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单词 Reliable
1, I just want a good reliable car, nothing flashy.
2, It's an old car, but it's very reliable.
3, He has a well-deserved reputation as a reliable worker.
4, Judged by the ordinary standards,he was reliable.
5, It has a highly reliable control system.
6, My memory's not very reliable these days.
7, Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.
8, My car's not as reliable as it used to be.
9, The polls are not a reliable guide of how people will vote.
10, The manager thought he was a reliable person and told him all about the new plan.
11, It's not reliable to judge a man only by his looks.
12, We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working.
13, For reliable information about present national boundaries, consult an up-to-date atlas.
14, Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.
15, Is your watch reliable?
16, You have to demonstrate that you are reliable.
17, These measurements are reliable enough for most purposes.
18, These tests are a reliable indicator of future performance.
19, Use a reliable method of con-traception.
20, Infant mortality is a reliable barometer of socio-economic conditions.
21, We're finding reliable staff hard to come by .
22, There is no reliable information about civilian casualties.
23, Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.
24, He was a sound businessman,(http:///reliable.html) totally reliable and incorruptible.
25, The company has a well-deserved reputation for being reliable.
26, She was efficient and reliable.
27, The service here is, in the main, reliable.
28, Our information comes from a reliable source.
29, Good old Harry. Reliable to the end.
30, Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable knowledge.
1, I just want a good reliable car, nothing flashy.
2, It's an old car, but it's very reliable.
3, He has a well-deserved reputation as a reliable worker.
4, It has a highly reliable control system.
5, Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.
6, My car's not as reliable as it used to be.
7, The polls are not a reliable guide of how people will vote.
8, Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable knowledge.
9, It's not reliable to judge a man only by his looks.
10, We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working.
11, For reliable information about present national boundaries, consult an up-to-date atlas.
12, Is your watch reliable?
13, She was efficient and reliable.
14, I will warrant him an honest and reliable fellow.
15, It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.
31, I will warrant him an honest and reliable fellow.
32, She's proved herself to be a very reliable worker.
33, He does not look the most reliable of animals.
34, Price alone is not a reliable indicator of quality.
35, He's a good musician and totally reliable.
36, Does your information come from a reliable source?
37, No reliable population estimates exist.
38, She has been reliable and punctual.
39, Miller was a quiet and reliable man.
40, She may be slow but at least she's reliable.
41, What is the most reliable form/method of contraception?
42, The most reliable car on the market, bar none.
43, This statement is not reliable as evidence.
44, How reliable are the local weather forecasts?
45, I know she's honest and reliable.
46, A reliable car is worth its weight in gold.
47, It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.
48, A larger sample size yields more reliable data.
49, These atmospheric waves are a reliable indicator of weather changes.
50, This survey is considered to be a reliable barometer of public opinion.
51, I've heard from a reliable source that company is running very badly.
51, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
52, Whoever we appoint for this position will be dealing directly with our clients.We are looking for someone who is friendly, a good mixer, reliable and practical.
53, There are some difficulties with the collection of reliable data.
54, On comparison, the Renault was the more reliable of the two cars.
55, Reliable intelligence reports suggest that the terrorists have bases in five cities.
56, You see, this is what we're up against - the suppliers just aren't reliable.
57, Is a person's behaviour under stress a reliable gauge of his character?
58, Richard Dorrington was, in their eyes, a very sensible and reliable man.
59, We need to check out whether the company is reliable.
60, How will they judge which is likely to be reliable?
61, Jane is reliable, but I'm not so sure about Jim.
62, The car wouldn't win any design awards, but it's very reliable.
63, This is not an exciting car to drive, but on the plus side it is extremely reliable.
64, Gideon is very reliable - if he says he'll do something, he'll do it.
65, The car may not be much to look at but it's very reliable.
66, The information has come from reliable sources external to the government.
67, When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you can fall back on.
68, In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare.
69, He's not very reliable, but I like him just the same.
70, I've heard from reliable sources that the company is in trouble.
71, There was a dearth of reliable information on the subject.
72, You must check the evidence against other sources and decide if it is reliable.
73, John is very reliable; if he says he'll do something he will do it.
74, A great deal of effort has gone into making the software reliable.
75, These figures give a reliable and objective indicator of changing trends in people's lifestyles.
76, They have a good reputation for building reliable trouble-free cars.
77, There are no reliable statistics for the number of deaths in the battle.
78, I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television.
79, Both of them, I may say, are thoroughly reliable men.
80, How reliable are its estimates of security betas?
81, But what users actually want are reliable electricity services./reliable.html
82, Japanese cars are so reliable.
83, What a useful, reliable, clear-headed son.
84, Actually, neither is a reliable guide.
85, How reliable does the defensive system have to be?
86, An expansionary monetary policy is even less reliable.
87, Use a reliable deodorant and mouthwash.
88, This is standard now in many coronary care units and is reliable provided staff are competent with the technique.
89, We need better computer models and more reliable climate data before we take any drastic countermeasures. 3.
90, Good bonding with reliable adhesives also makes for a good leak-free join.
91, Companies want assurance of reliable, high-capacity telecommunications for access to the Internet and other data networks.
92, Reliable eyewitness reports of actual events, when embedded in such a list, suffered a serious erosion of credibility.
93, Opinion polls, though not very reliable, show that Kostunica is in with a chance.
94, He is an honest, warm human as well as an excellent, completely reliable guide.
95, Does he understand and accept that it is important that local authorities should receive reliable guidance as soon as possible?
96, The numbers could still be a reliable guide to a player's position even with all the playing formations these days.
97, For there, waiting on the platform, would be our ever reliable guide, philosopher and friend, Sam Davies.
98, This flyby mission could be flown on the reliable Proton booster and could be done quickly.
99, Their steady, reliable earnings growth attracts investors primarily when the economy is growing slowly or not at all.
100, Others can fill your needs, like finding a reliable defender.
101, Inexplicably, the usually reliable pumps started to malfunction and finally broke down.
102, But how reliable is demonstrative identification? Consider the following example.
103, The reason for this is an extensive use of reliable contraception.
104, A single obsidian artifact can not be expected to give a reliable date.
105, This is why access to safe, reliable, legal abortion is what most women want.
106, The practice is quite widespread, but no one has achieved any very reliable estimate of its scale, let alone a trend.
107, In the cold, wet northern and western parts of the country it is by far the most reliable cereal crop.
108, The first reasonably reliable and convincing learning task for Drosophila involved training them using just this sense of smell.
109, You are only looking for reliable guidance on how to grapple with change yourself and how to lead others through change.
110, Here too, surface coatings that modify interfacial properties are needed for more reliable operation in the liquid phase.
111, One encouraging feature of period-instrument performances in recent decades has been a growing concern with reliable and authoritative editions.
111, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
112, Trend data on employment and economic activity rates for women are less reliable, particularly given their low unemployment registration rates.
113, At first sight this method for calculating the poverty line seems reliable and sufficiently scientific to warrant its continued use.
114, This continued use has proved that the Vortec is very reliable.
115, A flushed and jolly character raises his glass among friends and family - how real, how reliable is that evidence?
116, They have a powerful cultural drive to achieve, which makes them extremely diligent, effective and reliable workers.
117, The M14 was very reliable and durable, single shot or auto.
118, This practice ensured as many bondholders as possible were reliable club members.
119, These computers were smaller than the first-generation machines, were cheaper to run, and were much more reliable.
120, This study should allow a reliable assessment to be made of the importance of this factor in the context of classroom computing.
121, Second, how can we be sure that it provides for an accurate and reliable estimate of that population?
122, As a serviceman he was reliable, displaying grit, fearlessness, and devotion to duty, as well as being cheerful and optimistic.
123, It is fundamental to an effective and reliable clearing system.
124, It is hard to give a precise picture of the extent of poverty in 1870, since no reliable statistics exist.
125, It is known that there are few, if any, reliable acoustic cues to word boundaries.
126, The glow from a thousand points of light seems less reliable than that from the lightbulbs of a well-financed bureaucracy.
127, In the meantime, reliable and authoritative sources placed further blame on the Vincennes for the shooting down of the airbus.
128, For a given corpus size, if one uses coarser classification then more reliable but less precise predictions are obtained.
129, That is why they are a more reliable guide to completeness.
130, But the more reliable sightings, by experienced observers, showed that the eagle was going northwards.
131, According to SynQuest, this will allow Ford to plan and simulate its logistics process, making the supply chain more reliable.
132, It was rumoured that as the monarch's virility grew less reliable he developed a habit of taking substantial quantities of aphrodisiacs.
133, Some have been guaranteed jobs on leaving school after proving themselves reliable.
134, Conversely, the use of reliable and valid selection methods can save an organisation a considerable amount of money.
135, None the less, the earth's magnetic field is a much more reliable guide.
136, Reliable cause of death statistics are woefully lacking for developing countries and of less than desirable quality for many developed ones.
137, However, the rules by which such indices are assigned to words are not totally reliable.
138, If you're not pregnant, ask a doctor about reliable methods of contraception. 5.
139, They are given in alphabetical order, and from my own experience I know them to be absolutely reliable.
140, Freezing and canning can be reliable methods of preserving foods but the cook-chill method is inadequately regulated.
141, Even these compilations are incredibly ancient, and not always consistent or reliable themselves.
141, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
142, Corpora are also useful to generative grammarians for providing an objective and reliable evaluation of a grammar's coverage and performance.
143, In the history of science, beauty has proved itself a reliable guide to truth.
144, My first task was trying to acquire some reliable information about the nomads.
145, Each brokerage Jongert is covered by a six-month shipyard guarantee and is backed by our comprehensive and reliable after sales service.
146, Sampling theory showed that reliable estimates of population characteristics could be arrived at using appropriately constructed samples.
147, A reliable non-invasive diagnostic technique would represent a considerable advance.
148, The doctrine of precedent is bound up with the need for a reliable system of law reporting.
149, There are, however, no reliable statistics relating to social class and illness over the years.
150, Ford V6 conversions are intrinsically even less desirable - though worth considering as a cheap and reliable engine.
151, How can you convince potential customers that you're reliable, and will deliver the goods that you promise?
152, The national income, too, is hard to calculate exactly in the frequent absence of reliable national statistics.
153, To be strictly accurate about it, they are mostly very reliable once they are up and running properly.
154, It was none the less a moment of grave concern to unbelievers of any reliable militancy.
155, Microlights have at last achieved what they set out to be: a largely reliable and relatively cheap way to fly.
156, Slightly less competitive than a Hillman Hunter and a good deal less reliable it has yet to race.
157, Until 1942 there was no reliable cure for syphilis, too late for Karen Blixen.
158, Alsace is becoming established as a reliable, perhaps even the most reliable, wine bar white available.
159, The most reliable and accurate estimates can normally be obtained using one of the true cross-areal interpolation methods.
160, But there is no such thing as a 100-per-cent reliable contraceptive.
161, Reliable walking guidebooks cover many of the most popular continental routes.
162, The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
163, These pointed fingers were adjusted to be my guide and, apart from the very ends of each cut(), were quite reliable.
164, For added safety, we will fit miniature circuit breakers to provide reliable and easily operated protection when using any electrical equipment.
165, There is no reason to be optimistic that elections provide citizens with a real and reliable choice of policies.
166, Most likely there will be some one in the close family or a reliable friend.
167, Here are some frequently asked questions along with suggestions about how to obtain reliable information: Q: Is my destination safe?
168, Other more experienced skiers are earmarking March or April as the best candidates for reliable cover.
169, Before individual suppliers may submit tenders for orders from these kinds of customers, they must be accepted as capable and reliable.
170, We have no reliable statistics on the extent of child abuse and neglect.
171, McQuaid had either struck true by pure chance or had picked up reliable gossip at the Mohill Fair.
171, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
172, Basic butane picnic stoves are a perfectly safe, reliable and inexpensive choice for mild weather trips.
173, But in San Diego County, the economic engine known as development seems stalled as a reliable booster for an ailing economy.
174, The only reliable method of preventing parasitic bronchitis is to immunise all young calves with lungworm vaccine.
175, A reliable source said Mr Milosevic was anxious for a deal, but only on the right terms.
176, Moreover, to be able to perform a reliable statistical analysis the sample size must be considerably larger.
177, Morphology of individual colonic pressure waves has eluded reliable classification.
178, The development of reliable text recognition procedures would serve two important functions.
179, Quite sophisticated equipment and trained manpower is required to make reliable estimates.
180, The perceived value of the statement is that its standardisation makes comparisons between companies and industries more reliable.
181, That does not automatically mean that his character is equally reliable.
182, In other words, it's not a reliable system and really not worth the bother.
183, The most reliable of these comparative data measure voting in national elections.
184, But can I count as a reliable source my own childhood memories?
185, Quite simply, the use of fast, reliable air cargo services adds value to any product.
186, There is a course to intellectual development, with reliable milestones and endpoints in the developmental sequence.
187, But it also reflects the fact that older workers are, by virtue of their life situation, more reliable.
188, Even in Blaisdon, fruit growers are beginning to look to more reliable crops.
189, To say however that this route supplies the only reliable way to knowledge is grossly to overstep its boundaries.
190, A reliable trade directory such as Kompass or Dunn and Bradstreet can prove useful in identifying potential industrial buyers.
191, The former method takes a bit more effort, but the results are more reliable.
192, Thirdly, specific dictionaries are less reliable due to their inconsistency.
193, More modern valves contain a diaphragm instead of a washer, and are generally far more reliable.
194, You must evaluate your evidence, check it against other sources and decide if it is reliable.
195, He was the most reliable, in spite of that old dragon he married.
196, Having a reliable, automatic means of doing this would be of great benefit.
197, This study reports a reliable and reproducible method of harvesting and culturing gall bladder epithelial cells.
198, But we have only a few reliable fragments and accounts, mainly on embryology.
199, Don't buy any video equipment without a reliable guarantee of maintenance and repair services.
200, But the single most reliable route to growth is probably to sell off everything but the core business.
201, To allow these freedoms and pursue detailed academic planning requires sophisticated and reliable forecasting.
202, The board usually has little credibility; there is little reliable financial information, no management,(http:///reliable.html) assets or money.
203, The success of these programs depends on a reliable handpump.
204, Above all, are they a reliable basis for believing a school's assurance about quality?
205, Better designed studies with more complete reporting of data would enable more reliable estimates of efficacy of treatment.
206, Like a carpenter, we work to build your family the sturdiest, most reliable coverage possible.
207, It's much smaller than its competitors in Bath or Cheltenham, and it's far less reliable than them.
208, Compared with manual exchange of documents, the advantages of a reliable EDI system are in terms of labour saving and reduction of errors.
209, Such gifts were doubtless useful in providing reliable support for episcopal authority.
210, They needed an internal phone system that ensured fast and reliable communications between their commodity traders across the world.
211, They are technically very advanced, they must be utterly reliable and effective for they are vital to industry.
212, We need to carry on in our supporting role, offering a reliable, efficient and friendly service.
213, Many farmers stopped producing cocoa altogether or switched to food crops, like maize or cassava, that fetched more reliable prices.
214, The deregulation of long-distance coach services has led to a major expansion in reliable and cheap services.
215, Will commercial vehicle operators buy long-lasting, reliable but expensive quality tyres, or cheap, short-life imports and re-moulds?
216, A recession causes many reliable creditworthy consumers to go under; how safe will new and existing scoring systems now be?
217, There is no guarantee that honest people will always be honest and straightforward, and not all honest people are always reliable and countable. Dr T.P.Chia 
218, A reliable little bird tells this column that Frank may not be long for this world either.
219, Combining reliable bankable items with the more extreme looks to keep the press happy is no easy matter.
220, The newer, more reliable tests which have been introduced since publication of the first edition are also described and depicted.
221, First, many large and seemingly reliable companies borrowed money from banks at low rates of interest.
222, We are too impertinent with the past, counting on it in this way for a reliable frisson.
223, Fault-response based systems are usually advocated when lots of reliable diagnostic information is available.
224, Getting reliable figures to show how much alcohol misuse costs us, or how many people are affected, isn't easy.
225, Due to the lack of reliable meteorological inputs, statistical method is commonly used to mid-term and long-term streamflow prediction.
226, It'supplies reliable analysis method for getting circuit parameter of triplers.
227, As everyone knows, the information people get from vision is about 70 percent of the total information they get, visible information is intuitionistic and reliable.
228, In quality control to ensure fast high - volume production, shipping and reliable.
229, To make the distributed computer system more reliable, it is highly important that faulty processors are excluded from the system as soon as possible.
230, The input errors of BP(Back-Propagation) network are classified into dead point error and phase reversal error in this paper. A highly reliable reconstruction method for a BP network is proposed.
231, Operators effectively act on changing plant conditions to ensure ongoing safe and reliable plant operation.
232, Inspecting whether the brackets and cradles for the air duct and condensate pipes are reliable.
233, Reliable information of the radiogenic heat production for the use in thermal modelling now can be derived quickly using only standard GR (API) readings.
234, The man between the sticks is the relatively unheard of Eduardo, who plays for Braga,(http:///reliable.html) and has been a reliable custodian for Carlos Quieroz all through qualifying.
235, Gatropin is an effective and reliable medicine for stomach, capable of adjusting the gastric contents with a suitable PHvalue owing to its buffer function.
236, After transformation, the control system had an advanced technology, a high level of security, reliable quality, convenient operation, substantial increase in production efficiency.
237, The results of verification show that generalized tangent bulk modulus is more typical and reliable.
238, Conclusions The performanceof Bayer ACS : 180 SE automated chemiluminescence system is reliable and suitable for clinical laboratoryto use.
239, New styles and practical design methods, the Calender and the transmission unit are on the same horizontal load which make it more stable and reliable.
240, Automatic bell system has been widely used in schools, factories and other fields. It is accurate, reliable and easy to replace the old manual system to fight bell.
241, Connection must be a clear division of work, it was reviewed inspection to ensure connectivity of norms, diameter appropriate, accurate, reliable handsome.
242, Industry products computer PLC control, it is stable and reliable.
243, Through inspection of MSDB process, it can be found that initial temperature of solder droplet is the main influential factors for reliable bump.
244, A portable and reliable neutron radiation protective tool is proposed.
245, Conclusion The method provides a reliable approach to prepare the serum containing Dracaena.
246, The method is simpler and more convenient, and the result is more precise and reliable, the method is excellent in the design of auto kinetic control system.
247, On basis of human design. the equipment is of stable performance and easy to operate. the advanced and reliable structure of capabillty of long- term continuous ProcesSing.
248, "I just find paper records more reliable and trustworthy, " said David Hildebrand, 72.
249, The research in this theist is all based on device physical, is reliable, which can be made important reference to new ESD protection devices design.
250, Taken together , our results implicate that the PCM is a cheap and reliable thermal management solution.
251, Concentrative investment, diversifiable risk, professional custodian service, great varieties, and reliable operation are all its advantages.
251, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
252, The method is convenient, rapid, reliable and suitable for the determination of nitrofurantoin and furazolidone in cosmetics.
253, The bender element system has been developed to characterize the maximum shearing modulus of soil mass, which provides a reliable and non-destructive method.




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