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单词 toothless
释义  tooth·less /ˈtuːθləs/ adjective  1  HBHsomeone who is toothless has no teeth 没有牙齿的 a toothless old woman 无牙老太太a toothless smile/grin He gave us a toothless grin. 他张开没牙的嘴朝我们一笑。2  SCLPOWER#an organization that is toothless has no power to make people obey its rules 〔机构〕无效力的,无约束力的,不起作用的 Does the agency have the power to prosecute companies, or is it a toothless organization? 这家机构有权起诉公司吗,抑或它只是个没有执行力的组织?Examples from the Corpustoothless• She gave the poor creature a kick, then smiled at me with toothless gums.• Then I saw her toothless gums.• Congress has passed several toothless gun control laws.• Whenever Paul spoke, it was almost like the story of the toothless man able to eat rare steak.• His grandmother watched, her toothless mouth agape.• Thereupon a cackling, toothless old maidservant set aside the tray she was carrying and hobbled across to confront him.• a toothless old man• William F.. Weld last year, have put some bite into a previously toothless requirement.• However they would have been commonly toothless, since false teeth were a luxury until the nineteenth-century.• An elderly and toothless woman lived in a shamble of newspapers and produce cartons on top of the stairs in the hall.tooth·less adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus teeth is has someone who toothless no




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