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单词 Evident
1. He signed his name with evident satisfaction.
2. It was evident that she was unhappy.
3. His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust.
4. She regarded the child with evident distaste.
5. It's evident that someone has been here.
6. The silence of the forest was made evident by the occasional snap of a twig.
7. The applause made it evident the play was a hit.
8. She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.
9. These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
10. It must be evident to all of you that he has made a mistake.
11. Bob began eating his lunch with evident enjoyment.
12. He looked at his children with evident pride.
13. Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.
14. The colour is evident even under low magnification.
15. He nodded with evident satisfaction.
16. Her sophistication is evident from the way she dresses.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. She smiled with evident relief.
18. Harry's courage during his illness was evident to everyone.
19. This fact is too evident to require proof.
20. It's evident that you are tired.
21. His own distinctiveness was always evident at school.
22. The purpose may not be immediately evident.
23. It soon became evident that she was seriously ill.
24. Her perfectionism is evident at work and at home.
25. The talks made little evident progress towards agreement.
26. It is evident that smoking is harmful to health.
27. The prospect became more evident.
28. The feminine touch was evident throughout the house.
29. The orchestra played with evident enjoyment.
30. The rationale behind the changes is not at all evident.
1. He signed his name with evident satisfaction.
2. It was evident that she was unhappy.
3. His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust.
4. She regarded the child with evident distaste.
5. It's evident that someone has been here.
6. The silence of the forest was made evident by the occasional snap of a twig.
7. She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.
8. These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
9. The rationale behind the changes is not at all evident.
10. This fact is too evident to require proof.
11. The prospect became more evident.
12. It's evident that he wants to make a cat's paw of you.
13. The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy, in view of its evident unconstitutionality.
14. The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight.
15. It's evident to me that they have no experience in this work.
31. The strain of her work schedule became painfully evident as she jetted from New York to London and on to Milan.
32. It was evident to me that the mission would fail.
33. It's evident that he wants to make a cat's paw of you.
34. It became evident from the leaks that something important was going on.
35. His sure touch and attention to detail are just as evident now.
36. It was fairly evident from her tone of voice that she disapproved.
37. The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.
38. It was evident that she had once been a beauty.
39. Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law.
40. The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy(), in view of its evident unconstitutionality.
41. Shaw's infatuation with the actress is evident in his writing.
42. It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made.
43. The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
44. She took evident delight in frightening the children with horror stories.
45. It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.
46. His anger was evident in his attitude to the others.http:///evident.html
47. The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight.
48. It was evident to me that he was not telling the truth.
49. It is already evident that new roads only generate new traffic.
50. The growing popularity of the subject is evident in the numbers of students wanting to study it.
51. It was evident from the first that he never intended to carry out his promise.
52. The growing interest in history is clearly evident in the number of people visiting museums and country houses.
53. Her love for him was evident in all that she did.
54. The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance.
55. From the smell it was evident that the drains had been blocked for several days.
56. It's evident to me that they have no experience in this work.
57. It was clearly evident that the company was in serious financial difficulties.
58. The change of focus is clearly evident.
59. A similar trend is evident for acute health problems.
60. The same trends are evident in early childhood education.
61. The problems are most evident when tariffs have been cut without adjusting other macro-economic policies.
62. It rapidly became evident that this clinic could not make even a dent in the problem.
63. Her duties as a chaperone had become less evident now that she was accustomed to Paul and had been spoken to kindly.
64. Ralph had no interest in business matters, which was evident at the cotton mill this morning.
65. The strength of the argument for splitting the bill is evident in the reaction of the two Republican senators from Texas.
66. In spite of their burdens, endearing qualities are often clearly evident.
67. It is evident that many Volunteers enjoy close friendships with some of their students in and outside the classroom.
68. In colonic biopsy specimens from normal and colitic controls inappropriate staining is less evident.
69. Things could improve as the effects of a tax break for defense manufacturers become evident.
70. Or was there something else just evident in his cheerful voice? ... Recalled to the colours ... Rejoin the Regiment.
71. The congress had been called specifically to resolve a crisis evident since November 1989 concerning factional splits over the independence question.
72. Social class differences in fertility are little evident in women who marry between ages 25 to 29.
73. Fairly consistent patterns are evident in the location of the volcanic activity with respect to the fringing trench.
74. So it was evident that Dan was able to persist in some of his endeavors-but not in his basic academic work.
75. The result is evident in the back streets and courtyards, which Atalla judiciously avoids with a foreign visitor.
76. From this it seemed evident that it was her planes we had destroyed on the Trincomalee airfield a few hours earlier.
77. It was evident that the sensible decision had been reached to let the two most concerned fight it out alone.
78. Entomology was also taking on an economic role as its application to pest control became evident.
79. It is evident that auditors should be separate from their client's management.
80. In a bilateral system comprising a network of reciprocal relationships the entity against which claims are made is evident.
81. The efforts farmers have made to control their silage liquors or cowshed washings are equally evident.
82. This becomes evident when consideration is given to the processes by which these styles are produced and consumed.
83. Some military officials have asserted that the effects of exposure to chemical agents would have been evident among those troops almost immediately.
84. Cziffra's affinity with Liszt is strongly evident on four of the eight discs.
85. Interpretation of the vast library of information in these radar images continues,[/evident.html] but a number of firm conclusions are already evident.
86. Yet the major lines of conflict and political mobilization evident in liberal democracies often do not appear class-based.
87. Normally the trainer will go through a reproduced interview and discuss the good and bad points which are usually clearly evident.
88. Together with the evident popularity of cathedral music, these are a cause of encouragement for church music in this country.
89. This bespoke greater intellectual confidence than was to be evident at later stages of controversy.
90. The differences were also evident in the age range of primary school pupils.
91. I see three important constituent elements of the digital realm becoming more evident every day: malleability, anonymity and connectivity.
92. This variability is evident when studying purified receptors in artificial membranes, calcium release in single cells or in cell populations.
93. He must try to communicate that to the children who were filled with evident self-recrimination, Katherine particularly.
94. It is evident that the machine aesthetic played more than just a stylistic part in the revolution.
95. There followed a period of about fifteen years when creative genius became evident, such as the works of William Shakespeare.
96. By the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, moral laxity in the administration of confession by the clergy was evident.
97. During gastrulation the front and back, top and bottom become evident, and the basic body plan is laid down.
98. The Romantic plays increase the interrogations, apostrophes, abrupt interruptions, exclamations and leaders that were so evident in sentimental comedy.
99. What is evident is that the age of electronic records opens numerous possibilities that will enrich the understanding of contemporary culture.
100. From at least the closing years of the eighteenth century the decline of gentry involvement and even tolerance of plebeian sports was evident.
101. The principle of the separation of powers is, for example, clearly evident in his views on administrative law.
102. These she brushed aside and raced by, to their evident great relief.
103. Saline alluvial soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium and the effects of gleying are clearly evident.
104. Day had a coronary bypass, and he suffered from breathing problems, often evident when he was on the air.
105. Its excesses had already degenerated into the sacrifice of living beings and its Chaotic nature was increasingly evident.
106. Nowhere was this more evident than in the marked differences in the handling of collaboration in the atomic and conventional weapons fields.
106. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
107. With work-inhibited students, a breakdown in the independence process appears evident.
108. In Congress, the same jockeying for political capital, of which Johnson and Romney were accused, was evident.
109. In the light of this, the way forward in climatic geomorphology, already recognized in studies of fluvial catchments, becomes evident.
110. Petitioner contends that the coercive nature of this program is evident from the degree of success it has achieved.
111. If tonalities are not closely related the tonal conflict will be more evident according to the degree of disagreement between the scales.
112. Some of these symptoms may be so extreme that the psychotic quality of the condition is clearly evident.
113. The failure of ambitious projects within the Council was evident by the time of its second session in 1950.
114. It had become evident that a simple and effective means of communication was required, and the radio was the next step.
115. It will be evident that the Pearce-Hall theory finds it difficult to deal with the effects of contextual factors.
116. Since 1971 this growth has continued, and a similar trend is evident in all Western industrial capitalist societies.
117. Osaka's decline is evident in the local prefectural office, a grand stone building with grimy linoleum floor coverings.
118. The warm, maternal, caring streak which has characterized her adult life, was becoming evident in her daily life.
119. The need for reregulation superimposed upon any underlying tendency towards competitive freedom is clearly evident.
120. Even when not evident it is always worth looking for, since it may hold the clue to the whole case.
121. For centuries we women have gloated over the one negative aspect of aging more evident in men than women: balding.
122. However falteringly, the Precautionary Principle is clearly evident in many of the decisions now being taken.
123. Their cannon were very evident, as they closed, crews lining the bulwarks.
124. A comparative analysis of course documents made the extent and systematic nature of the changes quite evident.
125. There is often stronger social control evident in the socialisation of girls in comparison to boys.
126. Not the tapping baton of Conductor Richard Armstrong-although his powers over an able orchestra become evident soon enough.
127. Erosion or accretion of sand by wind action is evident throughout and soil genesis is truncated by erosion or fossilised by deposition.
128. Opportunities for travel and socializing are evident.
129. It'should be evident that skin color is multifactorially determined.
130. The analysis of the first flush in dimensionless cumulative method indicated that the first flush was evident for roof runoff.
131. For softening vascular and preventing cardiovascular diseases, there are evident effects.
132. We discuss the evident algorithm's feasibility of the rate equations of electron's occupation probabilities needed in getting the X-ray's eradiation.
133. The effect of density ratio on suction surface and leading edge is more evident.
134. The uneven economic performance is translating into frequent sharp reversals of sentiment in markets. Goldman's Mr. Wilson says it is most evident in the short-term bond markets.
135. Her well-remembered cable of dark-brown hair was partially coiled up in a mass at the back of her head, and partly hanging on her shoulder, the evident result of haste.
136. The inward curatorial focus is evident at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, which a few years ago drew crowds with splashy loan shows about motorcycles and Armani fashions.
137. Nowhere was this sense of purpose more evident than in the US heartlands, with their hundreds of tight-knit communities, like Holcomb, scattered along railway lines across the Great Plains.
138. His brother now had to assume responsibility for them as well as for his own growing family, particularly when it soon became evident that his sister-in-law, Ethel, could not cope.
139. In transient rheological aspect, apparent viscosity increases more evident with the increment of cooling speed.
140. Introduce the method of recovering benzol emissions from styrene-indene, the result verified it has evident economic Benefits and improves the environment during nearly two years.
141. The authors think there were no evident differences in the diagnostic accuracy of urinary disease between digital image and original IVP film.
142. A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.
143. Videotex has more evident superiorities to other information broadcasting methods. The basic principles of videotex broadcasting system are described in this paper.
144. The zone of coal metamorphism is evident and related to the distribution of diabase which intrusion after main coal formation.
145. The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.
146. As I reread the transcripts at this remove the source of his pleasure is not self - evident.
147. In addition, the microstructure measurements of the film characterized by scanning electronic microscopy show the evident 'cauliflower-like surface morphology and columnar structure.
148. Compared with core glass, the effect of optical processing quality of cladding glass on interface defects was more evident when its viscosity at drawing temperature was higher tha.
149. Volume price changes the driving force, and its actual technical analysis the position is self - evident .
150. Little of the political politesse that's common in other countries after the death of a leader was evident in South Korea this weekend.
151. The results indicated that selenoarginine has evident inhibition on alcohol induced morphologic changes of liver cells, steatosis and hepatic fibrosis.
152. As a result, lower working pressure and higher RF power is helpful to prepare good a-C film, meanwhile, laser repetition has evident influence on films growth.
153. Clinically evident ectopic lacrimal gland is uncommon especially at epibulbar location.
154. This fear and insecurity were evident even in the fashionable and sophisticated audience which had come to this theatre to see the smart revue.
155. The Freedom of Information Act wasn't built to anticipate this situation and that's evident from the way the Fed tried to shoehorn their argument into the trade-secrets exemption.
156. The results indicate that the DNA replication of parasite was continuous and it's content was high polyploidy and phase G1 of proliferating cycle was not evident.
157. Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
158. The immune system may fail to function for many reasons. Immune disorders caused by a genetic defect are usually evident early in life.
159. According to the variety of core construction, ferromagnetic material and operating parameters of system, inrush current presents an evident multiformity.
160. On-site operation test shows that the research oil has an evident edge over the original hydraulic transmission oil.
161. It's evident at City Tavern , a mecca for 20 - somethings in San Francisco's ritzy Marina district.
162. Flavors of cherry and plum are evident, with hints of tea-leaf.
163. The pathologic changes of vulval condyloma acuminatum were evident after the focused ultrasound treatment, and the main change was expressed as atrophy.
164. It is evident that they suffered a sizable economic loss as a result of the war.
165. The deceleration is evident in the prices of commodities, which have fallen by 8.6% since mid-February, according to The Economist's commodity-price index.
166. The Civil Re-trial Procedure refers to the procedure that the court, according to the law, re-tries the effective judgment or letter of mediation with evident defects and gives remedies.
167. At present appears the unrelatedness "foreign merchant tightness of money ' repudiates a debt ' the Chinese Enterprise to suffer the loss" is an evident proof.
168. It is evident that the 3-D spatiotemporal sampling grid contains more information than 2-D still-frame sampling grid.
169. The messages were most evident in the main building's light court , which provided a setting bathed in diffused light .
170. They see the evident benefits of the personal computer revolution that he helped to bring about.
171. No evident relation between coke true relative density and microstrength was f.
172. There was significant difference between the 2 groups,[http:///evident.html] it suggested that maprotiline had evident effect on the depressive emotion of the patient with cancer.
173. Tese results indicate under the plateau hypoxia circumstance, the BMS show evident angiectasis and hyperemia and the volume and length of the BMS are higher in acute and subacute periods.




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