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单词 Serum
1 The serum is available to the general public.
2 The serum is vitiated byexposure to the air.
3 They are determining the serum - protein and cholesterol levels.
4 The serum calcium level should occasionally be checked.
5 Normal human serum diluted 1:10 served as a blank.
6 The serum angiotensin converting enzyme activity was not raised.
7 For older embryos, 100% serum is advisable.
8 Her serum alkaline phosphatase fell to normal.
9 They are hemoglobin, serum protein, phosphate, and bicarbonate.
10 The angiotensin converting enzyme activity in serum was normal.
11 Control injections with preimmune serum produced normal embryos.
12 The only answer was the serum.
13 All controls had normal serum creatinine concentrations.
14 This yellow coloration is also visible in serum and plasma specimens in vitro.
15 The Figure shows the relation between serum carnitine concentrations and the degree of intestinal atrophy.
16 The role of the increased serum gastrin concentration induced by H pylori in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer disease is also unknown.
17 Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity,[] and body weight during the deprivation.
18 Similarly, basal serum gastrin concentrations do not alter with ageing in healthy men.
19 There were no significant differences between the median serum IGFBP-1 and insulin concentrations in well grown compared with stunted patients.
20 Our finding that fasting serum gastrin consists mainly of G34 is consistent with previous reports.
21 The serum concentration of IGF-I and growth velocity both improved with increased calorie intake.
22 Since then, numerous studies have analysed the relation between serum cholesterol and large bowel cancer.
23 Several studies have disclosed relations between IgG markers and IgG subclass serum concentrations against particular antigens.
24 In the course of medical treatment he was given an injection of anti-tetanus serum as a result of which he contracted encephalitis.
25 This was followed by a decline and then a second smaller peak in serum transaminase activities.
26 When the uremia is severe enough to warrant dialysis, this therapy usually results in a correction of the serum calcium concentration.
27 In many individuals, these measures will produce a significant fall in the serum uric acid level.
28 The cellular source of the catalytically active PLA2 in serum of patients suffering from acute pancreatitis and other diseases is unknown.
29 A given increase in dosage, therefore, may produce a disproportionately large increase of serum level.
30 Ten of these 15 patients had active disease but normal serum liver function tests.
1 The serum is available to the general public.
2 They are determining the serum - protein and cholesterol levels.
31 Certain IgG heavy chain markers are associated with the serum concentrations of IgG subclasses.
32 Patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and raised concentrations of serum pepsinogen A are often found to have high serum pepsinogen C values.
33 For gastric acid secretion, basal serum gastrin was considered in addition to these three variables.
34 High values of serum pepsinogen A have also been found during omeprazole treatment.
35 They found that patients with the highest serum gastrin concentrations did not necessarily have the highest enterochromaffin like cell counts.
36 Wrapped in copious instruction leaflets and next to a neat pile of syringes, formidable quantities of snakebite serum had thoughtfully been provided.
37 Serum antibody concentration does not predict toxoplasmic encephalitis and IgM and IgA antibodies to T, gondii are rarely found.
38 The increase in serum albumin was similar in both groups.
39 The serum gastrin concentration was determined by radioimmunoassay using antibody R98.
40 Many researchers have tried to obtain a medium for growing antibodies that is free from calf serum.
41 Renal disease and a variety of other diseases have not been shown to increase serum ferritin levels. 273.
42 Increased basal serum gastrin is related to both atrophy and H pylori infection but not to ageing perse.
43 We also made it clear that both dose and frequency should be adjusted as dictated by serum concentrations.
44 It has been reported that serum cholesterol values are similar in samples from fasting and non-fasting subjects.
44 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
45 Because of the small difference between therapeutic and toxic levels in the serum, accurate measurements of lithium concentrations are essential.
46 There was no relationship between the serum gastrin concentration and type of renal replacement treatment.
47 The goal is simply to raise serum sodium enough to obviate the risk of seizures.
48 At the start of each trial, blood samples were collected to establish baseline serum retinol concentrations.
49 This formula takes into account the majority of solutes present in normal serum.
50 This enzyme. labeled complex competes with free unlabeled drug in the serum sample for the binding sites on the antibody.
51 The only sign of this disorder is the splitting of albumin into two distinct bands when serum is subjected to electrophoresis.
52 It remains to be established whether in diabetic patients gall bladder motility is dependent on actual serum glucose concentrations.
53 Iron is present in the serum as a cation and does not contribute. 261.
54 Discussion Patients with coeliac disease who are not receiving treatment have low serum carnitine concentrations.
55 Similarly, patients with low serum albumen due to any cause will have a higher unbound drug fraction.
56 When using the direct serum method, pigmented specimens may cause the appearance of false end-points resulting in positive errors.
57 Most recently, a soluble form of the usually membrane bound ICAM-1 molecule was detected in human serum samples.
58 It would therefore appear that nutritional modifications in themselves have an important effect on serum lipids and lipoproteins.
59 The drug has first-order kinetics only at lower serum levels.
60 Determination of serum ferritin concentrations generally requires immunoassay techniques. 274.
61 Parathyroid hormone was measured in serum by radioimmunoassay directed towards the amino terminal region.
62 Other studies have failed to show a relation between serum cholesterol and colorectal carcinoma.
63 Figure 1 shows mean serum glucose concentrations reached during clamping.
64 As is the case for calcium, correction of potassium deficiency may not be possible until the serum magnesium level is normalized.
65 Obviously, careful monitoring of the serum phosphate level is appropriate.
66 Circulating anticolon antibodies have been found in serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis.
67 In contrast with serum, the ratios of 5-ASA to Ac-5-ASA are higher than 1, reflecting the abundant supply of 5-ASA.
68 Elevations of serum transaminase are usually transient and dose-related, but occasionally can indicate severe hepatotoxicity.
69 Among these hypokalaemia is the most consistent and important finding, and its magnitude correlates well with the concurrent serum theophylline concentration.
70 The absorption of 5-ASA by the colon is poor, resulting in very low serum and urine concentrations and high faecal concentrations.
71 Serum concentration of interleukin-6 are also raised in active Crohn's disease but surprisingly not in ulcerative colitis.
72 In these conditions serum pepsinogen C provides additional diagnostic information, especially when expressed as pepsinogen A:C ratio.
73 The drug in the serum sample and the enzyme. labeled drug compete for the binding sites on the antibody.
74 This indicates that ferritin is released into the serum normally in direct proportion to the amount stored in tissues.
75 Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and Wilson disease were excluded by determining serum concentrations of alpha-1 antitrypsin and ceruloplasmin,[] respectively.
76 We have shown that the serum pepsinogen-I: -II ratio is significantly lower in H pylori positive subjects than in uninfected persons.
77 The lower limits of normal for serum uric acid are arbitrarily defined and may vary from one lab to another.
78 Intravenous phosphate has been recommended for lowering the serum calcium when other measures have failed.
79 During therapy for magnesium depletion, the physician should frequently check the serum magnesium level, especially in patients with renal insufficiency.
80 For clinical purposes, one means of measuring overall concentration would be to measure the serum osmolality directly.
81 In iron deficiency anemia complicated by other disorders which either increase serum iron or decrease the.
82 They all died within months of each other, and serum samples were collected and frozen.
83 In acute pancreatitis, the catalytic activity of PLA2 in serum correlates with the severity of the disease.
84 In patients with an increased total body sodium content, administration of salt to increase serum sodium level is inappropriate.
85 To do so, a concurrent measurement of serum albumin and total calcium should be obtained.
86 Serum is placed into a circular-well area and allowed to diffuse into the agar forming antigen antibody complexes.
87 This is effective not because it lowers serum potassium concentration but because it directly antagonizes the membrane depolarizing effect of hyperkalemia.
88 At trial entry, however, there were mild abnormalities of fasting serum lipids in 12 patients.
89 Serum urea, electrolyte, and liver function tests infrequently pointed to the cause of anaemia though they did identify coexisting disease.
90 Dulbeco's modified Eagles' medium containing 10% fetal calf serum had an advantage in both plating efficiency and growth.
91 Serum gastrin concentrations did not correlate well with changes in the endocrine cell density.
92 The patient's disease activity ranged from mild to severe at the time of serum collection.
93 What is actually observed in this Circumstance is an increase in serum potassium concentration.
94 There were no significant differences in the serum lactate, pyruvate, or alkaline phosphatase concentrations between the treatment groups.
95 Her diarrhoea decreased with improved appetite and weight gain, a rising serum albumin, and resolution of her peripheral oedema.
96 Dilution curves of a serum sample containing high concentrations of pepsinogens were parallel to the standard curve.
97 Therefore, this study investigated carnitine concentrations in serum of patients with coeliac disease.
98 We found no significant difference in peak recorded serum bilirubin concentrations between the groups.
99 Population studies show that serum uric acid levels are not normally distributed; they are skewed toward higher values for both sexes.
100 In the latter circumstance, the antacid should simply be stopped for a period of time and the serum phosphate monitored.
101 Hemodialysis against a magnesium-free bath is usually effective in reducing serum magnesium to safe levels in 4 to 6 hours.
102 It has previously been reported that H pylori infection raises serum pepsinogen I in non-uraemic patients but only by about 25%.
103 In the present study we also analysed the relation between active H pylori infection and serum pepsinogen-I and pepsinogen-II concentrations.
104 Urea and electrolytes gave a 121 mmol/l serum sodium, 5.6 mmol/l potassium, 5.6 mmol/l urea, and 96 umol/l creatinine.
104 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
105 Monolayers of human hepatoma cell line Hep3B were maintained in Dulbecco modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum.
106 Serum samples were obtained routinely daily during the treatment in the intensive care unit.
107 Another favorable characteristic is that there is a rapid build-up of serum levels, even when starting at low doses.
108 All patients had normal serum concentrations of liver enzymes and bilirubin and were included consecutively in the study.
109 Integrated meal stimulated serum gastrin outputs were determined by calculating the area under the serum concentration time curve.
110 H pylori has variable effects on serum gastrin concentrations and gastric acid secretion.
111 To obtain serum, we permit the blood to clot and then separate the clot from the residual serum.
112 Measurements of bismuth in serum samples during the trial enabled us to monitor whether significant accumulation occurred.
113 They both participate in the regulation of the concentration of serum calcium.
114 It is important to measure serum levels at steady state after each change of dose.
115 There were no significant differences in the median serum amylase and lipase values between the treatment groups.
116 The serum cholesterol concentration was assayed according to the method of Richmond.
117 Alcohol intake, serum lipids and obesity Alcohol may have several effects on serum lipids.
118 The serum magnesium level usually ranges between 0. 3 and 1. 0 mmol / L when tetany occurs.
119 At the time of sacrifice, blood was obtained for measurement of serum calcium, phosphate, and albumin.
120 The serum potassium level may be of assistance in suggesting whether the patient is acidemia or alkalemia, as described above.
121 A Holzmann organised and supervised the screening of serum samples for hepatitis.
122 If the serum albumin concentration is normal, the total serum calcium level reflects the ionized calcium concentration.
123 Therefore, to diagnose hypercalcemia in a suspected case, one must obtain at least three separate measurements of the serum calcium.
124 Kirschner etal, on the other hand, showed low serum IGF-I concentrations in children with Crohn's disease.
125 Subjects with atrophy had significantly higher serum gastrin concentrations than all other subjects and higher than old subjects without atrophy.
126 The most frequent effect of excess alcohol intake on serum lipids is elevation of triglyceride levels.
127 Our finding also confirms previous reports that postprandial serum gastrin consists of approximately equivalent concentrations of G17 and G34.
128 In addition, several studies in diabetics have suggested that raised serum cholesterol levels are also associated with the presence of macrovascular disease.
129 Several studies have disclosed increased serum levels of IgG1 in a number of autoimmune diseases.
130 Their serum sodium remains in the 125 to 128-mEq / L range.
131 The preferred specimen in screening for exposure to methanol or salicylate is serum.
132 You could try using a serum - these non-sticky liquids are excellent for smoothing the cuticles and wrapping hair in shine.
133 A serum sample for diphtheria toxoid antibodies was negative on day 7.
134 An additional reason that serum phosphate may fall is that it may shift into cells.
135 Serum gastrin concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay with antibody R98 as previously described.
136 The increase in the serum insulin concentration after steroid treatment may reflect increased energy intake or induction of insulin resistance.
137 For convenience, the serum sodium level is usually taken as the estimate of tonicity.
138 Furthermore, there were no differences in serum cholesterol values in patients with different tumour grades.
139 In the following experiments, five or six serum samples were used unless indicated otherwise.
140 No correlation was found between the serum carnitine concentration and the degree of intestinal atrophy in active coeliac disease.
141 Our observation that short term treatment with omeprazole increases serum pepsinogen A and C levels confirms previous studies.
142 There were no significant changes in the patients' mean weight and serum creatinine and sodium concentrations throughout the trial.
143 Obviously, this differentiation can readily be made by measurement of serum gastrin.
144 Serum was incubated with ID1, which bound active and inactive caeruloplasmin.
145 The initial test of a random serum cholesterol and triglyceride estimation is sufficient.
146 These chylomicrons enter the blood through the lymphatic system where they impart a turbid appearance to serum.
147 For example, acetaldehyde has been shown to form circulating cytotoxic adducts with serum albumin.
148 Due to the presence of this monoclonal protein, the serum total protein will be elevated.
149 Serum creatinine, amylase, serum asparate transaminase, and serum alanine transaminase were within the normal range.
150 Its overall effect is to raise serum ionized calcium levels and lower serum phosphorus levels.
151 When these cells were incubated with serum from diabetic patients prostacyclin production was inhibited.
152 The buffer base is composed of the anionic buffers which include bicarbonate, phosphate, serum proteins, and hemoglobin.
153 Convinced that Carla can be his if he thins down, Sherman gulps the hamster serum and becomes gorgeously, Spandexy thin.
154 He had, however, at the time of investigation a normal serum creatinine value.
155 Depression, self-blame, number of pre-defined illness symptoms, and level of serum cholesterol were also assessed.
156 In blood, the majority is found in erythrocytes with only minor quantities in plasma or serum.
157 In these and the remaining 70 patients, the serum lipids remained unchanged throughout the study.
158 A low serum ceruloplasmin is one of the laboratory hallmarks of this disease, but is not invariably present.
159 While the hypercalcemia, when present, is usually mild, at times marked elevations in serum calcium have been observed.
160 Serum sodium concentration or tonicity are functions of water content relative to total body sodium content.
161 Fetal calf serum is one such ingredient; and there are many others.
162 Hyperparathyroidism was ruled out by a serum parathyroid hormone assay.
163 Preliminary studies were undertaken in which random blood samples were obtained from 15 subjects and processed as serum.
164 In HIV-1-infected patients[], positive toxoplasma-specific in-vitro antibody production was rarely associated with a significant rise in serum antibodies.
165 Antral gastrin and somatostatin cell densities and fasting serum gastrin concentrations were similar in the two groups of patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome.
166 The drug selected for monotherapy is then added and appropriate dosage adjustment made to attain therapeutic serum levels.
167 This relationship remained significant after adjusting for age, gender and serum cholesterol.
168 In these situations, acetazolamide may be needed to decrease proximal bicarbonate and sodium reabsorption, thereby reducing the serum bicarbonate level.
169 All patients had normal serum creatinine values at the time of investigation.
170 There was no relationship between the serum pepsinogen I concentration and type of renal replacement treatment.
171 Twenty two had active colitis at the time serum was obtained.
172 For example, in acidosis from diarrhea, the serum potassium level is often low rather than high.
173 However, the final verdict on toxicity rests on the measurement of serum calcium.
174 The sources for the elevated serum calcium in dialysis patients are multiple.
175 Based on the production of this absorption peak, it is possible to quantitate serum proteins by an ultraviolet-light technique.
176 Would the cost of care depend on the serum sodium concentration?
177 These effects are less marked with fentanyl because of its shorter serum half-life.
178 All patients with ulcerative colitis were in clinical remission and had normal levels of haemoglobin, C-reactive protein, and serum orosomucoid.
179 These individuals maintain a stable serum sodium in the 125 to I 28-mEq / L range.
180 These drugs may also adversely affect serum lipids and lipoproteins.
181 Here again, dilution is impaired, but reduction of water intake below output will lead to a rise in serum tonicity.
182 They usually occur at serum levels above the recommended therapeutic range.
183 Chantal Maurice was the study pharmacist and supervised all serological, immunological, mycobacterial, and serum chemistry laboratory work.
184 Serum coppers are not very helpful in that they are quite variable and may be either lower or higher than normal.
185 At all times, renal function as assessed by serum creatinine and creatinine clearance remained normal.
186 The next step might be to rerun the batch of tests with a fresh aliquot of control serum.
187 It is therefore impossible to predict with certainty what amount of supplementation will result in what increment in the serum phosphate concentration.
188 A nasopharyngeal swab or paired serum samples, or both, were collected from healthy subjects.
189 The other structural characteristic that may be used to quantitate serum proteins is the presence of peptide bonds.
190 The serum potassium level is sometimes helpful in determining acid-base status.
191 This results, even in steady state, in a rapid decline in serum concentrations.
192 Experimental results indicated that the enzymatically active PLA2 found in serum in experimental porcine pancreatitis might originate from the pancreas.
193 Analysis of the concentrations of Giardia specific serum antibodies show that only anti Giardia IgM concentrations were raised in the patients.
194 For this reason concentrations of potentially interfering metal ions approximating the serum levels are used in the standards.
195 Recently several studies have emphasised the importance of serum glucose concentrations in the regulation of gastrointestinal function.
196 Increased basal serum gastrin is related to atrophy and to infection with H pylori.
197 Additional serum samples were taken in December 1990 from a randomly selected cohort of 141 people aged 40-65 years.
198 The increased saturation is due to the increased iron concentration in the serum.
199 The proportions of children with low baseline serum retinol concentrations were substantial in both trial populations.
200 The only available hyperimmune serum was of equine origin.
201 In a word[/serum.html], serum hepatitis was also infectious.
202 One profile was obtained for whole serum.
203 Serum bilirubin levels are elevated.
204 Production of serum albumin is another trait typical.
205 Meanwhile, the serum of rats treated with BHX decoction was extracted pharmacologically and its effects on the growth of GEC were also studied.
206 The serum values of TNF - α, IL - 6 and CINC in each group after transplantation were determined.
207 Methods Serum VEGF (with Elisa) and plasma HCY (with immunochemistry) levels were determined in 31 patients with gastric cancer both before and after operation as well as in 35 controls.
208 Adaptive strategies may often evolve, such as the biochemical polymorphisms of blood and serum groups.
209 Untreated serum contains a set of 11 proteins called complement.
210 Objective To explore the value of combining detecting of serum RBP(Retinol-binding protein)and PA(Prealbumin)in diagnosis of different liver disease.
211 Thus, the abnormalism of cholesterol in serum can be judged by comparing the absorption and fluorescence spectra.
212 All types of vagotomy cause an increase of basal and postprandial serum gastrin levels.
213 Objective:To observe the influence of adrenocorticotrophic hormone(ACTH)on the serum lipoprotein profile in renal allograft recipients.
214 Scientists are working to find a serum to eradicate the disease.
215 The fetal bovine serum ( FBS ) has been widely used in biomedical research.
216 Objective : To investigate the clinical significance of the autologous serum skin test ( ASST ) in chronic idiopathic ur ticaria ( CIU ).
217 Conclusion: Acusector can remarkably reduce the content of serum CK and LDH of cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats.
218 Objective:To research the significance of serum acetonic ketone body ratio(AKBR) for judging the severity and prognosis of infectious multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS).
219 The level of serum E 2 in male can increase on exposure to pesticides of cypermethrin.
220 Objective To investigate the clinical significance of changes of serum procollagen level in patients with essential hypertension (EH).
221 The analysis can be performed by examining serum or urinary proteins by immunoelectrophoresis.
222 No direct inhibition on the activity of both liver and serum GPT was observed in vitro.
223 Scientists worry about vaccines that depend on antigens collected from the serum of carriers.
224 Objective To determine whether serum estradiol (E2) level was low after Depot-medroxyprogesterone (DMPA) induced amenorrhea for contraception, thus to evaluate the safety of using DMPA.
225 Methods The levels serum of throid hormone and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in 48 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) were measured by electrochemiluminescence.
226 To evaluate serum levels of insulin like growth factor I (IGF 1) and IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP 3) in newborns with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) before and after the replacement therapy.
227 B factor(BF) in thyroid function hyperfunction sickness(Is called armor high) patient blood serum content at present rare report.
228 Objective To study the changes of serum levels of neopterin(NP) and biopterin(BP) in uremia patient and its clinical significance.
229 Objective To explore the relationship between serum INH - ACT - FS and follicular development.
230 Gong Ning Oral Liquid could also enhance NK cell activity, increase the delayed type hypersensitivity reaction under immunosuppressive state and promote production of inhibition of serum hemolysin.
231 Results All of the GD patients had higher level of serum VEGF than the control group.
232 Methods Serum and hydrothorax fluid levels of CEA, CA125, NSE were determined with RIA in 88 patients with lung cancers, 100 patients with inflammatory hydrothorax, and 50 controls.
233 So, we suggest that maternal serum thyrotropin and free thyroxine should be monitored in order to diagnose and treat gestational thyroid dysfunction early.
234 It is possible that sarcoidosis might be a disease of autoimmune abnormality and antibody of BB in the serum an auto-antibody resulting from the stimuli of certain unknown antigens.
235 Chinese herbs plus AKG increased the concentration of serum globulin and immunoglobulin.
236 This phyto-nutrient-rich serum utilizes a proprietary combination of peptides, Swiss apple stem cell biotechnology and vitamins to allow your eyelashes to grow fuller, longer, stronger and darker.
237 Assaying these biomarkers in synovia fluid, serum and urine is useful in early diagnosis, detecting disease development, understanding organism response to anti-arthritic drugs.
238 For a diagnosis of tularemia you need a fourfold increase in serum antibody levels.
239 Methods 10 kinds of bone marker were determined by enzyme immunoassay and electrochemiluminescence immunoassay in serum and urine of 164 healthy controls and 120 patients.
240 Objective To establish kinetic assay method for alanine aminopeptidase(AAP)in serum, be applied to clinical diagnosis primarily.
241 The western blot indicated that the expressed kininogenase had the antigenicity to human serum kininogenase.
242 Objective To explore the clinical significance of serum pepsinogen subtypes measurements for the diagnosis of stomach lessions.
243 Losses . - As has just been indicated, most of the blood rejected for oversea shipment for various reasons was made into albumin and immune serum globulin, so that the overall loss was very slight.
243 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
244 Conclusion There is close correlation between serum bilirubin level and CHD.
245 Combined diagnosis by abdominal X-Ray, serum AFP assay , liver ultrasound and isotope scan, arteriogram and CT may be helpful in the identification of the tumor nature.
246 No serum factor has been identified that can detect already disseminated breast cancer.
247 Diagnostic accuracy of the serum ascites albumin gradient and previously proposed markers for the separation of ascites into transudate and exudate were compared.
248 Chen XH, Li DG. Serum gastrin level changes in patients with thalamic hemorrhage complicated with GI tract bleeding.
249 Objective: Methodological evaluation of serum FMN reagent kit made in China.
250 Antibodies were part of the r - globulin fraction of serum.
251 It was found that compared with the control group, the serum TC, LDL-C, VLDL -C and TG were increased significantly in cholesterol and saturated fats group, while HDL-C/TC was decreased significantly.
252 Methods: Determination of serum zinc with 5 Br PADAP in the presence of surfactant was conducted.
253 Albuterol was coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) to prepare the antigen and immunized in rabbit to produce the anti albuterol serum (immune globulin).
254 The effects of fetal bovine serum(FBS) addition time, concentration and different culture systems on the developmental potentiality of bovine parthenogenetic embryos were observed.
255 Conclusion The diagnosis to viral hepatitis may be more exacta in clinic by serial serum test.




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