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单词 Classical
1. I can't understand classical literature.
2. I like the clean-cut shapes of classical architecture.
3. Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music.
4. McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.
5. Do you prefer classical music like Mozart and Mahler, or pop?
6. Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance.
7. A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin.
8. He numbers among the best classical actors in Britain.
9. Guests gathered under the classical portico of the hotel.
10. She listens to classical music for relaxation.
11. He studied classical architecture and design in Rome.
12. I'm interested in classical architecture.
13. I don't really like classical music.
14. I have some classical records but not very many.
15. I love the classical lines of his dress designs.
16. There is classical music playing in the background.
17. Under Charlemagne's instructions(),(sentence dictionary) many classical texts were recopied.
18. These are classical examples of food allergy.
19. She is one of the immortals of classical opera.
20. I'm uninterested in classical architecture.
21. His writings were deeply subjected to the classical style.
22. Classical scientific ideas about light were changed by Einstein.
23. I'm not very big on classical music.
24. 'Swan Lake' is one of the great classical ballets.
25. She had a classical, womanly shape.
26. The pillars give a classical elegance to the room.
27. He is keenly interested in classical English literature.
28. I'm fond of listening classical music.
29. She was well acquainted with classical literature.
30. I could not force my body into the contortions required by classical ballet.
1. I can't understand classical literature.
2. I like the clean-cut shapes of classical architecture.
3. Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music.
4. I could not force my body into the contortions required by classical ballet.
5. McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.
6. Do you prefer classical music like Mozart and Mahler, or pop?
7. Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance.
8. A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin.
9. She listens to classical music for relaxation.
10. I'm interested in classical architecture.
11. I'm uninterested in classical architecture.
12. Classical scientific ideas about light were changed by Einstein.
13. He is keenly interested in classical English literature.
14. He is emending classical authors.
15. He said that the new building merely aped the classical traditions.
16. Classical music leaves me absolutely cold, but I love rock.
31. Does she study classical ballet or modern ballet?
32. Jackie's really into classical music.
33. Most classical music sends me to sleep.
34. He is emending classical authors.
35. Mom dragged us to a classical music concert.
36. I'm fond of listening to classical music.
37. He is one of our greatest classical actors.
38. The radio was tuned to a classical station.
39. It's regrettable that classical music receives so little attention.
40. Classical music has revived recently.
41. Some children are never exposed to classical music.
42. The newcomer on the radio scene is a commercial station devoted to classical music.
43. In the classical music world these days, authentic instruments are where it's at.
44. He said that the new building merely aped the classical traditions.
45. What do you want to listen to - jazz, classical or pop?
46. She's never shown a glimmer of interest in classical music.
47. He plays classical music, as well as pop and jazz.
48. Gardiner has pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music.
49. Marsalis has a formidable reputation in both jazz and classical music.
50. Jazz just isn't my cup of tea - I prefer classical music.
51. She was reading for a degree of classical literature in Oxford when the war broke out.
52. Fokine did not change the steps of classical ballet; instead he found new ways of using them.
53. Einstein's new theory on optics changed classical scientific ideas about light.
54. Before creating this sculpture, she studied all the masterpieces of classical antiquity.
55. The design of the building is modelled on classical Greek forms.
56. The mature works of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert belong to the Classical period.
57. He was passionately interested in classical music but failed to enthuse his children .
58. The violinist revealed himself as a talented interpreter of classical music.
59. Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music.
60. In the field of classical music, he still reigns supreme.
61. I've never really gone in for classical music, but I love jazz.
62. The ballet company now occupies the middle ground between classical ballet and modern dance.
63. His music fused the rhythms of jazz with classical forms.
64. He composes poems in a classical style and in strict metre.
65. He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions.
66. He was also learned in classical music with a great love of opera.
67. Classical music leaves me absolutely cold, but I love rock.
68. Our aim is to bring classical music to a wider audience.
69. Classical landscapes were a popular subject with many 18th-century painters.
70. We are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music.
71. If you think of these children growing into adults who enjoy and appreciate classical music, then that repays our effort.
72. She committed the heresy of playing a Madonna song on a classical music station.
73. Great works of classical music can often call forth a mixture of responses from the listener.
74. I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children.
75. My taste in classical music varies greatly/widely, but I usually prefer Mozart or Brahms.
76. He's studying classical ballet.
77. Maurice Murphy, one of the country's leading classical trumpeters, learnt his craft with the Black Dyke Mills band.
78. Some critics say he prostituted his musical skills by going into pop rather than staying with classical music.
79. Trying to interest my son in classical music is a lost cause.
80. In the third year students begin the study of classical Chinese.
81. The concert was a mixed bag of classical and modern music.
82. Black dancers fared even worse in classical ballet.
83. It follows the restrained style associated with classical antiquity.
84. Lima is one of Brazil's top classical pianists.
85. The terrifying irrational has no place in classical mythology.
86. She grew up to love classical music.
87. He probably intended it as an exact classical allusion.
88. So goes the classical argument against pure democracy.
89. Our definition is equally acceptable to the classical physicist.
90. Laing rejected classical psychoanalysis just as quantum theory rejected classical physics.
91. There is no reason to believe in enforcement of a modus in private circumstances in classical law.
92. But he demanded high standards and as a classical scholar was exasperated by my inability to cope with Latin.
93. Elizabeth Carter and Constantia Grierson established themselves as classical scholars.
94. Moreover, the specific Newtonian scheme has given rise to a remarkable body of mathematical ideas known as classical mechanics.
95. Quantum mechanical states, however, differ in two important respects from those of classical physics.
96. Few adherents to the new classical macroeconomics trouble even to question it, let alone provide an analytical basis to justify it.
97. The above brief account throws into sharp relief the essential differences between the Keynesian and classical theories of labour market adjustment.
98. Later, when Invercargill was extended it adopted a classical form.
99. The works of Scaevola apart, classical law seems to have continued to distinguish between legacy and trust.
100. If choreographers have had training in classical dance, they already have a large vocabulary of movement on which to call.
101. Indeed, Pavlov believed that the study of classical conditioning was the only way to study the functions of the cerebral cortex.
101. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
102. Olivia Rojo boasts more than two decades of classical dance training.
103. Part Five of this book will reveal that many contemporary political regimes are powerfully influenced by classical liberalism.
104. West Berlin's theatres are often avant-garde and experimental; those in the east have tended towards more classical interpretations.
105. The classical mandolin -- as opposed to its slightly different bluegrass cousin -- looks like a stunted lute.
106. The spread of this belief marks the divide between the mental outlook of Classical antiquity and that of the Middle Ages.
107. But he thought the piece needed more work, and he wanted to get a better feeling for the classical ballet.
108. There are many collectors of modern and classical art in the island.
109. In classical literature and ethics hypocrisy is condemned as undermining the essential distinction between good and evil.
110. Purely classical ballets are still popular, so there have to be choreographers who understand and mould the technique.
111. It has evolved from the simplest folk through the mannered court and finally to the expert classical dance.
112. In re-planning the east wing galleries, built in 1928-32, great efforts have been made to respect their dignified classical architecture.
113. J., is an associate professor of modern and classical languages at the University of San Francisco.
114. His attachment to classical principle was not so great as to deter him from practical innovation.
115. There are forms of dance which we all admit as forms of art: for example, classical ballet.
116. Advanced courses afford the opportunity to study classical religious and anti-religious texts of influential philosophers from Plato to Sartre.
117. The San Diego Symphony may be mired in bankruptcy, but classical radio never has been livelier.
118. Classical painters developed the use of animal hair, and the paint brush, as we know it, was born.
119. This is probably the safest choice that a rookie classical music giver can make this season.
120. But this was only innovative in so far as classical ballet was concerned as there are many 5/4 Slav folk dances.
121. This again shows how the metric connections correspond to the inertial accelerations and forces of classical mechanics.
122. Sometimes Doogan abandons her classical re-visions altogether and heads into surrealism.
123. Rationality According to classical criminology we mostly behave in a rational manner.
124. Euthydikos's kore is classical in spirit but stands formally within the archaic series.
125. Only listened to classical music on the radio or her beloved Chopin on the gramophone.
126. For the first time in classical antiquity the nuclear family had assumed a central role in the politics of state.
127. He was a classical example of a brilliant man, an academic, who lacked commonsense and elementary manners.
128. Rhadamanthus, stern judge; in classical mythology, one of those in the infernal regions.
129. As a social service, how about installing our own classical music boom box?
130. The chef also goes with scallops, and as we both eat contentedly, classical music wafts softly throughout the well-appointed room.
131. He was greatly cheered to find so many young architects designing the new classical buildings of which he so much approved.
132. His own father would lie down after dinner, light a cigar(), and listen to classical music.
133. Classical music elders may turn up their noses, but so far, the antics are working.
134. Nor can mosaic pavements offer any guidance, since their themes are commonly drawn from classical mythology.
135. How is it, then, that the correspondence with the angular momentum of classical physics is to be made?
136. This creeping classical conundrum could have untold beneficial effects on the population as a whole.
137. He was educated at local schools, including the Devonport Classical and Mathematical School, and became an apprentice to his father.
138. For the Renaissance: a reverential longing to recapture classical antiquity.
139. Deterministic laws of atomic arrangements in the triumphant years of classical physics seemed to lie behind the phenomena of life.
140. It's learned, hieratic, almost classical music, made by players from an hereditary elite.
141. What, then, of the notion of a late classical fusion of legacy and trust?
142. Some of the canons of the classical form still apply.
143. Although she likes avant-garde music, Lydia also plays classical guitar and piano.
144. The range cleverly combines a diversity of abstract design styles from classical to modern in a well balanced selection.
145. For the purpose of discussion we shall consider a conservative force in classical mechanics and we shall work in space only.
146. Short recordings of classical music caused their activity to decrease, sometimes to levels half of that before the music started.
147. This is the position attested in many texts, both classical and post-classical.
148. His music attempts to ape classical styles, but the results are not very original.
149. We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics.
150. Too negligible to have practical effect in classical physics, it adds up over trillions of years.
151. Having laid the foundation of a compleat classical education at Harvard College, he pursues every other study with ease.
152. The thing about Mr Healey's delightful book is not only the bloody poetry but the classical allusions.
153. This lasting antipathy coexisted in his mind with a rare mastery of philosophical debate and classical literature.
154. But she realised that more serious training in classical ballet was necessary, and went to Edouard Espinosa for classes.
155. Brubeck began to assimilate classical influences into his jazz performances.
156. Pianist-composer Childs is a hometown phenomenon busy carving out a career between the jazz and classical worlds.
157. Competitors felt, as events were to prove with considerable justification, that official opinion favoured classical architecture.
158. I originally studied classical cello from age seven until I was fourteen, then moved to the upright bass.
159. Sometimes there's jazz, sometimes classical, but there's always good background music.
160. He is said to have a good classical education, and is a Gentleman of considerable literary talents.
161. Of classical style this piece was certainly an import and it reveals the high quality of the Roman art form.
162. In general, the classical perspective contained a peculiarly narrow view of what it actually is that controls human behaviour.
163. Experiments have demonstrated the ability to reproduce classical conditioning phenomena and robot control simulations.
164. In doing so, it departs from the traditional, purely stylistic approach to classical art.
165. The assumptions about classical conditioning that are implied by this notion must be rather different from those embodied in the standard model.
166. Further south the Romanesque architecture is traditional but strongly tinged with classical forms from Rome.
167. History paintings had to be grand and didactic, with subjects drawn from the Bible, classical mythology and history.
168. The recipe is mind-numbingly simple: shots of pretty landscapes set to classical music.
169. The vase is a piece of modern art done in a classical Chinese style.
170. These have led to the same stereotyping of characters as happens in classical ballet.
171. The series of four concerts aims to bring classical music to a wider audience, although the tickets aren't cheap.
172. Did those scribes care for their hands, tend their fingers, in the way classical musicians are reputed to?
173. However, as I suggested in Chapter 1, the basic assumptions of Beccaria's classical model suggest a much wider canvas.
174. Later, in the classical period, heifers sacrificed to Dionysos at Tenedos were slaughtered with a double-axe.
175. In any case, even within technical, i.e. classical mythology, Orpheus was a singer, not a fish.
176. Classical music is the best and most powerful musical tool that captures and drives the soul, heart, mind and body. Dr T.P.Chia 
177. Dealers in primitive, tribal, Oriental art, classical antiquities, and objetsd'art are excluded.
178. Hence trumpets crooked in all keys are to be found in scores of the classical period.
179. Music is a magician who has the power to talk to, heal and strength the soul, heart,mind and body of a human being. Classical music is the best and most powerful musical tool in communicating with the soul, heart, mind and body. Dr T.P.Chia 
180. The Planetarium was built in 1929 in the style of a classical temple.
181. The new wine of quantum theory was soon bursting the old wineskins of classical mechanics.
182. Introduction InPart One I have briefly outlined the origins and fate of the classical perspective in criminology.
183. This is what classical physics has taught us about the nature of physical reality.
184. Yet this wave of social legislation could not easily be reconciled with the tenets of classical liberalism.
185. The curriculum would follow the classical model, though only up to a point.
186. Justus Lipsius was the classical scholar who introduced him into the military sphere.
187. Hollola is a fine country church with decorative gables and detached, classical bell tower added in 1848.
188. The Kalahari only partly closes the way to the South; and the Sahara was crossed as early as classical antiquity.
189. In truth, therefore, serial variation forms have not the theme-based unity of the classical form.
190. The classical idea of a constituent assembly submitting a constitution to referendum was thus to be mediated through the Landtage.
191. But we have both a general reason for setting a classical agenda, and two particular ones.
192. The building looks like a library or similar public building with its classical portico and columns with Ionic capitals.
193. Problems with classical theory How do we know that classical physics is not actually true of our world?
194. The definition given by M.. Mauss has attained classical status, and more recent theories relate to it in some way.
195. All the more in classical law, when the formal and procedural differences still applied.
196. Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
197. But these classical kids just stood around in rehearsal waiting to be shown what to do.
198. For most philosophers of classical antiquity the world was both animate and divine.
199. Behind the harpsichord and under the window there was a low glass cabinet which contained two or three classical pieces.
200. In the classical theory of comparative advantage, there is no role for government in determining the location of industry.
201. He read little, and his exclusively classical education left only the faintest impression on his mind.
202. Ivory continued to serve many of the same purposes in Christendom as it did in Classical antiquity.
203. I was already well-known in classical circles, but this shook up the young generation and made them conscious.
204. There are now two floors of music and video, with separate departments for singles and for classical music.
205. It has been substantially altered in later periods and has a largely classical, dull exterior.
206. He has long been famous as a classical scholar, and more recently as a philanthropist.
207. In classical mechanics one can predict the results of measuring both the position and the velocity of a particle.
208. It tells us, in effect, that classical mechanics can not actually be true of our world!
209. The rays of geometrical optics are not unlike the particle trajectories of classical mechanics.
210. Roman funerary customs; art and mythology; women in classical antiquity.
211. The recording was nominated for a Grammy Award for best classical album.
212. Nevertheless, uncritical acceptance of the results of classical twin studies may have misled a generation of researchers.
213. So, only approximations to the classical model can be achieved.
214. An array of sculpture is also on view, revealing the influence of mythology and foreign culture in classical antiquity.
215. Sirens, in classical mythology sea-nymphs who by their singing lured sailors to destruction on hidden rocks.
216. The differences between legacies and trusts persisted throughout classical law.
217. Other western sciences exclude difficult aspects of subjectivity from their portraits of themselves, as in classical physics.
218. The master-planned, classical idea of architecture soon meets with the emergence of Modern architecture.
219. The classical theory of comparative advantage is often taught as if everyone benefits from trade.
220. The problem involves classical physics, as opposed to quantum physics.
221. The traditional brass pole will add a touch of classical elegance to a room.
222. The heretofore brilliant, often blinding light of classical culture was gradually reduced to a pitiful flicker.
223. Melvyn Tan strikes an admirable balance between the classical and romantic in the young composer's make-up.
224. Secondly, the magic of the island is here composed of Renaissance learning, imagery and classical mythology.
225. First let us establish how the geodesic equation simplifies when the motion can be described approximately by classical mechanics.
226. Yet Ashton found ways of so moulding classical dance that the ladies even danced sur les pointes in so Edwardian a setting.
227. The new classical macroeconomists are committed believers in the power of market forces, being fired with an almost evangelistic enthusiasm.
228. In classical biological control, a natural enemy is introduced to control an organism that has become a pest in its absence.
229. There are many references in classical literature to Orphic poetry and Orphic rites.
230. This means that no evidence could possibly count against Freudian theory in its classical form.
231. Classical philosophers refer to them with contempt, as peddlers of absolution for a modest fee.
232. For example: is the subject taken from classical literature with its firm structural rules like those which govern Balanchine's Apollo?
233. The rich, and white, citizens are pulling up the cultural drawbridge to the sound of classical music.
234. The above examples are all slightly parodied versions of classical dance steps.
235. The bus driver washed the windows as a classical music tape played from his dashboard.
236. As I watch her, she is introducing her class to the first item on her syllabus, classical mythology.
237. Scipio did cry, and classical scholars are therefore entitled to ask how many tears he shed.
238. A.R. Did you think of yourself as a classical actor in those days?
239. Proving very popular are the new serpentine bedside cabinets in real satinwood handpainted with classical motifs, at about £600.
240. This masterpiece gives us the classical moment of the archaic style.
241. As suggested in Chapter 2, a view of res publica based on classical liberalism would be more limited.
242. A lot of jazz and classical music was part of my music too, thanks to my uncle.
243. The research of the residual claim assignment of stock companies is not dealt with either in new classical property right theory or stakeholders theory.
244. Cixin watchcase material USES 316L stainless steel, leather strap, of primitive simplicity of classical elegance fully round watchcase of fashionable element, uncommon grade immediately show.
245. Classical saliency-based visual attention models are adapted for embedding real-time systems with less time and space costs based on approximate Gaussian pyramids of the input image.
246. Firstly, the thesis studies the flexible job-shop optimal scheduling problem in FMS on analyzing the weakness of classical job-shop.
247. Second, the detail evaluation strategy for income property is made after the analyses for the classical evaluation method of real estate include income method, market method and cost method.
248. Because classical nucleation theory supposes that bubble formation is occurred under static state, it doesn't reflect the effects of dynamic factors on bubble nucleation, such as shear and elongation.
249. Mill's Five Canons", as one of the highest achievements in the classical inductive logic, has characteristic of methodology and under estimated value."
250. The classical Western world directly affected Hindu religious art, and several features of Hinduism can be traced to Zoroastrianism .
251. In classical episteme, the understanding of the same tragedy category is different to some extent because of in different time and space, but they are similar on the whole.
252. By using qualitative classical theory of ordinary differential equation, a class of planar quintic polynomial differential system is qualitatively analyzed.
253. The thesis brings to bear conjectural variation to unify the classical oligopoly models and open out that the differences of the models are only the dissimilarities of conjectural variation range.
254. Several classical model order reduction algorithms are introduced, and their advantages and disadvantages are compared.
255. The theory of "Occam's Razor" is one of the most famous ten classical laws in the management field. Its central principle is "Not add supplements, when no requirements".
256. It's a technological achievement that is unrivalled in the classical world.
257. The design of Classical microwave cavity filter requires large numbers of complicated formulae and numerous curves.
258. Neoclassical architecture: Revival of Classical architecture during the 18 th and early 19 th centuries.
259. The nonlinear strain is decomposed into a classical part and a nonclassical contribution which is described by nonclassical elastic units(NCU).
260. Social Contract" lias long been a classical paradigm in the field of political philosophy in the west, bul it contains an inherent contradiction."
261. Because he was technically an insider, Gupta will likely be charged in the "classical" definition of insider trading, where pecuniary benefit is a necessary prerequisite to guilt.
262. Demonstrated on the shriveling exterior of the sculpture, the young woman painfully and drastically ages into exhausted elderly woman that reveal time and history that classical sculptures epitomize.




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