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单词 Reverse
(1) Every medal has its reverse.
(2) Every mechanism has its reverse.
(3) His remarks were the reverse of complimentary.
(4) The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.
(5) Please reverse the positions of two pictures.
(6) Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
(7) The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.
(8) Statistics showed a reverse trend to that recorded in other countries.
(9) It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
(10) The reverse side of the coin has a picture of a flower.
(11) This problem is the reverse of the previous one.
(12) The garage is open, so you can reverse in.
(13) The secret number is my phone number in reverse.
(14) Can anything be done to reverse this trend?
(15) Put the car in / into reverse.
(16) A skilful politician can always reverse any defeats.
(17) You should reverse the order of these pages.
(18) MPs hoped to reverse Britain's opt-out from the treaty.
(19) I twisted my head round to reverse the car.
(20) The winners were announced in reverse order .
(21) The superpowers are putting the arms race into reverse.
(22) Reverse the paper in the printer.
(23) I couldn't find reverse gear.
(24) Ambulances have 'AMBULANCE' printed in reverse on their bonnets.
(25) Property values have suffered another reverse.
(26) The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect.
(27) The coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.
(28) Please reverse your examination paper.
(29) The results were read out in reverse order .
(30) If you tell children to do something,() they will often do the exact reverse.
(1) His remarks were the reverse of complimentary.
(2) The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.
(3) Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
(4) The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.
(5) If you tell children to do something, they will often do the exact reverse.
(6) It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
(7) The reverse side of the coin has a picture of a flower.
(8) Can anything be done to reverse this trend?
(9) The coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.
(31) Does this thing have a reverse gear ?
(32) In the 1980s economic growth went into reverse.
(33) Children's shoes aren't cheap quite the reverse.
(34) In hot weather, the reverse happens/applies.
(35) This government promises to reverse industrial decay.
(36) Iron the garment on the reverse side.
(37) In the south, the reverse applies.
(38) The trend towards home ownership has gone into reverse.
(39) They suffered a serious military/political reverse.
(40) Put the car into reverse.
(41) I put the car in reverse.
(42) The winners will be announced in reverse order.
(43) Amis tells the story in reverse, from the moment the man dies.
(44) The coin has a date on one side and the emperor's head on the reverse.
(45) The incident threatened to put the peace process into reverse.
(46) The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended.
(47) Now reverse the car.
(48) Various problems have put the company's expansion plans into reverse.
(49) He lurched the car in reverse along the ruts to the access road.
(50) To solve the puzzle, simply reverse the order of the numbers.
(51) MPs have accused the government of obduracy and called on ministers to reverse their decision.
(52) There is absolutely no evidence at all that spectators want longer cricket matches. Quite the reverse.
(53) The English £1 coin has a royal coat of arms on the reverse.
(54) The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.
(55) To go backwards, you must put the car in/into reverse .
(56) Please read the names on this list in reverse order.
(57) We should see the reverse as well as the obverse of things.
(58) Convention dictates that it is the man who asks the woman to marry him and not the reverse.
(58) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(59) Increasingly, there is pressure on the council to reverse its decision.
(60) More changes are required to reverse the trend towards centralised power.
(61) Please write down your name on the reverse side of the envelope.
(62) Cheques should be made payable to Country Living and your address written on the reverse.
(63) The car has four forward gears and one reverse gear.
(64) What happens if you reverse the direction of the current?
(65) We did a similar trip to you, but in reverse.
(66) Although I expected to enjoy living in the country, in fact the reverse is true.
(67) They have made it clear they will not reverse the decision to increase prices.
(68) He expressed great regret and said that surgeons would attempt to reverse the operation.
(69) The coin has the queen's head stamped on the reverse.
(70) The British ten-pence coin has a lion on the reverse.
(71) To stop the engine, you repeat the same procedures, but in reverse .
(72) We must see the reverse as well as the obverse side of things.
(73) Successive presidents have tried to reverse this trend , but without success.
(74) A rise in interest rates would reverse the downward trend in inflation.
(75) Losing the Senate vote was a serious reverse for the President.
(76) It wasn't easy to persuade her to come-quite the reverse.
(77) The teachers say my son is slow, but I believe the reverse .
(78) You think I gave him the fruit, but the reverse is true; he gave it to me.
(79) US video recorders cannot play European tapes, and the same applies in reverse.
(80) His answer was just the reverse of what I expected.
(81) Put the letters in 'madam' into reverse order and they still read 'madam'.
(82) It's clear that the party of the former Prime Minister has suffered a major reverse.
(83) I didn't mean to insult her - quite the reverse .
(84) Edwin is afraid of Angela, but the reverse is also true.
(85) The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.
(86) I owe you nothing. If anything, the reverse is true .
(87) Does one experience past lives in reverse chronological order?
(88) White-male fears of reverse discrimination have been widely exaggerated.Sentence dictionary
(89) In 1990, however, these capital gains went into reverse.
(90) How man is trying to reverse the decline.
(91) Would reverse flow undergravel filtration be better?
(92) Male speaker I glimpsed the van going into reverse.
(93) The machine has no reverse gear.
(94) I respectfully dissent and would reverse.
(95) But for others, the reverse was true: it was technical drawing which attracted them into engineering.
(96) Mere words could do little in the short term to reverse the chaotic situation.
(97) But Dawn Run was back alongside by the next fence only to suffer another reverse when clouting the fifth from home.
(98) His recollections are more generous, but notably concerned with the moral impression made on Gandhi, rather than the reverse.
(99) Whatever Sandy thinks of what I said, he apparently recognizes that to reverse field now would be too difficult.
(100) Library-Collegians reverse the usual conceptual model, as their name implies.
(101) The equivalent figures for manual workers other than general labourers show a reverse pattern.
(102) In desperation the Minister leaned forward and grabbed the automatic gear stick, throwing it into reverse.
(103) Data shows that if a large amount of people lower their cholesterol significantly, they can reverse heart disease.
(104) If the reverse were true, coal would be delivered free to the generators with a cash bonus of £10 a tonne.
(105) I bow over the toilet to retch but reverse away fast as last night's urine smells like cat shit this morning.
(106) In February 1974, they feared acutely that a Labour victory would reverse their achievement.
(107) Low regime is for reverse and forward speeds up to the equivalent of second gear.
(108) It has reverse action which is basically used for removing debris and jammed drill bits.
(109) Damage to a visual area in the brainstem, the superior colliculus, had the reverse effect.
(110) For if consummation was the obverse side of the coin at Niagara, death or the prospect of death was the reverse.
(111) Subsequently he was persuaded by liberal bribes to reverse his judgement.
(112) Last year's return to democracy has scarcely begun to reverse the country's decline.
(113) The new policy would seek to reverse the pattern of out-migration while strengthening the economic base of inner-city areas.
(114) It proposes tough penalties for industries which cause water pollution to help reverse the decline.
(115) Current spikes at changeover from reverse to forward bias are a particular source of trouble.
(116) On the plus side, weight loss and regular exercise have been shown to reverse this process.
(117) Quite the reverse, these become the trusted friends that truly understand and can be of real help in time of trouble.
(118) Finding things the reverse, at first I had to consciously think switch down for slow down.
(118) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(119) She does think it is sometimes reverse discrimination but wonders how else people will move up.
(120) Substantially the reverse occurs in the adversely affected cigarette industry.
(121) In funerary rites or in cases of houses subject to the intrusions of snakes, this reverse direction is followed by the priest.
(122) A system is in chemical equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.
(123) As if this was not enough, he was joined in his mad reverse by a colleague.
(124) Possibly the most commonly used punch in karate is the reverse punch.
(125) The cDNA clones were sequenced from both ends using standard forward and reverse primers.
(126) He accidentally dented the garage door, trying to reverse in.
(127) Usually the same amount of heat is absorbed in the reverse reaction, when the oxygen is released by the haemoglobin.
(128) This was also carried on a division; the Government accepted their defeat and did not seek to reverse the decision.
(129) However, both the lack of growth and the failure to reverse the decline in work opportunities also carry serious political implications.
(130) As to the issue of future political fudging, the commission would require a supermajority to reverse any lowering of rates.
(131) Yet lateralization of spatial skills to the right brain is not the reverse.
(132) They pushed an agenda to reverse recent academic reforms and give students more power within the university administration.
(133) Therefore, the forward movement at the top of the orbit is greater than the reverse movement at the bottom.
(134) Falling equity prices will work the same way, except in reverse.
(135) In response, the Guard is resorting to political clout to reverse the proposed reductions.
(136) He proved that it is indeed possible to reverse coronary heart disease in unhealthy middle-aged people.
(137) At this point the debate over the civil rights bill merged into a wider national debate concerning the legitimacy of reverse discrimination.
(138) Unfortunately, there are reasons for pessimism and the recent declines in infectious disease mortality rates may reverse.
(139) Both the president and the Republican Congress want to reverse that trend with broadly similar plans.
(140) I had to reverse, climb up to retrieve the runner and cross the wall for a third time.
(141) It will take tremendous political will, courage and humanity to reverse this situation.
(142) It is hoped that the multi-million pound facelift will reverse decades of decline for the shopping area in Liverpool city centre.
(143) Rising public outrage eventually forced Intel to reverse its policy and offer replacement chips to anyone who wanted one.
(144) It was their behaviour that defined them as nice or nasty, as forgiving or unforgiving, envious or the reverse.
(145) The cab is new, too, and a 16 forward and 4 reverse gearbox is fitted.
(146) The country's highly respected Finance Ministry is facing a crisis of confidence that will be difficult to reverse.
(147) A department devoted to organizing new unions had already been set up to reverse the long decline in membership.
(148) The Ice Ages, in short,[http:///reverse.html] were caused by a greenhouse effect in reverse.
(149) In fact, it's surprising Honda hasn't included an electrically operated reverse gear.
(150) The reverse is also true; those who prefer historical novels may also enjoy some Historical Romances.
(151) It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
(152) Something about a reverse osmosis filtration system, which is too tricky to explain now.
(153) Newly formed governments seek deliberately to reverse their predecessors' communications policies.
(154) He swung his left arm up in a reverse backstroke, and grasped the chain.
(155) They don't just bend the truth, they simply reverse it.
(156) The principal goal of Republican conservatives is to reverse the Roe v Wade ruling.
(157) There are a number of legal formulae by which any suggestion of reverse discrimination is ruled out.
(158) Whilst in bath remember what you've done and race down naked to reverse the contents of freezer and microwave.
(159) Thus the movement, seen from close by, appears to go into reverse gear.
(160) Clara switches from being aggressive to being acquiescent and Lucio does the reverse.
(161) They show that he has a huge task ahead if he is to reverse the gender gap by November 7.
(162) Engage forward and reverse gears and shunt backwards and forwards, listening for unusual transmission noises.
(163) Bank teller Barclays is in the happy position of exactly the reverse happening.
(164) The analysis applies in reverse if the actual rate of interest is thought to be abnormally low.
(165) Months later it merged with the considerably larger Mothercare chain in a reverse take-over.
(166) The defender now turns attacker, stepping quickly forward and striking with a reverse punch to his attacker's chest.
(167) The alarm went out and environmentalists began to try to halt, if not reverse, the destruction of the remaining park.
(168) It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides. George Sand 
(169) The reforms are designed to reverse the drastic decline in the Party's support.
(170) The parka in reverse from rose pink to a grass green print over a siren gown, by Ungaro. 5.
(171) It is a bold move, since it throws into reverse one of Clinton's central election pledges.
(172) The reverse is happening in the eastern part of the Ocean.
(173) He will be the last man off, since riders begin in reverse order of positions on general classification.
(174) After some time, he finally started the engine and crunched into reverse gear.
(175) The irony is that we are busy doing many things that don't matter and we have no time for things that do. Shouldn't we reverse it? RVM 
(176) The child is trying to escape and avoid the very exercises you are doing to reverse the underlying difficulty!
(177) But the reverse is true when an attorney represents a person who is obviously guilty or whose guilt is widely perceived.
(178) Intel is expected to reverse part of that charge this quarter,[] which will help bring expenses down.
(179) If the appeals courts reverse the case, the whole procedure begins all over again.
(180) You can even see the gesso oozing through the canvas weave in the reverse.
(181) Left-wing incumbents are expected to adopt high-inflation, low-unemployment positions and right-wing governments the reverse.
(182) In the reverse direction the country received its most abundantly grown foodstuffs of today - maize and cassava.
(183) Democrats in Congress are determined to reverse the Supreme Court's recent anti-affirmative-action rulings.
(184) Expensive state subsidies cushioned but could not reverse Yucatan's long decline.
(185) The plans to reverse decades of governmental policy without benefit of public hearings and substantive dialogue have produced little.
(186) The second assumption is that the stream can not move backwards on itself, that is, reverse its direction or join itself.
(187) Thomas was renowned as a vigorous opponent of affirmative action or reverse discrimination, espousing minority self-help rather than racial quotas.
(188) These are especially acute where a substantial private company is being acquired in a Reverse or Super Class One transaction.
(189) And that the word AM0R was the reverse in spelling of R0MA seemed marvelously to epitomize the sense of the contrast.
(190) A bridge of four diodes, connected in reverse parallel with the switching transistors, provides the path for freewheeling currents.
(191) All 36 forward speeds can also be used in reverse, too.
(192) Not finished, he slammed into reverse so quickly that she fell to the ground.
(193) We will reverse the present planning presumption in favour of opencast coal mining and give top priority to local people and their environment.
(194) The reverse also holds, that failure to live morally betrays and invalidates religious devotion unless there is genuine penitence.
(195) The fact is that both the benefits of affirmative action and the white-male fears of reverse discrimination have been exaggerated.
(196) Just as acidity works to add definition to sweets and fatty foods, the reverse is also true.
(197) Mr Wilson says organic farms reverse many modern agricultural trends.
(198) For the last year they have been arguing about how to reverse this but they haven't done anything.
(199) The inability to reverse operations is characteristic of the cognitive activity of the preoperational child.
(200) And suddenly there was action - the van roared into reverse, rushing away from them, its headlights on full beam.
(201) We will reverse cuts in design consultancy schemes and provide additional funding for the Design Council.
(202) The more entrenched unwelcome developments have become, the harder it will be to reverse them.
(203) Too much may have happened within a matter of days after completion for it to be practical to reverse the sale.
(204) It does not help a girl to be honorable to pay her with public funds to be the reverse.
(205) The floodgates were now open and it is from here that the reverse sequence of On the Look-Out commences.
(206) Some, although few, home contents policies have a reverse indemnity clause which may cover costs and damages in some cases.
(207) It has presided over our economic decline for decades and even now is failing to reverse it.
(208) The reverse occurred on restoration of the dot key and depression of the dash key.
(209) When Illinois gets the ball again, Red steals it and muscles under the basket to make a reverse layup.
(210) The reverse acoustic ceilings amplify the din to a decibel range appropriate for a wind tunnel.
(211) Reverse as your right elbow touches your left knee, turning to see the left side.
(212) The purpose of third world colonies was to make colonial powers rich not the reverse.
(213) At the same time, they became the first men to see the reverse side of the Moon with the naked eye.
(214) This apparent contradiction of the model by Proust's text is not a sign of the model's inadequacy but the reverse.
(215) In fact, it would seem to be quite the reverse: Gaudy males should be more conspicuous to their enemies.
(216) Certain individuals get sleepy on low doses of alcohol and revved up on high doses-exactly the reverse of what most people experience.
(217) Reverse splits make a stock appear more expensive and can attract buyers who will not purchase shares that sell for a pittance.
(218) Now the State Department decided to reverse its tactics,[http:///reverse.html] and on February 6 it went completely public.
(219) The reverse is true for older counterparts, who develop schemata that permit conservation.
(220) The discounting calculation is the reverse of the compound interest calculation.
(221) Alternatively, reverse colours, using dark green in feeder 1 and white or pastel colour in feeder 2, as illustrated.
(222) The teacher did the roll call in reverse order.
(223) Several types of using reverse substitute method in indefinite integral are given in this article.
(224) if you could prevent the switch from happening, or reverse it, and let people with sickle cell disease use fetal hemoglobin for life, that should reduce symptoms.
(225) BHA, or beta hydroxy acid, is a form of salicylic acid and is used in some topical exfoliants to reverse signs of aging.
(226) Reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography(RP-HPLC) was applied to determine the S-adenosyl-l-methionine(SAM) in erythromycin fermentation course.
(227) Objective Propoxur-susceptible Musca domestica strains were established through reverse selective breeding in the laboratory setting.
(228) This is the reverse of the default sort order for this kind of result.
(229) It is concluded that this strike-slip fault is in tensoshear property and should be lagging products associated with reverse fault of NE trend.
(230) The 401CNQ center tap Schottky rectifier module series has been optimized for low reverse leakage at high temperature.
(231) Next, let's reverse the operation to emit the number with a currency symbol and commas to separate hundreds, thousands, and millions.
(232) The reverse proxy server takes all requests, and sends the requests to the content HTTP server.
(233) Finaily, we analysed the reverse channel decision of closed-loop supply chain with competing manufactures and competing retailers.
(234) The actions of the legs, torso, and neck are essentially the same in both poses, although these actions feel different when you turn topsy-turvy and reverse your body's relationship to gravity.
(235) The most common type of membrane separation is called reverse osmosis. Seawater is forced through a semipermeable membrane that separates salt from water.
(236) Ultra fast low-loss controlled avalanche rectifier. Repetitive peak reverse voltage 300 V. Average forward current 2.3 A.
(237) It is known that setting point and cold filter plugging point of low pour point diesel with cold flow promoter can reverse during the storage and use process.
(238) It also shows how to manage without a requirement for minimal reverse current in D1.




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