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单词 Remnant
1. Their outdated attitudes are a remnant from colonial days.
2. She was a remnant from my predecessor, Taylor.
3. Residence permits are a remnant of Stalin's dictatorship.
4. A few living jawless fish are the only remnant of this ancient group, and they are highly specialized forms.
5. But a remnant of caution urged that she tone it down, after all, Lucy ... She began.
6. In the early nineties remnant of the old gold rushes, the worlds energy companies rushed to Baku.
7. He dropped the remnant carcase of his prey and pushed up into the fresh morning sky.
8. The last remnant of Birmingham Heath was enclosed in 1799, and was built over forthwith with eight new streets.
9. Our bottle of water, that remnant of respect for the old days, lay untouched on the seat.
10. Its rocks are filled with ancient charcoal, the remnant of a forgotten firestorm.
11. But in the truncated remnant that had been Maryland, the federal government just grew and grew.
12. As possibly the sole surviving remnant of the Dragon empire it surely deserves some backing from the industry.
13. Stem erect, solid, striate, base clothedinfibrous remnant sheaths.
14. I will sell this remnant to you, at cost.
15. There's the remnant of satin she stole.
16. We saw, a youth has not consciousness remnant dream.
17. Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant.
18. This is a remnant of opportunism.
19. The sum exceeded the remnant of his savings(Samuel Butler.
20. The remnant nebular gas pervades the interplanetary space.
21. Another colonial remnant is the train station of Tabora.
22. Painterly theory follows with respect to remnant canvas if wanting to learn.
23. Briefly,() the perfused preparation consisted of pancreas with a small remnant of duodenum according to the method as described elsewhere.
24. They can also be distinguished by their almost globular shape and the long protruding remnant of the style sticking out on top.
25. But they were also to swear to root out every remnant of the old religion.
26. In recent years there have been reports of a small remnant population in New Brunswick.
27. The two staircases that are situated just a couple of yards from each other are another curious remnant from the past.
28. If you ask tourists(/remnant.html), the alleyways are a quaint remnant of old Chinatown.
29. At the base there is a locally derived ground moraine that may be a remnant glacial deposit of much greater antiquity.
30. That is about the size of a typical white dwarf, the remnant left behind after the death of a normal star.
31. First one annual produce just 6000 yuan, eliminate cost, of place remnant return inadequacy to pay sericiculture rent.
32. I like a remnant of a cloud of autum . uselessly roaming in the sky.
33. Most scientists agree a Type 1a supernova occurs when a white dwarf star -- a collapsed remnant of an elderly star -- exceeds its weight limit, becomes unstable and explodes.
34. Methods: After the rats were undergone 5/6 nephrectomy, the morphological and functional evolution of the remnant kidneys were dynamically observed with morphometry.
35. She had rid herself of every remnant of that tonic wildness.
36. If you do not like a stubbly beard, and always want to blow not remnant, you can choose the razor of double deck or three-layer razor blade.
37. He says: The lieutenancy of bush-administration returns remnant one year, present superintendency strength is relative weaker.
38. Wind power generated by fan blades (9) on the shaft enters a film picking barrel (5) through a wind blowing port (11) and blows the remnant films into a lifting film box (16).
39. The remnant intergranular pores were filled with this kind of late calcite cement, which leads to a great decrease of the effective porosity.
40. It'seemed to her now that she could marry him without the remnant of a scruple.
41. A new micro - controller based compensation method for remnant - voltage of the GMR eddy current probe was analyzed.
42. The underground ore resources increasingly depletive after hundred years mining. The underground remnant resources recovering was developed to sustain mine normal production.
43. North-Chaihu's stem tufts or grows single, there isn't any fabric leafstalk, and the remnant is purple red.
44. It should also help to determine whether most of the dust in the supernova remnant came from the massive star before it exploded, or from the rapidly expanding supernova ejecta.
45. Active treatment for precancerous lesion of the gastric - remnant.
46. Sarawak ethnic music and the Remnant, unique and perfect combination!
47. It is crucial to select a proper glue since the label shall be easily removed from the tire without any remnant and the glue shall be of superior glutinosity on the rough Tire Tread.
48. Thirteen cases of cholecystic duct remnant syndrome(CDRS)diagnosed by B-type ultrasonic examination and ERCP and confirmed by operation are reported.
49. The coccyx is the remnant of what was once a human tail.
50. A centuries-old supernova remnant, its rose-tinted shock wave blasting outward at more than 11 million miles an hour, hangs in the Large Magellanic Cloud like an iridescent holiday ornament.
51. To determine the remnant contend of triadimefon of wheat, the GC was used.
52. Some known methods of remnant pump detection and automatic laser shut-down use communications, such as an OSC.
53. After stomach ache root governing skill, duodenum remnant end leakage pathology report: The stomach capital department more ancestor and the Run dry fluid knee is dense.
54. Four remnant shunt with hemolysis were found 24 hours later after operation.
55. On the other hand, the improper heat treatment operation can not completely relieve the casting stress and remnant stress, and further enhances generation and expansion of cracks.
56. A white dwarf is the inert remnant of what used to be a sunlike star.
57. Objective To explore the value of choledochofiberscope for removal remnant stones of bile duct after bilestone operation.
58. And the remnant took his servants and entreated them spitefully and slew them.
59. Craven is also anticipating the Chinese remnant Austria delegation's splendid performance.
60. Therefore lift up a prayer for the remnant which is left.
61. The glow of cosmic microwave background radiation, which is found throughout the universe, is thought to be a tangible remnant of leftover light from the big bang.
62. Results:Reasons for reoperation were gastroenteric hemorrhage in 4, intestinal obstruction in 5, abdominal cavity hemorrhage in 1, remnant infection in 5, diagnostic errors in 4.
63. Whether there is pulp remnant or other sundries in the tank.
64. Now known as Kepler's supernova remnant, this object was first seen 400 years ago by sky watchers, including famous astronomer Johannes Kepler.
65. If the outer layers of Iapetus froze solid at this time, some remnant of that shape might be preserved.
66. Turn the remnant of sodium hydroxide in the tube into water, and you'll find the solution turns red litmus blue.
67. The remnant n ( t ) is the difference between the actual pilot output and the linear approximation to it.
68. Humans have a remnant (but non-working) third eyelid (you can see it in the picture above).
69. The labiatae may improve microcirculation of ischemic remnant liver and increase its effective blood flow.
70. Conclusion To extract stones with choledochofiberscope via T-tube sinus is a safe and effective method that can be used to remove the remnant stones of bile duct after bilestone operation.
71. But occasionally there is this one little remnant of the old CGS system, centimeters-gram-second, and this is one.
72. The supernova remnant lies about 1400 light - years away towards the constellation of Cygnus.
73. It is presumed that remnant lipoprotein also can induce the adipogenic differentiation of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs).
74. Recently, it is vital to accelerate Liaoning economy development by introducing foreign direct investment to reform state-owned business enterprise and liquidize remnant state assets.
75. The Crab Nebula, one of the most-studied celestial objects, is the remnant of a supernova that was observed by Chinese astronomers in 1054.
76. Sometimes, remnant cancer cells resurge, and there's usually no easy way to tell when this is happening.
77. Objective:To investigate pathogeny, prevention and treatment of cholecystic duct remnant syndrome after the subtotal laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
78. A golden capuchin monkey, discovered in 2006, survives only in a 200-hectare remnant of forest surrounded by sugar plantations.
79. The urethrovaginal space is rich in blood vessels, glands, muscle fibres, nerves, and - in some women - a remnant of the embryological prostate called the Skene's glands.
80. At the present, she diligently is preparing to attend the remnant Austria's swim meet, this kind of relentless Olympic Games spirit Mr. Link Rawin is greatly touched.
81. Thispaper presented one high precision magnetic heading system, and use neural network to correct the remnant deviation of compass.
82. He was crouched in a wheelchair, a shriveled, whitened remnant of the father I had known.
83. Most commonly adenocarcinoma of the bladder develops from a urachal remnant or in patients who were born with bladder exstrophy .
84. In respect that this algorithm can adjust step automatically, the ultimate step can reach an optimum value and remnant error can arrive at minimum value simultaneity.
85. Identified as E0102-72, the supernova remnant lies about 190,000 light-years away in our neighboring galaxy, the Small Magellanic Cloud.
85. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
86. This echo is known as cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, a remnant of the vast energies unleashed as the universe burst into being.
87. The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race.
88. The colour of protelysate obtained based on this and remnant heme was about 5 %.
89. Grant Gaskin (Gaskin): Our hotel is very elegant and sophisticated, but not hip or trendy. In her we can see both the remnant of the old concession era and contemporary spirit.
90. More fundamentally, maybe the mirror test, a methodological remnant of a behaviorist legacy of animals as biological automata, reflects nothing more than a human inability to understand animals.
91. This paper discuses the inflexion problem of ring fan slab by the weighted remnant method.
92. The superior clergy and a small remnant of other educated men read and wrote Latin.
93. Like its cousin in astrophysical waters the Crab Nebula supernova remnant, IC 443 is known to harbor a neutron star, the remnant of the collapsed stellar core.
94. The grind that the encampment has occupied is covered with remnant and fragment of all kinds.
95. Methods The remnant stones of bile duct after bilestone operation were performed to extract repetitiously by choledochofiberscope via T-tube sinus.
96. The degree of the renal parenchyma thickness becoming thin showed renal arteriole sclerosis and the decreased number of remnant nephron.
97. I think the English suffer from this more than other peoples – a remnant of Victorian prudishness .
98. Conclusion Reconstruction of conchae with remnant skin and cartilage is simple and needs no extra donor site. The reconstructed ear has a good three-dimentional appearance.




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