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单词 Deftly
1. She deftly wove the flowers into a garland.
2. They deftly avoided answering my questions.
3. I threw her a towel which she deftly caught.
4. He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.
5. He deftly folded the typed sheets and replaced them in the envelope.
6. It was wonderful to watch her fingers moving deftly and unerringly.
7. One of the waiting servants deftly caught him as he fell.
8. Hans deftly ducked their blows.
9. Nell Gwynn played her cards more deftly.
10. He deftly turned her to face him, and took her in his arms, drawing her close because of the crowds.
11. He can move deftly from an almost conversational tone to a whisper.
12. He deftly explains how many seemingly pleasant private decisions lead to distinctly unpleasant public results, such as increased economic segregation.
13. By so deftly invoking these and other contexts, Polanski opens up a free space.
14. Every derangement of the page-space deftly mimes the current derangement of the house-space in the narrative.
15. Deftly, he cut four thick slices from the granary loaf, then began his search for the cheese.
16. But Fernandez moves his performers deftly; he finds choreographic solutions in which to animate all that attitude.
17. He sees himself crossing the road - deftly, like a native, knowing exactly which way to look for the traffic.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. The veal was lusciously succulent and deftly soaked up the extraordinary flavors of the mushroom reduction and barely tart cherries.
19. But unlike microlights they can cope deftly with the most terrifying low-level turbulence.
20. She had crossed this road before, deftly robbing Peter to slip a rubber cheque into Paul's back pocket.
21. But Phillips' gift is in deftly leavening bathos with pathos.
22. The Picketts dance deftly, two-stepping through songs not made for a southern accent.
23. It cockily waited up for them, then deftly sidestepped as the three came near it once again.
24. Marshall deftly provides her characters with options and opportunities to behave well.
25. Apanage deftly drew the bottle away from the empty net and inserted a magical cork into its neck.
26. The manager was waiting for her at the desk, deftly fidgeting with a half-stuffed peregrine falcon.
27. Edwin was long on charm but short on substance, was the feeling; he told tales a bit too deftly.
28. Murray cut a small neat slice and put it deftly on her plate.
29. By shifting blame to their consumers, these industries have deftly evaded financial accountability for unsafe products and irresponsible marketing.
30. He stood and the blonde head moved down his body, the scarlet nails deftly worked his trousers loose.
1. He deftly folded the typed sheets and replaced them in the envelope.
31. She plucked the document deftly from his fingers.
32. He handled the calf deftly, with calm assurance.
33. Lois deftly removed her scarf.
34. Softly, deftly, music shall caress you.
35. A terrier deftly crosses a dock.
36. Tonight deftly amid wild drink and talk, to pierce the polished mail of his mind.
37. Between the covers of a faux field guide, mostly four panels per page, Huizenga deftly documents the small life forms inhabiting human spaces (pictured top).
38. Virtuoso percussionist and soloist David Cossin displays remarkable genius as he deftly creates unique, sensuous, organic and sometimes celestial sounds using a range of water-based instruments.
39. Only a few weeks ago, the issue seemed to have been deftly resolved.
40. John lived in a boat turned upside down on the sands, Michael in a wigwam, Wendy in a house of leaves deftly sewn together.
41. Every so often, withoutwarning, a remembered image might return, as sharp as a knife's slash, but shewould dance away from it, deftly turning her mind to other thoughts.
42. Competes immediately stops, Sweden coach helped him to trade a spare tire deftly.
43. Joe's pin would deftly head him off, and keep possession.
44. This spell able and elegant profession woman, after the work that handles at hand deftly.
45. She deftly pushed aside his arm, and breathing heavily said, " You're suffocating me.
46. When the metal was thin and malleable, Kartar grabbed a smaller hammer and deftly teased out the shape of the long-handled spoon, pounding its surface to a lustrous, dimpled finish.
47. At last he had a clue to her interest, and followed it deftly.
48. At last he had a clew to her interest, and followed it deftly.
49. He was not unlike a hurried animal, deftly pursued by hunter and hound.
50. Mr Cohan handles his material deftly, portraying Bear as symptomatic of an industry that had come to believe its own hype and had lost sight of how inherently unstable it really was.
51. She snapped a rubber band deftly around a roll of bills.
52. The surveyors were coping deftly with any oil washed up.
53. Our advanced feed management technology deftly delivers subscription services for...
54. As Martin Eden went down the steps, his hand dropped into his coat pocket. It came out with a brown rice paper and a pinch of Mexican tobacco, which were deftly rolled together into a cigarette.




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