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单词 Exalted
1. The manager exalted many of his friends.
2. She was exalted to the position of president.
3. He was exalted to the postion of a general manager of the company.
4. The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.
5. I felt shy in such exalted company.
6. He was exalted as a pillar of the community.
7. You're moving in very exalted circles!
8. I felt exalted and newly alive.
9. She found him an exalted sinecure as a Fellow of the Library of Congress.
10. His son was exalted to a high position in the government through family connections.
11. But in death, every wally shall be exalted.
12. In this culture, establishing dominance is often exalted.
13. How many others in such exalted positions were disloyal?
14. But less exalted leakers had to beware.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. They look entirely at ease with their exalted status.
16. Black-and-white pictures that are closer to exalted family snapshots than art photography open the exhibition.
17. Volcker may have had exalted credentials as a central banker, but he was not deemed politically safe enough by Ronald Reagan.
18. The captain's love remains on this exalted plane throughout scenes of action in which idealism is not always satisfactorily integrated.
19. That share is rather less extensive and exalted than is often claimed for these bodies.
20. Her exalted moment of remembrance expired, she sighed in her relief and in her certainty of purpose.
21. The victorious students ran through the street in an exalted state of excitement.
22. She was the only woman to rise to such an exalted position.
23. He is not the first politician to kick down the ladder by which he has risen to exalted heights.
24. You must decide how to make the best use of your exalted position.
25. He had held up his head in the most exalted company.
26. He misses the camaraderie of the Bar and the exhilaration of forensic battle in the exalted courts.
27. Alongside similar bloodthirstiness, the romances display the gentler emotions of friendship and exalted love.
28. Leith doubted that she would ever meet the man in such a highly exalted position.
29. Jaq had spent the remainder of the voyage feeling exalted, yet pitiful.
30. Puisieulx Puisieulx is the smallest of the grand cru villages and certainly does not merit its exalted status.
1. The manager exalted many of his friends.
2. She was exalted to the position of president.
3. The victorious students ran through the street in an exalted state of excitement.
31. On a perhaps less exalted level, the station has passed into folklore.
32. We are both exalted and fallen at the same time: sinful and yet given unique status in the universe of things.
33. The concept finally won approval last year in a simple piece of legislation, less exalted than a constitutional amendment.
34. Exalted girls hung out at back stages and at hotels, trying to make the acquaintance of new born stars.
35. His voice rose to a howl and drew the audience up with it into an excited, almost exalted, crescendo.
36. Station-masters and conductors were also anxious to emphasize their exalted positions.
37. Anyway, he did not fail to exploit his exalted status.
38. That makes me officially not part of the exalted Baby Boom generation.
39. To put an end to such exalted talk, I asked Mendl to tell me about Spats-making machinery.
40. But exalted be the man who can use such a creation to pen a thankyou note come Boxing Day.
41. Even so, dismissal should never come as a bolt from the blue, however exalted your place in the corporate hierarchy.
42. He moved in exalted circles - and was ambitious for greater things.
43. The early recordings betray the teenage Davis's nervousness in exalted company, and his pitching was insecure on uptempo music.
44. Blessed were the meek, the persecuted, the reviled[sentencedict .com], for we would be exalted in the Kingdom of Heaven.
45. The whole spiritual movement personified by St Francis had exalted the mystical value of Lady Poverty, holy poverty.
46. When the sun broke through the cloud, she felt exalted.
47. Some are even retraining in ba sic family practice, the medical field most exalted under managed care.
48. It was a pleasing thought, that I might soon be moving in more exalted circles.
49. His conception of the aristocracy was an exalted one; so was his conception of empire.
50. Numbers and music shared of course the same patterns of elegance, even when the figures exalted only aubergines.
51. The exalted status of peers such as the Duke of Norfolk is a faint echo of this power in the land.
52. The proud would be brought low and the humble exalted.
53. I don't want her spiritualized, exalted, glorified, celestial.
54. He is exalted to the position of chief manager.
55. Showing exalted real estate, a good lot.
56. We were exalted by his poems.
57. Through Atonism,() the king claimed a more exalted role.
58. They were exalted by the news of the victory.
59. Money talks and this phrase has become exalted truth.
60. The performance truly exalted the audience.
61. Otherwise, have exalted professional morality and excellent service impossibly.
62. He was exalted to the skies.
63. Objective:Discuss the feasibility and therapeutic effect of exalted ligation combined electrocoagulation operation for varicose vein of lower extremity.
64. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.
65. You do get very excited and exalted by the power of their speeches.
66. Meeting place itself is used with exalted admission and measure of harsh examine and verify assures a client " dinkum sex " .
67. Debt, such an exalted financing tool a little more than a year ago, is now a four-letter word.
68. The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.
69. The new age exalted love, self-gratification and passive philosophies that aimed at helping people resign themselves to the status quo.
70. Onstage she's ever forthright: raunchy or plaintive, insolent or exalted, underlining her tone with well-timed gestures.
71. Legerdemain 2 : Exalted dish whole put huge amount breakthrough.
72. You have a strong arm; Your hand is mighty, Your right hand is exalted.
73. The great and exalted virtue of magnanimity undoubtedly demands much more than that degree of self-command, which the weakest of mortals is capable of exerting.
74. Aside from the zazen mentioned above,[] cooking and cleaning are to of the most exalted parts of a Zen monk's day.
75. The perfect inosculation and streamline design agglomerate the smart mind and show the exalted tang.
76. He had put on the ochre robe of a monk and was in an exalted state of mind, always indrawn .
77. The wicked strut about on every side When vileness is exalted among the sons of men.
78. Conqueror - The Conqueror - Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
79. As a fair olive tree in the plains, and as a plane tree by the water in the streets, was I exalted.
80. Buddha said to Ananda, " The majestic light of the Buddha Amitabha is the most exalted. "
81. Your arm is endued with power ; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted.
82. Exalted beyond this, as It'sometimes is, it remains Caliban still and still plays the beast.
83. In Aram Zova, in Aleppo, they tell a tale about Hakham Ezra Hamawi of blessed memory, concerning a deed which exalted him in the eyes of the gentiles and won him a name in all the cities of the East.
84. Women are exalted, and sometimes the misogyny you see is actually a reaction to intense desire.
85. The flowering cherry tree, or sakura, is one of the most exalted flowering plants in Japan, where the blossoms' short but beautiful blooming time is a symbol for the evanescence of human life.
86. Do 08 Sailatu still have fog lamp and exalted brake light?
87. Dinkum white colophony picture frame reflects contracted design style, bring atmosphere and easy and exalted style of work to the person.
88. We Both are exalted to distant thought, Aspiring to the sky and the Bright moon.
89. Then something in the storm and the lighthouse and the old man exalted Rudolf.
90. The protesters have exalted the image of a beautiful young woman, Neda Agha Soltan, who was photographed in a demonstration in Tehran as she lay dying after being shot by an unknown assailant.
91. The shard of Bant is green, white, and blue. Its keyword ability is exalted.
92. Give a person with gules illuminative space with showily feeling, the clean that cooperates white is provided, have some of exalted taste really.
93. If the 7th ruler is located in the 7th house, the person asked about has little thought of the querist , especially if exalted or in its own sign.
94. The product's design inosculated continental neoclassicism, French and American country classicism, and also have idiosyncrasy of exalted, silk-stocking, gentler, decent, etc.
95. Streamline figure, stout but sagacious, unbending but exalted, modishness combine with individuation, make you easygoing. Harmonious family, nice life, from the beginning of owning a good motor...
96. I had begun to write poetry in imitation of Shelley and of Edmund Spenser, play after play for my father exalted dramatic poetry above all other kinds and I invented fantastic and incoherent plots.
97. For all China’s exalted pretensions those centuries ago, its amour propre was comprehensively assaulted during more than a hundred years of humiliation at outside hands.
98. When classic furniture and it is together, did not have coxcombical , reflect some lesser also precious proud, as if those who stand before is exalted and the elegant man of rich self-restraint.
99. Not all those who emigrated to America did so for exalted reasons.
100. Their loveliness and holiness in accordance with their exalted station.
100. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
101. Pluvial fruit is the most influential one of work of force , knocking Zhong Ren to block Ximoduo is the figure with an appearance is deformed and exalted heart all the time in reader heart.
102. And the person with exalted, cultured moral character often can father at be self restrained, consistent, although be in, also can accomplish not speak and act cautiously, maleficent.
103. Lets promote him to the exalted position of management consultant!
104. Never be exalted over a premature success, asit always turns out to be a Pandora's box.
105. The right hand of the Lord is exalted; The right hand of the Lord does valiantly.
106. Such will be his fate, though to outward seeming he may occupy the earth's loftiest seats and be established upon its most exalted throne.
107. By rejecting the two-apartment ministry of Christ for us, the "new theology" turns attention away from the exalted place where the law resides beneath the mercy seat of the ark.
108. I was not high up enough in the intelligentsia to be invited to such exalted meetings.




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