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单词 Last resort
(1) Amputation of the limb is really a last resort.
(2) In the last resort, we can always swim back.
(3) In the last resort we can always walk home.
(4) Strike action should be regarded as a last resort, when all attempts to negotiate have failed.
(5) Drug treatment should only be used as a last resort.
(6) In the last resort what really moves us is our personal convictions.
(7) I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort.
(8) Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort.
(9) They would in the last resort support their friends whatever they did.
(10) Economic sanctions will be used only in the last resort.
(11) You have to help me - you're my last resort.
(12) Only as a last resort does he employ them.
(13) That was a last resort, they said.
(14) The professional abortionist was a last resort.
(15) In the last resort, anything is preferable to spinsterhood.
(16) It is, at best[sentence dictionary], a last resort.
(17) Only in the last resort, under careful international policing and after all other attempts at persuasion have been exhausted.
(18) And a system whose first and last resort was all too often expediency.
(19) Such abuse is the last resort of the political illiterate.
(20) That belief, in the last resort, is one which separates modern from medieval man.
(21) British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort.
(22) The mortgage company had acted with forebearance, only taking them to court as a last resort.
(23) Sooner or later some country will refuse to practice the prescribed domestic austerity necessary to satisfy the international lenders of last resort.
(24) Loans are unsecured and there is no lender of last resort.
(25) Chemicals If used strictly according to recommendations, chemical treatments have their place, if only as a last resort for serious threats.
(26) Imposing answers to thorny moral quandaries ought to be an option of last resort in a democracy.
(27) The guidance emphasises that restraint should be used as a last resort within a caring and disciplined home environment.
(28) The mortgage company had acted with forbearance, only taking them to court as a last resort.
(29) He can't afford to pay for a private nursing facility, and the County Home is a last resort.
(30) Its use in self-defence is entirely secondary and only employed as a last resort.
(31) As a last resort he decided to take a leaf out of the Oriental's book, by using psychological warfare against him.
(32) In buildings of more than two storeys, wait for the fire brigade, and jump only as a last resort.
(33) As that fact sank in, more and more people thought of de Gaulle as a potential last resort.
(34) Yet, I didn't understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment[], refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
(35) Jove could make jovial; but these were not gods of last resort.
(36) It is billed as the last resort for people who the banks believe are too risky to back.
(37) The college takes 500 pupils from across the world and decided to call in debt collectors as a last resort.
(38) They also want to use public community service jobs as a last resort, something Wilson strongly opposes.
(39) The statement makes clear that sanctions will be used only in the last resort.
(40) Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient.
(41) It would have been asking for trouble, just crazy, to put Last Resort on the clapperboard.
(42) The chances of this working are close to zero, leaving organic farmers without their biological weapon of last resort.
(43) But in the last resort, political decisions rest upon judgement, or political wisdom, and upon interests.
(44) If your sleep apnea is not relieved by these devices, surgery may be suggested as a last resort.
(45) Who is the lender of last resort stopping financial panics and capital outflows from bringing the system down?
(46) However, as a last resort the telephone can be used.
(46) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(47) As a last resort they can take late-payers to the small claims court.
(48) I might have to get a second job as a last resort.
(49) Resettlement outside the region should be considered only in the last resort.
(50) Was not the film's very name, Last Resort, another nail in Margate's coffin?
(51) Residential care should not be used as a last resort.
(52) Lenders sought to take possession only as a last resort, but sometimes there was no alternative.
(53) Using a person outside the family circle, such as the district nurse, is positively the last resort.
(54) The state intervenes as a last resort or safety net when parenting leads to dangerous or inadequate levels of child care.
(55) He described the situation as not critical and said military force would be used only as a last resort.
(56) For the viability of towns depends in the last resort on a solid economic foundation.
(57) I've always thought of it as a sort of last resort.
(58) We can regard the statistical argument about numbers of planets as an argument of last resort.
(59) But in the last resort what really moves us is our personal convictions.
(60) Lucker holds my hand with the kind of grasp that men at sea learn as a last resort.
(61) Just because it is a necessary last resort for one refused instruction does not mean that it is necessary for another.
(62) Great power status was in the last resort the ability to wage war.
(63) I bet Tony's really chuffed - makes him out as some sort of last resort.
(64) The trouble with our praying is, we just do it as a means of last resort.
(65) As has been indicated, such machinery is established, but it is intended to be used only as a last resort.
(66) Lithium was to be a last resort, and it looked as if she needed some in October.
(67) For Last Resort is not a rant against racism or provincial small-mindedness.
(68) Some call it a pension fund of last resort.
(69) Of course, it's only a last resort. "
(70) Chemical control is the last resort.
(71) It was the last resort.
(72) We shall use force only as a last resort.
(73) In the last resort we can always wallk home.
(74) From that strength, as these banks become large and important they acquire, almost by natural process, a third and vitally important function and that is what we've called a lender of last resort.
(75) Most states have a single court of last resort that handles both civil and criminal appeals, but two states, Oklahoma and Texas, have two courts of last resort.
(76) Edwards Air Force Base in California's Mojave Desert was the next choice, followed by the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico,[] the absolute last resort.
(77) By 1927, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes could characterize the Equal Protection Clause as the "usual last resort of constitutional arguments," one that had little effect on the legal system as a whole.
(78) But it won't be enough for government to become the buyer of last resort -- in Keynes's words, to prime the pump.
(79) As the name implies, a court of last resort is a litigant's last chance to have his or her case decided favorably once the case has exhausted all other appellate avenues.
(80) "African states should stand behind the ICC as a crucial court of last resort," said Oby Nwankwo of Nigeria's Civil Resource Development and Documentation Centre.
(81) Lender of Last Resort and the withdraw from the financial market policy camera to choose.
(82) Do not know a last resort move to the top?
(83) Support for the safety of the banking system via a lender of last resort mechanism became the most important function of central banks in the early twentieth century.
(84) The new truth lies in the Federal Reserve's role as matchmaker of last resort, smoothing the deal with a temporary loan of $30 billion.
(85) At the same time divorce should be the last resort in a marriage, especially if the adulterer repents to God of their wrongdoings.
(86) The older ones of lender of last resort, managing the note issue, being banker to government, really slide back into the background.
(87) In the absence of a central bank, Morgan had for decades been acting as the country's unofficial lender of last resort, gathering reserves and supplying capital to the markets in periods of crisis.
(88) Third, there is using the central bank as emergency liquidity provider or "lender of last resort, " to expand the "elastic currency, " as the Federal Reserve Act calls it.
(89) They proposed to give the people an alternative and a last resort - the initiative and referendum.
(90) Judgment made by the Federal Supreme Judicial Court is the judgment of the last resort.
(91) As a last resort, there is a trick to solve some difficult problems.
(92) In some instances, the Supreme Court also hears cases from the court of last resort in a state system.
(93) In almost all cases filed in the state court system, the last appeal is to the state court of last resort.
(94) Other. Use only as a last resort ( describe the function in'Comments'section of coding sheet ).
(95) As a last resort, in order for this scion of an educated family to enter one of the learned professions, his father persuaded Darwin to study for the ministry.
(96) All along he had opposed the idea of armed resistance except as the very last resort.
(97) It really revolves around investors concerned about whether the ECB will act as the true lender of last resort.
(98) Carbon sequestration is a last resort to mitigating climate change.
(99) The Panic galvanized the big bankers to put on a concerted putsch for a Lender of Last Resort in the shape of a central bank.
(100) But after years of low or no growth, a sharp currency depreciation could be a last resort to kick start the economy.
(101) The lender of last resort is an indispensable part of the financial safety network.
(102) Laying-off employees are almost the last resort that the top management has to pursue.
(103) Remedy regulation includes Lender of Last Resort system, deposit insurance system and necessary punishment.
(104) Steam generation from this hot flue gas is a last resort option.
(105) Draghi expressed strong resistance to the ECB being used as a lender of last resort, insisting that it was not its remit.
(106) Contention for procuration is the last resort for the shareholders of a listed company to punish the management who fail to maximize the company's profits.
(106) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(107) Generally speaking, we hold all dispute can be settled amicably by negotiation. Arbitration is generally the last resort.
(108) Every state has a court of last resort, usually called the state supreme court.
(109) As a last resort you may have to accept their point of view.
(110) If input gets all the way up the view hierarchy to the window object, it's next sent on to the application itself, which tends to pass it off to an application delegate as a last resort.
(111) But he made clear the use of military force remains a last resort.
(112) The last resort of the old fashioned free trader was to say that, even if manual workers as a class lost out in the developed world, their countries as a whole gained.
(113) He added that the ICC, in its capacity as a court of last resort, would help if needed.
(114) The tribunal is a court of last resort, meaning it will only take cases where legal authorities elsewhere are unwilling or unable to prosecute.
(115) In transmission management, transaction curtailment is the last resort for relieving congestion to maintain system reliability.
(116) As a last resort, hire a pro to install perimeter drains and a sump pump.
(117) I regard class distinctions as unjustified and, in the last resort, based on force.
(118) That, more than any reason is why the U.S. government - right or wrong - has stepped in to become the risk taker of last resort.
(119) As a last resort, go away and never come back.
(120) Most states have a three-tiered judicial system composed of a trial-court level, an appellate court and a court of last resort.
(121) In the last resort a minor may elect a guardian himself.
(122) The central bank, as lender of last resort, is the ultimate guarantor of this collective good.
(123) But without the promise of a central bank stepping in as a last resort, a government liquidity crisis is always at risk of turning into a solvency crisis.




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