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单词 Flash
1. This camera has a built-in flash.
2. My camera needs a new flash bulb.
3. She smiled with a rare flash of humour.
4. He felt a brief flash of jealousy.
5. A driver is not supposed to flash his lights at the coming vehicles.
6. In a flash of pure genius, she realized the answer to the problem.
7. Flash your light about and see if anyone is hiding here.
8. The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
9. Flash your light around and see if anyone is hiding in here.
10. With a flash of insight I realized what the dream meant.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. A flash of lightning and a peal of thunder heralded torrential rain.
12. We caught a flash of white in the bushes.
13. An incredibly loud bang followed the flash.
14. Did you use flash when you took these pictures?
15. It was done in a flash.
16. Lighthouse and beacons flash at night.
17. A rocket exploded with a blinding flash.
18. I'll need flash for this shot.
19. That's a very flash suit he's wearing.
20. It came to me in a flash of inspiration.
21. Here is a late news flash.
22. The flash didn't go off.
23. The bomb exploded in a flash of yellow light.
24. The bird vanished in a flash of blue.
25. A flash of lightning lit up the night sky.
26. He's very flash, isn't he?
27. The camera has a builtin flash.
28. Our vacation seemed to just flash by.
29. Start crossing when the green WALK sign starts to flash.
30. There was a startled look on his face when the flash bulb went off.
1. My camera needs a new flash bulb.
2. She smiled with a rare flash of humour.
3. Start crossing when the green WALK sign starts to flash.
4. A driver is not supposed to flash his lights at the coming vehicles.
5. There was a startled look on his face when the flash bulb went off.
6. Flash your light about and see if anyone is hiding here.
7. The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
8. With a flash of insight I realized what the dream meant.
9. A flash of lightning and a peal of thunder heralded torrential rain.
10. Lighthouse and beacons flash at night.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. His teeth were a gleaming flash of white against his tan.
31. It came upon him in a flash of intuition.
32. I took it with flash.
33. Another flash of lightning lit up the cave.
34. The campsite was deluged by a flash flood.
35. The figures flash up on the scoreboard.
36. For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6.
37. In a flash, the prince turned into a frog.
38. The last year went by in flash.
39. The weekend seemed to be over in a flash.
40. Have you brought your flashlight / flash?
41. The answer came to me like a flash.
42. Just wait here. I'll be back in a flash.
43. Did the flash go off?
44. There was a flash and a mighty bang.
45. She watched the scenery flash past the train window.
46. The answer had come to him in a flash.
47. Suddenly I had a blinding flash of inspiration.
48. He always was a bit of a flash dresser.
49. A bright flash of lightning lit up the sky.
50. Where's the flash for the camera?
51. Quick as a flash she was at his side.
52. Stopping to rest,[http:///flash.html] Pete shut off the flash.
53. The flash is built into the camera.
54. The ceremony was over in a flash.
55. Programmes were interrupted for a news flash.
56. The answer came to her in a blinding flash.
57. She could not restrain a flash of pride.
58. Summer flash floods destroyed the crops.
59. The answer came to me in a flash.
60. A sudden flash of revelation came to him.
61. He had a sudden flash of inspiration .
62. We saw a sudden flash of blinding light.
63. His eyes flash with anger.
64. She had a sudden flash of inspiration.
65. An idea popped into his mind like a flash.
66. The heavy rains could cause flash floods and mudslides.
67. They approach, embrace, and poof! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.
68. There was a flash of light followed by an explosion.
69. On the horizon, she saw a flash of silver-the sea!
70. In a flash of sheer inspiration, I decided to paint the whole house white.sentence dictionary
71. In that flash of illumination, he realized where he had gone wrong.
72. 'Did you really win first prize?' he said with a flash of genuine admiration.
73. I don't think the picture will come out in this light. Try using the flash.
74. The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration/genius.
75. The plan came in a flash of inspiration, fully formed.
76. A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second.
77. You can go for a "rostrum" system, which sounds flash, but can be assembled quite cheaply.
78. Some people had to cling to trees as the flash flood bowled them over.
79. People will be looking in to see how good we are now and whether our success has just been a flash in the pan.
80. "What did Moira tell you?" Liz demanded with a flash of anger.
81. The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused.
82. He needed to prove that his success was not just a flash in the pan.
83. When she looked at me, I caught a flash of recognition in her eyes.
84. The answer came to me in a flash of intuition.
85. There was a flash of lightning and the house was plunged into darkness.
86. She leant over and I caught a flash of pink underwear.
87. His thoughts were abruptly cut off by a blinding flash of pain.
88. They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky.
89. With a flash of insight, she found the solution to the problem.
90. Researchers flash two groups of different letters onto a computer screen.
91. His first novel was a flash in the pan, and he hasn't written anything decent since.
92. He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography.
93. All of a sudden there was a terrific bang and a flash of smoke.
94. The unusually heavy rain caused flash floods in several mountain villages.
95. Chris didn't want to seem flash in front of his mates.
96. Those rogues pattered flash.
97. They had told their offices to flash the news as soon as it broke.
98. Beene's new novel proves he isn't just a flash in the pan.
99. There was a blinding flash and the whole building shuddered.
100. The essays could do with a flash of wit or humor.
101. A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers.
102. Once or twice she had caught a flash of interest in William's eyes.
103. I'll need flash for this shot; the light isn't good enough.
104. His teeth were a gleaming flash of white against his tan.
105. It's quite dark in here, I'll have to use flash.
106. The sudden flash of the camera put the players off their game.
107. He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash.
108. The miseries I went through made me suddenly realise with a blinding flash what life was all about.
109. Sadly, their success was just a flash in the pan.
110. The first bomb exploded with a blinding flash.
111. Death ate six cookies in a flash.
112. It came as a flash, a most disturbing insight.
113. The flash of lightning was closely followed by thunder.
114. In a blinding flash, everything fell into place.
115. Full awareness and memory returned in a blinding flash.
116. Onlookers were blinded by the flash of the explosion.
117. Under water:Flash floods and blizzards bring winter chaos.
118. Probably nothing will flash into your mind, I said.
119. But the flash of imagining pops like a bubble.
120. In a flash, Creed was out of the jeep and creeping past foliage and tree-trunks towards the beginning of the picket fence.
121. As I found out later, a metal necklace he was wearing had taken the full brunt of the lightning flash.
122. We'd only gone a short distance from the trees when suddenly we were hit by a blinding flash.
123. Steel guy wires hold it upright; at various elevations strobe lights flash a warning to aircraft -- a slow arterial pulse.
124. One's whole life did flash before one's eyes at the moment of death.
125. There was a blinding flash and then a loud bang.
126. We went by the tower like a flash and landed on the red cross near the newly set-up hospital tent.
127. This has included buying both a computer program and flash cards that drill them on math facts.
128. Much valuable data can be recovered by clever use of the flash answer.
129. Creed dipped a hand into his pocket and set the switch that would charge the Nikon's flash.
130. Over 20,[] 000 residents are awakened by a brilliant flash of light and heat to find their city in flames.
131. Simultaneously with the flash, a piezoelectric plate behind the film launches a sonic pulse into the back of the film emulsion.
132. The brilliant flash of wing colours in the Butterfly House are alone worth a visit.
133. FitzAlan! Full awareness and memory returned in a blinding flash.
134. Juvenile black on head, with smaller crest, buffer underparts and rufous flash in wings.
135. Automatically his arms went out in embrace, but almost as they touched there was a double flash of light.
136. This will probably be one of the flash points as the new joint arrangements for assessment and care management become established.
137. Ridicule is a decidedly more entertaining version of the genre with the grace to flash us some intelligence and self-consciousness.
138. You end up with a gridded image with each square a different combination of negative exposure and flash exposure.
139. The flash of guns and long lines of musket fire could be seen in bright relief against the blue and cloudless sky.
140. There was a flash of lightning and then the rumble of distant thunder.
141. She was about to grab it when a giant gecko sprang in a flash from the eaves and gobbled it up.
142. Nick spotted it by the sudden flash of light on its chassis, then put it from his mind.
143. The spawning fish are usually so engrossed in their own activities that will hardly notice the flash going off.
144. With flash, burning is still required to balance a print.
145. In a flash I realised that my propeller was tearing great chunks out of his cockpit and he was quite literally trapped.
146. In a flash he knew he could accomplish through basketball what he could not do with painting.
147. Flash heat, volcanism, lightning, wind, and waves all renew the material world.
148. All this for a fleeting ten second flash of silhouette on the Big Screen.
149. It would have been truly amazing if this system had been Flash Memory compatible.
150. I flash on the special branch: sleepless interrogations in windowless cells.
151. None actually saw the entry of the bolide, but all saw the flash of the explosion.
152. Then, when it is all over ... Out of the darkness there came a single brilliant flash.
153. After a flash of Hendrie's skill on the byeline, Paul Wilkinson's fierce shot was blocked by Robinson.
154. But the battle between the white charger and the black flash could create the biggest interest of all.
155. But something was telling her it was no slip - and then, in a blinding flash, she knew!
156. One who'd probably mowed the nurses down in his student days, too, she thought with a flash of insight.
157. It came to Blake in a flash that the man was really a detective.
158. A blinding flash illuminated the darkness, and the terrible discharge of musketry resounded through the woods.
159. The forks of the diners flash from plate to mouth and back.
160. And then on the way over to the bookstore it just came to me in a flash.
161. The fireball passed over the northern horizon and had nearly faded from view when the sky was lit by a tremendous flash.
162. The flash alerted the criminal, and with a few choice words exchanged,[] the car chase resumed.
163. The instruments are designed for high precision scientific applications including single crystal calorimetry, laser induced desorption and flash temperature gas evolution.
164. Exposed to vacuum, the contents of tank 2 evaporated in a flash, filling sector 4 of the module.
165. A bank of purple neons had begun to flash on the dashboard.
166. The camera has a 32mm glass lens, and its automatic shutter allows you to take photos in near-darkness without a flash.
167. The rest will be moved on to a perfectly adequate out-of-town portal site with ads that flash and jitter.
168. Suppose he were to emit a flash of light from a torch.
169. Mrs Thatcher plus Denis and son Mark enter to the accompaniment of cheers and flash guns.
170. The onlookers, blinded by the flash, burned by its searing heat, covered their eyes and cringed in terror.
171. Upon the dashboard of a black Cadillac sedan parked in a nearby side-road a green light began to flash furiously.
172. The plant will start operations from April 1998, producing 64 million 16-megabit flash memory chips a year.
173. When he had finished, he would flash back to the complete page and select a new subject for detailed examination.
174. Unlike other memory chips, flash does not lose the stored contents when the computer is disconnected from a power supply.
175. He believes Ruess probably died in a flash flood or fell off a cliff.
176. At that moment, there came a terrible white flash, brighter than the Sun, which temporarily blinded me.
177. They twinkle in all directions clean on out of sight, these flash pictures of the dreamy doll faces of the workmen.
178. Flash back colleagues carry Wayne Edwards' coffin at his funeral in January.
179. Like all icons, Bigfoot stands for deeper values: durability, consistency, the strong Midwestern ethic of substance over flash.
180. Maybe it's the nations healthy suspicion of flash gestures and big bucks.
181. She was aware of a blinding flash of pain as he mastered her, and groaned weakly.
182. It really comes into its own with flash as the metering balances the flash against the ambient lighting conditions with great results.
183. As angles are passed that satisfy the Bragg equation, signals flash out.
184. They appear perfectly ordinary under normal light, but disappear under flash photography.
185. This is a very capable camera and includes some desirable features, like remote control and flash integration.
186. Larger animals which are not subject to the whims of wind and current may flash by or come closer for a brief look.
187. Owner Jim presented flash cards, writes Steiner,[http:///flash.html] and Sunny came up with correct answers.
188. Its only striking feature was a large, predatory mouth, like the front-end grille on a cheap flash motor.
189. Flash memory is a type of semiconductor chip used to store data in computers and electronic devices.
190. A flash of white feathers in the field, and the old woman was carrying a bucket.
191. Instead of waiting for the whole file to download before playing it, Flash will start playback as the download starts.
192. The dailies would clock him every now and then, leaving his flat and cowering under a flash of camera light.




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