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单词 toothy
释义  tooth·y /ˈtuːθi/ adjective  toothy smile/grin HBAa smile in which you show a lot of teeth 露齿的笑 He grinned a wide, toothy grin. 他嘴咧得老大,露出牙齿笑着。Examples from the Corpustoothy• He took the cigarette holder out of his wide mouth and beamed at his visitor, his Roosevelt smile, warm and toothy.• Bafflingly for Barry, his hairy chest, toothy grin and even his ale and hearty tum couldn't win her over.• He gave her a wide toothy grin, and immediately realized it was exactly the wrong approach.• The toothy grin of this naturally modest farmer's son was less than villainous at the finish.• Her son holding his head beside the big carved pumpkin, mimicking a wide, toothy grin.• Those who remembered him with his barrow recalled a cheerful, toothy smile, an infectious, confidence-inspiring laugh.• He is small for his age with large brown eyes, a toothy smile, sloping shoulders and a readiness to please.• Mike Dawson was sitting at a dead computer, strumming the keyboard and offering a toothy smile to an invisible audience.tooth·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus of in smile which show you a a lot teeth




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