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单词 Intrusion
1. I hope you don't mind this intrusion, Jon.
2. Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.
3. I really resented his intrusion in a family matter.
4. I resented this intrusion into my domestic affairs.
5. I felt it was a grotesque intrusion into our lives.
6. This newspaper article is a disgraceful intrusion into my private life.
7. She did not tolerate press intrusion into her private life.
8. His phone call was a welcome intrusion into an otherwise tedious morning.
9. This was another example of press intrusion into the affairs of the royals.
10. I demand an explanation for your rude intrusion upon my privacy.
11. She apologized for the intrusion but said she had an urgent message.
12. They condemned the new law as an unwarranted intrusion into people's private lives.
13. His deep-set eyes were normally narrowed against intrusion.
14. Where I sense more intrusion into my private life?
15. Some players resent the intrusion of religion into sports.
16. She didn't want his constant intrusion into her life.
17. Insiders are hermetically sealed from the intrusion of outsiders by the assumption of zero labour turnover.
18. He must resent the impertinent intrusion of the big car.
19. To look for her was an intrusion on her privacy.
20. They claim the noise from the new airport is an intrusion on their lives.
21. The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
22. Shopping - bag ladies are not very communicative and take general conversation as an intrusion.
23. I must make it up to him for the awful intrusion of last night.
24. The film star claimed that the police action was an intrusion on her private life.
25. This provision was overturned by the Supreme Court as a legislative intrusion on the executive authority of the president.
26. In other words[],[sentencedict .com] the First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
27. Food that is traditionally grown and free from the intrusion of technology will become increasingly desirable among the cognoscenti.
28. Wager and co-workers were struck by the strong resemblance of layered igneous rocks in the Skaergaard intrusion to clastic sedimentary rocks.
29. Perhaps my notion of wilderness is romantic and hopelessly out of date, but I have to say that I find paragliding an intrusion.
30. For a side weaned on non-stop youthful fantasy, the inevitable intrusion of reality in the Premiership is proving a disturbing experience.
1. I hope you don't mind this intrusion, Jon.
2. Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.
3. The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
4. I demand an explanation for your rude intrusion upon my privacy.
5. Shopping - bag ladies are not very communicative and take general conversation as an intrusion.
31. Kino seemed to picture a kind of great Catholic pincers to squeeze out the Protestant intrusion.
32. Intrusion by poachers was much more prevalent years ago than it is now.
33. It couldn't be just her intrusion on his evening with the Taylors, surely?
34. He says they've been hoodwinked and the noise is an intrusion on their lives.
35. The social problem is the apparent occasion for the poem, and some people feel that it is an intrusion.
36. Our Astern also contains the newest computerized scanning device that determines exactly where and when the intrusion occurred.
37. A right of access should, however be subject to safeguards against damage and intrusion on privacy, he said.
38. For Kim and her widowed father Bob, the sudden intrusion into their specially close lives was shattering.
39. To that extent, my intrusion into the matter achieved something.
40. At a later time, according to Hutton, subterranean heat may produce an intrusion of igneous rock.
41. In an outhouse the Rottweiler roared his rage at the intrusion.
42. Safe for now - but who knows what revenge they are plotting against our next intrusion?
43. To the bassets, Buster's arrival was rather like the intrusion of an irreverent outsider into an exclusive London club.
44. Add to this a concern about the growing intrusion of marketing in schools.
45. When they dropped to the ground, the robin, sensing his intrusion, blessed them with a chirp and flew away.
46. It was an old graveyard, protected by the high walls from the bustle and intrusion of the outside world.
47. This intrusion or invasion into the thick impasto of the declamatory surface is peculiarly poignant and suggestive.
48. Some see state support, in all its guises, as a bonus(), others as an intrusion.
49. A rock body emplaced in the surrounding country rock in this way is called an intrusion or, alternatively, a pluton.
50. A more significant intrusion into the wilds, certainly in terms of numbers, is the fashion of mountain biking.
51. They had to condemn Khomeini's intrusion into the affairs of another state.
52. They are not threatened by female intrusion on their realms of activity.
53. My belief is that my brother wanted no intrusion from the outer world.
54. Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
54. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
55. Inevitably my entrance was an intrusion on one disquisition or another.
56. The miners probably resented the intrusion but must have been fearful of the possible consequences of this calamity.
57. Trying artificially to separate politics and management, or treat the former as an illegitimate intrusion, is naive.
58. Are you sure that my staying here won't be an intrusion?
59. Its seamless curve swept across the canyon and imbedded itself in each side, a gigantic but somehow graceful intrusion.
60. Perhaps she was not feeling well, or it could be that she resented Lissa's intrusion into the office.
61. The business constituency, on the other hand, views much regulation as an unjustifiable intrusion by the State.
62. I assure my hon. Friend that lighting schemes will be designed to minimise visual intrusion into neighbouring property.
63. He afflicted one with a sense of unwarranted intrusion on one's private concerns.
64. Every couple would live miles apart and fight to the death any intrusion into their home range-which they would never leave.
65. Parisians were shaken by nature's violent intrusion into their sophisticated urban world.
66. He withstood the intrusion upon the Honiton corporation by the high churchman Sir Thomas Putt.
67. It is essentially a compilation of known facts, without intrusion of personal opinions or beliefs.
68. I remember one gentleman saying he felt anybody else in the room was like an intrusion on his privacy.
69. Schooling was seen by many parents as an irrelevance at best; at worst as a downright intrusion.
70. These economic pressures were seconded by the intrusion of the state.
71. Increased military intrusion into civilian life, with many normal police functions usurped by the Pentagon.
72. Password Schemes One straight forward security solution, a password scheme, erects a first-level barrier to accidental intrusion.
73. The south-southeast-trending increase is most probably the result of a shallow magma intrusion.
74. What did the scavengers think of this intrusion into their domain by a rubbery multi-octopus?
75. This structure of absence and intrusion corresponds to de Man's blend of quotation, paraphrase and commentary in Allegories of Reading.
76. Requiring drug tests of this discrete group of citizens is an intrusion, a humiliation and a subtle deterrent to prospective candidates.
77. Many blacks and other minorities decline, for fear of government intrusion, to respond to written forms.
78. But the intrusion of politics did not begin or end with the superpower conflict.
79. Laverne is launched into the still treacle of pond water which reluctantly draws itself up like sluggish curtains to receive this intrusion.
80. I've borne your unwelcome intrusion for long enough. Good morning.
81. Such opposition to bureaucratic intrusion drove a wedge between many working-class people and the Fabian socialists.
82. The fact that Wycliffe often deferred to her judgement made Kersey suspicious of her intrusion into their cosy male councils.
83. Should they have their break times in the staff rooms or is this an intrusion into staff freedom?
84. Unlike Cage and his followers, Glass leaves no room for the intrusion of the random, his music being highly structured.
84. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
85. During a stop at a beach, Babbitt lamented the intrusion of non-native Tamarisk bushes along the river banks.
86. The eternal westerly swell rolled lazily across our wake and wiped out the last trace of our intrusion.
87. The only intrusion is the one I let in myself when I enlisted Shelly, and with Shelly all her grubby entanglements.
88. We had hoped to find 400oC vents, a certain sign of complicity between magmatic intrusion and hydrothermal plumbing.
89. She deeply hated ugliness or intrusion or arrogance.
90. Resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion.
91. Paul's mother was very angry at the intrusion.
92. The client's uncanny intrusion started the solicitor stuttering.
93. Kuroshio; Intrusion; South China Sea; Counter current; cyclonic circulation.
94. She simply laughed off her resentment at the intrusion.
95. He felt resentment at the intrusion.
96. Some ethicists regard the cloning of humans as a morally unjustifiable intrusion into human life.
97. This paper proposes a new Support Vector Machine(SVM) for anomaly intrusion detection method based on Latent Semantic Indexing(LSI).
98. The seven solutions address intrusion detection, crowd control, loitering, standing vehicles, forbidden direction or path of motion, camera triggering, and facility utilization.
99. Jim Skardon exploded at this apparent intrusion into his empire.
100. It puts forward an improved distribution architecture according to analyzing the anteriority intrusion detection system.
101. This construct provides a reference for design of intrusion toleration system.
102. The rise of splendent Maya civilization, which had swept Central America, started from the arrival of a warlord from central Mexico, whose intrusion made the Maya great.
103. They are probably related to the subduction of the Paleo-Asia Oceanic plate, and their intrusion resulted in the contact metamorphism of the Majiajie Group.
104. While the research of unsupervised intrusion detection which take unlabelled data as training samples is attractive and challenging.
105. The performance efficiency of a network intrusion detection system ( NIDS ) is dominated by pattern matching algorithm.
106. Their intrusion, though baffling and terrible , is not a random mischance.
107. Unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a citizen's home is prohibited.
108. The intrusion sequence for igneous rocks is indicated by crosscutting and inclusion relationships.
109. In the intrusion detection systems, matching speed of the string matching algorithm is very important.
110. Distributed intrusion detection systems ( DIDS ) have many advantages such as scalability, subversion resistance.
111. The intrusion detection system running on each node computer can prune functions which are not necessary and cooperate with others by sharing their analysis work.
112. While using the same data collected by intrusion detection sensors, adaptive model is automatically built.
113. The Great Dyke of Zimbabwe is a layered mafic intrusion of igneous, metal-bearing rock that has been dated to approximately 2.5 billion years old.
114. According to isotopic geochronology,[] intrusion of Yunmengshan plutons happened in Middle Yanshanian.
115. The zone of coal metamorphism is evident and related to the distribution of diabase which intrusion after main coal formation.
116. Intrusion detection system as a reasonable complement of Firewall can detect real-time computer and network intrusion events.
117. In quantum experiments in the physics lab, the slightest intrusion will destroy a quantum superposition (or state).
118. The wall rock alteration shows gold deposit is related the deep magmatic intrusion.
119. Besides, does the Japanese consulate wish to see more such intrusion?
120. Anomaly detection method is one of the main intrusion detection methods.
121. Kuroshio intrusion engenders an eddy at the west of Kyushu Island of Japan.
122. Bayes classifier model is a powerful tool for classifying attack types in intrusion detection.
123. On the other hand, there is the least amount of authorial intrusion in the Dream.
124. Aiming at the problem of traditional intrusion system, such as high false alert rate, alert torrent, alert isolation, a data fusion model in distributed intrusion detection is put forward.
125. The aim of intrusion tolerance database is to utilize unauthentic DBMS to structure the believable database application system.
126. This paper presents a survivability quantitative analysis method for network information system based on intrusion scenario.
127. Nowadays there are the following shortcomings in intrusion detection products , lack the effectiveness, flexibility, adaptivity.
128. A visit for pleasure was as gross an intrusion as taking a whoopee cushion to high table in Magdalen.
129. A technique of high - speed network intrusion detection system based on packet sampling theory is proposed.
130. The AMA also says these clinics represent the intrusion of profit - seeking corporations into medicine.
131. An intrusion detection system(IDS) can detect system or network sources in a real time way, find the intruder in time, and prevent legal users' misoperation.
132. Such intrusion has occurred at many locations in Florida and California.
133. Consistence between isotopic model age of lead ore and intrusion age of quartz porphyry shows close relations among structure movements, magmatism and mineralization in Stage of Yenshan.
134. By comparing all kinds of intrusion detection technology, we choose statistic analysis, protocol analysis and command parsing as the detection methods in the detection engine.
135. Mineralogy and geochemistry suggest that the Shipingchuan K-feldspar granite intrusion is a highly fractionated I-type granite.
136. Paradoxically, the intrusion of another top predator could in someways make life easier for the white bears,() says Rockwell.
137. An efficient intrusion detection technology on probabilistic neural networks is presented.
138. Science must be uncontaminated by religious intrusion in the classrooms.
139. Intrusion detection system is called the second strobe of security.
140. Another source of difficulty is the fact that agencies use a variety of techniques for gathering data, and these techniques vary in their burdensomeness and intrusion on protected interests.
141. Once Orcus breaches holy ground, the god in question is immediately alerted to his presence and will often (DM's discretion) send a proxy or an avatar to deal with the intrusion.
142. Apart from regulating cell function and metabolism, they enable the body cells to identify intrusion and defend against it.
143. The problem with this approach is that some users see such examination as an intrusion, and others feel that how they organize and archive their e-mail is up to them.
144. Intrusion detections are the behaviors that someone wants to occupy, seize or destroy other people's computer resource .
145. All of the world are regarding the hurt aroused by hacker intrusion, information leakiness and virus flood as importance.
146. The rise of sea level, the increasing occurrence of storm tide, the aggravation of saline intrusion and serious environmental pollution along the river are four major types of marine disasters.
147. AIDE is an intrusion detection system that detects changes to files on the local system.
148. With an apology for my intrusion, I was about to withdraw.
149. A new intrusion detection method is proposed based on WHVDM kernel function and Center Distance Ratio ( CDR ) .
150. The paper presents the improved problem to the Snort , an open source intrusion detectonsystem, in the IPv 6 platform.
151. In the process of seawater intrusion, the mixture effects from seawater and freshwater are the complicated chemistry processes based on the mechanical mixture.
152. The DIDAPPER system presented in this paper is a distributed intrusion detector with apperception.
153. According to a computer virus intrusion system approach can be divided into source virus, computer virus virus, operating system viruses and shell viruses.
154. The results showed that three sources of saltwater intrusion were from the North Branch, the South Channel and the North Channel.
155. This paper proposes a new anomaly intrusion detection method based on support vector data description(SVDD ).
156. This paper analyses the current intrusion detection techniques, brings forward a technique that applies cluster algorithm to network intrusion detection, and shows the effect through an experiment.
157. The host rocks of the Mishuling intrusion consists of a grayish white porphyritic monzogranite-granodiorite-quartz diorite, in which mafic microgranular inclusions are well developed.




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