows through the firebrick wall of the forge to the bottom of the fire.
64, Some people, unable to forge an acceptable new identity out of the old, fought the changes.
65, As one seminar is brought to conclusion plans forge ahead for the next and 1992 is no exception.
66, It was looking to forge partnerships with the council to try to realise development opportunities.
67, The Prime Minister promised that the government would forge ahead with the reforms.
68, But the Cowboys are a better team, and they will forge ahead using time-consuming, efficient drives.
69, Inside it retains an old forge, providing winter visitors with a truly warm welcome.
70, If the secrecy restrictions are sometimes a nuisance, Beach says, they also can forge a powerful bond.
71, You are the people who make our work possible and I try to forge more tangible links between us.
72, Ahhh! Your souls are fume in the Hell Forge!
73, Warlord and opium forge the indissoluble bound.
74, Hephaestus angrily retired to his forge.
75, The forge belched redly at the sky.
76, Horseshoes are made in a blacksmith's forge.
77, Horseshoes are made in a forge.
78, Many of the hit squad members carried forge passports of people who had emigrated from Europe to Israel.
79, Forge one gun only the pit of the stomach,(http://) all difficult problems has solved!
80, Niko Canner, co-founder of consultancy Katzenbach Partners, notes that the challenge is to look beyond the critical work of plugging financial holes to forge fresh strategies.
81, In short, is it not a concession to the misgiving, to keep the forge?'.
82, Whoever assists a party concerned to destroy or forge evidence shall, if the circumstances are serious, be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.
83, Defeat the Devourer of Souls in The Forge of Souls on Heroic Difficulty after having interrupted his big nuke.
84, The attacker can steal network information, update database, forge user certification, destroy network node, release computer virus, even make the network paralyzed.
85, Haier and Huawei have significant presence in India. Similarly, Bharat Forge, TCS, and Infosys are building a noteworthy presence in China.
86, Latvia's four-party ruling coalition collapsed on Friday and the president called for talks to forge a new government to tackle a deepening economic crisis.
87, Forward security of the scheme means that even if the secret key of current time period is compromised, some security remains. It is impossible to forge the signature relating to the past.
88, This paper shows that Chen- Zhu's scheme is universally forgeable, that is, the group authority can forge a valid group signature on an arbitrary message, which stands in any group member.
89, Hephaestus—Lame god of fire and the forge. The Hephaestion near the Acropolis is the most beautifully preserved ancient temple in Greece. He is married to Aphrodite.
90, The young's stock in trade consisted of a forge, anvil, hammers, etc.
91, The young blacksmith's stock in trade consisted of a forge, anvil, hammers, etc.
92, To this end, the grizzled Chaplain petitioned Lord Macragge for the authority to forge a new body of Ultramarines, chosen from the survivors of the Tyrannic wars.
93, I would watch his forge blaze up and his irons go red as he plied the bellows, and I would watch him shoe a horse.
94, This is done by an entire team of "extractors" who design the architecture of the dreams, forge identities within the dream and even pharmacologically help several people to share these dreams.
95, Hephaestus (Vulcan): Master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods; god of fire and the forge.
96, There was vertical flash on inner hole of forging by the forge die for blank of helical bevel gear. It is difficult to remove the flash and machine procedures follow-up.
97, In order to meet the new theoretical challenges and criticism, the principle of legality should change its absolutist position and forge ahead toward the relativist position.
98, Forge a new art form combining folk dancing and cage fighting.
99, In the summer bull trout forge 50 miles upstream from Lake Koocanusa to spawn in the Wigwam River drainage in British Columbia.
100, Push the chair of broche forge face, your elephant lets person infatuation like exotic princess.
101, According to the functional requirements, their technical characteristics consist of two ways on seal, ceramic package seal weld and tube polysulfone whirl forge seal, and the compact structure.
102, He feels stronger, and he is ready to forge on to Prague.
103, From in, by fight friendship where blood congeal into until China is the masses of for ordinary people let's forge.
104, Some net silver-colored pages that visit the netizen directly even hijack those who forge " fishing " page.
105, Project Common Bond hosts an annual eight-day camp at which participants typically forge strong ties and learn to support each other through grieving and adjusting to their losses, Murphy said.
106, A new applied forge die is presented in the treatise.
107, Why did Ruben Sayer, the brightest young lawyer you ever turned out, after he had come home from the university as straight as a die, take to drinking and forge a check and shoot himself?
108, And as Libyans forge a society that is truly just, let it enshrine the rights and role of women at all levels of society.
109, The results show that the transverse elongation of the bars produced by the modified forge and upset technique reaches 5% because of the interpenetrate grains and the fiber structures.
110, A less common sight was two blacksmiths with a portable, coal-fired forge on a piece of open ground, beating out scrap iron into meat-cleavers.
111, The desire for knowledge with its consequences had been put in question, and always in order to put in question what knowledge believes itself obliged to forge precisely as final cause.
112, WHEN I went to live and work in Boston for 18 months in 2001, the last thing I expected was to forge a die-hard allegiance to the Boston Red Sox.
113, The heavy forge hydraulic press is built in our country currently.
114, To run the standard analysis rule set, the development manager uses Build Forge to automate the steps to configure, schedule, and run software analysis.
115, Off to Bydgoszcz. At night, tenting a blanket over his head to hide his flash light beam from the Valley Forge duty officer, Salinger (by now called Jerry) had written his first short stories.
116, A new forge residual heat isothermal normalizing technique for alloy carburizing steel is put forward.
117, It's the same valor that endured the stinging cold of Valley Forge.
118, How about the mutual influence between veins and aerosiderite 's veins which pass through collapse and forge?
119, a move to forge new links between management and workers.
120, Shrinkage porosity and shrinkage cavity have relation with heat expansion of metal in welding process and forge force in later welding time.
121, While benefits of the poor and elderly are to be cut, the Pentagon is trying to forge ahead with its $1 trillion F-35 fighter purchase.
122, The ship continued to forge ahead after the sails were furled.
123, We might help forge in the crucible of conflict a structure of peace.
124, The police arrest 8 person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate.
125, But much more needs to be done to forge these into a viable and effective political strategy to reverse current trends.
126, The second is purple jasmine secco plant purple jasmine (known as rouge flowers, cordate telosma) dry root processed to forge into gastrodia elata applications.
127, Canton Drop Forge - a leading developer and manufacturer of closed die forgings for high performance applications.
128, We produce blank gear with various of advance forge machines.
129, To forge the obscure into 2D images, while sludging through the cultural molasses.
130, She had a blacksmith forge seven pairs of iron shoes, seven iron mantles , and seven iron hats for her, then departed.
131, The challenge now is to forge operational cohesion in a motley multinational flotilla.
132, Therefore, it is of great significance to research the superplastic properties of these alloys for using superplastic isothermal forging to manufacture complex aviatic forge pieces.
133, Semi-solid metal processing is a new net-shape forming technology, in which complex shape close to cast parts and high mechanical properties close to forge piece can be obtained.
134, Willis Haviland Carrier, recently graduated from Cornell University and pulling down 10 bucks a week (about $260 in cold cash today) working for the Buffalo Forge heating company in upstate New York.
135, Today, America has a dual responsibility: to help Iraq forge a better future - and to leave Iraq to Iraqis.
136, The blacksmith came out of the forge to fit the horse shoe.
137, Farrier Lance Corporal of Horse Chris McCabe welds a horseshoe in the forge at Hyde Park Barracks in London on April 15.
138, Did American boys die in Normandy and Korea and in Valley Forge for this?
139, NH Forge will provide an aggregation point for all NH Community resources as well as offering a jumping-off point for new NH community members looking to get started with NH.
140, Be used to the old person of morning forge, unfavorable rise too early, best resumptive after the sun comes out take exercise, want to notice to wear the dress more at the same time.
141, As in machine forging process with upsetter to forge partial of bars, L/D in part of thermal deformation is normally controlled within 10(), and theoretical data should be within 1415.
142, Using the Rational Build Forge automation platform, you can schedule these comparisons during off-peak hours and run them on a regular basis.
143, Flavor It is imbued a magical forge with the power to turn aside any physical blow.
144, The result shows that the poor mechanical property of the material is due to insufficient forge which results in stout and angular carbide with zonal distribution.
145, Therefore, every Chinese people, including our young people have the attitude forge ahead in unity and national broad-minded.
146, The new economic team will forge an integrated strategy on how best to achieve currency realignment in the current economic environment.
147, In 1977 I traded my goldsmith's forge for wood shavings , madder root and the smell of hot resin.
148, You have to be thick-skinned enough to shrug it all off and continue to forge ahead.
149, Unswervingly following the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, forge ahead courageously!
150, Raiders rarely holds any allegiances beyond those they forge with blood and iron.
151, Ana wants to return, while Nicolae would rather forge on westward.




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