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单词 Fold
1 Let's fold up the futon.
2 The bed can fold away.
3 Fold the paper along the dotted line.
4 Fold in the beaten whites of two eggs.
5 Fold this glass bowl in newspaper.
6 Our sheep have strayed from the fold.
7 Fold the egg whites into the cake mixture.
8 Will you help me fold up the clothes?
9 First, fold the paper in half / in two.
10 If you fold the letter in two, it will fit into the envelope.
11 Make another fold and turn the ends together.
12 Next, fold in the beaten egg.
13 I like to fold presents up in pretty paper.
14 The show will fold after Sunday night's performance.
15 Fold along the dotted line.
16 Gently fold in the eggs like so.
17 Next, fold in the sugar.
18 Many small businesses fold within the first year.
19 I wish you kids would fold up your clothes!
20 Fold in two egg whites.
21 Fold the paper in half.
22 Fold a piece of paper round the flowers.
23 Will you help me to fold the sheets?
24 Fold the letter before putting it in the envelope.
25 Fold the cream into the egg yolk mixture.
26 Bend back the card and cut along the fold.
27 Fold in the beaten egg whites.
28 Make a fold across the centre of the card.
29 The Church will welcome him back into the fold.
30 These garden chairs will fold flat for storage.
1 Let's fold up the futon.
2 Fold the paper along the dotted line.
3 Fold in the beaten whites of two eggs.
4 Fold this glass bowl in newspaper.
5 Our sheep have strayed from the fold.
6 Fold the egg whites into the cake mixture.
7 Will you help me fold up the clothes?
8 First, fold the paper in half / in two.
9 Fold in the flour.
10 These bunks can tip up and fold back into the wall.
31 Scoring the paper first makes it easier to fold.
32 Can you fold the shutters back?
33 You have to fold the corners back, like so.
34 Gently fold in the eggs.
35 Stitch the pieces together along the fold.
36 Fold the fabric and stitch the two layers together.
37 This nippy new car has fold down rear seats.
38 The indigenous people were brought into the Catholic fold.
39 The chairs fold flat for storage.
40 Gently fold the flour into the mixture.
41 She had a fold of flesh under her jaw.
42 Fold in the flour.
43 Why is the place I want to find always on the fold of the map?
44 Does this table fold?
45 Fold the paper longways.
46 Shall I fold the paper flat or roll it up?
47 These bunks can tip up and fold back into the wall.
48 Fold the blanket double.
49 His father finally accepted him back into the family fold.
50 Her children are all away at college now, but they always return to the fold in the holidays.
51 It'll fit in if you fold it in half .
52 He called on former Republican voters to return to the fold.
53 The umbrella was ingeniously devised to fold up into your pocket.
54 Fold a piece of paper round the flowers so that they'll be easier to carry.
55 You can fold the table away to make more room.
56 The eggs are hatched under a fold of skin on the penguin's belly.
57 It was a solitary spot in a fold between two hills.
58 Don't fold down the corners of the page, it damages the book.
59 Check if you can fold the buggy without having to remove the raincover.
60 He might find it difficult to return to the family fold when he realizes his mistake.
61 What's the trick of getting this to chair to fold up?
62 The garden is in a beautiful situation on top of a fold in the rolling Hampshire landscape.
63 The country is now firmly back in the international fold.
64 Fold this glass bowl in newspaper/Fold newspaper round this glass bowl.
65 Fold the paper to make the shape of a cone.
66 Spoon the filling onto the dough, fold it over, and press down the edges.
67 The EU wanted to bring the US back into the fold.
68 Fold the pastry over at the ends to seal in the juices.
69 Just fold this piece of paper back, so, and make a crease here.
70 Our local football club may fold unless it gets a cash injection .
71 Then turn the paper over and fold it, like so.
72 Fold the ironing board up so that it is flat.
73 She was determined to draw Matthew back into the family fold.
74 The legs fold out independently, of course.
75 Cut the paper along the fold.
76 Gambill didn't fold, however, playing a gutsy third set.
77 Melt 3oz white chocolate, fold into cream.
78 I loved helping her fold sheets.
79 Cutting out Fold the fabric in half.
80 Fold in the double cream and dissolved gelatine.
81 Fold into mixture with a metal spoon. 3.
82 It's easy - don't fold it across the pleats.
83 Carefully fold in the remaining sugar and cocoa.
84 The chairs fold flat for easy storage.
85 I helped him fold his sheets.
86 Fold the omelette in half.
87 Small and scrappy institutions will fold.
88 Fold in the yogurt or fromage frais.
89 Fold over at right angles to form a triangle.
90 Day returned to the fold the following day.
91 Fold the reduced juice into the sour cream.
92 Volunteered to fold towels in the shelter.
93 First have them fold the card in half lengthwise.
94 Gently fold in crab meat, avoiding breaking lumps.
95 Fold in the ground almonds and reserved orange zest.
96 They clearly did not have the votes in 1992, and they agreed to fold their tent again this time.
97 We undress in a small anteroom and fold our clothes neatly into baskets on the shelves.
98 Sixty years later Camberwell was a metropolitan borough whose population had multiplied more than six fold to 259,339.
99 Fold in the remainder of the sugar with a metal spoon, cutting the egg whites rather than mixing them.
100 Uncle Michael on a metal bed, cocooned in a fold of army blanket under mosquito netting, drawing ragged breaths.
101 Whisk eggs and sugar until thick and pale. Fold in flour and cornflour.
102 Below the fold was a grainy photograph taken on primary night.
103 Cream the butter and sugar and beat in the eggs, one at a time. Fold in the flour and almonds.
104 Away in the distance, tucked between a fold in the surrounding hills, was home.
105 An arm-chair had been pushed to the side; it had pulled a fold in the carpet.
106 Why leave the family fold, when employee stock purchases plus earnings are enough to keep the company growing?
107 Stir into flour mixture Whisk egg whites until stiff, fold into mixture.
108 She should fold up the parasol,[http:///fold.html] use it for a cane.
109 Cool. 3 Fold the whipped cream into the custard and pour into a rigid polythene container.
110 Fold ends up and over crab mixture, forming an oval.
111 Fold into the matzo mixture, adding matzo meal to make the mixture hold together.
112 But if past success is any guide, another Nasdaq company will join the fold before long.
113 Manipulators, fed by red veins of hydraulic fluid, fold elbows-up beside her cheeks like legs of a praying mantis.
114 Fold the rectangle of dough in thirds again, crimping the seam with your fingers so that it will not open up.
115 These have only one centimetre of padding and leave the thumb free to fold in safely.
116 Fold fabric and pin on pattern pieces as shown in cutting diagram. cut out.
117 Press down, spreading the dough out, then fold the spread dough back toward the center.
118 They fidget, sit on their feet and fold little fingers around stubby pencils, sweating out an exercise in mathematics.
119 And Republican strategists are anxious to keep them within the fold for the 1996 presidential election.
120 Add the grated orange rind and the sherry or milk and fold in with a large spoon.
121 Where Morpurgo's left eye should have been was only a sickening fold of flesh.
122 Finally fold the ribbon back on itself and press the strain relief device into position with firm hand pressure.
123 Then fold the dough over the filling, pinching the two sides together until you have a half-moon dumpling.
124 Fold the phyllo, in flag fashion, from the left bottom corner up and over the filling to enclose the spinach.
125 Intervention is not like a poker game where you can fold early; having gambled, you have to stick it out.
126 I try to fold her into the comfort of my body, but she pushes away from me, startled into wakefulness.
127 Fold the omelette over, slide it onto a plate, and serve immediately.
128 Add this mixture to the dry ingredients and beat well. Whisk 2 egg whites until firm and fold into the mixture.
129 The seat can be used in both forward and rear-facing positions and it only needs one hand to fold it down.
130 Take away a sheet of paper or fold one in half each time to make the game more difficult.
131 Mix the soft cheese with the sugar, fold in the orange rind. 5 Fold cream into mixture.
132 Does that mean Starr must fold up his tent and go home?
133 At home, she has learned to use gravity to help fold laundry.
134 Just fold a square of white paper into four and cut neat small triangles in the folded edges.
135 Fold it in thirds, from top to bottom, and roll it out again, keeping the seam on the bottom.
136 Fold into chocolate mixture. Place mixture in graham cracker crust.
137 Before getting into bed, I usually fold my clothes and put them on the chair.
138 Press pieces of white icing on to the remaining green icing, then roll and fold the ends into the centre.
138 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
139 When the offending Arminian left he returned to the fold.
140 Whisk the egg whites until stiff, then fold into the chocolate mixture.
141 Fold together all the filling ingredients, taking care not to break up the marshmallows and banana slices.
142 When thick and mousse-like, fold in the sifted flour and salt.
143 Lightly fold one half of the dough back over the rolling pin, then carefully transfer to the tin.
144 Fold in the cream and pour into the pie case.
145 Camels have an extra fold of skin on their eyelids to keep out the sand.
146 Add l lemon rind, sugar, eggs and mix. Fold in sifted flour and strawberries.
147 Then fold the paper in half lengthwise and write a separate list of solutions.
148 I lightly touch each fold in her fat baby arms, stroke her wrists and fingers.
149 A little fold of the veil can be drawn aside to disclose his mood at that time.
150 Pushchairs should be lightweight and compact, easy to fold and capable of withstanding rough treatment.
151 Some of the grass-roots groups will fold for lack of funds.
152 Slacken the chocolate mixture with one-third of them then fold in the rest.
153 Performing high-speed aerobatics in close formation, low to the ground, increased those risks many fold.
154 Always use a sea-salt mix, prepared as instructed and diluted four or five fold.
155 Whip cream, fold into cheese mix with jelly. 4 Spoon into tin.
156 The axial plane is a surface that divides a fold as symmetrically as possible.
157 This is usually tucked away under a fold of skin but it can be quickly erected and used as a weapon.
158 Fold the hat into a small bundle and put it inside the cracker.
159 What I do inside the bakery is fold paper boxes before I put the pastries and cakes inside.
160 Widespread speculation is that several others are enduring serious financial difficulty and may eventually fold or merge with more successful companies.
161 You fold it like this and presto! It turns into a hat.
162 There was only a man in tattered blue dungarees hammering busily at a makeshift crush at the exit to the fold yard.
163 Score card on the wrong side and then fold in half.
164 Fold meat over to enclose stuffing, then wrap in aluminum foil to hold shape.
165 I had to fold my leg sideways so I could use my right heel to rest my left foot against.
166 For the first time the black market has been upstaged-and, ironically, brought into the official fold.
167 Prepare corn-bread according to package directions and fold in the Cheddar cheese cubes.
168 Fold in two so you have four layers of pastry; brush again with butter.
168 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
169 Not that the profession was necessarily going to welcome me into the fold with open arms.
170 She lay there in the narrow bed, her chin resting on the fold of the sheet.
171 Hybridisation of the cosmid library representing a 4 fold coverage of human chromosome 21 with the exon-enriched probe.
172 If tortillas begin cracking or breaking as you fold them, briefly heat them to soften.
173 Next year, H.R. and Earl once again returned to the fold and restored the original line-up.
174 Possibly the role is to induce the epidermis which it comes into contact with to fold up to form a nerve cord.
175 Over to your right in the distance, half-hidden by a fold of land, is a broken circle of stone monoliths.
176 Furthermore, its fairly large leaves change their aspect during the growth cycle and even fold up at times.
177 Proteins are strings of 20 kinds of amino acids, which usually fold up to form a large globular molecule.
178 In a separate bowl beat egg whites until stiff and fold into applesauce mixture.
179 Behind the house rose High fold Scar; in front, the lawn slopes to the tarn.
180 Whisk the evaporated milk until it thickens, then fold into the chocolate mixture with the orange rind.
181 To follow the analogy with origami, we need to know where to fold the paper.
182 People say it should now fold its tents and steal away.
183 Whisk 2 egg whites until firm and fold into the mixture.
184 Set away. 7 Lightly whip the cream, divide in half and fold lemon curd on to one half.
185 Just before serving, fold in the whipping cream or CoolWhip and serve topped with cherries if desired.
186 Imagine her delight when a lost soul returns, through her good offices, to the fold.
187 I put that head back where it used to be and fold that canvas up the way it used to be.
188 Fold the other arm over his chest and cross the far leg over his near one.
189 In a separate bowl beat egg whites until stiff and fold into applesauce mixture. Stir whole milk into it very slowly.
190 Fold over the flaps of the salmon to enclose the terrine.
191 Fold the pastry in half widthways, brush with milk and sprinkle over three tablespoons of freshly grated Parmesan.
192 They fold their arms when they should lift their hand in wrath.
193 The retort made the boy fold up his clipping pretty quick.
194 We were thieves that had stolen into the fold waiting to be discovered and expelled by a flaming sword.
195 How to tie it 1 Fold the rope in half so that there's a loop in the middle.
196 Today's baby buggies are lightweight, compact, and easy to fold.
197 The man and woman were giving it a shake and preparing to fold it.
198 We came to the Cleft, a shallow indentation,[] a fold in the flesh of the mountain.
199 Sift the flour, then fold the flour and spice into the egg and honey mixture.
200 Gently fold the flour into the mixture with the orange juice and rind.
201 Place the cheese filling in the middle of the pastry and fold it over.
202 A paper clip slipped along the narrow fold makes the players stand more easily.
203 Students would fold it, pin it, and create three-dimensional objects with it to discover its strength and other properties.
204 This state of the art technology will considerably reduce maintenance and increase durability of the needles three fold.
205 I would fold it up with great care every morning.
206 She will return to the fold which has enveloped her with love and support during her difficult marriage.
207 Their subsequent revival and belated acceptance into the rock fold was one of the period's more surprising reversals.
208 Fold up your clothes, don't just throw them on the floor!
209 Two options you can not add, unfortunately, are a built-in child seat and fold down rear seatback.
210 Fold in the remaining cream with a large metal spoon. 3 Lightly whisk the egg white; fold into chocolate mixture.
211 Fold in flour and baking powder then add enough milk for mixture to have a soft dropping consistency.
212 Romley strayed from the fold only recently, daring to oppose Symington on juvenile-justice reform.
213 Fold in the lemon juice and zest. 4 Pour into the prepared cake tin and smooth the top level.
214 Score on the wrong side and then fold the card in half.
215 I shall remove your clothes myself, fold them, tuck them neatly away from the tide and the sand.
216 It could have been one of the worst fold jobs in the annals of college basketball.
217 Of course, stories of ex-smokers drifting back to the fold are commonplace.
218 Through the analysis forging defect structure, the main reason causing fold defects of the die flange yoke was the metal refluence by the wrong size of forging deformation.
219 The result has shown that the fracture was caused by such surface defects as fold crack in section A at connecting rod small end.
220 Melt the chocolate with the butter and coffee in a bowl over barely simmering water. Cool, then fold in the hazelnuts.
221 Become a shareholder is the technology in add endowment when whether fold?
222 The plant of vanilla were damnified by 250 - fold The cassia oil and clove oil.
223 See you that fashion that wear a woebegone wording, how, primp as my boyfriend, so fold you old your good ego?
224 Rule of Representation: Fold knowledge into data so program logic can be stupid and robust.
225 Can not meet - fold to accept Cenozoic Era art to run attending school the shock person enjoying.
226 A biopsy on the right nasolabial fold showed dermal granuloma formation around hair follicles, composed of lymphocytes, epithelioid histiocytes and occasional multinucleated giant cells.
227 The pseudocholinesterase activity after adsorption was almost 3 fold compared with before adsorption.
228 Objective: To avoid the subjective error from the naked-eye when a laryngological diagnose is made by applying vocal fold vibration graph.
228 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
229 Conclusion The method of suspending musculocutaneous flap to periosteum is perfect one of lower blepharoplasty and lifting midface to flatten nasolabial fold.
230 The authors discussion the staging parameters of embryonic development, the forming of gastrulation, "ammon tail fold" and "posterior amnion tube" and the forward movement of the embryo itself.
231 The method features reduced bubble formation within the edging fold and also within the sealant (where present) that seals the edging-fold seam.
232 Cooks use their fingertips to pluck, fold and position single leaves of wood sorrel into a coat that is place over hand-scraped beef tartare. Juniper dust, left, and tarragon paste are on the plate.
233 Despite the ticket because the children enjoy the policy of half-price concession tickets for adults, but as low as three to four fold than half the adult fare tickets for children is even lower.
234 Medium and high coverage of vegetation in the landscape tend to simplify and stabilize, the complexity of the overall shape is reducing small, the degree of the boundary trace complex fold.
235 A third type of mountain may be formed as a result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts, such as in the Cascade Range of western North America.
236 This year briny pearl price of the North sea 3 fold.
237 At the connection between mesonephric canal and urinary bladder, the lumen of the bladder has a distinct longitudinal dorsal fold, which appears to be a huge villus in cross-section of the bladder.
238 Quickly but gently fold to combine. Pour into an 11-inch ungreased springform pan and sprinkle the top with some chopped hazelnut. Bake in the preheated oven for 65-75 minutes until done.
239 The Kuangshanliang and Tianjingshan present a duplex which comprises of a shallow fault-bend fold of late Triassic and a deep blind stacking anticline imbricated by several thrust sheets of Cenozoic.
240 When not in use, the doors and windows of the Tetra-Shed fold into itself to form a fully enclosed structure, one that might appear to be a downed UFO or a religious artifact from the future.
241 The betting odds were that GM's planners were either war gaming how it would fold Chrysler in to the company or cut spending.
242 Cut on the lines from the fold to the top line.
243 Folding door is a kind of door can fold, while being a door to open completely door folding to arrange at the door hole is one side or two sides.
244 The flat, tapered shape of this toray brush allows precise application. Its long handle makes it easy to use, then fold it for convenient purse portability .
245 Fold and place the spoon into the feeding bottle when air-drying. Cover it also to avoid contamination for hygiene purpose.
246 The Baguashan anticline is located in the western thrust - and - fold zone of Taiwan orogen.
247 Results The primary sites of these 4 cases were later discovered, 2 in the aryepiglottic fold, 1 in faucial tonsil and 1 in the skin of the head, respectively.
248 Also,[] keeping a long form to a single column and making users scroll down the page is better than breaking it up into columns in an attempt to keep everything "above the fold."
249 By 2045, Kurzweil says, we will have expanded the capacity for intelligence of our civilization — comprised by that stage of both software and people — one billion fold.
250 Nuchal pad of skin This is the fold of skin at the back of the neck.
251 The formulas for the inner tension distributions of taper tension rolling-up in glass cloth reels are gived to solve that there often exit the fold in reels in glass cloth rolling-up process.
252 The pope's decree, issued Saturday, brings back into the Catholic Church's fold Bishop Richard Williamson and three other bishops who belong to the Society of Saint Pius X.
253 Objective To study the feasibility of laparoscopic high ligation and median umbilical fold onlay for the treatment of adult inguinal hernia.
254 Fold in half and then in half again, tucking the chocolate firmly inside.




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