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单词 Deciduous
1) Deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn.
2) Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.
3) Devoid of leaves, the deciduous trees look bare from a distance.
4) Temperate forests--including deciduous, coniferous, mixed and mountain forests--account for about half of the earth's forest cover.
5) There are virtually no deciduous trees,(http:///deciduous.html) aside from a few beeches seen half way along the Strait near the modern coaling-station of Punta Arenas.
6) They'd passed beyond the deciduous woods, and the trees on either side were conifers - larch, spruce and pine.
7) Secondly, the deciduous woodland that eventually takes over has a rather surprising composition.
8) It appears that deciduous trees do not acidify in this way.
9) Jays are the restless, truly deciduous woodland dwellers of the crow tribe.
10) Gingko biloba is a deciduous conifer with beautifully shaped leaves which turn a rich shade of golden-yellow before falling.
11) As another exam-ple, the border between deciduous forest and wildflower prairie in the midwest is remarkably impermeable.
12) The herbs on the floor of the deciduous forest must hurry with their flowering before the canopy closes.
13) Creepers grew on the walls; deciduous, they stretched out their bare stems in a complicated network like barbed wire.
14) Once upon a time the world was deciduous and now it was not.
15) If deciduous trees gain control, then there is first browse for hare, then deer, then moose.
16) Deciduous shrub style such as azalea, cotoneaster, etc.
17) Deciduous shrub style such as azalea , daphne, etc.
18) Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea, etc.
19) American and Asiatic deciduous and evergreen shrubs.
20) Chinese larchlike deciduous conifer with golden yellow leaves.
21) Of deciduous conifers, Ginkgo Tremonia' has a narrowish habit; less so the dawn redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides.
22) Deciduous broad-leaved species have consistently higher leaf N and P than evergreen broad-leaved species, but there are no significant differences in stems, branches and roots.
23) North American deciduous tree (Betula alleghaniensis) having aromatic twigs, yellowish bark that peels off in thin flakes, and hard, light-colored wood used for furniture and flooring.
24) A North American deciduous tree (Ulmus americana) having double serrate leaves and winged fruits. It is grown chiefly as an ornamental shade tree but often dies from Dutch elm disease.
25) Montane mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forests is endemic forest vegetation type of China.
26) At the time that the land was transferred in 1996, approximately 30ha were under citrus and deciduous fruit orchards.
27) Fact: It contains our largest relatively unbroken block of deciduous woodland.
28) Once the Cotswolds had probably all consisted of entirely deciduous forest, with beech the dominant tree.
29) I kick off with an idea for a shady border under a deciduous tree.
30) Some conifers, though, such as the larch, have adopted the deciduous habit too.
1) Deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn.
2) Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.
31) Many consociations together may form an association, for example oakwood, beechwood, and ash wood consociations together make up a deciduous forest association.
32) Gingko belongs to Ginkgopsida, a kind of deciduous tree. Its fruits and seeds are all valuable for medicine.
33) Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, redbud, etc.
34) Fusions were common between strains from deciduous hosts or coniferous hosts.
35) When deciduous teeth began to sprout (), submaxilla starts to search for physical position.
36) Periodontosis of confine green early days encroachs a few deciduous teeth only, place adventitious.
37) There were 34 succession species, 9 deminant, mostly deciduous broad - leaf species.
38) Deciduous broad-leaved trees showed great self-fertilization capacity owing to plenty of litter under than and its rapid decomposition rate.
39) Conclusion: The deciduous tooth caries incidence of 5 year old children is high in Yunnan.
40) Dappled shade is formed by deciduous trees, and shade plants such as epimedium, anemone, trillium, and a variety of bulbs thrive in this type of shade.
41) Any of about 20 species of deciduous trees in the genus Juglans, family Juglandaceae.
42) Commonly known as sour, is a perennial wild deciduous shrubs.
43) Drag onto the page to add a deciduous shrub, such as lilac, spirea, or hydrangea.
44) A deciduous shrub ( Symphoricarpos occidentalis ) of western North America, having white berries and pinkish, bell - shaped flowers.
45) Objective:To study clinical effect of chitosan as pulp capping agent on vital pulpotomy to deciduous teeth.
46) Durpose Explore an efficient method to raise the succeeding rate of pulpotomy under the condition of conserving root pulp of deciduous teeth.
47) A large, widely cultivated deciduous tree (Prunus avium) of the rose family, native to Eurasia, having red-brown birchlike bark, white flowers, and sweet edible fruit.
48) Timberline trees are normally evergreens, suggesting that these have some advantage over deciduous trees (those that lose their leaves) in the extreme environments of the upper timberline.
49) Oral health instruction, fissure sealing, fluoridation, caries filling, space retainer, deciduous root canal treatment, functional appliance.
50) The ultrastructure of endometrium observed after rivanol induction indicated that degeneration occurred in deciduous cells, especially in nuclei and mitochondria.
51) Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Ostrya, especially O. virginiana of eastern North America, having unisexual flowers grouped in catkins and fruit clusters resembling hops.
52) Natural vegetation in temperate, warm temperate deciduous, broad - leaved, coniferous forest and deciduous shrubs dominated.
53) Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Ulmus, characteristically having arching or curving branches and serrate leaves with asymmetrical bases. Elms are widely planted as shade trees.
54) Any of various tropical American deciduous shrubs or trees of the genus Plumeria, having milky sap and showy, fragrant, funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers.
55) An analysis of the floristic elements and their foliar physiognomy shows that most members of the flora are deciduous broad-leaved trees or shrubs with a few evergreen shrubs.
56) A deciduous shrub(Amorpha canescens) of central North America, having pinnately compound leaves covered with whitish hairs.
57) Any of several deciduous, Asian trees of the genus Ailanthus, especially the tree - of - heaven.
58) It is nectarivorous, which means it feeds mostly on nectar and is an important pollinator in its tropical deciduous forest habitat.
59) Unlike the California sequoia, the dawn redwood is deciduous, losing its leaves for part of the year.
60) Cherymoya, or custard apple, is a deciduous plant found in the high lying mountainous areas of South America.
61) The deciduous trees—maple, aspen, crab apple, birch—have begun to turn; but in a wet year their colors are more muted: umber, ocher, russet, and mustard.
62) North American deciduous shrub cultivated for it abundant clusters of coral - red berrylike fruits.
63) When the deciduous forest is replace by farmland, the summer precipitation over North China will be increased and it is mainly caused by the changing of large scale precipitation.
64) There are some areas, however, where broadleaf deciduous trees form the timberline.
65) Drag to add a tree. You can configure the tree as coniferous or deciduous.
66) Drag onto the page, then right - click to make coniferous or deciduous.
67) Outside the window of the deciduous tree - doped. Binghua few.
68) Oaks are deciduous members of the genus Quercus, in the Beech family.
69) Objective : To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of deciduous tooth periapicalitis with dry pipe drug treatment.
70) Pathogeny of periodontosis of green early days is unidentified, come on go out at deciduous teeth bud period, the age can come early 4 years old or so or earlier.
71) Although non - deciduous, olive trees do require cold period to go into semi dormancy.
72) Fig alias sweet fruit, belong to deciduous leaf bush or small tree for Sang Ke, banyan.
73) A deciduous North American shrub ( Cephalanthus occidentalis ) having opposite leaves and spherical clusters of white flowers.
74) Young permanent tooth and deciduous tooth which have high pulp horn.
75) On the other hand, some deciduous gymnosperms including Ginkgoales, and the presence of growth rings in the fossil secondary wood, indicate seasonal changes.
76) There are 46 species of Ilex belonging to Aquifoliaceae in Guizhou province. 15 species of them are provided with excellent ornamental use. They are evergreen or deciduous arbor and shrub.
77) Rose of the Rosaceae plant deciduous shrubs, flowers purple, aromatic odor.
78) Any of various deciduous shrubs of the genus Weigela of Asia, especially W. florida, widely cultivated for its pink, white, or red flowers.
79) Gradually the jaw movement profile of individual specif deciduous occlusion was formed.
80) Conclusion Pulpotomy in deciduous teeth with deep caries was a reliable and effective method.
81) The dominant community of Abies beshanzuensis phyto- group is evergreen Cyclobalanopsis multinervis and deciduous Fagus lucicla, which is a natural broadleaf mixed forest.
82) Study on Association Between Feeding Methods and Deciduous Anterior Crossbite.
83) That parting of the moment, like the pathos of deciduous trees kissed.
84) Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm , ash, pear, etc.
85) Apple: a deciduous Eurasian tree (Malus pumila) having alternate simple leaves and white or pink flowers.
86) Autumn has come, many deciduous trees are beginning to even drop the whole leaf, the leaves can be Parthenocissus still retains a piece of top of that.
87) A tall timber tree (Eucalyptus globulus) of Australia, having smooth, bluish deciduous bark, and lance-shaped aromatic leaves.
88) Some had different degree defect of dentition, deciduous tooth retention, caries or periodontitis.
89) Configuration feature: Deciduous leaf arbor. 2 - 3 answers a shape compound leaf , opposite, flocculus whole reason.
90) Objective To study the curative effect of pulpotomy in the treatment of deciduous teeth with deep caries.
91) Methods:With the help of vacuum pressure, transparent and prototyping space maintainer was made, which was applied to maintain the space of the premature-loss deciduous tooth.
92) Average daily Pn of the three evergreen broad-leaved species were higher than layer species such as Sargentodoxa cuneata and deciduous species such as Heptacodium miconioides.
93) The functioning mechanism, absorption, transference, distribution, effective period and perennial effect , as well as application of paclobutrazol in deciduous fruit trees were summarized.
94) Results Dentigerous cyst is one of the main causes of embedded teeth, only second to retained deciduous teeth, dental crowding.
95) A deciduous Asian tree ( Prunus armeniaca ) having alternate leaves and clusters of usually white flowers.
96) Growth Habit: The cherimoya is a fairly fairly dense, fast-growing, evergreen tree,(http:///deciduous.html) briefly deciduous in California from February through April.
97) Regional ecosystem types, such as grass land, desert, and deciduous forest, are called biomes.
98) Objective: In order to treat the patients who had whole deciduous dentition crossbite with orthodontics early.
99) Schisandra chinensis (Magnoliaceae)is a perennial deciduous woody liana with valuable medicinal materials in Heilongjiang Province.
100) Objective: To investigate the deciduous tooth caries experience of 5 year old children in Yunnan province.
101) The permanent tooth germ plays an important role in physiological root resorption of deciduous tooth, but not the alone factor.
102) Rose, a red rose for the deciduous shrub rose family.
103) Any of several North American deciduous trees of the genus Robinia, especially R. pseudoacacia, having compound leaves, drooping clusters of fragrant white flowers, and durable hard wood.
104) Terminalia arjuna is a deciduous tree found throughout India, the bark of which has been used in traditional Ayurvedic herbalism to support cardiovascular health for over three centuries.
105) Association of Feeding Methods : With Deciduous Caries and Anterior Crossbite.
106) Chinese deciduous shrub with yellow - throated pinkish flowers and bristly fruit; often cultivated as an ornamental.
107) But I remember something about the cold weather and shouter days compelling deciduous trees to begin their winter preparation.
108) Vegetation in the reserve includes: deciduous forest, coniferous broad - leafforestforest, Alpine bush woods, and grass land, etc.
109) Leaves opposite, small, simple to deeply 3-lobed and almost palmate, usually early deciduous.
110) Also known as Rosa multiflora rose, Rosa multiflora , deciduous shrubs and climbing.
111) As I recalled, it was Liu Li's thoughtfulness in keeping her daughter's umbilical cord and deciduous tooth as well as her toughness and pride that moved me.
112) However, another study found nymphal ticks to be more abundant in moist fern habitat than open understory, deciduous litter habitat.
113) Conclusion Periaplcal inflammation of deciduous teeth was mixed polymicrobial infections regardless of acute or chronic cases and anaerobic bacteria were dominated.
114) Premature loss of deciduous tooth or teeth can often destroy the integrity of normal occlusion.
115) Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Malus, native to North America and Eurasia and having clusters of white, pink, or reddish flowers.
116) Bud scales usually deciduous. Corolla white, or yellow blushed to pink, to pink; ovary eglandular.
117) Root resorption of deciduous tooth without permanent tooth germ was significantly delayed than the deciduous tooth with permanent tooth germ.
118) Configuration feature: For lofty deciduous leaf arbor, the bark of grown tree has the phellem layer that develop.
119) Phanerophytes (accounted for 68.42%) were dominant in the life-form spectrum, which was similar to that in subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest.
120) Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or redbud.
121) Drag onto the page to add a deciduous shrub, such as azalea or daphne.
122) RESULTS:IL-6 expression was negative in adult dog while positive in periodontium of deciduous tooth and alveolar bone.
123) Any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies, having single, flattened needles and erect cones with deciduous scales.
124) Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, apple, etc.
125) Objective To explore the influence of the deciduous lower front fused teeth on the succedaneous fixed teeth.
126) European anemone with solitary white flowers common in deciduous woodlands.
127) Conclusion The deciduous lower front fused teeth can influence the succedaneous fixed teeth and secondary dentition.
128) North American deciduous tree (Ulmus americana) having double serrate leaves and winged fruits. It is grown chiefly as an ornamental shade tree but often dies from Dutch elm disease.
129) The holistic distribution characteristics of 4 species groups:evergreen vs. deciduous and tree vs. shrub species along the altitudinal gradient were then analyzed.




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