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单词 Corridor
1. The room opens into a corridor.
2. I have been banished to a distant corridor.
3. We all stood around in the corridor waiting.
4. He walked down the long corridor.
5. He crept stealthily along the corridor.
6. She disappeared down the corridor.
7. The corridor echoed with footsteps.
8. She ran out into the corridor.
9. Go down the corridor and he is there.
10. He nobbled her in the corridor to sign the invoice.
11. As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me.
12. We had to wait outside in the corridor until our names were called.
13. Go down the corridor, to the second room on the right.
14. UN troops will secure the land corridor so that food supplies can reach the trapped civilians.
15. I waited for her in the corridor, while she went in to see the doctor.
16. If you see litter in the corridor, pick it up.
17. They heard voices coming from outside in the corridor.
18. You'll find his office just along the corridor.
19. The corridor is 2 metres in the clear.
20. He loped off down the corridor.
21. He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him.
22. Her office is down the corridor on the right.
23. The boys started to tussle in the corridor.
24. The corridor opens into Mr. Brown's office.
25. A figure emerged from the gloom of the corridor.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. A corridor led off to the left.
27. He heard the sound of heavy, dragging footsteps in the corridor.
28. He was reprimanded by a teacher for talking in the corridor.
29. Amy's shoes squeaked on the tiles as she walked down the corridor.
30. He could hear the clack of high heels walking past in the corridor.
1. I have been banished to a distant corridor.
2. We all stood around in the corridor waiting.
3. He walked down the long corridor.
4. He crept stealthily along the corridor.
5. She ran out into the corridor.
6. Go down the corridor and he is there.
7. He heard the sound of heavy, dragging footsteps in the corridor.
8. He nobbled her in the corridor to sign the invoice.
9. He was reprimanded by a teacher for talking in the corridor.
10. As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me.
11. Amy's shoes squeaked on the tiles as she walked down the corridor.
12. We had to wait outside in the corridor until our names were called.
13. Go down the corridor, to the second room on the right.
14. He could hear the clack of high heels walking past in the corridor.
15. UN troops will secure the land corridor so that food supplies can reach the trapped civilians.
16. I waited for her in the corridor, while she went in to see the doctor.
17. If you see litter in the corridor, pick it up.
18. The corridor opens into Mr. Brown's office.
19. Their laughter filled the corridor.
20. She was pulled up by the teacher for running down the corridor.
21. Her mother's voice in the corridor roused her from an angry trance.
31. The young man led Mark Ryle along a corridor.
32. She hurried down the corridor.
33. A corridor connects his office with the main building.
34. There's a door at either end of the corridor.
35. I heard her feet pattering along the corridor.
36. He lined us all up in the corridor.
37. He ran the length of the corridor.
38. Room 121 is at the end of the corridor.
39. John went rushing off down the corridor.
40. Don't block up the corridor with all these boxes.
41. He paced the corridor, hands clasped behind his back.
42. I heard a step in the corridor.
43. I looked up and down the corridor.
44. He nailed me in the corridor.
45. I heard echoing footfalls in the corridor.
46. He banged into me in the corridor.
47. Mo rushed off down the corridor.
48. There's a connecting corridor between the buildings.
49. Her office is at the end of the corridor.
50. He slipped across the corridor on silent feet.
51. The guard preceded them down the corridor.
52. He went beetling off down the corridor.
53. The footsteps passed on, receding down the corridor.
54. Cathy flew by/past me in the corridor.
55. The nurse wheeled him along the corridor.
56. He walked down the corridor with measured steps.
57. They manhandled the old man along the corridor.
58. The thief crept along the corridor.
59. Her footsteps echoed down the corridor.
60. We groped our way along the dark corridor.
61. She finally nailed me in the corridor.
62. She crept stealthily along the corridor.
63. Basil's dulcet tones could be heard in the corridor.
64. The meeting-room opens into a corridor.
65. Go along the corridor and through the double doors.
66. He heard steps in the corridor.
67. He pattered along the corridor in his bare feet.
68. The corridor runs down the middle of the building.
69. The corridor leads into the dean's office.
70. I could hear bare feet slapping down the corridor.
71. The bathroom is just along the corridor.
72. She pounded along the corridor after him.
73. I tiptoed along the corridor.
74. Their laughter filled the corridor.
75. The corridor opened into a low smoky room.
76. Why are you lurking about in the corridor?
77. He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor.
78. The meeting spilt over from the hall into the corridor.
79. She was pulled up by the teacher for running down the corridor.
80. Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer.
81. Eve walked briskly down the corridor to her son's room.
82. She hurried down the corridor as fast as she could.
83. A faint light glimmered at the end of the corridor.
84. She led them along a dark corridor to a small room.
85. In the corridor were four dirty, ragged bundles(/corridor.html), just identifiable as human beings.
86. We were jammed together, shoulder to shoulder, in the narrow corridor.
87. Various men kept banging into me in the narrow corridor.
88. The children funnelled along the corridor into the school hall.
89. We walked in silence up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor.
90. Her mother's voice in the corridor roused her from an angry trance.
91. Those old boxes in the corridor are a fire risk.
92. The corridor links the old part of the hospital with the new.
93. It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night.
94. I could hear the pit-a-pat of feet in the corridor.
95. The prisoners shuffled along the corridor and into their cells.
96. Go along the corridor, turn left, and you'll see his office in front of you.
97. He wheeled the trolley down the corridor and disappeared with it into the service lift.
98. I put my head down as I passed him in the corridor.
99. East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated, in 1919, by the Polish corridor.
100. The corridor echoed with the barking of a dozen dogs.
101. I noticed a chink of light at the end of the corridor.
102. We went the length of the long Corridor of the Summer Palace.
103. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
104. Michael glanced anxiously down the corridor, but Wilfred was nowhere to be seen.
105. He whistled a tune as he strolled down the corridor.
106. Wolfgang moved along the corridor towards the locked door at the end.
107. She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor.
108. Room number nine was at the far end of the corridor where it turned sharply to the right.
109. The wooden floorboards creaked as he walked down the corridor.
110. He looked up and down the corridor, meaty hands resting on his thighs.
111. The office is just down the corridor on the left.
112. There's a really strong smell of bleach in the corridor.
113. His office is the room at the other end of the corridor.
114. He stepped into the doorway and swung the gun up to cover the corridor.
115. Go down here and the bathroom's at the end of the corridor.
116. A huge bunch of kids came stampeding down the corridor.
117. He passed along the corridor to a small room at the back of the building.
118. I hardly noticed the man who brushed past me in the corridor.
119. The men out in the corridor were trying to catch what they said.
120. He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later.
121. She bailed me up in the corridor and asked me for the money I owed her.
122. We could hear footsteps approaching down the corridor.
123. In the corridor the youngsters give a sarcastic cheer.
124. This industrial corridor connects Queretaro with Mexico City.
125. The corridor is devoted to old black-and-white photographs showing, in chronological order, the construction of the house.
126. Some one was coming along the corridor from the foyer.
127. The corridor walls are covered in photographs; barrel-bellied women with scrunched-up faces strain to deliver, post-birth beatific smiles radiate satisfaction.
128. At the stairs a short hall bisected the rectangular corridor, leading to the bathroom on the other side.
129. A light bobbed up and down further along the corridor, accompanied by the sound of running footsteps.
130. In the corridor, the objective correlative of pre-bedroom intimacy, the moment arrives.
131. Down the corridor, a bodyguard has opened a private door, leading directly to his three-room office complex.
132. The cell block stood just off the L-shaped charge room, a corridor almost completely without daylight.
133. His office was just along the corridor from where Wanless now sits in his ornately furnished chief executive's eyrie.
134. A couple of the doors further down the corridor were shut, and appeared to be locked.
135. The twin doors sighed open, and Manville stepped slowly out into the corridor.
136. Truly unaware, some brazenly buttoned their flies as they walked out of the lavatory into the corridor.
137. It wasn't much brighter than the corridor in there, for blinds were drawn on the two windows.
138. I moved down the corridor, as instructed, and rounded the elevators to the bank on the far side.
139. The corridor inside was a grey conduit for numerous pipes and fittings, lit by plain white bulbs.
140. Once properly tagged and escorted, the visitor passes the initial checkpoint and walks along a corridor into the Headquarters Building lobby.
141. One deputy, a former boxer, punched one of Mr Seselj's parliamentary critics unconscious in the corridor outside the chamber.
142. He moved down the corridor and around the corner, where two more armed guards stood, alert, against either wall.
143. She led them down a narrow corridor and into a comfortable lounge.
144. A young vicar and his wife, with matching haunted faces, wheel their beautiful chubby little daughter down the corridor.
145. Simon was sitting in the corridor outside the door to Jason's room, heartily asleep in an uncomfortable upright chair.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
146. On the next floor lay their separate rooms, just along the corridor from each other, as Guido had already pointed out.
147. The next instant, dizzy with the excitement that possessed her, she was hurrying along the corridor towards his office.
148. Occasionally we would meet by accident in the corridor or at a bend in the stairs or out in the street.
149. This particular urban wildlife corridor is slated to be bulldozed, Jimerfield says.
150. Friends don't come back from the dead, Leila thought, rampaging through the corridor from the canteen.
151. The Northeast corridor from Washington to Boston is Amtrak's busiest region.
152. As she walked down the corridor, she gave it that bit extra.
153. The irregular echo of footsteps passed backwards and forwards along the corridor outside.
154. Quite quickly the whole corridor filled to the brim with the substance of the hydra.
155. A young porter stood in the corridor, a large laundry basket by his side.
156. He found an empty first-class compartment, and she reached it by way of the corridor after the train had pulled out.
157. She opened the door and watched him move off down the corridor.
158. McCready had watched him enter the corridor between the two border posts, then lost sight of him.
159. Rumble rumble, shout and holla, came the sudden commotion in the corridor.
160. The corridor was empty, but the door to the inspector's room was slightly ajar.
161. Sucking in a lungful of cold air, Piper moved once more down the corridor.
162. Away along the corridor from the Colonel's office, a man screamed.
163. Instead of drifting along the ceiling of the corridor, the smoke moves along as a solid plug.
164. A corridor led from the old schoolrooms to a modern building.
165. We were in one of those compartments with no connecting corridor, so there was no chance of searching the other carriages.
166. The nurses were clustered together in the corridor, giggling about something.
167. The noises of men talking and laughing and the sound of champagne corks popping filter out into the corridor.
168. He went down the corridor that led off the central area.
169. Folly reached for the towelling bathrobe that hung behind the door, and made her way out into the corridor.
170. Whether drinking coffee with his production people, chatting to his secretary or strolling along the corridor, his approach is professional.
171. I have been banished to a windy concrete corridor far from everywhere.
172. Desmond Fairchild and Dotty Blundell were heard arguing in the corridor, though no one could be sure what was at issue.
173. General Mladic had also agreed in principle to open a corridor to Cerska.
174. He walked away down the corridor, without so much as a backward look, and tears stung her eyes.
175. He turned back down the corridor, which was now as dark as a catacomb.
176. It was deep inside the building and, like the cell corridor, received little daylight through its small, high windows.
177. We passed through an archway to the right and into a wide corridor with rooms opening off at intervals.
178. In the corridor there were orders given and monosyllabic assents.
179. The rest of the team will be assembled in their right order in the block corridor.
180. The doctor strode ahead to the end of the corridor, and waited there for the others to catch up.
181. Catherine heard that Henry was praying in the royal chapel so ran screaming down the corridor.
182. They moved up the corridor, their footfalls against the bare boards sending out hollow echoes.
183. The Headmaster turned towards a row of small carts sitting on a miniature railway track that stretched the length of the corridor.
184. I sneaked into the auditorium through the exit at the north corridor and nestled in about half way down the aisle.
185. About half way along the corridor a single candle burned in an iron holder on a small table.
186. I swing one of the boys in the air, then give two others a piggy-back ride down the corridor.
187. Large sliding doors open from the oak-floored corridor in the pavilion into the conference rooms.
188. We were led down a long corridor in the airport terminal.
189. A couple of the Uberwald people were ambling along the corridor beyond, carrying something covered in a cloth.
190. She took the correct corridor, found the Salome annexe and climbed up to the attic.
190. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
191. She stood in the doorway at the end of the corridor, looking into a small polygonal room with a sloping ceiling.
192. He got off the elevator and went down the corridor to the juvenile bureau.
193. I took an aspirin and slept until it was light enough in the corridor to find the toilet.




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