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单词 Defusing
1, The device was defused by army bomb disposal experts.
2, The organization helped defuse potentially violent situations.
3, An army bomb squad arrived and defused the bomb.
4, Beth's quiet voice helped to defuse the situation.
5, The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis/situation/tension.
6, Police cordoned off the area until the bomb was defused.
7, Police closed the road while they defused the bomb.
8, He's good at defusing potentially explosive situations.
9, A live bomb had earlier been defused.
10, The peacekeepers are trained to defuse potentially explosive situations.
11, She often used humour to defuse tension in meetings.
12, Local police are trying to defuse racial tension in the community.
13, The bomb blew up as experts tried to defuse it.
14, A spokesman said this firm action had defused a very nasty situation.
15, Bomb disposal experts have defused a 110-pound bomb at Victoria Station.
16, The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis.
17, Union leaders are taking immediate steps to defuse the crisis.
18, The agreement was regarded as a means of defusing ethnic tensions.
19, Police have defused a bomb found in a building in London.
20, Miss Mary defused and obliterated every other talent on stage.
21, The idea was so successful in defusing the explosive situation that the meetings continued to be held at six-monthly intervals.
22, Volcker earned fame defusing inflation thirty years ago.
23, Defusing bombs in 120-degree Iraqi heat is stressful enough without adding risk of heatstroke to the mix.
24, They are facilitators,[http:///defusing.html] defusing conflict and steering the conversation back on topic when necessary.
25, Almost certainly the timing would be calculated to forestall possible discovery and defusing by a Nuclear Emergency Search Team.
26, It is about a man who goes home and is utterly lost in the grocery store----but completely comfortable dodging enemy fire and defusing bombs in brutal, hostile conditions.
27, Officials will hold four days of talks aimed at defusing tensions over trade.
28, He said she will also meet with leaders of Kenyan civil society to see what ideas they may have for defusing one of the worst crises since Kenya's independence in 1963.
29, The execution of collective bargaining right of labor union is helpful in buffering conflicts and defusing differences between labor and management in a peaceful and non-facedown way.
30, It also offers the chance to carry out realistic peacekeeping training scenarios or to collaborate in defusing regional conflict before it spirals out of control leaving behind failed nations.
31, As a centre for diplomacy and debate, the UN provides a framework for the peaceful settlement of disputes, a means of defusing conflicts before they begin.
32, Humour is also an excellent way of defusing awkward situations and influencing people.
33, AUCMA company succeeded in defusing the crisis, carrying out reorganization, and achieving transfer of control by the joint effort of related parties after outbreak of the crisis.
34, These are all ways of defusing what they, in fact, mainly the existence, perhaps the inevitable existence, of subversion with respect to structures and circulatory systems of power.
35, This week's Sino-Indian military exercises are aimed at defusing some of this tension.
36, After defusing the Georgia flash point,[/defusing.html] Obama and his national security advisers will have to grasp the nettle of the BMD Polish base issue.
37, Some bots have been defusing bombs for years, but none have seen combat.
38, Not only can calmly defusing financial risks, and can reduce corporate financing costs, improve enterprise capital structure.
39, Such moves are a contrast to concessions recently made by large financial firms in hopes of defusing public anger, and political retaliation, over the comeback of sky-high compensation.
40, A particularly alarming prospect is that of Chinese and American troops facing each other in North Korea with no prearranged mechanism for defusing a great-power stand-off.
41, The United States said tensions between Japan, China and South Korea would not hurt cooperation in six-party talks aimed at defusing the crisis over North Korea's nuclear programs.
42, Together with Arab countries including Bahrain and the international community, China is willing to play an active role in further defusing tensions.
43, Princess Kiko of Japan gave birth this morning to the country's future emperor, defusing the imperial succession crisis and provoking celebration across the country.




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