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单词 Depleted
1) Our stock of food is greatly depleted.
2) The fire had depleted the game in the forest.
3) Salmon populations have been severely depleted .
4) This expense has depleted our funds.
5) The room was depleted of its furniture.
6) Both teams were severely depleted by injuries.
7) Extravagant spending soon depleted her funds.
8) The drought has depleted their supply of water.
9) Our supplies of food are rather depleted.
10) The company has depleted its reserves to make the purchase.
11) The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.
12) Measures have been taken to protect the world's depleted elephant population.
13) Food supplies were severely depleted.
14) Danzig's already depleted currency reserves dropped steadily.
15) Salmon populations have been severely depleted recently.
16) Warehouse stockpiles are expected to be depleted by July.
17) A side depleted by the forced sales of Paul Simpson and Lee Nogan.
18) The company manufactures shells tipped with depleted uranium, which have been linked to leukaemia and other cancers.
19) When fish stocks are severely depleted, their output is also reduced - because there are fewer fish remaining to reproduce.
20) As the population expanded, the forest was increasingly depleted, and its thin soils were worked to exhaustion.
21) And it may be that depleted uranium can, after all, be shown to be benign.
22) By the end of the winter the supply of grain was severely depleted.
23) Following the repairs to the roof, church funds are now seriously depleted.
24) The iron core of the Earth has partially segregated, and therefore the outer regions are depleted in iron.
25) In addition, they increase the number of immune system cells previously depleted by the virus.
26) The time of incubation is related to enzyme activity in terms of product formed or substrate depleted.
27) Forests surrounding the city are being rapidly felled for fuelwood,[http:///depleted.html] and 80 percent of them are in a severely depleted state.
28) Equally threatening are the dozens of federally subsidized cattle ranches that have depleted underground water sources used by antelope and bighorn sheep.
29) Through most of the summer, then, the plankton in open ocean is gradually depleted.
30) It is ineffective in hypoglycaemia induced by alcohol, in which liver glycogen is already depleted.
1) The fire had depleted the game in the forest.
31) Primary teachers who chat to a class depleted by flu and colds about what causes such illnesses are actually covering the curriculum.
32) Contours are shown only where the chemistry has depleted ozone by more than 10%.
33) Note that B complex vitamins are depleted by nicotine, alcohol, stress, and oral contraceptives.
34) Researchers, however, are less concerned about radioactivity than the toxic nature of depleted uranium, a heavy metal.
35) Overburdened support personnel rushed from one temporary work assignment to another, their ranks dangerously depleted by a recent company-wide restructuring.
36) It was hard enough beating the depleted champs with a near-full complement last night.
37) Depleted uranium, one of the hardest metals known, is classified as low-level nuclear waste.
38) Their numbers became so depleted in this country that in 1969 they were placed on the endangered species list.
39) Over the last few years, rainforests have been steadily depleted.
40) Exploitation of the region first depleted it of fur seals and whales; now the same fate threatens fish and krill.
41) Though depleted by robbery in Thrace on the way home, Vulso's loot astonished the Romans for its size and quality.
42) The lunar surface is also depleted in moderately volatile substances, and the same is probably true of Mercury.
43) An hour later he was standing to attention in a depleted square of those who had survived the battle.
44) Now the Local, depleted, seemed to be doomed, because it needed the votes of the crossovers and scabs.
45) With repairs completed in the nick of time she sailed for the operation with a depleted crew.
46) But clan warfare has severely depleted the amount of food getting through.
47) Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted. Denis Waitley 
48) Many a student has found the route to vegetarianism via depleted funds.
49) This depleted the famine areas further, and sparked off new hatred amongst the peasants.
50) Depleted uranium is used in the nose of armour-piercing shells because its density helps it to punch through modern tanks.
51) Apart from desertion the other force which continually sapped and depleted the strength of every navy was disease.
52) Depleted uranium is used to make anti-tank shells more deadly, and tank armour less penetrable.
53) He knew that the area's rich plant life had been severely depleted by the huge herds of cows grazing the land.
54) Increasingly, trappers had to move to ever more remote places when the wildlife was depleted locally.
55) As oil reserves are depleted, its price will continue to rise.
56) Five years later,[] Saints easily defeated a Wigan side depleted by the suspension of hooker Colin Clarke.
57) Methanogenic bacteria tend to predominate in a sulphate depleted environment, however.
58) Her depleted tray cooling fast, she moved on to see what else she could find.
59) After several months of therapy with a uricosuric agent, the tissue stores are dePleted and urinary uric acid returns to normal.
60) Now his wife is worse and his savings are depleted.
61) They calculate that ozone is depleted fastest when the sun is least active.
62) The Royal Society is also conducting research on the effect of depleted uranium on health.
63) McGee could come in for Andy Mockler, who is the latest injury casualty and leaves McHale with a depleted squad.
64) Defence minister Rudolf Scharping is under pressure over the use of weapons containing depleted uranium in the Balkans.
65) With the onset of World War 11, the ranks were severely depleted, and the forest work camps were closed.
66) Depleted uranium shells used by the Allies are strewn around.
67) My sister made the mistake of letting the children see them and you can imagine they were very soon much depleted.
68) At dawn there were suddenly no ravens at the depleted baits near the cabin.
69) It has cost his depleted national treasury at least $ 210 million in the midst of an economic crisis.
70) Conservationists are concerned that fish of breeding age - those over eight years - are the most severely depleted.
71) Unlike sodium, potassium exhibits no renal threshold being excreted into the urine even in K depleted states.
72) As with most weapons, depleted uranium is not as deadly as its proponents-or its critics-claim.
73) Thereupon this phrase in the preamble was depleted.
74) Most native mammal species have been severely depleted.
75) Many small lymphocytes are destroyed and germinal centres depleted.
76) Under certain circumstances, antifoam additives can be abnormally depleted.
77) The luncheon table showed a depleted circle.
78) But the public health dangers of depleted uranium in the environment are not fully known. Some argue that it causes birth defects, cancers and Gulf War Syndrome.
79) Objective To explore protective effects of taurine-zinc coordination compound(TZC)on nervous system impaired by depleted uranium.
80) Others are struggling tuck away more money now because the recession has depleted their net worth.
81) The European powers emerged from the war with heavy debts and a depleted capital stock.
82) Ce is depleted from ferrite and pearlite surrounded by nodular graphite, and enriched in pearlite and ledeburite far apart from nodular graphite.
83) Zions, with $54 billion of assets and more than 500 branches, 'basically shut down' its lending operations in the third quarter due to depleted capital levels, Mr. Arnold said.
84) If there is not a radical global shift toward a sustainable, tech-driven and, yes, a moneyless society, class division will dramatically increase as the world's resources are depleted.
85) As I mentioned earlier, use of Sitka Spruce prior to and during World War II depleted large forests of the wood.
86) The main selections of underground storage are depleted reservoir, deep brine reservoir, unworkable coal bed and deep sea etc.
86) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
87) DAPC is a new pressure control drilling technology that is mainly aims at depleted reservoir, narrow window reservoir, abnormal pressure reservoir and so on.
88) The activity could be restored by incubation of depleted SCR with phospholipid in the presence of ubiquinone Q2.
89) The amino acid is depleted commensurate with the development of the growing embryo.
90) A depleted NMOS transistor, which was used as current source, and a negative feedback loop constitute a stable voltage reference.
91) Tarekegn Tola, the FAO representative in Ethiopia, says food and water stocks are being depleted as Kenyans bring the cattle in.
92) Much of Hawaii's natural endowment of underwater life has been depleted over the ages, especially by overfishing in the 20th Century.
93) The Ge - depleted liquid phase is advantageously returned to the GeCl 4 converting process.
94) He was actually too depleted to think consecutively about anything.
95) In recent years, with the extensive application of underbalanced drilling technology and exploitation of depleted reservoir, snubbing operation became more and more general.
96) Some species of shark have been depleted by 70 per cent and a few, such as smooth hammerhead, bull sharks and tiger sharks, by 90 per cent or more.
97) The paper recommends a method for calculating phase equilibrium and isopycnic depleted data by use of SRKequation of state.
98) You might want to select a few units and destroy your own Assimilator , Refinery, or Extractor after the geyser is depleted so you know which geysers are still worth mining or not.
99) They plan to encapsulate depleted fuel rods copper - coated cast - iron canisters.
100) To hear many farmers and agricultural experts tell it, rural Japan is fast approaching some sort of dead end, the result of depopulation, trade liberalization and depleted government coffers.
101) With the environment of the world deteriorating and the rock oil being depleted , the development and application of the electric automobile will face with a good opportunity.
102) It says the terrorist group has been depleted, but still continues to pursue large-scale attacks on the Western targets.
103) The principle, object and method of depleted brine in ionic membrane system were introduced.
104) So once the pebble is depleted a fresh pebble can be put it in or it can be re-circulated back in the reactor if its burn-up isn't all used up or the fuel isn't all used up.
105) Your immune defense system gets depleted as you age. Colostrum Plus adds back antibiotics and immune factors for dual action in the bloodstream and also in the GI tract.
106) "Groundwater resources are being rapidly depleted in many regions of the world," says U.C. Irvine hydrologist James Famiglietti, another team member.
107) I needed that princely sum to meet a margin call in my depleted trading account.
108) Typically, the peak of this curve occurs when reserves are 50 percent depleted, which is followed by an irreversible slow decline in production following the law of diminishing returns.
109) The residual resistance factors and the depleted layer thickness of Xanthan solution decrease with injection speed increase, but recovery does not vary much.
110) These small feats seemed like Herculean accomplishm ents and slowly served to restore her depleted confidence.
111) Short term tolerance can be caused by depleted levels of neurotransmitters within the vesicles available for release into the synaptic cleft following subsequent reuse ( tachyphylaxis ).
112) Malagasy rosewood — reddish and superbly grained — is among the world's most sought-after timber, especially since Asian sources of similar trees have been depleted.
113) Over the past couple of decades, authorities fear, lingcod stocks in some areas along the Pacific coast have been dangerously depleted by overfishing.
114) The knots arrive in Delaware Bay exhausted and depleted, each weighing about four and a half ounces.
115) Archons radiate energy like stars and burn out when depleted.
116) Forgive me bohemian personality and those depleted of the heart - breaking devastation.http://
117) They plan to encapsulate depleted fuel rods – unlike France there is no reprocessing here – in copper-coated cast-iron canisters.
118) Mr. Jones may be choosing among shirts and slacks to replenish his badly depleted wardrobe.
119) Vast regions of grasslands on the Great Plains were depleted by overgrazing.
120) If the reserves are depleted and the Hong Kong dollar depreciates, there will be unrest.
121) The British Empire had fatally depleted itself in the great if laggard repulse of Hitler.
122) Once you start withdrawing from a depleted retirement account, it's very hard for it to rebound.
123) Climate change and the depleted ozone layer are among the starkest examples.
124) The hole range of the net will be depleted entirely under bias voltage. The structure becomes PIN and surface depletion layer structure.
125) They have depleted me through the constant assault of corruption and nefarious practices.
126) Hydrogen might be depleted with some of it turning into helium.
127) Properties of depleted uranium , such as chemical properties, decay law and transmit mode, were presented.




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