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单词 Quieten
1) She rocked the cradle to quieten the child.
2) Can't you quieten those children down?
3) She tried to quieten her breathing.
4) Can you quieten the kids down?
5) I managed to quieten her fears.
6) Quieten down and get on with your work.
7) Things tend to quieten down after Christmas.
8) Somehow I managed to quieten her down.
9) You must quieten down when the teacher comes into the classroom.
10) Russian intelligence will take a long time to quieten the paranoia of the West.
11) Invent some reason to quieten old Nosy Salt.
12) He tried using lithium salts to quieten manic patients.
13) In an attempt to quieten things down,(http:///quieten.html) executive producer George Harrison arranged for a press conference in London.
14) When one conceals matters, one does not necessarily quieten them.
15) Colour needed a complete revamp to quieten the tones and add warmth.
16) His release from time-out required that he quieten down and comply with the original request on his return.
17) Every so often, the stones would quieten while a doctor would check the women's pulse.
18) The driver tried to quieten the horses as two screeching cats, fighting over some vermin, scurried out of the shadows.
19) She stroked Anna's forehead, as much to quieten her own resentment as to soothe Anna.
20) She tried to quieten herself down.
21) Quieten down a bit – don't shout!
22) Complaints from teams may quieten the rowdier African fans and their vuvuzelas ( plastic trumpets ).
23) Javed Miandad appealed for calm, but he failed to quieten the protesters.
24) It took a long time for the baby to quieten down.
25) Her thoughts were growing darker: occasionally one would cause her heart to quicken its beat and then quieten again.
26) Mr Lewis, the mechanic, for example, soon managed to quieten my baby daughter Rachel while I was out of the room.
27) The primary function of snake venom is, of course, to quieten prey before swallowing them.
28) Many blacks remained far from contented, yet two factors helped the President's effort to quieten the racial issue.
29) He tried to find a compromise that would satisfy his artistic urge and quieten his conscience.
30) Her team is trying to find an internationally acceptable gesture to quieten a ringing phone.
1) She rocked the cradle to quieten the child.
2) Can't you quieten those children down?
3) Javed Miandad appealed for calm, but he failed to quieten the protesters.
31) Mr. Bates knew it was useless trying to quieten them.
32) Though it can't last long : once the crowds dispersed they'll quieten down again.
33) The unawakened must learn to direct, to control and to quieten thoughts by ruling over them.
34) As the economy rebounds and public outrage subsides, the clam our for change will quieten.




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