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单词 Memo
1. Did you get my memo about the meeting?
2. He dictated a memo to his secretary.
3. She penned a short memo to his private secretary.
4. She circulated a memo to the staff.
5. She ticked off the items on the memo.
6. She dashed down a memo.
7. I want this memo to go to all managers.
8. This memo is for internal consumption only.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. I sent him a memo reminding him about the meeting.
10. I want this memo to go to all departmental managers.
11. Can you copy me in on the memo you're sending to Chris?
12. I made a memo on my memo - pad to buy more coffee.
13. The information contained in the memo got lost in the shuffle once it reached headquarters.
14. Please read this memo carefully and hand it on .
15. They communicated by memo when contact was essential.
16. The memo also requested money for three tax-exempt organizations.
17. But the Wallace memo had no impact in Washington.
18. Amanda waited while the group read the memo.
19. An internal memo from an official in Gov.
20. The memo had been initialled by the President.
21. The internal memo, dated November 13, was from Watkins.
22. Think carefully before answering that memo.
23. The meeting's been cancelled. Didn't you get my memo?
24. He had told his secretary to shred the memo.
25. The Managing Director sent out a memo to all employees saying there would be a meeting at 10 o'clock.
26. A memo by the local government minister, Hilary Armstrong, admitted that Labour faced huge losses.
27. I have sent out a memo to all staff, reminding them of the procedure for taking sick leave.
28. Second page Keep your memo to one page if at all possible.
29. When you replied to that memo from Joan, the pensions manager, was it a successful response?
30. The trainee is expected to compose a letter and a memo from short notes provided.
1. Did you get my memo about the meeting?
2. He dictated a memo to his secretary.
3. She penned a short memo to his private secretary.
4. I made a memo on my memo - pad to buy more coffee.
31. I was looking through a desk drawer and came across the red leather memo pad that was part of the same set.
32. She writes a memo to and he just calls me in the office and wants to know what is going on.
33. He noticed a memo from the chairman on Wilson's desk.
34. The impetuous Wallace quickly agreed and decided to wire a memo of recommendation to Roosevelt.
35. There is nothing worse than asking students to write a memo to Macbeth.
36. Parmenter was handling the actual production of the memo on a suitable typewriter and stationery.
37. And then Rudi went back to his desk and did something I never would have expected-he read his memo to Dean Fiellin.
38. I sent him a stiffly worded memo telling him exactly what I thought of that.
39. To pass everyone was to accept the situation he had described in his memo with a shrug.
40. You are sitting in your office[], and your hand is shaking as you read the memo announcing a new corporate restructuring.
41. Alsop, said the memo, is a civilian columnist and is not accepted as a military authority.
42. Is this another memo from you about taking my car to Lew Boyd, so I can start driving again?
43. Don't make the call, don't write the memo, don't attend the meeting.
44. He rifled through a filing cabinet in search of the memo.
45. A newly discovered memo indicates the first lady ordered the firing, although she has denied any involvement.
46. Mr. Fitchel said he made the suggestion in a memo to his superiors.
47. She scribbled something on her memo pad and slid the paper across the desk to him.
48. Offer either a quick verbal response shortly afterwards or a one page memo.
49. People expect these two strata to answer the phone, to draft a memo.
50. Her unresolved conflict resulted in a stiff, confusing memo that must have frustrated Mary.
51. In early 1995, Hillary Clinton called for a demonstration of how the database operated, another memo shows.
52. Review the Investment Overview and related transmittal memo and consider submission of purchaser suggestions. 4.
53. But she had spent many years perfecting the art of the memo.
54. We assume he has informed the involved teams, but perhaps some failed to read the memo.
55. After reviewing the memo, Lake wrote a note to his secretary asking her to send the information to his broker.
56. He casually allowed his jacket to fall open revealing the bleeper and the computerized personal memo on his belt.
57. She said she believed the memo was genuine, in part because other leaked documents had proved to be bona fide.
58. They sent out the obligatory memo both before and after the project.
59. You write a memo on the one in the office, copy it to disk and take it home.
60. Alice Caldwell obviously had not clarified in her own mind what she wanted her memo to accomplish.
61. Historians win look in vain for a revealing memo, an angry note.
62. Topping the heap at 36K is Memo Pad which gives you a scratchpad facility.
63. Robert Pafford, the regional director, wrote a memo to Dominy discussing the options the Bureau had.
64. He had raced to catch the first Concorde to New York the moment his memo hit the Xerox machine.
65. The order angered Marshall, who wrote the president a memo of compliance that also expressed objection to the commission.
66. That leak, he confirmed, was of an early draft of the memo, which he had torn up and binned.
67. Propped up against his telephone was a fresh inter-departmental memo.
68. I have sent out a memo to all staff reminding them of the procedure for sickness.
69. A memo said that doctors were told "with crossed fingers" that the company was doing safety studies.
70. Glanville indicated in a memo to Kerr that he thought there were problems ahead.
71. Write a memo to the Principal requesting an interview to discuss the College organisation. 2.
72. The latter involves the recipient of the memo in additional work,[] whereas merely giving information does not.
73. From an accounting perspective, a split requires a simple memo entry showing the increased number of shares.
74. Write a memo to the Head of your Department suggesting social and/or sports events which you think would improve college life.
75. The Examiner obtained the memo Monday from a confidential source.
76. Under Webber's experienced eye Sydney Newman's memo became a four page document.
77. He looked the way I felt when I first read his memo.
78. The memo urges dealers to take machines to Apple service providers for repairs or to call 1-800-SOS-APPL.
79. It also sent the memo by certified mail, with return receipt requested.
80. The memo is seen as damaging to a prime minister who insists he is not concerned by media portrayals of his government.
81. I'm saving the memo - it might come in handy someday.
82. Back in the office Holly had received a curt memo from Maureen asking why the Donaldson story had not been published.
83. The former was written in the style of an internal memo while the latter was crass and patronising, he said.
84. But some doctors say while the memo may have been withdrawn, the unfairness remains.
85. A memo went around the office, reminding staff of the new dress code.
86. Send the memo by express mail.
87. Keep this exchange memo for reconversion into foreign currency.
88. Here is the exchange memo.
89. Here is the cash and the exchange memo.
90. Could you fill out this exchange memo, please?
91. He tapped Nim's memo with a fingernail.
92. You'd better send the memo registered.
93. Please fill in Exchange memo.
94. And your passport and exchange memo.
95. Please keep the exchange memo.
96. Do you want me to send the memo out?
97. Nancy read the confidential memo carefully.
98. Please keep this exchange memo.
99. The entire memo took up all of two pages.
100. Or accountant creates a new Credit Memo directly.
101. Some people received that memo in their office.
102. Can you type a memo for me?
103. Here is your money, please keep this exchange memo.
104. We need 50 copies of this memo.
105. Yes. Please send the memo to the department.
106. Please have a check and keep the exchange memo.
107. What do you mean by exchange memo?
108. What is meant by a credit memo?
109. Memo field can store up to 65,536 characters.
110. No, you take this duty memo and pay at the window over there.
111. The supplier agrees to participate to a credit memo procedure upon our request.
112. Weight Memo shows something about the weight emphatically, such as weight, weight, etc.
113. Uber met with New York officials and ended up getting a memo saying they were legit, for limos anyway.
114. Before the day was over, Henry issued a cryptic memo to top executives.
115. Here is the cash and the exchange memo. Please check it.
116. ScrapBook can exchange notes, in both directions, with the built - in Memos or Memo Pad application.
117. It also included the entirety of CEO Andrew Mason's August memo to employees – a missive that arguably caused the daily deals company to run afoul of quiet period restrictions.
118. B : Please fill in the exchange memo and show me your passport.
119. To master the business memo, they should analyze the couplets of Alexander Pope.
120. The DOJ memo mentioned that Dragon Skin did not pass NIJ 2005 Interim Standard.
121. The purloined memo made the Blair House meeting and Aspin's dip into the tank at the Pentagon look like a double sham.
122. Conrad: Didn't you get the memo? It's the debriefing from the promotion fiasco last quarter.
123. Sure. Now here is the exchange memo and the application form for remittance.
124. This memo could be the smoking gun that investigators have been looking for.
125. Some quipped that someone should forward the memo to all the foreigners arriving in sweat pants and flip flops.
126. For information about adding a memo field to a table, see Enable rich text editing in a table, earlier in this article.
127. Here are the cash and the exchange memo. Please have a check.
128. During returned goods delivery, when is the credit memo created (immediately, after check...) and who by?
128. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
129. Now take this duty memo and pay at the window over there.
130. Bob Metcalfe of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center writes a memo outlining how to connect the think tank's new personal computers to a shared printer.
131. Clerk: Good. I be to fill away the exalter memo to you here.
132. Do you know where the memo about office procedure is?
133. Here are the cash and exchange memo Check them, please.
134. If it's an explainable variance memo that's needed, then write one.
135. You, the chairperson(), write a memo to the expected attendants.
136. I regretted sending that memo to the boss but was able to cover my tracks by removing it from his in-tray before he got to work.
137. A : Here is the cash and the exchange memo.
138. Clear instruction or information on site memo, if possible just make a list which memo to be send to avoid missing out or forget to issue.
139. A number of fabulous gifts are on offer, including 30th anniversary commemorative leather phone cord, pen, memo pad and many more.
140. The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of a large, highly diversified company...
141. The memo ends: "Please give this matter your most urgent attention.".
142. Please keep the memo. It may come in handy later on.
143. The memo is significant because Bush and his top aides knew.
144. While the airline refused to comment on the memo, saying it was for pilots only, the Associated Press reported that Air France has been replacing instruments known as Pitot tubes.
145. If you have a great technical idea, you don't have your V.P. send out a memo telling everybody to use it.
146. This is a memo to the acting director - now that's L. Patrick Gray, J. Edgar Hoover had died in May - from the special agent in charge of the New York FBI office.
147. All writing is a journey. You the writer, are asking somebody to go on a trip with you, whether you're writing a book or an article or a business letter or a memo or a marketing analysis, whatever.
148. 194The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of a large, highly diversified company. "Ten years ago our company had two new regional office buildings built in two different regions.
149. Here is the money and also your passport and exchange memo.
150. The memo is a business document that has traditionally been the most common communication inside a company's walls.
151. Semel also says he welcomed the Garlinghouse memo – something we find hard to believe.
152. The memo designates the Secretary of the Navy as the DoD Executive Agent.
153. To follow up and manage manufacturing engineering memo ( MEM ) and ensure BOM accuracy.
154. Sample with the description of impregnated cork sheet put up for test under this test memo in sealed envelop containing a small piece of agglomerated cork sheet .
155. The memo suggests the use of psychiatrists and sociologists to measure the "relative happiness" of workers or their "despondence and grumpiness" as a way to assess their trustworthiness.
156. Manage your time, waste no motion, multitask: your iPhone comes with a calendar, your car with a memo pad.
157. Pandit's voice memo didn't calm nerves, according to one global markets analyst for Citigroup.
158. Memo Plus contains a natural form of Phosphatidyl Serine a substance found in the brain that helps to maintain healthy cognitive function.
159. APP-AR-11492 :A more recent credit memo has been applied to this transaction.
160. Do you look forward to distributing this memo to the department?
161. Clinton blamed Aspin for the leaked memo and the clumsy follow-through on TV.
162. Weight memo is made out by a seller when a sale is effected in foreign trade.
163. Government memo to pajama-wearing Shanghainese, whether shopping, gossiping, playing mahjong or walking dogs in their sleepwear: Get dressed.
164. Please keep the exchange memo for reconversion into foreign currency.
165. I've sent you a memo about the two big union conventions falling through.
166. A brisk memo from Father soon informed me that I could not afford to fly.
167. The memo was passed on to John Masterman, the head of the Twenty Committee of which Montagu and Cholmondeley were members.
168. Should we be fired with a passionate vision to work on something that needs doing, let us not wait for the government to give us a grant, a handout or a memo on how to go about doing it.
169. The Minerals Management Service has an ongoing memo of agreement with the U. S. Coast Guard that lays out the procedures to be followed in such an investigation.
170. The memo also a legal theory for circumventing similar prohibitions against torture in the Geneva Convention.
171. At least the memo is candid when it concludes, "Bank customers are unaware that such reclassification is occurring."
172. Clerk: Good. I be to fill away the exalter memo to you here. Why do not you took a seat over here to a time?
173. The only caveat here is if the memo is cancelled at this time, a draft copy is still saved due to the background LotusScript classes used.
174. NO. But the officer will make out your duty memo.
175. In a memo, Leakey—Jane's mentor—credited her with a discovery that helped redefine what it means to be human: Chimps make tools.
176. Husain Haqqani denied any involvement in the memo forwarded to America's most senior military officer Admiral Mike Mullen.
177. Then I'll call fast Fib recursively, n-1 and n minus 2 in memo.
178. So far, I've built a little Delphi application that can execute an SQL command, but I also had to enter the example "CREATE TABLE" SQL command in the Memo field by hand.
179. Someone around the office copy of every memo and report from the past 10 years.
180. You may need this exchange memo for convertion when you leave America.
181. We are specializing in the production of magnetic writing board, memo board and notice board. All OEM projects welcomed.
182. Clearly, ancient Egyptians didn't get the memo about lead poisoning.
183. It's actually even worse than that. The DOJ memo mentioned that Dragon Skin did not pass NIJ 2005 Interim Standard.
184. Data may be entered using the Data editor or imported from a comma - delimited memo file.
185. You can't put a Memo field in a lookup table. Perhaps you can change the field to a Text field first.
186. Didn't the engineers get the memo about the record snowpack from last winter?
186. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
187. You'll need the memo when you reconvert the unused RMB back into foreign currency.
188. A : All right. Please fill in this memo for traveller's checks.
189. Figure 1 shows the new user interface (showing the fields for the EMP_PHOTO table), with a memo field that you can use to enter a SQL statement at the lower left corner.
190. The seven - page memo a gun in the unfolding investigation of alleged financial chicanery at Enron.




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