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单词 Unemployment
1) Unemployment and inflation are interrelated.
2) Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
3) Unemployment is high in her constituency.
4) Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.
5) The level of unemployment is rising.
6) The government must make new policies to reduce unemployment.
7) Unemployment is a very real problem for graduates now.
8) Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.
9) She was doomed to unemployment by her ill health.
10) Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.
11) There have been record bankruptcies and remorselessly rising unemployment.
12) Unemployment levels have rocketed .
13) They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment.
14) There are indications that unemployment will decrease.
15) The unemployment rate is rising in that country.
16) Australia's unemployment rate rose to 6.5% in February.
17) Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems.
18) There is no simple remedy for unemployment.
19) Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment.
20) Unemployment is a blight on our community.
21) How do you account for the fact that unemployment is still rising?
22) Where unemployment and crime are high,[http:///unemployment.html] it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.
23) Mass unemployment seems to be a fact of life nowadays.
24) Male unemployment was 14.2%, compared with 5.8% for women .
25) When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.
26) Unemployment will be a dominant issue at the next election.
27) The rise in unemployment is seen as indicative of a new economic recession.
28) No one disputes the direct linkage between the unemployment rate and crime.
29) The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.
30) This sort of job is a lesser evil than unemployment.
1) Unemployment and inflation are interrelated.
2) Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
3) Unemployment is high in her constituency.
4) Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.
5) The level of unemployment is rising.
6) Unemployment is a very real problem for graduates now.
7) Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.
8) Does mass unemployment depress wages?
9) Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.
10) Unemployment has soared to 18%.
11) There have been record bankruptcies and remorselessly rising unemployment.
12) They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment.
13) There are indications that unemployment will decrease.
14) The unemployment rate is rising in that country.
15) Australia's unemployment rate rose to 6.5% in February.
16) Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems.
17) There is no simple remedy for unemployment.
18) Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment.
19) The main problem is unemployment.
20) The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime.
21) How do you account for the fact that unemployment is still rising?
22) Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.
23) Mass unemployment seems to be a fact of life nowadays.
24) Male unemployment was 14.2%, compared with 5.8% for women .
25) When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.
26) Unemployment will be a dominant issue at the next election.
27) The rise in unemployment is seen as indicative of a new economic recession.
28) No one disputes the direct linkage between the unemployment rate and crime.
29) The level of unemployment remains fairly constant at around 10%.
30) It's no longer possible to argue that crime is unconnected with unemployment.
31) The level of unemployment remains fairly constant at around 10%.
32) It's no longer possible to argue that crime is unconnected with unemployment.
33) Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long - term unemployment is still rising.
34) The shakeout in the labour market after Christmas usually makes January a bad month for unemployment.
35) The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.
36) It is very / most improbable that the level of unemployment will fall.
37) Unemployment seems to be rising, despite repeated assurances to the contrary.
38) Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs.
39) In 1986 more than three million were receiving unemployment benefit.
40) Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.
41) This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.
42) A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.
43) The riots took place against a background of widespread unemployment.
44) Many white-collar workers, like stock brokers and investment bankers, find themselves in the unemployment lines.
45) Unemployment is having a corrosive effect on our economy.
46) High unemployment is a direct result of the recession.
47) Years of high unemployment have left society deeply divided.
48) His research is centred on the effects of unemployment.
49) He's been on unemployment for two months.
50) Unemployment may provoke a sense of alienation from society.
51) Fear of unemployment is paralysing the economy.
52) High inflation will make unemployment worse .
53) Unemployment figures have broken through the three million barrier.
54) Some people find unemployment very difficult to cope with.
55) Her latest documentary is concerned with youth unemployment.
56) The government seemed to be presiding over large-scale unemployment.
57) We face the grim prospect of still higher unemployment.
58) Unemployment is quite high, especially among young people.
59) Unemployment has climbed from two million to three million.
60) Tonight's edition of 'Panorama' looks at unemployment.
31) Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long - term unemployment is still rising.
32) The shakeout in the labour market after Christmas usually makes January a bad month for unemployment.
33) The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.
34) Unemployment seems to be rising, despite repeated assurances to the contrary.
35) Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs.
36) In 1986 more than three million were receiving unemployment benefit.
37) Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.
38) This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.
39) A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.
40) Many white-collar workers, like stock brokers and investment bankers, find themselves in the unemployment lines.
41) Unemployment amongst married women reached a peak.
42) Unemployment continued its remorseless rise.
43) Statisticians predict a fall in unemployment by 2004.
44) The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices.
45) He gave a talk on the theme of teenage unemployment.
46) A rapid rise in price soon eventuated in mass unemployment.
47) Some ministers admit privately that unemployment could continue to rise.
48) This area has a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc.
49) High unemployment is not necessarily linked with the rise in prices.
50) There is an equation between unemployment and rising crime levels.
51) He believes that unemployment is socially divisive and is leading to the creation of an underclass.
52) Unemployment and lingering disease cooperated to make his family broken.
61) Unemployment has reached a record high .
62) There could soon be a big increase in unemployment.
63) His speech on unemployment was well received.
64) Unemployment can drive you mad with boredom.
65) In the short run, unemployment may fall.
66) His unemployment threw him back on government relief.
67) Unemployment has passed the four million mark.
68) The level of unemployment is down.
69) The government has just released new unemployment figures.
70) The country has entered an era of high unemployment.
71) There's no easy remedy for unemployment.
72) Unemployment dipped to 6.9 per cent last month.
73) Unemployment was an economic millstone around the country's neck.
74) Unemployment ballooned to fourteen per cent.
75) The latest unemployment figures will be published tomorrow.
76) We discussed unemployment and related issues.
77) They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.
78) Unemployment among the refugees has risen sharply.
79) In the thirties unemployment was widespread.
80) Savings can act as a cushion against unemployment.
81) There are anxieties over the effects of unemployment.
82) Unemployment brings great difficulties in its train.
83) The Government is making no attempt to attack unemployment.
84) The new scheme is aimed at reducing unemployment.
85) The country has high unemployment and rampant inflation .
86) Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.
87) Technological changes will inevitably lead to unemployment.
88) As unemployment rises, the pool of cheap labour increases.
89) The black economy booms when there is high unemployment.
90) Unemployment among married women reached a peak.
91) The 1930s brought unemployment and economic recession.
92) You may qualify for unemployment benefit.
93) Unemployment was proving to be an intractable problem.
94) Unemployment is now past the 3 million mark.
95) Black unemployment rate jumped to 17 percent last year.
96) Unemployment will continue upward for much of this year.
97) The problems of crime and unemployment are closely intertwined.
98) Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.
99) The country now faces economic recession and rising unemployment.
100) Levels of unemployment vary from region to region.
101) Unemployment has fallen by two percentage points this month.
102) The economic outlook is one of rising unemployment.
103) Production has dropped while prices and unemployment have skyrocketed.
104) The unemployment trap exists when an unemployed person on benefit would be worse off in a low-paid job.
105) She claimed that the rise in unemployment was just a further manifestation of the government's incompetence.
106) Any growth in unemployment is self-evidently a matter of extreme seriousness.
107) Although total unemployment has decreased, the seasonally adjusted figure has risen slightly.
108) The deepening recession has also taken its toll in the south of the country, where unemployment is rife.
109) Although unemployment rose last month, this is unlikely to dampen down wage demands.
110) Myers accused the government of deliberately massaging the unemployment figures .
111) Unemployment is predicted to increase to 700,000 by the end of the year.
112) He argued that unemployment created a useful reserve army of labour.
113) Unemployment, inflation, and low wages are all part of the same economic syndrome.
114) I'd like to take you up on what you said about unemployment.
115) Pointing to the results of a recent survey, he claimed voters were most interested in education and unemployment.
116) Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment remains a problem.
117) He will appeal to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits.
118) He gave a talk on the theme of teenage unemployment.
119) Unemployment and inner city decay are inseparable issues which must be tackled together.
120) The unemployment data must be seen against the background of world recession.
121) He noted in passing that the government's record on unemployment was not very good.
122) In 1976 unemployment in Britain passed the one million mark.
123) Not surprisingly , with youth unemployment so high, some school-leavers with qualifications fail to find jobs.
124) The increase in the number of people entering the workforce has increased unemployment figures.
125) The effect will be to increase unemployment and force down wages.
126) The authors of the book address themselves to the question of unemployment.
127) The high rate of unemployment is making many families feel the pinch.
128) They forecast a large drop in unemployment over the next two years.
129) Fighting poverty and unemployment should come before all other political considerations.
130) The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures show a rise of twelve-hundred.
131) The president prefaced his remarks by saying he has supported unemployment benefits all along.
132) The recession has resulted in an unavoidable increase in spending on unemployment benefit.
133) He has a novel proposal of his own for meeting unemployment.
134) Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment.
135) The rise in unemployment is symptomatic of a general decline in the economy.
136) The rise in unemployment is paralleled by an increase in petty crime.
137) There is a tendency for unemployment to rise in the summer.
138) The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
139) Unemployment has come down slightly but this does not alter the fact that it is still a major problem.
140) At the time,()[http:///unemployment.html] the unemployment rate was touching 10 percent and rising.
141) Because of the recession, we're on course for/to have record unemployment levels.
142) The nation's unemployment rate has been climbing steadily since last June.
143) This area has a high incidence of crime, disease, unemployment, etc.
144) Unemployment insurance means that you are partially protected if you lose your job.
145) Unemployment serves as a useful point of reference in examining social problems.
146) These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.
147) The 1930s was a time of high unemployment and economic hardship in much of the United Kingdom.
148) I've got enough money to see me through six months of unemployment.
149) Her research is centred on the social effects of unemployment.
150) Officials tussled over who had responsibility for the newly fashionable unemployment agenda.
151) Gary's been rorting the system, getting both a student allowance and unemployment benefit.
152) These new figures give the lie to the belief that unemployment is going down.
153) It has been the largest sustained fall in unemployment in the history of this country.
154) Unemployment was high despite the gains of the civil rights movement.
155) Tonight's programme is an in-depth look at the long-term effects of unemployment.
156) The government's programme should be an effective counter to unemployment.
157) The increase in violent crimes is al'lied to the rise in unemployment.
158) Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy.
159) These figures show an increase of over one million in unemployment.
160) High unemployment is not necessarily linked with the rise in prices.
161) Working in an unemployment office had helped to raise his political consciousness.
162) Unemployment in the first half of 1993 was 2% lower than in the same period the year before.
163) At the other extreme is a country like Switzerland with almost no unemployment.
164) The Chancellor is on record as saying that the increase in unemployment is 'a price worth paying' to keep inflation down.
165) We must avoid the downward spiral in which unemployment leads to homelessness and then to crime.
166) The rise in the unemployment figure should level out soon.
167) For many kids leaving college the prospect of unemployment beckons.
168) The report examines the causes of rising unemployment, and, more pertinently(), offers some solutions.
169) One of the by-products of unemployment is an increase in crime.
170) The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment.
171) I think that the underlying problem is education, unemployment and bad housing.
172) I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil.
173) Unemployment is rising, prices are increasing; in a nutshell, the economy is in trouble.
174) There is no single panacea for the problem of unemployment.
175) There is an equation between unemployment and rising crime levels.
176) Unemployment in the petroleum indusry has rocketed since the beginning of last year.
177) Unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off.
178) The Government was cooking the books and misleading the public over unemployment.
179) Unemployment was so bad in the 1930s that they went on their knees nearly to get jobs.
180) Given the government's record on unemployment, their chances of winning the election look poor.
181) The government has been juggling the figures to hide the latest rise in unemployment.
182) The latest unemployment figures prove the wisdom of the government's policy.
183) Unemployment is so damaging both to individuals and to communities.
184) Unemployment and lingering disease cooperated to make his family broken.
185) If these measures also reduce unemployment, that is all to the good.
186) Rising unemployment has been the price we've had to pay for getting inflation down.
186) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
187) The highest rates of unemployment occur in the inner urban areas.
188) Inflation is coming down; unemployment is coming down; things are definitely looking up!
189) US unemployment figures for March showed the jobless rate stuck at 7 per cent.
190) The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise.




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